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Outcomes Vocabulary Builder: Pre-Intermediate English

CENGAGE Learning
The Outcomes Vocabulary Builder booklet contains key language
from the Student's Book and is organised by unit so that learners
can easily refer to the words they need while they are studying.
The Outcomes Vocabulary Builder contains:
• A short explanation for each word
• Common collocations and phrases
• Practice activities
• Regular language boxes for extra information on word
families, word-building and phrasal verbs
• Answer key
Also available
• Workbook
for the student:
- additional language and skills practice, a
Writing section, extra activities for the Outcomes
Builder and audio CDs for the listening activities.
• MyOutcomes - online practice for grammar, vocabulary and all
four skills. Use for self study or interact w i t h your teacher and
get feedback on your progress. Pin code available at the front
of the Student's Book.
CENGAGE Learning
Heinle, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading provider of materials for English language
teaching and learning throughout the world.
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Guide to Pronunciation Symbols
Learning vocabulary in collocations and phrases will develop your fluency. And doing a little revision regularly is t h e
best way t o learn vocabulary. That's w h a t the Outcomes Vocabulary Builder (OVB) will help you w i t h .
fox, leaf
zebra, is
c h e a p , catch
/ ' g a dan/
/fDks/, /li.f/
/ ' zebra/, / i z /
/ba 8/
/ faejan/
/ , tell' v g a n /
/ ' djAmpa/
la 1
lu 1
13 I
/ ' veri/
/ ' evri/
/kA /
Sound is not the same as spelling, for example, the word 'is' finishes with the letter's' but the sound is Izl.
I-a. I
When writing the sound of a word (its phonemic transcription), always put lines like these //on either
side of the word:
/vasn/ (JOH
What each entry contains
Each entry has a short explanation of t h e word's meaning and often gives information on other forms or
• There is then a list of up t o six typical collocations and phrases that the word is used w i t h .
• Regular language boxes provide extra information on word families, phrasal verbs etc.
Diphthong (two vowels together)
It has been w r i t t e n t o provide you w i t h the important vocabulary in t h e Student's Book and t o show you h o w these
words are commonly used. It does not include easier words which you should know from lower levels such as boring,
or unusual words, which you probably don't need t o remember at this level.
How the OVB is organised
It is organised t o make it quick and easy t o use in class and t o revise at home.
• Each unit in t h e OVB contains the most important new words from exercises, texts and listenings in t h e unit
of the Student's Book.
• The units are then divided according t o each double page of t h e Student's Book and t h e words w i t h i n those
pages are written in alphabetical order.
• At the end of each unit there are exercises t o do.
• There is an answer key at the back of t h e book.
Ways you can use the OVB
Read t h e word list before you study t h e unit in the book.
Translate all the words you don't know based on t h e explanation. Check t h e collocations for each word. Do
they make sense? Are any different t o your language?
In class, if you have forgotten a word, look it up again. Write out the collocation list and add one of your o w n .
Cover words in the list and say or write phrases w i t h the word.Then compare w i t h t h e collocation list.
Choose five t o ten words from the list t o learn each day.
Put eight new words in a story using t h e collocations listed.
Do t h e exercises at the end of each unit s o m e t i m e after you've done it in class. Then check the answers in
the key.
Write a list of the words you find difficult t o remember and w r i t e sentences using t h e words.
Stress is shown with marks like these
' shows the primary stress in a word. For example, / ' go dan/ <fonden
. shows the secondary stress. For example, / . tell' vr$an/ tel&tUAMm
flatmate a flatmate is someone you live in a flat
w i t h : she's one of my ~s / I'm looking for a new frustrating something t h a t is frustrating makes you
feel angry because you can't do w h a t you want
to do. Something t h a t is frustrating makes you
feel frustrated: It can be ~ or annoying for the
listener /1 had to wait for half an hour- it was so
-1/1 sometimes get frustrated if things go wrong /
I was starting to get a bit frustrated with him
generous someone w h o is generous is kind, and
likes giving things t o people or helping t h e m .
The adverb is generously: he's very caring and ~ /
thank you - that's very - of you / thank you for
your ~ offer of help / a very - present / please give
generously to the Appeal for Africa
gran your gran is your grandmother (the mother of
your father or mother): I'm going to see my - at
the weekend / hi, -I
housewife a housewife is a w o m a n w h o stays at
home to look after her family and doesn't go out
to work.The plural is housewives: she's a ~ / not
many woman nowadays choose to be housewives
annoying someone w h o is annoying makes you feel
angry: no, we do not really get on. He's quite - /
she's got some - habits / that noise is really caring someone w h o is caring is kind t o people and
tries t o help t h e m : he's very - and generous / a
very - person
clever someone w h o is clever can learn things easily
and understands things quickly: she's studying
here - she's really - / he's not very - / some very children / she's ~ with her hands (good at making
things) / that's a ~ idea
close if people are close, they love each other a lot:
we get on well - we're quite - / we're very friends / are you - toyour brother?
colleague a colleague is someone you work w i t h : we
met at work - she's a ~ /one of my ~s at the bank
cousin your cousin is a child of your uncle or aunt:
lucky if you are lucky, good things happen t o you. The
adverb is luckily: some people are so ~l/ I'm ~ I still
have my health / that was really ~! / this week's winner /1 think we're all - to be alive / luckily, no
one was at home when the fire started
neat someone w h o is neat likes to keep things
tidy. Something t h a t is neat is tidy.The adverb
is neatly: she's very ~ and tidy I put the books in
a ~ pile on the desk /1 like to keep the house - and
tidy /foldyour clothes neatly
neighbouryour neighbours are t h e people w h o
live near you: my next-door - (the person w h o
lives in t h e house next t o mine) / we've got good
~s (friendly) / very friendly ~s / we don't get on
with our ~s
open someone w h o is open is honest, talks about
everything and doesn't keep things secret: Dutch
I've got a ~ who lives in New York / I'm going to
visit one of my -s / / stayed with my - Jack / a ~
on my mother's side (related to my mother, not
families are generally very - and they talk about
everything / we're quite - with each other / we
had an - discussion /1 think he's - to new ideas
my father)
(willing t o listen t o them)
creative someone who is creative is good at thinking of
new or interesting ideas.The noun is creativity: she's
very ~ / a very ~ artist / he's got some very - ideas /
I work with children to develop their creativity
dark someone w h o is dark has black or brown hair.
You can also describe someone's eyes, hair or
skin as dark: we're not very similar - he's quite ~
but I'm not / she's got - hair / lovely - eyes /
my skin's quite ~
fit if you are fit, your body is strong and healthy
because you do a lot of exercise. The opposite is
unfit: / walk a lot to keep - / I'm not very ~ at the
moment /1 want to get - for the summer / he's
over 60, but he's still - and healthy /1 need to do
more exercise - I'm so unfitl
patient someone w h o is patient stays calm and
doesn't get angry when something takes a
long time. The opposite is impatient: I'm quite
a - person / he's very - with the children /just
be - - it won't take long! /1 was starting to get
a bit impatient / don't be so impatient!
pretty a w o m a n or girl w h o is pretty has an
attractive face: wow! She's very -I /you look
really - in that dress / a - little girl
religious someone w h o is religious believes in
a god: are you -? / I'm not - / a deeply - man
(with a very strong belief)
retired someone w h o is retired does not work any
more, usually because they are old.The verb is
retire: he's a - nurse / she was a teacher, but she's
- now / he really enjoys being - / when are you
planning to retire? / he retired last year
strict someone w h o is strict has rules about how
people should behave, and expects other people
to obey these rules. The opposite is liberal: my
parents are quite - / a ~ teacher / they're very with the children / a - society / he grew up with
quite liberal parents
teenager a teenager is someone w h o is between
13 and 19 years old. The adjective is teenage: a ~
of sixteen / a youth club for ~s / a group of ~s /
dealing with a difficult - / a teenage magazine /
teenage problems
P A C E S 10-11
according to according t o a document means
that something is written in t h e document.
