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Aeneid Timeline: Virgil & Roman History (31 BCE-15 AD)

The Aeneid Timeline
31 BCE15 AD
30 BCE- Cleopatra and
Antony die;
the Ptolmeic
Dynasty ends
in Egypt...
The Aeneid follows the travels and adventures of Aeneas, a Trojan man by birth who wanders to Italy and eventually becomes the foundation
upon which Rome is built. Virgil wrote The Aeneid sometime between 29-19 BCE, but unfortunately died before he could complete the story.
Consequently, The Aeneid remains unfinished.
annexes Egypt,
putting the
entire Mediterranean under
Roman control.
29 BCE- Virgil
begins writing
The Aeneid.
27 BCE- Livy
begins writing
The History of
Rome, which
he works on 40
is officially
awarded the
title Augustus.
23 BCE- The
first three
books of
Horace’s Odes
are published.
From 27 BCE to 14 AD, Octavian “Augustus” Caesar reigns as the first real emperor of Rome.
31 BCE- The
Battle of Actium;
Octavian defeats
Egyptian forces
20 BCE- Augustus begins
20,000 miles
of roads in
publishes the
book that will
later become
known as The
Ten Books of
19 BCE- Virgil
dies, before
finishing The
14 BCEAugustus dies;
he is declared
a god after his
Caesar’s reign continues. He brings about the “Pax Romana,” a Roman era of peace and prospertiy that lasts for about two centuries.
While there were a number of battles and skirmishes during Augustus’ reign, they were mosly to expand territory (Augustus almost doubled the size of Rome), and
overall Rome lived in a state of relative peace.
Tiberius’ reign begins.
“1st Century BCE - Oxford Reference.” 1st Century BCE. Oxford Reference, 24 Sept. 2013. Web. 14 Sept.
2016. <http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780191735431.timeline.0001>.
“Minoan Civilization.” Greek And Roman Timeline. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2016. <https://www.preceden.