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August Analytics

1. Pageviews
An increase of pageviews 2423 in August compare to 1555 in July was observed which mean that we had
more visitors on our website. We observed the highest traffic from august 4th to August 10th with 962
visitors and August 6th being the day with the most pageviews. Here we also see the Hours & Days
report which shows day of the week and at what time of the day our website receives the most traffic,
we can use this data to guide experiments with blog post times.
A decrease of bounce rate, average time spend on website and exits was observed this month this is
good as it shows that although people spend less time on our website they do not exit it as fast as they
use to this may be an indication on the fact that we have good content. A bounce rate in the range of 26
to 40 percent is excellent and indicative of a well built, professionally designed website that is meeting
its users’ needs, however, a low bounce rate may also reflect a lack of dynamic (blogs, news, etc.)
content on the website, which may or may not be beneficial for our readers.
2. Visitors
We had an increase on returning visitors (23.6%) in August compare to July (21.1%) which mean that
people found the website interesting enough to come back. However we observed a decrease on new
users 76.4% in August and 79.9% in July not really high but could be an indication of the fact that we
need to start advertising our website.
We also observed an increase on the following Users (266), New users (243), Sessions (496), Number of
sessions per user(1.86%), pageviews (2423) Pages (4.89%), Average sessions duration spend (10minutes
08 seconds). Our average sessions durations is very high and this is due to the fact that we were able to
break up our text with engaging images and exciting videos. In the future, we will add charts,
infographics and have high-quality images between the content. These images make the content more
3. Country/ Language
Most people who visit our website come from United States 109, then we have France 22, Senegal 22.
Which makes the English version of our website the most visited with 143 visitors.
4. Acquisition overview / Top Channels
An increase in organic search was observed in August 144 vs 88 in July, this information lets us know
that our site is performing better than usual. In most cases, this means that either interest in a topic has
increased or the website has begun to rank better in the search engines for specific keywords. However,
we noticed a decrease in direct 113 vs 115 and social 1 vs 5.
5. Technology/ Mobile Performance
Here we have an understanding on how our site is doing with different browsers and mobiles.
The bonce rate on Chrome is low 39.40% which means that our website is doing well with this browser.
The highest bounce rate was observed with Safari 68.8% our developers will look into it and make some
When it comes to mobile performance, this report is ideal for understanding how well our site is
optimized for mobile and where we need to make improvements. For example, the site pictured below
has a super-high bounce rate for apple 80%; the site’s developers have got some work to do in terms of
making our website more mobile friendly.
We were not able to have the demographic part of this report, a request was sent to the analytics team
to give us the required authorization to access that information as it is very important for our report.
Let me know if you have any question,