According t o a person means t h a t a person has
said something: - a recent UNICEF report, the
Netherlands is the best place in the world to be a
child / - Mia, they're going to live in Australia
argue if you argue w i t h someone,you shout at t h e m
because you are angry w i t h them.The noun is
argument: do you - with the people you live with? /
what are you arguing about? / stop arguing,you
two! / these teenage issues can cause arguments /
we had a big argument last night / an argument
with my parents / an argument about money
behaviour your behaviour is the way you do things.
The verb is behave: / was always in trouble for
bad - at school / criminal - / / can't understand his
violent - / this ~ is not acceptable / a reward for
good - /you need to change your - / how did the
children behave? / he didn't behave very well
comment if you make a comment about something,
you say something about it and give your opinion:
can I make a -? / he made some interesting ~s /
that's a fair - (I agree with it)
facilities facilities are places or equipment that are
available for people to use: there are a lot of-for
young people / the sports centre has excellent - /
hotel guests can use all the hotel's field a field is an area of land in t h e country where
there are animals or plants growing: most days
I go for a walk in the ~s near my house / we walked
through the ~s / a - with cows in / a - of potatoes
force t o force someone t o do something means to
make t h e m do it when they don't want to: my
parents never - me to do things I don't want to do /
I don't want to come, and you can't ~ me! /1 ~d
myself to get out of bed
fresh food that is fresh is not very old, and is not
frozen or in a can: / eat a lot of ~ fish / ~ fruit and
vegetables / some lovely - mushrooms /1 don't think
the meat is very - / put it in the fridge to keep it grade a grade is a number or letter that you get,
which shows how well you did in a test or
exam: Dutch parents don't worry about their
children's ~s /1 usually get good ~s /1 got an
A - in maths
grow t o grow means t o get bigger or older.The
adjective is growing: Japan is the best country to -
old in / children - so quickly! / there are some
tomatoes ~ing in the garden / the number of
retired people is growing / a growing number of
people are moving out of the city
health your health is the condition of your body. If
you are healthy, your body is in good condition
and you are not ill: The report looked at areas like and education / I'm lucky I still have my - / I'm
in good - / he's in poor - / my dad retired early
because of ill - / living a long time means nothing
if you're not healthy /1 try to keep fit and healthy /
eating healthy food (food that will keep you
income your income is t h e amount of money that
you get regularly from your work: The report
looked at areas like health, - of parents and
education / an - of $50 a day / what's your annual (your income each year) / a lot of families are on
low ~s (they don't get much money) /families on
high ~s / most students don't have an look after t o look after someone means to care for
t h e m : now I'm older, my parents want me to -
myself more / who's going to ~ the children? /
don't worry-I'll -you!
pressure pressure is a feeling of worry, or a feeling
t h a t you must do something: Dutch parents - and
teachers - put less - on their children at school /
my family put a lot of - on me to go to university /
there's a lot of - on children now / I'm under a lot
of ~ at work
report a report is a piece of w r i t i n g t h a t gives facts
and information about a subject: according to
a recent UNICEF ~, the Netherlands is the best
place in the world to be a child / a new - on health
in the EU / a government ~ on education / to
write a research if you do research,you study a subject in
detail t o find new information: the report also did ~
into how children felt about their lives / some
new ~ into the causes of cancer / people who
do medical society a society is all the people w h o live together
in a country: these teenage issues sometimes
cause arguments in stricter societies / we live in
a modern - / doctors are important members of
our ~
P A C E S 12-13
active someone w h o is active does a lot of exercise
and doesn't spend much t i m e sitting down: I'm
very fit and - / my granddad's 80, but he's still
very ~ /you should try to keep ~ as you get older
advice if you give someone advice, you tell them
what you think they should do: / always go to him
for - / let me give you some - / my - is to travel by
plane /1 think that's very good - /1 think he gave
you bad characteristic a characteristic is one part of someone's
appearance or personality: where do we get our -s
and habits? / which ~s do you get from your father?
childhood your childhood is the time when you are a
child: / had a very happy - /1 spent my - in tondon
/your - experiences
confident someone who is confident is sure of their
own abilities and doesn't feel shy or nervous.The
noun is confidence: I'm ~, I go out, I'm captain
of the football team, but he's really quiet / she
seems very - / we're - that we can win /1 haven't
got much confidence /you should have more
confidence in yourself
criminal criminal behaviour is doing things that are
not allowed by law. Something that is not allowed
by law is a crime: - behaviour / he's got a - record
(he has done things that are against the law) /
it's a - offence to drive after drinking alcohol (it's
against the law) / he's committed some serious
crimes / the crime of murder
debates a debate is a discussion about a subject that
continues for a long time, and in which people
express different opinions: it is one of the oldest ~s
in science / there's been a lot of - about this
subject / we should have a proper - about this
determined someone who is determined has strong
feelings that they want to do something, and
doesn't let anything stop them: people say the
Chinese are good students and very ~ / I'm - to win
disease a disease is a serious illness: genes play a part
in heart - and other illnesses / thousands of people
suffer from this - / how long have you had the -I /
a rare killer - (that can kill people)
gene your genes are the parts in the cells of your
body that control what you look like and other
characteristics. You get your genes from your
parents. The adjective is genetic: ~s play a part in
heart disease and other illnesses / scientists have
found the - that causes this cancer / we pass on
our ~s to our children / the disease is caused by a
genetic defect (a problem in someone's genes)
keep to keep doing something means to continue
it in the same way: she just ~s going (continues
trying) till she succeeds 11 walk a lot to -fit
(continue being fit) /she always puts things away
and -s things organised (makes them organised) /
we sat by the fire to - warm / trying to - the
children happy / try to - still (not move)/or
a minute
messy someone who is messy doesn't keep things
tidy. A messy place is untidy: all her family are - /
a really - room / it's a bit - in here
Many adjectives ending in -y are based on nouns.
For example:
He's quite messy.
It's lucky you're
I eat a lot of
healthy food.
I like spicy food.
My car's dirty.
Clear the mess in the kitchen.
Good luck with the exam!
He's in good health.
Add some spices to the dish.
He has dirt on his jeans.
put things away to put things away means to put
them into their correct place when you have
finished using them: she always puts things away
and keeps things organised / can you put the
scissors away when you've finished with them? /
put it away in the cupboard
shout if you shout,you say something in a very loud
voice, for example because you are angry: we get
frustrated quickly and start -ing /you don't have
to - / he started -ing at me
sight your sight is your ability to see: he's got poor (he can't see very well) 11 was scared that I might
lose my - / she lost the - in one eye after the
accident / doctors managed to save my succeed if you succeed, you do what you wanted to
do. The noun is success: she just keeps going till
she -s / we are determined to - /1 -ed in getting
a job in London / there are several reasons for the
country's success / the party was a great success
surprise if something surprises you, you did not
expect it to happen.The adjective issurprised:
does anything - you about their opinions? / that
doesn't - me at all /1 was quite surprised when she
told me she was leaving / he looked surprised
treat to treat someone in a particular way means
to behave towards them in that way: my parents
don't - us as 'the twins',you know, as one person /
they -ed me as one of the family / her family -ed
her very badly /you should - him with respect
wise someone who is wise knows and understands a
lot of things: My granddad's very - / I think that's
a - decision
A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
1 Are you close
your sister?
2 My best friend lives
the house next door.
3 I have three cousins
my father's side.
4 All of my family are good
5 I'm not really patient
small children.
6 Teenagers often argue
their parents.
