1. A VAT taxpayer cannot claim input VAT credit on. Ans. Exempt sales 2. Which decedent cannot claim deduction for foreign tax credit? Ans. Non-resident alien 14. Which of the following is subject to output tax? Ans. Sale of non-food Agri-cultural or marine products 15. The letter of authority will not be approved by Ans. Revenue District officer 3. Which of these donations or inheritance is a common property? Ans. A donation designated by the donor for the husband and the wife. 16. Properties of the taxpayer shall be seized in sufficient quantity to cover the following costs, except one. Choose the exception. Ans. Service fee of the BIR 4. A private hospital admitted a senior citizen. Total amount to be paid by the patient as reflected in the billing upon discharge is P224,000. How much is output VAT? Ans. P0 17. The 3-year prescriptive period will be extended by any of the following instances, except one Choose the exception. Ans. Fortuitous events 5. Transfer tax is imposed to partially recover future reduction in income tax which will arise from the split of income producing property to few or several taxpayers. Ans. Tax recoupment theory 6. Which of the following is not subject to business tax even if made by a registered business? Ans. Sale of properties considered as capital assets 7. Which of the following not be involved during the assessment stage? Ans. Preliminary collection letter 8. Which is exempt from business tax? Ans. Sale of boiled peanuts 9. A taxpayer who concede to a BIR assessment must Ans. 10. Donor’s tax is not intended to Ans. Provide a system of business regulation 11. The transitional input VAT is whichever is the Ans. Higher of 2% of beginning vatable inventory pr the actual input VAT thereon. 12. Excise tax imposed based on weight or volume capacity or any other physical unit of measurement Ans. Specific tax 13. A check is subject to a documentary stamp tax Ans. P3 18. Which documentary stamp tax is a specific tax? Ans. Stamp tax on loan agreement 19. Which is deductible by a non-resident alien decedent? Ans. Transfer for public use 20. A VAT taxpayer received P104,000 plus P8,000…. Ans. P12,000