2.0 Literature review This section provides literature review on holiday effect on Thailand, Philippine and Indonesia stock market volatility. Many previous studies were conducted in different locations with various instruments to examine the holiday effect on stock market which result in highly abnormal returns and highly abnormal risk. (Surachai Chanchara, 2020) The holiday effect is the abnormal behaviors in stock market returns is different from normal returns. The holiday effect is known as calendar anomalies in financial stock market. (Razvan Stefanescu, 2021) Surachai Chancara (2020) use GARCH model which included GARCH-M, Threshold GARCH-M, Exponential GARCH-M to analyze the holiday effect on market reaction in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) which trades in economically-neutral events on Thailand stock market. The study conducted an efficient market hypothesis whereby the investor behaviour affected by the holiday. The positive mood of investor yield to positive influence on stock market. Investor behaviour can affect the stock market returns and liquidity during long weekends and holidays especially during the period of Coronavirus pandemic show obvious extended holiday effect on stock market. This statement proves by the study of Razvan Stefanesu and Ramona Dumitriu, investor could have optimistic mood during public holidays associated to public holidays, religious events. (Razvan Stefanescu, 2021) The investor behaviour during holiday led to change in trading patterns and in turn leads to change in returns. (Surachai Chanchara, 2020) In a meantime, previous studies show that pre-holiday and post-holiday have high significant on positive returns in the Thailand stock market. The abnormal returns in pre-holiday are higher than post-holiday supported by the several studies such as Alex Gakhovich (2011) and Audrey Kudryavtsev (2019) in research of holiday effect in the central and eastern European financial markets, Thailand small companies have significant abnormal returns before Chinese New Year. (Kudryavtsev, 2019) (Alex Gakhovich, 2011). The stock market return is different from the normal rate return on pre-holiday and post-holiday. The normal rate returns are higher than normal return on pre-holiday due to the increased transactions and lower return on post-holiday due to the decrease transactions. (Ken Holden, 2005) A number of studies examine the calendar seasonality in returns of financial market represent the day of the week effect is a regular phenomenon for developing economies stock market. Cesar C. Rufino and Neriza M. Delfino states that the financial market returns in Philippine stock exchange market is highly efficient in its function of price formation due to the day of the week effect, particularly referred to Monday effect and weekend effect. The Philippine stock exchange market becomes high market efficiency since adopted the online disclosure system and the advanced warning and control system resulting in best performing stock market in the world regarding to CNN money. The study proves the present of the day of the week effect in PSE by Kruskall-Wallis Test which create opportunities for investor and speculators to conduct arbitrage. (Cesar C. Rufino, 2016) Apart from the day of the effect, the Philippine stock market index was affected by Peso-Dollar exchange rate and crude oil prices according to Abraham C. CAMBA Jr (2020). (Jr., 2020) The study of Ray Anthony (2019), the Philippine stock market entered high volatility due to political and economic events such as currency depreciation and financial crisis and by employing a Markov-switching model to analyze the monthly return of the stock market. (Almonares, 2019) According to Nugroho Sasikirono and Harlina Meidiaswati, the average return in Indonesia’s stock market is lower at pre-holiday and 4 times higher in the post-holiday compare to other trading days. The holiday effect such as Christmas, Easter and Eid al-Adha show positive influence on Indonesia’s stock market. Nevertheless, Eid al-Fitr and Chinese New Year show nor negative or no effect to the stock market return. (Nugroho Sasikirono, 2017) The stock price during holiday can be manipulated by news and media released. Riznaldi Akbar (2016) examines investor’s behavior during price manipulation by text mining analysis states that most investor are short-sighted on profit and loss statement without look through the corporate fundamental valuation. As a consequence, the stock price manipulation based on news and social media platform creates negative bias towards decline stock price. (Akbar, 2016) Some similar studies regarding holiday effect on Indonesia stock exchange market which is Said Kelana Asnawi, Giovanni Salim, Wahid Abdul Malik (2020) states that more information opportunities during transaction holidays, the market anomalies can result in abnormal return where there are more opportunities for stock prices changes tan normal trading days. Unfortunately, the concept of holiday effect and the result regarding previous studies does not match probably due to different efficient market hypothesis. The tendency of the average stock return on pre-holiday is higher than the post-holiday return than normal daily rate of return. (Said Kelana Asnawi, 2020) Overall, this research contributes to the market anomaly due to the holiday effect on stock exchange market. The study of Kotchakorn Charoenying (2020) prove that stock market anomalies is correlated with the pre-holiday and post-holiday anomaly. (Kotchakorn Charoenying, 2020) It shows significant result on holiday have large influence on the anomaly in stock exchange market. 5.0 Conclusion To conclude, the holiday effect occurred in Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia stock market. The result shows the tendency of stock market return is affected by the investor behavior; thus, the behavior was influence by the news and media released during pre-holiday and post-holiday. For instance, the investor behavior during Covid-19 pandemic is eager to make an investment by increasing their trading activities in line with press articles, media reports and expert opinions. (Regina Ortmann, 2020) Apart from that, the public holidays such as the Chinese New Year only give effect on Thailand and Philippine stock market but not the Indonesia stock market. The holiday effect on these three-country shown vulnerability on stock market returns and liquidity based on events purpose. References Akbar, R., 2016. Understanding Investor’s Behavior During Stock Price Manipulation: A Case of Indonesia's Stock market. Jurnal Manajemen/ Volume XX, No.01, pp. 142-150. Alex Gakhovich, O. D., 2011. The holiday effect in the Central and Eastern European Financial Markets. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 8, Issue 4, p. 7. Almonares, R. A. L., 2019. Markov Switching Model of Philippine Stock Market Volatility. DLSU Business & Economics Review 29(1) , pp. 24-30. 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