Texila American University, Zambia Value Addition Programme (For Prospective MBChB Students) CURRICULUM OUTLINE COURSE BASIC Level Course Code Course Title Course Credit Value Addition Programme Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology 1 Credit (40 Theory hours) COURSE DESCRIPTION This course deals with the study of anatomy and physiology of every aspect of the human body at the introductory level . This course starts with the smallest unit of life to its systemic organization, that includes the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous systems and special senses, cardiovascular, blood, lymphatic, respiratory, genitourinary, gastrointestinal, reproductive system (male and female). COURSE OBJECTIVES At the end of the course students should be able to: State the goals of studying Anatomy and Physiology at the introductory level. Use anatomical terms in lieu of layman’s terms. Explain the functions of the different organs. Develop an awareness & understanding of biological health & safety risks. Point on the specific anatomical locations & body cavities using their own bodies. TEACHING METHODS: Lecture, PPT Presentation, Videos Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students will be able to: State the goals of studying Anatomy and Physiology at the introductory level. Use anatomical terms in lieu of layman’s terms. Know the anatomical locations of the different organs with respect to their systemic organization. Explain the functions of the different organs. Discuss the rationale behind any anatomic &/or physiologic abnormalities of the human body. Develop an awareness & understanding of biological health & safety risks. Develop a basic understanding of anatomy and physiology COURSE PLAN: THEORY (40 Hours) Topic 1. Organization of the Body No of Teaching Hours 5 Characteristics of Life Levels of Organization Anatomical Position, Body Cavities Body Regions, Planes & Sections Terms Used in Describing Body Structures Interaction of structure & function Homeostatic Control Mechanisms Metabolism Demonstration: Anatomical Position and Body Cavities through models. 2. The Cellular & Tissue Level of Organization 3 Functional Anatomy of Cells Cell membranes, Cytoplasm and Organelles Nucleus, Cytoskeleton & Cell Connections Cellular Metabolism Principle types of tissues and its function Demonstration: Human tissues through permanent slides 3. The Integumentary & Skeletal System 2 Structures and Functions of the Skin Bone tissues Divisions of skeleton Articulations Demonstration: Human Skeletal System through model. 4. Muscular & Nervous system (i) Three Major Types of Muscles Skeletal Muscles Cardiac Muscles 5 Smooth Muscles Physiology of muscle (ii) Nervous System Types of nerves, Nerve Impulses and transmission Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System Sense Organs Demonstration: Human Muscular & Nervous System through model. 5. Endocrine System Introduction 5 Hormones, Prostaglandins Pituitary & Pineal glands Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands Adrenal Glands Pancreatic Islets Demonstration: Human Endocrine System through model. 6. Blood & Cardiovascular system Components of blood and its function. 5 Platelet Aggregation/Agglutination Blood clotting mechanism(Coagulation) The Heart & Its Function The Blood Vessels Demonstration: Blood Pressure, Heart Rate & Pulse Rate Determination. 7. Lymphatic System and Immunity Parts of the Lymphatic System Lymph and Interstitial Fluid, Thymus, Bone marrow & Spleen, Tonsils, Lymph Nodes Functions of the Lymphatic system Circulation of Lymph Immune System Organization of Immune System Innate Immunity, Adaptive Immunity B-Cells and Antibody 5 Mediated Immunity T-Cells and Cell Mediated Immunity 8. Respiratory & Digestive System 5 (i) Components of Respiratory system (ii) Physiology of Respiratory System (iii) Anatomy of Digestive System Mouth, Pharynx, Esophagus Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Appendix, Peritoneum, Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas (i v) Physiology of the Digestive System Digestion Secretion, Control of Digestive Gland (Secretion, Absorption & Elimination) Demonstration: Human Digestive System through model. 9. Urinary & Reproductive System 5 (i) Anatomy of the Kidneys External and Internal features of the kidneys The Nephron Blood and Nerve Supply of the kidneys (ii) Renal Physiology Formation of urine Dilution & concentration of urine Assessment of Renal function (iii)Ureters, Urinary Bladder, Urethra Male Reproductive Organs Testis, Accessory reproductive Glands Reproductive (Genital) Ducts, Supporting Structures. Female Reproductive Organs Ovaries, Uterus, Uterine Tubes, Vagina, Vulva, Breast Demonstration: Human Urinary System and Reproductive System through models. TOTAL TEACHING HOURS 40 HOURS ASSESSMENT METHODS: Lecture, Quiz, Seminar, Group Discussion, Assignment COURSE REFERENCES Prescribed Books: 1. Zuckerman S. A New System of Anatomy. Oxford Medical Publications. 2. Guyton & Hall- Textbook of Medical Physiology 2016.John E. Hall. 3. Anatomy for students. Richard Drake L, Wayne Vogl A. Elsevier. 4. Medical Physiology. Walter F.Boron, Emile L.Boulpae. Recommended Books: 1. Berne & Levy - Physiology 7/2017. Bruce M. Koeppen. S. 2. Review of Medical Phsyiology. Kim Barrett E, Susan Barman M. 3. Clinical Anatomy. Richard S. Snell. Wolters Kluwer.