B Choose the correct preposition
1 Children should treat their parents with /of respect.
2 It's usually a bit messy at / in my bedroom.
3 She doesn't have a lot of confidence to / in herself.
4 I usually go to my father for / on advice.
5 I got my blond hair from / by my mother.
6 I live by / with my best friend from high school.
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
1 She's very creative.
You can't teach
2 My brother often
He makes me fee
frustrates me
He contributed
3 a generous
4 a neat house
Always dress
for a job interview.
5 a retired school
I will
age 65.
6 a badly behaved
That child should
change his
A Complete the sentences with adjectives formed
from the nouns.
Do you like
Americans think the number 13 is
My sister is tidy but I'm
My car needs a wash. It's very
because she smokes.
A Complete the sentences with the correct verb.
Look up the verbs if you need help.
B Complete the sentences with the adjectives. Look
up the adjectives if you need help.
1 I've known her for many years. We're
2 We're
to be alive after that car
3 I had an
discussion with my teacher.
4 I was always in trouble for
behaviour at
5 He exercises, so he's in
6 My sister's wedding was a
C Match the two halves of the sentences.
1 She's like one of
a) father's side.
2 He's my next-door
b) an hour.
3 My cousin on my
c) the family.
4 He's good with
d) his hands.
e) neighbour.
5 We waited for half
6 That is a wise
f) decision.
A Choose the correct word to complete the
phrasal verb.
1 Please put the dishes out / away after using them.
2 I passed my cold over/onto my family.
3 My mother works and my father looks into/after
the children.
4 I'm moving out /by of my old house into a new one.
5 It's difficult to get out / up of bed in the winter!
6 She gets by / on well with her classmates.
1 I swim twice a week to
2 She's in her eighties but she still
3 I need to make a call. It won't
4 Parents
a lot of pressure on children
these days.
5 Teachers
a part in child development.
6 Please
generously to animal charities.
Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
(to + infinitive or -ing).
1 I'm really tired but I need to keep
2 My brother was angry and started
at me. (shout)
3 My sister tried
me with my homework.
4 My father told us to stop
5 I'm going
my cousin next week, (visit)
6 You can't drive after
alcohol, (drink)
PACES 1 4 - 1 5
bright bright colours or lights are strong and easy to
see. A place that is bright is full of light or colours:
what lovely flowers! They're so - and colourful /
she was wearing a - red jumper / switch the lights
off- they're too - / a lovely - room / a - sunny day
(with a lot of sunshine)
complicated something that is complicated is
difficult to understand because it has a lot of
different parts: it's - to use and the instructions
don't make things any easier / the situation is quite
- / / can't explain - it's very design the design of something is what it looks like
and the way it is made: we often say a thing looks
cool if it has a modern -I1 love the - of the house
/ the car has got a completely new fit if a piece of clothing fits you, it is the right size for
your body: / didn't find anything that fitted me in the
shop I1 love these shoes, but they don't -me/ those
jeans-you perfectly / try it on to see if it ~s
last if something lasts for a particular length of
time, it continues to exist for that time: their
shoes are good quality - they really - / the film
~s over three hours / their relationship didn't very long
light something that is light doesn't weigh very
much, and isn't heavy: It's very - and it's got all
the latest software / it's quite - and easy to carry /
your bag is very neat you can say that something is neat if it is nice
or good: / got a really - laptop / hey, that's -I /
that's a - idea!
quality the quality of something is how good it is
and how well it is made: I'm really pleased with it.
It's really good - / their shoes are good - / they sell
top - fruit and vegetables (the best quality) / some
of their clothes are quite poor - (not good)
reliable if something is reliable, you can trust it and
know that it will be good every time. If someone
is reliable,you can trust them and depend on
them: The opposite is unreliable: their service is
much more - / goto Globe PC. They're very - / it's
an old car, so it's not very - / she's a very babysitter / Tony's a lovely man, but he's so
second-hand something that is second-hand belonged
to someone else before you bought it: where can
you buy - things? / have you ever bought anything
-1/1 bought a -car / they sell - clothes
selection a selection is a group of things that you
can choose from: / usually go to Davy's for food.
They've got a really wide - / they've got a good of different cheeses / there's a huge - of wines to
choose from
shut when something is shut, it is not open. Shut is
also a verb: the only day they're - is Christmas Day!
/ I'm afraid we're - on Mondays / hurry up - they
shut at five!
smart smart clothes are clean and nice. You can also
say that a person is smart if they are wearing
clean, nice clothes: / bought a - pair of trousers
and a couple of shirts for work /you should wear
something - /1 wear quite - clothes to work /you
look very - today
suit if something suits you, it makes you look nice:
yellow doesn't really - me /1 like your new hairstyle
- it -syou I that dress really -syou / short skirts
don't - me
Many words in English have more than one
meaning. For example:
That shirt really suits you. (It makes you look nice)
/ usually wear a suit to work, (jacket and trousers)
The light's not very bright (strong and easy to see)
Her son's very bright (intelligent)
I saw her last week, (most recent)
The clothes they make don't last long. They're very
poor quality, (continue for a time)
Words appear more than once in the VB when
there is a different meaning. They will have
different collocations!
thick something that is thick is wide. Thick clothes
are made of wide, heavy cloth and will keep you
warm: it's pure wool and it's nice and - /a nice coat for the winter /1 cut a - slice of bread / a stone wall
uncomfortable something that is uncomfortable
does not feel nice on your body. The opposite is
comfortable: they're nice shoes, but they're a bit
- to walk in! /1 hate wearing - clothes / the beds
were really - /1 felt cold and - /your boots look
really comfortable / a comfortable chair
value if something is good value, it is worth the
amount of money you paid for it. The value of
something is the amount of money it is worth:
/ think their clothes are really good - I their
shoes are excellent - / their food is quite cheap,
and great - for money / the - of the house has
gone up
warm if you are warm.you are slightly hot, in a
pleasant way. Warm weather is quite hot: / bought
this nice thick coat to keep me - in the cold weather
/ we were lovely and - by the fire /1 had a nice bath / the weather was quite - / a lovely - day
wide a wide selection of things is a lot of different
things to choose from: / usually go to Davy's
for food. They've got a really - selection / the
department store has a wider selection of clothes /
there's quite a - choice of dishes
PACES 1 6 - 1 7
brand a brand is a product that has its own name
and is made by one particular company: which
shops or ~s do you prefer? / there are lots of
different ~s of trainers /1 refuse to buy expensive -s
/you pay a lot more for designer -s
button a button is a small round thing on a piece of
clothing, that you put through a hole to fasten the
clothing: when I got it home, I found the - was
loose /a smart shirt with small white ~s / one of the
-s has come off /1 can't do the - up (fasten it) / can
you help me undo the ~s (unfasten them)?
damaged something that is damaged is broken in
some way. The verb is damage: when I took it out
of the box it was already - /1 took it back to the
shop because it was - / some buildings were badly
- in the storm / be careful -you'll damage it! /
smoking can damage your health
discount if something is sold at a discount, the price
is lower than usual: all the items in the shop had
a 50% - / they're offering huge ~s /1 got a 20% because it was slightly damaged
fault a fault is something that is wrong with a
product: it's not a manufacturing - / there's a - in
one of the speakers / it's got a design - (a problem
with the way it is made) / the car has got some
serious ~s
fold if you fold something,you bend it and press one
part over another to make it smallenyou can - it
easily and put it away /-your clothes neatly / the paper in half / - up the sheets / a bike which
-s up
loose something that is loose is not firmly fixed in
place. Loose clothes are big, and don't fit your
body tightly. The opposite is tight: I found the
button was - / the string has come ~ /1 put on a shirt and a pair of jeans / these jeans are too tight
plain something that is plain is simple, without any
extra parts or decorations. Someone who is plain
is not very pretty: it's a bit -. Doyou have anything
a bit prettier? /1 put on a - white shirt / the
furniture was all very - / a piece of - paper (with
no lines on it)/she's a lovely girl, but she's a bit practical something that is practical is useful and
easy to use: it's a bit heavy and it'll be difficult to
carry up and down stairs. Have you got something
more - ? /you can fold it and put it away, so it's
very - / it's a cheap and - car for families
receipt a receipt is a small piece of paper that shows
where and when you bought something: have you
got a - and the box? /you should always keep the
- / can I have a -, please? / have you got a - for
the shoes?
