Rica May Y. Bautista ITSAD BSIT- 2 June 7, 2021 M8: AnswerMe1 Based on Module 7 AnswerMe2. Hannah, one of your systems analysis team members, made the following entry for the data dictionary used by Ozamiz Beach tour agency: DATA ELEMENT = TOURIST* * * * PAYMENT ALIAS = TOURIST PAY CHARACTERS = 12–24 RANGE = $5.00–$1,000 VARIABLES = $5.00, $10.00, $15.00 up to $1,000, and anything in between in dollars and cents. TO CALCULATE = TOTAL COST OF ALL TOURS, ANY APPLICABLE N.Y. STATE TAX, minus any RESERVATION DEPOSITS made. 1. Is this truly a data element? Why or why not? (5pts) 2. Rewrite the data dictionary entry for TOURIST PAYMENT, reclassifying it if necessary. Use the proper form for the classification you choose. (15pts) Answers: 1. No, it should have been shortened, eliminating the asterisks, to TOURIST PAYMENT. 2. ELEMENT DESCRIPTION FORM Name: Tourist Payment Alias: Tourist Pay Description: Stores the result of calculating the payment due by the tourist. Element Characteristics Length: 12-24 Decimal Point: 2 Input Format: 9(8)V99 Output Format: ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.99 Default Value: None Base or Alphabetic Alphanumeric Date Numeric Derived Validation Criteria Continuous Upper Limit Lower Limit Discrete: $5, $10, $15 up to $1000 and anything in between dollars and cents. 1000 5 Value Meaning Comments: The formula to calculate the tourist payment is: TOURIST PAYMENT=TOTAL COST OF ALL TOURS+STATE TAX (NY only) – RESERVATION DEPOSIT (if made any)