LOCAL STRESS CALCULATION FOR DUMMY SUPPORTS The term “Local stress” is the abbreviation of Localised stress.When Pipe has some attachment on it, it experiences some stress locally on the surface connected to the attachment. Attachments can be a pipe trunnions,fabricated lugs etc, which are welded directly to shell or with an intermediate pad between attachment and pipe, so that any load is spread over a greater area of pipe.Loads arise from Deadweight,thermal pipe reactions, producing moments which may be in longitudinal,circumferential or torsional and radial thrusts. Such loads are generally termed as local loads because any significant effects on the main pressure shell are as a rule confined to areas close to the attachment and treated as localised stress. Depending on the type of attachment and load imposed by the attachment on the pipe, this stress could be severe enough to lead failure to the pipe or attachment.Therefore it is important to investigate the local stress. Primary stress due to internal design pressure is added to the bending stress on the pipe due to external loads, and the stress calculated thus is compared with the code allowables. Conventional Pipe Stress softwares do not take care of this local stress. However some Finite Element based programs are there, which could be used to calculate the local stress, based on ASME code cases. Again, this is very rigorous analysis and normally not used for the common dummy/ Trunnion supports. Checking local stress at four points as outlined in WRC-107 may be applied to Dummy/Trunnion supports, but this is also time consuming and normally not used except for a few critical cases. Therefore, based on experience and experiment some simplified approach, as outlined below, is used to estimate the local stress. A. Pressure Stress : The Pressure stress in a cylindrical shell is a function of pipe size, thickness, internal pressure. For loads producing maximum stress in the shell in the longitudinal direction, the pressure stress(Longitudinal) is equal to L PR 2t h For loads producing maximum stress in the shelll in the circumferential direction, the pressure stress(Circumferential) is equal to PR 4t h Where P= Internal pressure at design condition under consideration, psi R= Outside radius of the shell, inches th=Corroded thickness of pipe header, inches L B. Bending Stress Due to External Load: The Bending stress Sb in a cylindrical shell is a function of pipe size,pipe thickness and induced load per linear inch along the edge of the attachment. This may be evaluated by the following formula as outlined in “Design of Piping System by M.W.Kellogg Co” Sb 1.17 f Rt t2 Page 1 of 10 LOCAL STRESS CALCULATION FOR DUMMY SUPPORTS Where Sb = bending stress in pipe shell, psi t= Corroded thickness of pipe shell + Re. Pad thickness if used, inches f= Load induced by attachment , lbs per linear inch along the edge of the attachment When bending stress is calculated due to loads in longitudinal direction, f=f1 and for calculating bending stress due to load in the circumferential direction, f=f2 f1 and f2 can be calculated as following. Load due to Sustained Effects f 1 f L 1.5 f A f 2 1.5( f R f A ) Load due to Thermal Effects f 1 f L 1.5 f A f 2 f R 1.5 f A Where fL= Load due to longitudinal bending, pounds per linear inch fC= Load due to Circumferential bending, pounds per linear inch fA= Load due to Axial force,pounds per linear inch fR=Load due to resultant of moments in longitudinal and circumferential direction, pounds per liner inch f 2 L f C2 Note: 1. Because of smaller rigidity of cylindrical shells in circumferential direction and uneven load distribution under the load ,moments producing bending in the shell in the circumferential direction, and for direct axial force, a factor of 1.5 is applied to the load. However, for loads caued by thermal expansion, the factor 1.5 is not used while calculating stress due to circumferential direction. 