Formatting your ELA Papers The Top of Your First Page Must Include: Your Name ID Number Course Assignment Name The above information appears at the LEFT margin It is exactly double-spaced just like the rest of your paper The title of your assignment will be exactly one double-space below and centred Spacing: All papers should be exactly double-spaced with NO extra spaces between paragraphs or titles o Before you begin typing, select “No Spacing” from the HOME menu “Styles” bar the default is set to “Normal,” but this creates extra spaces between paragraphs o To double-space, CTRL + A (to select all), then CTRL + 2 ( to double-space) Margins: One inch margins all around o Go to Page Layout Margins Normal Font: Select Calibri or Times New Roman (this is the style of letters you use) 12 point font (this is the size of the letters) Title Page: Do NOT include any title page Insert your title exactly one double-space below the name of your assignment in the centre Do not bold, underline, italicise, enlarge, or embellish the title in any way Remember to capitalize the first letter of important words in the title MICROSOFT WORD SHORT CUT KEYS To use the following short cuts, press CTRL and hold it while you press the next letter. CTRL+ A CTRL+ 1 CTRL+ 2 CTRL + 5 CTRL+ E CTRL+ L CTRL+ R CTRL+C CTRL+V CTRL+ X CTRL+ I CTRL+ B CTRL+ U CTRL+ Z CTRL+ Y SELECT ALL (HIGHLIGHT ALL) SINGLE-SPACE DOUBLE-SPACE 1.5 SPACE CENTRE LEFT MARGIN RIGHT MARGIN COPY PASTE CUT ITALICS BOLD UNDERLINE UNDO REDO