silly someone or something that is silly is a bit
stupid: don't be -. You look lovely! /1 felt a bit - /
do I look - in this hat? /1 think that's a - idea /1
made some - mistakes
stock a shop's stock is all the products that it has
available for people to buy: / just want to find
out if they have something in - (in the shop and
available for people to buy) / we haven't got that
computer game in -yet / I'm afraid that size is out
of ~, but we can order it for you
wrap to wrap something means to put paper around
it. The adjective is wrapped: what was the last
present you bought? Did you - it? /1 wrapped it
in gold paper / would you like it wrapped? /the
presents were all beautifully wrapped
PACES 1 8 - 1 9
accuse if you accuse someone of doing something
bad, you say that you think they did it: Primark
was ~d of exploitation in the report / he ~d me of
lying /she was wrongly -d of stealing from the
arrest if the police arrest someone, they take them
away as a prisoner because they think the person
has done something wrong: man -ed after
stealing 10 kilos of bananas / she was -edfor
dangerous driving / the police arrived and -ed two
competitor your competitors are the people or
companies that are competing against you: the
company pays its staff the same as most of its ~s /
they are cheaper than all their main ~s
employ if a company employs people, it gives
them a job. A company that employs people is
an employer: some of their suppliers were -ing
children / he was -ed as a cleaner / she was -ed to
look after the children / Ford is a big employer in
this city (it gives jobs to a lot of people)
exploitation exploitation is treating people in an
unfair way, for example by making them work too
hard or not paying them enough money.The verb is
exploit: Primark was accused of - in the report / they
are calling for an end to the - of factory workers /
children are exploited in many parts of the world
fined if you are fined,you have to pay an amount of
money because you have done something wrong.
The verb is fine. Fine is also a noun: woman - after
calling ambulance to help her home with shopping
/1 was - £50 for speeding /1 had to pay a £100 fine
I1 got a parking fine
gather if people gather, they come together in one
place: hundreds of people -ed outside Primark in
Oxford Street / a large crowd -ed outside the shop
/ can everyone - round and listen?
guide a guide is someone whose job is to show a
place to tourists: they started a mini riot because
the tour ~s were trying to take them to too many
shops / he offered to come with us and act as our /a - showed us round the castle
huge something that is huge is extremely big. The
adverb is hugely: they're offering - discounts / it's
a - building / the bedrooms are all - / a - dog /
Primark has become a hugely successful company
injured if you are injured,you are hurt, for example
in an accident.The verb is injure: luckily, no
one was - / shop pays $20,000 to woman - in
changing rooms / two people were seriously - in
the accident / no one was badly - /1 injured my
back last year
inspection if you do an inspection of a place, you visit
it to check that people are following all the rules.
The verb is inspect: better -s were introduced at
all the factories / they carry out regular ~s / there
are safety -s every month / all our factories are
inspected regularly
introduce if you introduce something, you start
doing it: better inspections were -d last year / the
government wants to - a new drugs law / they are
planning to - a new computer system next month
locked if something is locked, it is closed and
fastened with a key. The verb is lock: the coaches
were - / all the doors were - / we keep all the
windows - / / can't open it - it's - / don't forget to
lock the door when you go out
minor something that is minor is not very bad or not
very important: two people were taken to hospital
for - injuries / I've had a - operation on my knee /
we had a few - problems
mixture a mixture of different things is a lot
of different things all together: there's an
interesting - of styles / a strange - of old and
modern paintings / a - of Chinese and Portuguese
occupy if people occupy a place, they go there and
take control of it: Macau was previously occupied
by Portugal / the city was occupied by government
soldiers / students have occupied several university
buildings as part of a protest
operate to operate something means to control and
manage it: the company ~s 170 stores in the UK /
he ~s a small business from his home
persuade if you persuade someone to do something,
you talk to them and make them believe that it
is a good idea: the guides were only interested in
persuading them to buy things /1 tried to - him to
come with us /1 finally -d her to let me in
protest if there is a protest, people show that they
are angry or upset about something. Protest is
also a verb: police stop tourists' - about 'too many
shops'/ the announcement led to -s by university
students I they are planning to organise a mass
- (involving a large number of people) / there
have been anti-government ~s in the capital city
/ a - about climate change / -s against more tax
increases / hundreds of people protested in the
riot if there is a riot, a lot of people behave in a
violent way. Riot is also a verb: there was a - at the
opening of the Primark store in London / -s cause
damage to city centre shops / rising prices sparked
~s in the streets (caused them) / soldiers were
brought in to quell the riot (stop it) / people rioted
for three days and nights
rumour a rumour is a piece of news or information
that people tell each other, which may not be
true: -s of sale cause shop chaos / someone has
been spreading false -s /1 don't believe the ~s
/ there's a - on the internet that the men are
already dead / I've heard a few ~s about her
supply if you supply something, you give it or sell
it to someone when they need it. A person who
supplies things to shops is a supplier: most of
Pnmark's clothes are supplied by factories in
Bangladesh and Indonesia / the farm supplies fresh
vegetables to shops in the area / they supplied us
with pens and paper / Primark stopped using the
suppliers employing children
temple in some religions, a temple is a building
where people go to pray: the tourists wanted to
see some of the old -s / a Hindu - / an ancient (a very old one) / can we visit the ~? /people go to
the - to pray I women aren't allowed in the -
6 i had to pay a 120 parking.
I wanted some sandals but they're out of
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 That cafe has a great selection
2 The sports shop is shut
3 I want to buy a new pair
4 Where can I buy some shoes
5 How much did you pay
your phone?
6 You look great
that shirt.
7 I'd like 2 kilos
potatoes, please.
8 The post office closes
5 pm.
B Complete the missing adjectives.
1 Somebody has been spreading f
e rumours.
2 Paris is the c __ __ I city of France.
3 Unhappy workers are planning a m _ _ s protest.
4 I don't think that's a very g _ _d idea.
5 Some people suffered m
r injuries in the
6 We hired a t
r guide to show us the city.
7 They sell good q _ _ __y shoes in that clothing
B Choose the correct preposition.
1 I bought my computer by / at a discount.
2 There's something wrong to / with my new stereo.
3 Did you get a receipt/or / about your boots?
4 They said they would order it for / to me.
5 Let me help you with /for your shopping.
6 I run a small business on /from my home.
C Match the two halves of the collocations. Look up
the nouns (a-g) if you need help.
1 buy a second hand
a) change
2 cut a slice of
b) size
3 a pair of
c) bread
4 a factory
d) centre
5 climate
e) car
6 the city
f) worker
7 find the right
g) jeans
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
1 1 employ five people.
should pay
for training.
2 1 have a back injury.
my back.
3 The police inspected
a safety
the house.
4 The house is locked.
Did you
the door?
5 a local vegetable
6 My boss exploits me. 1 accused him of
7 a huge supermarket
8 book a flight
The business is
make a
A Complete the sentences with the nouns. Look up
the nouns if you need help.
1 There is a wide
of jeans in that store.
2 The shops are closed on Christmas
3 The food in that restaurant is good value for
A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal
1 Please lock the door when you go out / by.
2 We don't let customers over / in after 5 pm.
3 Switch out / off the lights before you go to bed.
4 1 tried on / out some jeans but they were too big.