2.The resultant load shall not be used if fL is equal to or greater than 3 fC or fC is equal to or greater than 2fL.In this case the stress due to longitudinal bending and circumferential bending shall be considered separately, the maximum value controlling. In this case f1 and f2 shall be calculated as following: Load due to Sustained Effects f 1 f L 1.5 f A f 2 1.5( f C f A ) Load due to Thermal Effects f 1 f L 1.5 f A f 2 f C 1.5 f A The general equation for calculating the linear load on the shell is: M f Zw where M= moment on attachment, inch-pounds Zw=Linear section modulus., inch2 Page 2 of 10 LOCAL STRESS CALCULATION FOR DUMMY SUPPORTS Linear Section Modulus of attachments can be determined by combining the section modulii of the following standard shapes. B L L = L/2 Neutral Axis I=L3/3 =L/2 I=BL2 I=L3/12 Section modulus Zw= r I= r3 I Total Dist from N . A to furthest po int For a Cylindrical attachment: Linear sectional modulus, Z w r 3 r 2 r r = radius of the cylindrical attachment, If ML= moment in longitudinal direction fL ML where r= outside radius of the attachment r 2 if Mc= Circumferential Moment, fC MC r 2 For Radial load F, F fA 2r For a Square attachment: For a square attachment,load per linear inch due to Moment loading is calculated in the same manner as above, only radius r is replaced with equivalent radius, equating their moment of inertia. MI of attachment = MI of equivalent circular attachment, i.e. bh 3 r 4 4 12 Page 3 of 10 LOCAL STRESS CALCULATION FOR DUMMY SUPPORTS b 4 r 4 as b=h=length of one side, we get 12 4 Therefore, equivalent radius, r 4 d4 3 F F 2(b h) 4b For axial loading, load per liner inch= For a Rectangular attachment: For a rectangular attachment,load per linear inch due to Moment loading is calculated in the same manner as in the case of a square attachment, MI of attachment= MI of equivalent circular attachment, i.e. bh 3 r 4 4 12 as b=width, inches h=depth, inches Therefore, equivalent radius, r 4 bh 3 3 For axial loading load per liner inch= F 2(b h) Allowable Stress: Piping Codes do not provide the allowable stress exclusively for the Local stress. As an industry practice, the calculated local stress is compared with the pipe stress allowables specified by the applicable code. Piping Code ANSI B31.1/31.3 deals with the local stress problem with the introduction SIFs. However it has some limitations, e.g. for irregular shapes. ASME code for Boiler and Pressure Vessel, section III(Case #N-318,N-392), gives the procedure and allowables for the Local stress for welded attachment on Pipe shell and the same is followed here to check the effect of Pressure, weight, other Sustained loads, thermal and Occasional loads. Here follows the various load combinations and its allowables. 1.Pressure + Sustained load (Sus) Maximum of (Long Pressure stress and Bending stress due to f1) or (Circumferential pressure stress + bending stress due to f2) is checked with 1.5 Sh 2.Thermal(Thermal) Maximum of (stress due to f1 or stress due to f2) is compared with (1.25 Sc+.25 Sh) 3.Pressure+Sustained Load+Occasional Load(Wind,Slug load etc.) (Occasional) Maximum of (Long Pressure stress and Bending stress due to f1) or (Circumferential pressure stress + bending stress due to f2) is checked with 1.8 Sh 4.Pressure+ Sustained load(Hydro) Maximum of (Long Pressure stress and Bending stress due to f1) or (Circumferential pressure stress + bending stress due to f2) is checked with yield strength. Page 4 of 10 LOCAL STRESS CALCULATION FOR DUMMY SUPPORTS Checking Dummy leg for the piping Loads: Checking the dummy leg for the piping loads is also important to make sure that there will not be any failure. Dummy leg should qualify the code compliance