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Search Engine Comparison: Information Technology Results

Miguel Buenaventura J. Viray
1. Use four different search engines (www.altavista.com, www.bing.com, www.google.com, (Links to an
external site.) www.yahoo.com) to perform a search on the phrase “Information Technology.” Create a table
that compares the top 10 Web pages returned by each search engine. Which engines were the most similar
Definition of the Word
Information Technology
based from the Oxford
the study or use of
systems (especially
computers and
telecommunications) for
storing, retrieving, and
sending information.
WikiPedia: Information
technology (IT) is the use
of computers to store,
retrieve, data[1] or
WikiPedia: Information
technology (IT) is the use of
computers to store, retrieve,
data[1] or information.
WikiPedia: Information
technology (IT) is the
use of computers to
store, retrieve, data[1]
or information.
WikiPedia: Information
technology (IT) is the
use of computers to
store, retrieve, data[1]
or information.
Snh.edu: Information
technology (IT) refers
to everything that
businesses use
computers for.
Information technology
is building
networks for a
company, safeguarding
data and information,
creating and
databases, helping
troubleshoot problems
with their computers or
mobile devices, or
doing a range of other
work to ensure the
efficiency and security
of business information
Searchdatacenter.techtar Searchdatacenter.tec
Information technology is get.com:
the study, design,
Information technology (IT) Information technology
is the use of any computers, (IT) is the use of any
implementation, support
storage, networking and
computers, storage,
or management of
other physical devices,
networking and other
infrastructure and
physical devices,
information systems—
processes to create,
infrastructure and
particularly software
process, store, secure and
processes to create,
applications and computer exchange all forms of
process, store, secure
electronic data
Snh.edu: Information
technology (IT) refers
to everything that
businesses use
computers for.
Information technology
is building
networks for a
company, safeguarding
data and information,
creating and
databases, helping
troubleshoot problems
with their computers or
mobile devices, or
doing a range of other
work to ensure the
efficiency and security
of business information
Information technology
(IT) is the use of any
computers, storage,
networking and other
physical devices,
infrastructure and
processes to create,
process, store, secure
Snh.edu: Information
technology (IT) refers to
everything that businesses
use computers for.
Information technology is
building communications
networks for a company,
safeguarding data and
information, creating and
administering databases,
helping employees
troubleshoot problems with
their computers or mobile
devices, or doing a range of
other work to ensure the
efficiency and security of
business information
and exchange all forms and exchange all forms
of electronic data
of electronic data
Rasmussen.edu: it's the
application of technology
to solve business or
organizational problems
on a broad scale.
Rasmussen.edu: it's the
application of technology to
solve business or
organizational problems on
a broad scale.
Information technology
(IT) is the use of any
computers, storage,
networking and other
physical devices,
infrastructure and
processes to create,
process, store, secure and
exchange all forms of
electronic data
Lifewire.com: The terms
"information technology"
and "IT" are widely used in
business and the field of
computing. People use the
terms generically when
referring to various kinds of
computer-related work,
which sometimes confuses
their meaning
Snh.edu: Information
technology (IT) refers to
everything that
businesses use
computers for. Information
technology is building
communications networks
for a company,
safeguarding data and
information, creating and
administering databases,
helping employees
troubleshoot problems
with their computers or
mobile devices, or doing a
range of other work to
ensure the efficiency and
security of business
information systems.
Information technology is
the study, design,
implementation, support or
management of computerbased information
software applications and
computer hardware.
Rasmussen.edu: it's
the application of
technology to solve
business or
problems on a broad
Lifewire.com: The
terms "information
technology" and "IT"
are widely used in
business and the field
of computing. People
use the terms
generically when
referring to various
kinds of computerrelated work, which
sometimes confuses
their meaning
Information technology
is the study, design,
support or
management of
information systems—
particularly software
applications and
computer hardware.
Rasmussen.edu: it's
the application of
technology to solve
business or
problems on a broad
Lifewire.com: The
terms "information
technology" and "IT"
are widely used in
business and the field
of computing. People
use the terms
generically when
referring to various
kinds of computerrelated work, which
sometimes confuses
their meaning
Information technology
is the study, design,
support or
management of
information systems—
particularly software
applications and
computer hardware.