5 Hurry on / up\ The shops close in ten minutes.
6 The price of milk has gone up / away again.
7 1 took the shoes away / back because they didn't
fit me.
8 One of the buttons has come into / off my shirt.
A Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
[to + infinitive or -ing).
1 I hate
tight jeans, (wear)
is bad for your health, (smoke)
3 I find it difficult
when she speaks.
4 She was accused of
from the shop.
5 Try it on
if it fits you. (see)
prices are making life difficult, (rise)
7 It's not comfortable
in these shoes.
4 When I buy something, I always keep the
PAGES 2 0 - 2 1
book if you book something,you arrange to have
it or use it at a particular time in the future. The
noun is booking: maybe we should phone and - a
table / the restaurant gets busy, so you need to ~
in advance /you can ~ tickets online / I've ~ed my
flight to New York / we haven't ~ed our holiday
yet / can I make a booking for next Saturday?
busy if a place is busy, there are a lot of people in it: the
restaurant gets really -, so it's a good idea to book /
the shops are usually very - on Saturdays / a - airport
choice if there is a choice, you can choose between
different things: the food is OK, but there isn't
much choice / there's a - of three desserts / there's
a good ~ of hotels on the island / it's not my first of restaurant (not the first one I would choose)
delicious food that is delicious tastes very nice: the
food was -I/a - meal / thank you - that was ~l
disgusting something that is disgusting is horrible
and makes you feel sick: the food was -! / what's
that - smell? / that fish smells -I / it looks -.' /
that's absolutely ~!
dish a dish is food that is cooked in a particular way:
there's a good selection of ~es / my favourite - is
roast lamb / they serve some wonderful vegetarian
~es / I've never cooked this - before
gallery a gallery is a room or building where you can
look at paintings or other works of art: we could
visit one of the galleries / a modern art ~ / the
National Gallery in London
incredible something that is incredible is very good
or very big. The adverb is incredibly:j/ou get an view of the city / it was an - journey / some of the
paintings were ~ / visiting India was an - experience
/ the food was incredibly cheap / it was incredibly hot
option an option is something that you can choose:
they don't have any vegetarian ~s / there are
several different ~s / we have two -s - to walk, or
go by bus / this one looks like the best outside if you are outside,you are not in a building:
you can sit - on the terrace / there are some tables
- / shall we go-? / I'll wait painting a painting is a picture that someone has
made with paint: we went to look at the ~s in the
gallery / a - by Rembrandt / a collection of famous -s
portion a portion is an amount of food for one
persomyou get really big -s / a half portion for the
kids /1 ordered a small - of ice cream /1 asked for a
double - of chips
properly if you do something properly, you do it well
or in the correct way: the food wasn't cooked - /
my phone isn't working - / if I'm going to get
married, I want to do it recipe a recipe is a set of instructions for making
a particular dish: have you tried any of his -s?/
a - for tomato soup / I've got a delicious - for
chocolate pudding / I'm going to try a new - /1
never follow ~s
seafood seafood is fish and other animals from the
sea that you can eat: do you like-? / they're a kind
of - /1 love - / a - restaurant
seat a seat is a chair, or a place to sit:you sometimes
have to wait to get a - / there's a - over there /
come in and take a - (sit down) / / was sitting in
the back - of the car (a seat behind the driver)
spicy spicy food has a strong flavour because it
Is cooked with special seeds or powders called
spices: do you like - food?/ it's too - for me / lamb with fried rice / it's nicer ifyou add a few
staff the staff are the people who work in a place: the
- are really friendly / the company has more than
200 - /1 talked to a member of - (one of the staff)
steak a steak is a large piece of beef or other meat
that you fry or grill: my - wasn't cooked enough /
how would you like your ~? (how long do you want
us to cook it for) / / like my - rare (not cooked very
much) / the - was delicious / there's a good steak
restaurant in town /1 ordered a tuna terrace a terrace is an area outside a building, where
you can sit:you can sit outside on the - / there's a
lovely sunny - behind the restaurant
vegetarian vegetarian food does not have any
meat in it. Someone who does not eat meat is
a vegetarian: they don't have any - options / a
delicious - dish / a - curry / are you a vegetarian?
view the view from a place is everything that you
can see from there:you get an incredible - of
the city / we've got a lovely - of the sea from our
window / we sat down to admire the PAGES 2 2 - 2 3
adventurous if you are adventurous, you try new or
exciting things: We aren't usually - enough to
experiment with food /you should be more -I /
I'm quite an - cook / people who are - would love
this holiday
boiled food that is boiled is cooked in water. The verb
is boil: o — egg / some plain - potatoes / boil the
carrots for about ten minutes
cereal cereal is a food made from a grain such as wheat,
that people eat for breakfast with milk: they just
grab a quick cup of coffee and some - 11 had a bowl
of- and some orange juice /a packet ofconsist of if something consists of different things, it
is made from those things: the breakfast consists
of bacon, black pudding and sausages / each team
consists of five players
Many words commonly go with prepositions.
consist of water, sugar and fruit
experiment with different ingredients
be interested in art
have an allergy to nuts
Notice any prepositions when you learn words
and expressions. There are exercises at the end of
each unit in the VB that test you on prepositions.
cool down if something cools down, it becomes
colder and less hot: it's too hot - it needs to - /
I'll leave it to - for a few minutes / I'm going for
a swim to experiment if you experiment, you try new or different
things. An experiment is something new or
different that you try: we aren't usually adventurous
enough to - with food /1 gradually began to - with
different dishes /1 decided to buy some squid as an
fattening food that is fattening contains a lot of fat
and sugar, and might make you fat: chocolate is
too ~ to eat all the time / it's delicious, but it's
really — /1 try to avoid - foods such as cheese and
flat something that is flat is smooth and level, with
no high parts: - bread / it's better if you play on a
- surface / the countryside is very fried food that is fried is cooked in hot oil or butter.
The verb is fry: a - egg / chicken with - rice /you
can have your fish - or grilled / mushrooms - in
butter/fry it lightly in olive oil
grilled food that is grilled is cooked under a strong
heat. The verb is grill: - fish / some delicious ~
salmon /you can have it fried or - /1 usually grill
lightly if you cook or flavour something lightly, you
do it not very strongly, or not for very long: it's spiced and often served with fried plantain / some
- cooked vegetables / a- boiled egg
rock a rock is a large heavy stone: they say the dish is
'a rock in the stomach' / we climbed over the ~s to
get down to the sea / a huge lump of ~
secret a secret is something that not very many
people know about because people do not
talk about it. Secret is also an adjective: many
Bulgarians believe that the - behind their long
life is their yoghurt /1 can't tell you any more it's a - / shall I tell you a ~? / can you keep a -?
(not tell anyone) /1 finally discovered his - / this
information is top - (a very important secret)
serve when you serve food, you give it to someone.
When food is served in a restaurant, it is brought
to you: steak ~d with chips and peas / salad is -d as
a side dish / - the soup with fresh bread
space space is the area up in the sky, where the
moon and stars are. A space station is a small
building in space: the first Korean astronaut took
special kimchi with him to his - stationl / who was
the first person to travel in -? / a journey into outer
- (the area very far away from the Earth)
stall a stall is a small shop in a street-.you'llfind
street -s selling foul medames /1 never buy food
from market ~s / a book -la cake - / a - selling
fresh flowers
stomach your stomach is the part of your body
where food goes when you eat it: they say the dish
is a rock in the - I don't eat this on an empty - /
my - was rumbling (making a noise because I was
hungry) / I've got an upset - (a slight illness in my
well-done meat that is well-done is cooked until it is
not red any more. Meat that is still slightly red is
medium-rare, and meat that is still very red is rare:
/ wanted my steak -, but they cooked it mediumrare / a - steak / I'd like my steak medium-rare,
PAGES 2 4 - 2 5
allergic if you are allergic to something, it makes you
feel ill if you eat it or touch it. The noun is allergy:
I'm - to tomatoes I are you - to anything? I've got a
nut allergy / a lot of people suffer from allergies
bitter something that is bitter has a strong taste
that is the opposite of sweet: fiiey taste quite - / it
had a horrible - taste
cloth a cloth is a small piece of material that you use for
cleaning things: could you get us a ~, please? / wipe
the table with a damp - (one that is slightly wet)
contain to contain something means to have it
inside: does the dish - meat? / this product may nuts / the wallet didn't - any money/films that violence
dessert a dessert is a sweet food that you eat at the
end of a meal: would you like to see the - menu?