in all the load cases. We shall check the point of intersection for code compliance, since it will have maximum force and moment .It is to be noted that there will not be any Pressure driven stress. In Sustained case (ii M i ) 2 (io M o ) 2 Z Fa Sh A ii=Inplane stress intensification factor io=Out of plane stress intensification factor. Mi and Mo are in-plane and out of plane bending moment Z=Sectional modulus of the dummy, based on corroded thickness =pi.rm2.minimum of (th, ii * tb) ,if dummy size is lesser than the header pipe. rm=mean radius of trunnion,inches tb=corroded thickness of trunnion,inches F= Axial force A=Cross sectional area of pipe, based on corroded thickness For thermal case: b 2 4 2 f (1.25S c 0.25S h ) (ii M i ) 2 (io M o ) 2 b Bending stress Shear stress Z Mt S 2Z A S= resultant direct shear force= ( FL FT FL=Longitudinal force FT=Tangential force 2 In Occasional case: SuS Stress 2 (ii M i ) 2 (io M o ) 2 Z k=constant=1.33 for occasional loads In Hydrostatic test case: (ii M i ) 2 (io M o ) 2 Z Fa Yield strength A . Page 5 of 10 Fa kSh A LOCAL STRESS CALCULATION FOR DUMMY SUPPORTS Checking Weld joint strength: Along with local stress and stress in dummy leg, checking the weld strength for the piping load is equally important, in order to ensure the proper functioning of the system. The strength of weld is checked assuming the weld as line contact. So it is required to calculate the force induced per unit length and check this value with the material allowable. Similar to calculating force per unit length for local stress calculation, for weld joint also force per unit length is calculated for piping loads. For Longitudinal moment, bending stress fb=ML/Z Shear stress fs=FL/Perimeter For Circumferential moment, bending stress fb’=Mc/Z Shear stress fs’=Fc/Perimeter Stress due to Axial force fA= F/perimeter Total stress induced= ( f R f A ) 2 f s f s ' 2 2 fR= ( f b f b ' 2 ) The allowable stress(force per linear inch) =0.707*w*0.3*Su(Ref:AISC ASD 9th Ed,table J2.5 or AWS D1.1) w=fillet weld length inches, As per ANSI B31.3, throat thickness of fillet weld should be lesser of (0.707*Tb) and ¼” Where, Tb= Nominal branch thickness Therefore, w= lesser of Tb and (¼”/0.7) inches Su=Specified Minimum Tensile Strength of the filler material, psi 2 Support on Elbow: For Dummy Support on Elbow, the contact area is elliptical. Y X X 2r Y 2b D0 ) sin , 2 2 =Angle measured at the center of bend radius, covered by chord ‘2b.’ 2b= effective contact length 2(1.5D Perimeter 2(r 2 b 2 ) Sectional mod ulus (long ) Z X X Sectional mod ulus (Circ ) Z Y Y (3.r.b 2 b 3 ) 4b (3.b.r 2 r 3 ) 4r Page 6 of 10 LOCAL STRESS CALCULATION FOR DUMMY SUPPORTS Also the eccentricity (e) between the centerline of pipe and centerline of Dummy is important for elbow support. If the (e) value is negative, the more is contact length and less the stress induced. On the other hand if (e) value is positive, the contact length reduces and for the max value of positive e, the support is just like a trunnion on the straight pipe. Max value of negative (e)=R-r inches Max value of Positive (e)=(1.5*D-r) inches. However minimum clearance for the weld joint should be maintained while choosing the max and min value of (e). Example: Calculate Local stress on Pipe for the following details: Design Pressure=100 psi Moment Arm Length=24 inches Design Temp=350degF Hydrotest Pressure=150psi Pipe NPS=6 inch Trunnion NPS=4 inches Pipe Wall thickness=0.28 inch Re.pad thickness=0.28 inches Corrosion allowance=0.125 inch Loads Radial Force, lbs Circ.Force, lbs Long.Force, lbs Dead Weight 300 250 350 Thermal 400 350 450 Occasional 100 150 200 Hydrotest 350 300 450 Solution: Outside Diameter of Pipe=6.625 inches Outside Radius(R)=3.3125 inches Outside Diameter of Trunnion=4.5 inches Outside Radius of Trunnion(r)=2.25 inches