Application of Information
Technology in Agile
Tutorialspoint.com: 21st
century has come to be
known as the era of
Information Technology; it is
the key driver of economic
growth of not only a nation,
but rather the whole world
Nd.gov: Information
Technology means the
use of hardware, software,
services, and supporting
infrastructure to manage
and deliver information
using voice, data, and
Information Technology (IT)
is a business sector that
deals with computing,
including hardware,
telecommunications and
generally anything involved
in the transmittal of
information or the systems
that facilitate
m: IT or information
technology refers to the
maintenance, and use of
computer software,
systems, and networks.
NIST.gov: Advancing the
state-of-the-art in IT in such
applications as cyber
security and biometrics,
NIST accelerates the
development and
deployment of systems that
are reliable, usable,
interoperable, and secure;
advances measurement
science through innovations
in mathematics, statistics,
and computer science;
10 merriam-webster.com:
the technology involving
the development,
maintenance, and use of
computer systems,
software, and networks for
the processing and
distribution of data
Application of Information
Technology in Agile
21st century has come
to be known as the era
of Information
Technology; it is the
key driver of economic
growth of not only a
nation, but rather the
whole world
Technology (IT) is a
business sector that
deals with computing,
including hardware,
and generally anything
involved in the
transmittal of
information or the
systems that facilitate
NIST.gov: Advancing
the state-of-the-art in
IT in such applications
as cyber security and
biometrics, NIST
accelerates the
development and
deployment of systems
that are reliable,
usable, interoperable,
and secure; advances
measurement science
through innovations in
mathematics, statistics,
and computer science;
Application of
Technology in Agile
21st century has come
to be known as the era
of Information
Technology; it is the
key driver of economic
growth of not only a
nation, but rather the
whole world
Technology (IT) is a
business sector that
deals with computing,
including hardware,
and generally anything
involved in the
transmittal of
information or the
systems that facilitate
NIST.gov: Advancing
the state-of-the-art in
IT in such applications
as cyber security and
biometrics, NIST
accelerates the
development and
deployment of systems
that are reliable,
usable, interoperable,
and secure; advances
measurement science
through innovations in
mathematics, statistics,
and computer science;
Application of
Technology in Agile
Analysis: For comparison, the one with the most common results is the Wikipedia, SNH.edu, searchdatacenter,
Rassmussen, where all of the search engines have shown these results. AltaVista was bought by yahoo.com so it shows
the same results as the Yahoo search engine. Bing, which is owned by Microsoft has the same webpage search results as
Yahoo. Google was the only search engine with unique webpages from the other. Additionally, the google search engine
has a highlighted definition of the information technology that is easier for the user to look for the meaning of information
1. Read about “StarWars Kid” and “The Bus Uncle” on Wikipedia, then debate the following proposition: “It is
wrong to post a photo or video of someone else on the Internet without their permission.”
Because of its extreme popularity among the youth, the Internet and mobile phone have become a platform for
It would be rude to post a video from anyone especially when it can be seen by a lot of people. We all know that people
from the internet can be cruel with their comments because of the sense of anonymity among the netizens. People have a
huge moral disconnect with the things that they do online that they might not do face to face because they would probably
take it to heart. They don’t care if they hurt the person’s feelings because they are not seeing the reaction of the people
involved in the video physically. Ghyslain Raza is one among the first victims of cyberbullying. A video of himself swinging a
golf ball retriever imitating a Jedi Knight from Star Wars. One among his classmates posted the video online without him
knowing and began to go viral all over the internet. Because of the video, people started attacking him and told him to
commit suicide.
Much has been known on the impact of cyberbullying and there is ample evidence the hurtful words that we say online
creates a huge impact to the person that we are bullying. Furthermore, studies have found that online victimization can
result in elevated daily levels of anxiety. An expert found that the victims of electronic bullying are left feeling lonely,
insecure and humiliated.
As netizens, we must be careful on what we say online and put ourselves on the shoes of the people who are in these
videos about what they are going to feel if we are going to comment mean things. It is not bad to criticize someone
especially if it is for the purpose of improving them but this is not going to be the same if we are going to humiliate them. It is
okay to correct, but not to laugh at their mistakes because as humans, we too commit mistakes. I would also like to add that
before commenting anything, we must see the full picture first. Just like with the “Bus Uncle” he may have his reasons on
why he scolded the man sitting at his back. Or he was just simply in a bad situation at that time so he got hotheaded. A
single video cannot define anyone. This serves as a lesson for us that, with the presence of the internet and the virtual
world, we are more entitled to take more moral responsibility, regardless if we are seeing the people in the internet.
Honor Pledge: I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this