/ what would you like for -? /1 had chocolate
mousse for - / the -s were delicious!
drop if you drop something that you are holding, you
let it fall to the ground: he's dropped some water
on the floor / be careful you don't - that /
/ dropped the letter into the rubbish bin
full if you are full,you have eaten enough food and
do not want to eat any more: I'm really - / no
thanks, I'm herb a herb is a plant with strong-tasting leaves that
you can use in cooking to make food taste nice:
lamb cooked with -s / add some mixed -s / / love
cooking with fresh -s
included if something is included in a price, it is part
of the price. The verb is include: service is ~d / the
accommodation is - in the price / the price includes
the flight, hotel and all meals
jug a jug is a container for holding and pouring
water: can we have a ~ of tap water, please! /
there's some water in
the - / shall I fill the - with water?
lamb lamb is the meat from a young sheep: roast leg
of ~ / ~ curry /1 love -I / a delicious - stew
mild something that is mild is not very bad or
serious: a - illness I1 had the flu, but it was quite /1 thinkyou've had a - case of food poisoning
order when you order in a restaurant, you tell the
waiter what you would like to eat: are you ready
to -? /1 can't decide what to - 11 ~ed fish for my
plate a plate is a flat dish that you put food on: can
we have a small -for our son? I a - of cheese fa full of food / a dinner - / he ate everything on his raw food that is raw is not cooY.e&.you can eat them
- or cooked / a dish made with - fish 11 can't eat
this meat-it's still -I
ready if you are ready to do something, you are
prepared and able to do it: are you - to order? / at
sixteen, I was - to leave home / it takes me hours
to get - when I'm going out!
reasonable something that is reasonable is not too
expensive: the meal was very -, wasn't it? / the
prices are quite - / it's difficult to get a good meal
for a ~ price here / / think £15 is roasted food that is roasted is cooked in an oven. The
verb is roast: - leg of lamb /a spicy pork dish with vegetables /you can grill them or roast them
salty food that is salty has a strong taste of salt: the
meat was too ~ / it's nice, but it's quite ~ / don't
eat too many - snacks
sauce a sauce is a liquid that is served with food
to give it a nice taste: grilled fish with lemon ~ /
grilled pork with sweet and sour - / would you like
some more -? / a delicious creamy - / pour the over the rice
service the service in a restaurant is the way in which
the staff help you and serve your food. Sometimes
you have to pay an extra amount of money for
the service: - is included in the bill / the - was
excellent / the food was disgusting and the - was
terrible! / I'm going to complain about the ~
shell a shell is the hard part on the outside of some
small sea animals:you cook them in their -s / we
collected some -sfrom the beach
skin the skin on a fruit or vegetable is the part on the
outside: leave the - on /1 usually peel the - off 7a
banana soft something that is soft is not hard: the fruit
should be - and sweet / cook the potatoes until
they are - / a lovely - bed
sparkling a drink that is sparkling has bubbles of air
in it: do you want still water or ~? / a bottle of mineral water / - wine
stew a stew is a dish of meat, fish or vegetables
cooked slowly in liquid: country - / beef ~ / lamb ~
/ a lovely vegetable stone the stone in a fruit is the hard part in the
middle: it's a big green fruit with a - in the middle /
cut the fruit in half and remove the -s
stuffed food that is stuffed is filled with another type
of food in the middle. The verb is stuff. The food in
the middle is the stuffing: aubergines ~ with rice I
a dish of - peppers /you can bake tomatoes whole,
or stuff them with cheese / roast chicken with a
fresh herb stuffing
tap a tap is an object that controls the flow of water.
Tap water is water from a tap, not from a bottle:
just tap water please / turn the cold - on (the tap
that controls the flow of cold water) / turn the hot off if the water's getting too hot
tip a tip is an extra amount of money that you give
when you have a meal in a restaurant or pay
someone: shall we leave a ~? / we left a generous (a large amount of money) /1 don't usually give -s
to taxi drivers
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 I ordered a medium portion
2 Do you have a recipe
chocolate cake?
3 Lobster is a kind
4 Curry is too spicy
5 Put it in the oven
about 20 minutes.
6 My breakfast consists
cereal and coffee.
7 The fish is served
chips or rice.
8 The service charge is included
the bill.
9 Can I have a glass
tap water, please?
B Choose the correct preposition.
1 The menu has a good choice in /of vegetarian
2 Are there any Korean restaurants at /in town?
3 This table has a lovely view of I by the sea.
4 Fried food contains a lot in / of'fat.
5 I love all kinds about / of seafood.
6 I love baked potato stuffed with / in cream
My computer isn't
a seat.
Can you
a secret?
a 20% tip.
One table
about the service.
B Complete the missing adjectives.
1 We went to a m
n art gallery.
2 I'll have a g
n salad, please.
3 I like my steak m
4 Clean the table with a d _ _ p cloth.
5 Let's add some m
d herbs to the stew.
6 I love pork with sweet and s
r sauce.
C Match the two halves of the collocations. Look up
the nouns (a-h) if you need help.
1 a taxi
a) water
2 tap
b) stall
3 food
c) driver
4 a street
d) secret
5 top
e) view
6 olive
f) poisoning
7 admire the
g) staff
8 a member of
h) oil
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
1 an incredible view
She is an
hard-working student.
2 boiled potatoes
He can't even
an egg.
3 fresh-roasted coffee
lamb for dinner.
4 Fry the onions in butter. I don't like
5 a grilled fish
You can fry it
6 a penicillin allergy
She is
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs. Look up the verbs if you need help.
keep complain leave book
1 You have to
2 When are you going to
A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal
1 We sat down / on and had a cup of coffee
2 Turn the oven off7 out when you finish cooking.
3 Follow that path to get over /down to the beach.
4 Please come on / in. I'll be with you in a moment.
5 Look at / over that delicious chocolate cake!
6 I'm really hot. I need to cool up / down.
A Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
(to + infinitive or-ing).
Rome was a fantastic experience.