Corroded thickness of Pipe(th)=0.28-0.125=0.155 inches Effective Thickness of pipe with Re.Pad(t)=0.28-0.125+0.28=0.435 inchs Moment armlength(L)=24 inches Maximum cold allowable stress(Sc)=20000 psi Maximum hot allowable stress(Sh)=20000 psi Load Type Dead Weight 528.43 Thermal Occasional Hydro 679.4 301.96 679.4 377.45 528.42 226.47 452.94 21.23 28.31 7.1 24.77 f R ( f L2 f C2 ) 649.38 860.7 377.45 816.54 f 1 f L1.5 f A 560 1005.92 721.5 903.17 312.4 576.83 716.2 1261.97 FL .L lbs/linear inch r 2 F .L f C C 2 lbs /linear inch r F f A A lbs/linear inch 2r fL f 2 1.5( f R f A ) for Sus f 2 f R 1.5 f A for Thermal Page 7 of 10 LOCAL STRESS CALCULATION FOR DUMMY SUPPORTS Stress in the SUS case: Maximum Longitudinal stress= PR 1.17 f 1 Rt =5224 psi 2t h t2 Maximum circumferential stress= PR 1.17 f 2 Rt =9603 psi th t2 Hence maximum stress in the deadweight case=9603 psi Allowable stress=1.5*Sh=30000 psi Stress in the Thermal Case: Maximum Longitudinal stress= 1.17 f 1 Rt =5355 psi t2 Maximum circumferential stress= 1.17 f 2 Rt =6700 psi t2 Hence maximum stress in the deadweight case=6700 psi Allowable stress=1.25*Sc+0.25*Sh=30000 psi Stress in the Occasional Case: Maximum Longitudinal stress=Maximum long.stress in SUS+ 1.17 f 1 Rt =7544 psi t2 Maximum circumferential stress=Maximum circ.stress in SUS+ Hence maximum stress in the deadweight case=13878 psi Allowable stress=1.8*Sh=36000 psi Stress in the Hydrotest Case: Maximum Longitudinal stress= PR 1.17 f 1 Rt =6919 psi 2t h t2 Maximum circumferential stress= PR 1.17 f 2 Rt =12567 psi th t2 Hence maximum stress in the deadweight case=12567 psi Allowable stress=yield stress=35000 psi Page 8 of 10 1.17 f 2 Rt =13878 psi t2 LOCAL STRESS CALCULATION FOR DUMMY SUPPORTS Result Summary: Load Case Calculated max stress(psi) 9603 6700 13878 12567 Dead weight Thermal Occasional Hydro Allowable stress(psi) Result 30000 30000 36000 35000 OK OK OK OK Checking Dummy leg for the piping Loads: In Sustained case io (ii M i ) 2 (io M o ) 2 Z Fa Sh A 0.9 h 2 3 h=flexibility character= Te 5 2 3 Th 2 .r2 Th=Header nominal wall thickness=0.28 inches T Te=Equivalent thickness= Th p =0.42 inches 2 r2=Mean header radius=3.1725 inches Therefore h=0.2432 and io=2.3 ii=0.75*io+0.25=1.98 Mi =350*24 inch-pounds Mo =250*24 inch-pounds Z=pi.rm2.minimum of (th, ii * tb) , rm=mean radius of trunnion=2.194 inches tb=corroded thickness of trunnion=0.12 inches th=corroded thickness of header=0.12 inches There fore Z=2.344 cubic inches Fa= Axial force=300 pounds A=Cross sectional area of pipe=1.54 sq.inches Calculated SUS stress=9437 psi, and allowable stress=20000. Hennce dummy size is OK for the SUS loads. Similarly stress is calculated for all the cases and the summary is: Result Summary for Dummy Leg : Load Case Dead weight Thermal Occasional Hydro Calculated max stress(psi) 9437 12349 14893 11793 Page 9 of 10 Allowable stress(psi) Result 30000 30000 36000 35000 OK OK OK OK LOCAL STRESS CALCULATION FOR DUMMY SUPPORTS Checking Weld strength: Using the Loads in different cases, bending and shear stress (force per unit length) on the weld joint is calculated and they are tabulated below. CASEstress for ML stress for Mc stress for Fa shear for FL shear for Fc Resultant bending.stress= Total tensile stress= combined shear= Resultant Combined stress= SUS 528 377 21 24 17 649 OPE 1207 905 49 56 42 1509 OCC 829 603 28 38 28 1026 HYDRO 679 452 24 31 21 816 670 1558 1054 840 30 670 70 1560 48 1055 38 841 Therefore, max Resultant Combined Stress=1560 pounds per linear inch. If, Specified Minimum Tensile Strength of the filler material=60000 psi, and nominal trunnion thickness=0.237 inches, Allowable stress=0.707 X 0.237 X 0.3 X 60000=3016 pounds per linear inch. Therefore, the weld is OK for the Piping Loads. *************************************************** Page 10 of 10