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Mental Health Interview Notes: PTSD, CPTSD & Healing

C a n
y o u
b e fully h e a l e d
Can you be fully healed?
Monday, June 1. 2020
Dr. K interview
Medication ○
Talk – Emotional ○
if tested would find low levels of Vit D ↓
people refer to as meditation
→ Pranayama – Wim Hoff ++…○
→ Qigong
→ Yoga/Tai CHI
- shame
- FeelsBadMan
Medication ○
Analytical ○
Happiness in relationship ○
cognitive bias
an emotion creates a cognitive bias,
analytical mind justifies reasons for bias,
e.g. “not deserving to take care of yourself”
- sense of human
being gets fucked
“why am I here?”
“do I deserve to
targets the emotion that will cause a cognitive bias
Metta – loving, kindness meditation
investigative meditation - what is sound of breath?
- meditation, aka. intellectual meditation
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy ○
CBT will target the analytical construction based on the root of
the negative emotion
1. Talk therapy ○
Analytical ○
solving spiritual problems with an analytical mind won’t work
Meditation – who am I? Mantras
meditations geared towards discovering your sense of self
Happiness in relationship ○
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पंचकोश, the five sheaths
The term comes from the
Sanskrit pancha, meaning
“five,” and kosha meaning
The Panchakosha model
introduces five layers of
being, these layers are the physical, energetic, emotional,
intellect, and the spiritual layer. Interviewee has a physical
body and thoughts, as these are separate things – would the
interviewee still be himself if he lost an arm? Also gives an
insight to understanding interviewee’s grandmother suffering
dementia, though she still has a physical body, who she is as a
person has gradually slipped away.
Who a person is, is not restricted to only the mind or body but
also includes multiple other layers to evaluate and explore.
This theory gives a description of the dimensions of human
personality or the dimensions of the self. One does not have to
interpret each of the layers literally, but instead use the
description as an additional lens through which to view our
experiences in the human body.
Based on the model Dr. K breaks down the interviewee’s
diagnosis and concerns, showing how each of the layers has
been attacked and damaged in different manners through the
first example, “sluggishness”. Sluggishness is not only present
on the physical layer, but also on the energetic layer.
Medication can give some temporary healing to the physical
layer, so interviewee can then use this buff to build up a
resistance through meditative treatment on the energetic
layer. Continuing, interviewee’s diagnosis, Complex PostTraumatic Stress Disorder can also be explored in similar
manner. While PTSD is defined by symptoms that arise in
notes by Zreativity
response to a traumatic incident that overwhelms one’s ability
to cope, CPTSD describes a long-term condition that can occur
after chronic exposure to traumatic events over a period of
months or even years.
Dr. K explains how PTSD does
not necessarily have to destroy
one’s sense of self, and exists
on the emotional layer,
whereas CPTSD fundamentally
destroys one’s sense of human
being and is on the spiritual
layer. Therefore, to treat
CPTSD, medication can give a
temporary buff towards the road to recovery – but will not be
able to get rid of sense of hopelessness in the long run.
Concerning the main question, “Can I be fully healed?” Dr. K
explains that the process of “full healing” would require for the
interviewee to heal each of the layers, and points out that the
things he had been previously healing was not on the
corresponding layer the damage had truly been done on. For
the treatment to work, it would first need to align with the
sources of the problems. For a physical problem, you need a
physical treatment. For an emotional problem you would need
talk therapy, for CPTSD one must figure out why are you here
and why do you deserve to live. If treated accordingly, Dr. K is
confident interviewee can achieve complete healing.
HealthyGamerGG (2020, 3. June). "Can I be Fully Healed?"
from C-PTSD | Dr. K Interviews [Video]. Youtube.
Panchakosha. (2020). Retrieved 1 June 2020, from
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