2 What do you want
? (do)
3 I found a stall
kebabs, (sell)
4 I love
Indian food, (cook)
5 We couldn't find a place
6 The soup is very hot. It needs
in advance for that
PACES 2 6 - 2 7
accounts accounts are records of how much money
you receive and spend: I'm doing the - / we do
the annual -for the business in September / try to
keep accurate - / the - show that the business has
made a profit this year / the - are all in order (the
numbers are correct)
airline an airline is a company that organises flights
and carries passengers by air: / work for an - / a
large international - / the - industry
appointment an appointment is an arrangement to
meet someone at a particular time: make an - to
see the dentist /1 have an - with a client at three
awful something that is awful is very bad: The
money's -I She only gets €6 an hour/the weather
was - / what's that - smell?
block a block is a big building that is divided into
different homes or offices: They're building a - of
flats opposite my house /anew apartment -/1
work in a large office conference a conference is a large meeting where
people come together to talk about their work:
I'm helping to organise a - / a three-day - / a - on
climate change /I'm going to a - next week/over
50 people attended the construction construction is the work of building
something: do you know any - work that's
happening where you live? / a group of - workers /
the - of the new school is due to start next month /
the airport is still under - (being built)
develop to develop something means to think of
new ideas or make a new product over a period
of time. The noun is development: I'm working on
-ing social policy / scientists have -ed a new drug
to treat cancer / we're -ing some new products at
the moment / the development of new policies
firm a firm is a business or company: / work for a big
law - / he runs his own building -/ she set up a
successful computer install to install something means to put it in place
and make it work. The noun is installation: we're
planning to - a new computer system / we need to
- some heating / they've -ed security cameras in the
car park / the installation of a new security system
motorway a motorway is a big fast road: they're
doing repairs to the - I there are plans to build a
new - / we were driving along the - / a busy - /
you can join the - at Birmingham / we were
only on the - for a few miles / leave the - at
Junction 10
negotiate to negotiate means to talk about
something in order to reach an agreement with
someone. The noun is negotiation: we need to a price / management are refusing to - with the
trade unions / the government is not willing to
- with terrorists / they are refusing to enter into
negotiations with the workers
paperwork paperwork is work such as writing letters
or reports: we have to do too much - /1 hate -I /
does the job involve a lot of-?
policy a policy is a set of ideas that shows how
a government or organisation deals with
something: developing social - / what's the
school's - on homework? / the government's
foreign - (its ideas for dealing with other
product a product is something that is made and
sold: I'm working on a new - / all their ~s are
good quality I you need to market the - properly
if you want people to buy it / they sell a range of
computer software -s
project a project is a piece of work that you plan and
do over a long period of time: I'm working on a for my class / a six-month building - / a scientific
research - / it's a big - / we set up the - two years
ago / who's going to manage the -?
property property is buildings or land: we're studying
- law / he decided to invest in - / they want to buy
their own - /you have no right to be on my rent if you rent a house or flat, you pay money to the
owner so that you can live in it: I'm -ing aflat in
Glasgow I we - the house from some friends of
the family
research if you do research, you study a subject very
carefully to learn something new. Research is also
a verb: we need to do more - into the disease /
some important medical - / an exciting piece of - /
a - project / scientists are researching new types
of fuels
right a right is something that you are allowed to
have or do: they're fighting for their -s / they
want equal -sfor women / campaigning for basic
human -s I the police don't have the - to come
into your house / everyone has the - to a fair trial
run if you run something,you are in control of it: /
- my own business / we - a small restaurant in
London / who's going to - the company while
you're away?
shift a shift is one of the periods of time when people
who work in factories, hospitals etc work: / work
night ~s / I'm on the early - tomorrow /1 hate
working the late - / I've just finished an eight-hour social social things are related to the way in which
people live together in society: developing policy / homelessness is a huge - problem / it's
important to understand the - conditions that
lead to crime
sort out if you sort something out, you deal with it or
make a decision about it so that it is no longer a
problem: we need to sort out this problem / don't
worry - I'll sort it out / can we sort out which jobs
everyone is doing?
studioa studio is a room where a photographer or
painter works: / run my own - / an artist's -/ a
photographic - / the photo was taken in the survive if you survive, you manage to live: it's difficult
to - on that money /you can't -for long in these
freezing temperatures / no one ~d the crash
system a system is a group of different parts that
work together: install a computer - / we need
to improve the security - / the heating - has
broken down / a sophisticated phone - (a very
complicated one)
trainingtraining is teaching or learning skills to do
a job: do a - course /you get three weeks of before you start work / everyone has to do the
basic - / the company provides - for new workers I
a teacher - college
unemployed if you are unemployed you do not have
a job: I'm - at the moment / the factory closed,
leaving hundreds of people - /1 lost my job two
years ago, and I'm still weight your weight is how heavy you are: I'm trying
to lose - / I've put on a lot of - recently / I'm still
trying to get down to my target PACES 2 8 - 2 9
attend if you attend an event, you go to it: / have to a training course / are you planning to - the party? /
over 200 people -ed the conference
attitude your attitude is how you think and feel
about something: it's important to have a positive
- towards your exams / she has a really negative - /
the experience has changed my - towards religion /
the government has had a change of belong if you belong to a group, you are part of the
group. If you belong in a place,you feel happy and
comfortable there: I-to a human rights organisation
/1 -to a tennis club /1 felt I didn't - in the city
circumstances your circumstances are the
conditions in which you live, and how much
money you have: they live in very difficult - / my
- worsened when I lost my job / they now live in
comfortable competitive if a situation is competitive, a lot of
people are trying to be successful at the same
time: TV is a - area for jobs / advertising is a very
- industry / the housing market is quite - at the
One way to improve your English is to learn the
different forms of a new word.
My sister's very competitive She always wants to
win. (adjective)
/ entered a writing competition (noun)
He competed in the Olympics, (verb)
There were 10,000 competitors in the race and I
came 7964'". (noun - person)
The VB often gives information on other forms.
Remember to notice and learn collocations of
each form in the word family.
consultanta consultant is someone whose job is to
give people advice about something: she works as
a marketing - in the fashion industry / a business
- / a design - / I'm happy to act as a - foryou
contracta contract is an official agreement between
people: my job - ends next month / have you
signed the -yet? I most of the workers don't have
written -s / we're drawing up a new - / they said
I was breaking my - (not doing what was in the
depressing if something is depressing, it makes you
feel sad or upset. You can also say that you feel
depressed: it was - trying to get a job / a - film /
very - news /1 felt very lonely and depressed
end if something ends, it stops: my contract ~s in
three months / how does the film -? / one in three
marriages -s in divorce
launch if you launch a new product, you start to sell
it for the first time. Launch is also a noun: they're
going to - a new car soon / - a new website / a
launch party for the new book / the official launch
of the car is next week
nation a nation is a country. The adjective is national:
women play an important part in building the - /
one of the world's poorest -s / a leading industrial
- / a national competition (involving all parts of a
country) / the national government
part-time if you work part-time,you work for part
of each week. Part-time is also an adjective:
I'm working - as a waitress /1 got a - job in a
supermarket I looking for - work
pension a pension is money that a government or
company pays to someone regularly when they
do not work anymore because they are old: we're
hoping the government will pay us a - / everyone
gets the state - (from the government) / /'// receive
a small - when I retire / he gets quite a generous from the bank /you can start to draw your - when
you're 65 (receive it)
salary a salary is an amount of money that you
receive each month for a job: the government pay
us a - / they pay us a fixed - / he gets a good - /
a - of £60,000 a year / people on low salaries /
they're asking for an increase in their basic strike if there is a strike, people refuse to work
because they are unhappy about their work in
some way. Strike is also a verb: we're thinking
of stopping work and going on - / a - over pay
and working conditions / a - for better pay /
200 workers have come out on - / more people
have now joined the - / they are striking for a
shorter working week
voluntary if a job is voluntary, you do not receive
any money for it: / applied for Voluntary Service
Overseas /1 do quite a lot of - work
PACES 3 0 - 3 1
advertisement an advertisement is a picture or short
film that gives information about something such
as a job or product. The short form is advert. The
verb is advertise: / saw a job - in the newspaper
/ have you seen the -for their new phone? /a TV
advert / helping to advertise a new film
apply if you apply for a job, you write to ask if you
can have the job. The noun is application: / applied
for jobs in film and television / I've applied to work
in the London office/fill in the application form /
we've had over 200 applications for the job
camp when you camp,you sleep in a tent.The noun
is camping: a pink jersey which is big enough to
- in / we can - down by the river /1 don't enjoy
camping / a camping holiday
concentrate if you concentrate, you make an effort
to think carefully about what you are doing. The
noun is concentration: it's hard to - with all that
noise / be quiet - 1 can't -! / I'm trying to - on
reading this report I it's a job that requires a lot
of concentration / ifyou get tired,you might lose
contribute if you contribute something, you give it.
