Economics of cutting processes & Cutting tools Made by : Ziad Ayman Abdelaziz Hendy (200073) Abdallah Amr Abdel Gawad Farag (200104) Amr Asaad Mohamed Mowafy (200115) Ibrahim Wael Ibrahim ElTayeb (200003) Hossam Mohamed Abuelsoud (200054) Mohamed Ahmed Ali Mohamed (200124) 0 introduction we all know that machining process is important in manufacturing but it has many disadvantages such as the waste of materials and time consuming, so we work hard to solve these problems to achieve the highest benefit from machining machining time must be shortened. today the golden goal of industries is to manufacture the product at a faster rate but at minimal cost and that too without sacrificing product quality because of course you know the quality of the finished product is so important for the consumer. As long as conventional machining is utilized, in order to achieve the first requirement (faster production rate), the cutting speed and feed rate must be increased. However, this may lead to reduced cutting tool life due to faster wear rate and higher heat generation. 1 Overall machining time and cost In today’s competitive market, time is so important as money. Basically, overall or total machining time (Tm) is the summation of three different time elements closely associated with the machining. These three elements include—actual cutting time (Tc), total tool changing time (Tct) and other handling or idle time (Ti). Beside these three-time elements, cost of cutting tool is also needed to incorporate for any optimization. All these time or cost elements, except handling time, are affected by the variation of cutting speed and feed rate as explained below. Mathematically, total time for machining (Tm) can be expressed as: T =T +T +T m c ct i 2 What is actual cutting time (Tc)? cutting time is the time taken during actual material removal process, i.e., from the beginning of chip production to the end for uninterrupted machining. In case of any planned or unplanned stoppage in cutting, the pause period will not come under this time element. so, increase in cutting speed and feed rate will result in reduction of actual cutting time as material removal rate (MRR) will increase. Hence, cost related to cutting time will decrease if speed or feed is increased. The adjacent diagram depicts how cost associated with the actual cutting time varies with speed or feed employed during machining. 3 Tooling cost – cost of the cutting tool Although it is not directly related to cutting speed, tool cost also helps in overall machining economy. If higher speed or feed is employed, the result will be faster tool wear and reduced tool life, which will generally multiply the funds as more tools are needed for cutting same length. The adjacent diagram shows how tool cost varies with the speed or feed employed during machining time. Tooling cost can be calculated by multiplying the price of single cutting tool (K2) with the amount of tool required. amount of tool needed can again be determined by dividing actual machining time by tool life. Mathematically, tooling cost can be determined by the formula: Tooling cost = (TcTL)×K2 4 perfect Cutting Speed for Maximum Efficiency: The perfect speed to achieve the maximum efficiency, i.e., the maximum gain rate, can be also found out without much difficulty. Of course, for doing this, a closed form expression for vopt will not be possible, and the numerical or graphical ways have to be employed. If S is the amount received per piece, then the expression for the gain rate is – 5 OPTIMIZATION OF CUTTING PARAMETERS IN TURNING PROCESS the main cutting force during turning is of great importance as it helps in setting the suitable cutting parameters before machining starts, optimization of cutting parameters is one of the most important elements in any process planning of metal parts as economy of machining operation plays a main role in gaining emulative advantage. This report presents an experimental study of main cutting force in turning of AISI 1040 steel and developing a model of the main cutting force during turning using Response surface Methodology (RSM) as well as optimization of machining parameters using Genetic Algorithm (GA). The second order empirical model of the main cutting force in conditions of machining parameters are developed based on experimental results. The experimentation is carried out considering three machining parameters: cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut as independent variables and the main cutting force as the response 6 variable. The former model is validated against new set of experimental values using Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) method. The Genetic Algorithm approach is also used to optimize the cutting parameters to keep the main cutting force to a minimum. Cutting tools Cutting Tool Materials provides an in-depth discussion of various cutting tool materials and their properties. Effective cutting tools combine a handful of valuable properties: hardness, toughness, and wear resistance. Cutting material selection is based primarily on the workpiece material, machine tool, and cutting operation, and involves an appropriate balance of properties. Available cutting tool materials have expanded and improved over the years, ranging from the very tough and inexpensive to the very hard and expensive. Other tool modifications, such as heat treatment and tool coatings, can also improve cutting tools. Selecting the proper cutting tool material is essential for a successful machining operation. The tool material dictates the material removal rate, surface finish and part quality. 7 Metal-cutting tools are classified as single point or multiple point: A single point cutting tool can be used for increasing the size of holes, or boring. Turning and boring are performed on lathes and boring mills. Multiple point cutting tools have two or more cutting edges and include milling cutters, drills, and broaches. 8 Properties of cutting tool material: 1. Hardness: The cutting tool can withstand high temperature during the machining without any losses in cutting edges. 2. Wear resistance: It is the tool ability of resist the wearing. The friction due to contact between tools and work materials during the machining operation. In this reason wear in the tool. If tool not having the sufficient amount of wear resistance, so it will be failing quickly. That give poor surface finish of work material. So, the additional of Cobalt material added in the tool combination to increase the wear resistance property. Types of cutting tools materials: • • Carbon tool Steel High speed Steel 9 • Cemented carbide • Diamonds Finding out economic condition and Gilbert’s Model Undoubtedly the final thing is to find out the optimum condition for either maximizing profit or minimizing time requirement. For paper-based optimization, only cutting velocity or speed is considered in order to keep the analytical process less complicated. Moreover, cutting velocity is the main parameter that affects machining performance. A 10 number of constraints can be handled effectively using computer programming-based optimization techniques. Now there exist several objectives for optimization, among which Gilbert’s Model (1952) for Maximum Production Rate and Minimum Production Time are more prominent. These models are based on the Taylor’s Tool Life equation, which consider only cutting velocity to determine tool life. 11 Reference . Book: Metal Cutting: Theory And Practice by A. Bhattacharya (New Central Book Agency). . Book: Machining and Machine Tools by A. B. Chattopadhyay (Wiley) . journal of engineering production 12