Lab 04 Bipolar Junction Transistor Prepared By: Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, UMP Lab Instructor Lab Location MAKMAL FKM MF12L12 Lab Objectives By the end of this lab, students should be able to: 1. Analyze NPN BJT circuit 20 10 Student names Student ID Section 1.0 Bipolar Junction Transistor In this lab, we are going to study the principle of transistor. Specifically, we are going to investigate the operation of NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT). BJT is a current controlling device. By controlling the amount of small input current, BJT controls the amount of high current flowing through load. It has three terminals: base terminal, collector terminal and emitter terminal as shown in Figure 1. The small current (called based current) enters through the based terminal. This causes the gate to be opened. Once the gate is opened, current can flow from collector to emitter. The amount of current flow (called collector current) is depending on the BJT operation modes. The collector current can be cut-offed, amplified or maintained at constant value. We are going to experiment on BJT and observe the above principles. 2.0 Figure 1 Experiment – NPN BJT In our experiment, we are going to analyze a BJT circuit for three different operating modes: cutoff mode, amplifying mode and saturation mode. Our experimental circuit is shown below. C B Figure 2 Notice the base, collector and emitter terminals of the BJT as shown in Figures 2 and 3. You must ensure that the correct terminal is connected to the correct component. The physical diagram of MPS 2222A BJT is shown at the right. C B E Figure 3 Equipment and Components 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DC power supply with two voltage channel Multi-meter One BJT One 1.5 K-Ohm resistor (quarter watt) One 10 K-Ohm resistor (quarter watt) One 100 K-Ohm resistor (half watt) Experiment Steps 1. Vin (volts ) 0.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 Build the circuit according to the circuit diagram in Figure 2. Using a multi-meter, measure the currents and voltages by filling-up the table below. VRb (volts) VBE (volts) ib (mA) ic (mA) VRL (volts) VCE (volts) h fe iC iB VRb VBE VRL VCE (volts) (volts) Vout (volts) 10.00 2. Vin (volts ) Build the circuit according to the circuit diagram in Figure 3. Using a multi-meter, measure the currents and voltages by filling-up the table below. VRb (volts) VBE (volts) ib (mA) ic (mA) VRL (volts) VCE (volts) h fe iC iB VRb VBE VRL VCE (volts) (volts) Vout (volts) 0.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 10.00 3. Plot the graph of base current ( ib ) versus collector current ( ic ) in Table 1 and table 2. Identify on the graph the region of the three operation modes. Note: when you plot the data use based current as x-axis and collector current as y-axis. However, you should rotate you plot 90 degree so that you can have x-axis scale longer than the y-axis. What is the range of Vb that causes the BJT to operate at cut-off mode? What is the range of ib that causes the BJT to operate at cut-off mode? What is the minimum voltage that breaks the cutoff mode? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ References 1. Giorgio Rizzoni, 2004. Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, Revised Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill Inc.