The noun is contribution: more people can - their
ideas / they -d $30,000 to the hospital building
fund / make a big contribution to the project
crash if a car or plane crashes, it has an accident. If
a computer crashes, it stops working suddenly.
Crash is also a noun: / nearly -ed when I was
driving home / he -ed into a tree / the plane -ed
just as it was coming in to land / my computer
keeps -ing / there's been a serious crash on the
motorway / a plane crash
efficient if something is efficient, it works well,
without any problems, and without wasting energy.
The adverb is efficiently: it's not a very - system / it
was all very - / the new machines are more - (they
use less energy) / the system works very efficiently
enemy an enemy is someone who you hate and
want to harm: sfie's still - number one /1 don't
really have any enemies / they are bitter enemies
(they hate each other a lot)
figure a figure is a number that shows an amount
of something: she was presenting some -sfor her
marketing proposal / this month's sales ~s look very
good / the latest crimes -s show that there has
been an increase in crime
impress if you impress someone, you give them a
good idea about you. If someone is impressed, they
get a good idea about someone or something.The
noun is impression: / saw a chance to - him /1 really
want to - the judges /1 was really impressed with
her singing /1 want to make a good impression
link a link is a connection between different things.
On the internet, a link is a part of a website that
connects to a different website: there's a - to
the site from the BBC website I check out this - /
go to the website and click on the - / is there a between poverty and crime?
management management is the job of controlling a
company or group of people.The management of
an organisation are the people who control it.The
verb is manage: the company has good - /1 work
in - / he's got good - skills / the company is now
under new - (with new people in control) / it's not
easy to manage a big company / the business is
well managed
pick up if you pick something up, you lift it up: /'//
- your papers for you /1 bent down to pick the
money up
present if you present something, you show it
and explain it to other people.The noun is
presentation: she was -ing some figures for
her marketing proposal /1 -ed my ideas to
the management committee / I've got to do a
presentation tomorrow / I'm giving a presentation
to the sales team
proposal a proposal is a plan that someone has
suggested: she was presenting somefigures for her
marketing - / the government has put forward a
new - (suggested it) / we need to discuss these -s
very carefully
skill a skill is something that you can do well: his
communication ~s are improving / I've got good
computer ~s/it's important to keep learning new ~s
stressed if you are stressed,you feel that you are under
a lot of pressure.The noun is stress: he looked very /1 feel really - / moving house causes a lot of stress /
I'm suffering from too much stress at the moment
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 We do our annual accounts
2 I have a meeting
a client this afternoon.
3 We're working
a new product.
4 They're campaigning
equal rights.
5 I'm unemployed
the moment.
6 You've lost a lot
B Choose the correct preposition
1 She manages a large group with /of people.
2 There's been an accident on /by the motorway.
3 We've received a lot of applications/or/to the job.
4 He does a lot in /o/travelling in his job.
5 I'm going to ask/or/o/a salary increase.
6 The company provides training with /for new
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
1 The installation was
a success.
2 an industrial nation
3 I can't concentrate.
4 She works in
5 I presented my ideas.
6 develop a new product
a new
computer system.
Support your
I lost my
I did a
1 The restaurant is under
2 It's important to make a
in a job interview.
3 The two managers are
4 I do some
work in my free time.
5 Many sales jobs have small
6 The
launch of the product is next
C Complete the collocations with nouns from the
1 She suffers from s
2 I'm giving a p _ _
_ _ n.
3 a fixed s
4 the fashion i _ _
_ _y
5 a teacher training c __
D Match the two halves of the sentences.
1 He works for a law
2 A conference on climate
3 Her work involves scientific
4 I live in a block
5 The company accounts are all
6 Everyone has the right to a fair
of flats.
in order.
A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal
1 She set up / on her own marketing company.
2 The technician sorted out / away my computer
3 My car has broken in /down.
4 I eat a lot but I don't put on / up weight.
5 I'm going to draw on / up a shopping list.
6 Please fill over / in this application form.
7 Did you check in / out that link I sent you?
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs. Look up the verbs if you need help.
1 The company has
a profit this year.
2 The two governments have
3 I don't like jobs that
a lot of paperwork.
4 Around the world, groups of people are
for their rights.
5 She
her own business.
6 I'm
the night shift this week.
Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
(to + infinitive or ing).
1 I hate
at weekends, (work)
2 We've arranged
you at the airport, (meet)
3 I'm concentrating on
4 The two companies are trying
a deal.
5 I need
to you about something, (talk)
6 Everybody in the office has
some basic
training, (do)
B Complete the sentences with the adjectives.
Look up the adjectives if you need help.
PAGES 3 6 - 3 7
bat a bat is a piece of wood that you use to hit a ball
in games such as baseball.Bat is also a verb: a
baseball ~ / a cricket - / who's going to bat first?
cards cards are a set of 52 pieces of thick paper with
shapes and pictures on, which you use for playing
games: he cheats when we play - / let's have a
game of - / a pack ofclear something that is clear is easy to see through:
the water's really - / a - glass bottle
club a club is a stick that you use to hit a ball in a game
of golf: a set of golf -s /I'vejust bought some new ~s
conservative if you are conservative, you don't like
accepting changes or new ideas: I'm quite - / he's
old-fashioned and deeply - / very - attitudes
court a court is an area of hard ground where you
play sports such as tennis: a tennis - / a basketball
- / she plays much better on grass -s / they've been
on - for over two hours now (playing) / I've met
her a few times off the - (not playing)
cycling cycling is riding a bicycle. The verb is cycle: do
you want to go - at the weekend? /1 love - / a holiday / he was wearing his - gear /1 often cycle
to work
fishing fishing is trying to catch fish in a river or the
sea: do you want to go - on Sunday? /1 don't like
- / a - rod
forecast a forecast is a description of what you think
will happen in the future: what's the weather -for
tomorrow? / the - is really good for Sunday /the
latest -for the economy
lend if you lend something to someone, you allow
them to have it for a short time, and then they
give it back to you. The past tense and past
participle is lent: / can -you some clothes I can
you - me some money? / I've lent my bike to my
loser a loser is someone who does not win a game or
competition.The verb is lose: are you a bad ~?
(someone who gets angry if they lose a game) /
there are no prizes for the -s /you're such a -I
(someone who never wins or does well) / we're
determined not to lose this game
net in tennis, the net is the thing that you hit the
ball over. In football, the net is the part at the back
of the goal, where you kick the ball to score a goal:
a tennis - / hit the ball over the - / my first serve
went into the - / the goalkeeper dived, but the ball
went into the back of the pitch a pitch is an area of land where you play a game
such as football: a football - / a rugby - / there has
been violence on and off the - in this game
pool a pool is an area of water where people can
swim: a swimming - / the hotel doesn't have a - /
we spent the afternoon in the - /1 dived into the racket a racket is a the thing that you use to hit the
ball in games such as tennis: a tennis - / a squash
- /1 stuck my - out, but missed the ball
shorts shorts are short trousers, which end above
your knees: running - / he was wearing - and a
T-shirt /a pair oftrack a track is a place with marks on the ground,
where people can run races: go running at the
running - / a race - / - events (races that take
place on running tracks)
trainers trainers are soft shoes that you wear for
sport: a new pair of - /you need to wear PAGES 3 8 - 3 9
aim if you aim to do something, you try to do it. Aim is
also a noun: they - to pass or kick the ball over the
net / the campaign ~s to inform people about healthy
living / what are the main aims of the project?
attract if something attracts people, it makes them
come to a place to see it: the sport doesn't - big
crowds / the museum -s thousands of visitors every
year / the show -s large audiences
average if something happens on average, it usually
happens in this way. An average is a.^umberyou
get when you add several numbers together and
then divide the result by how many numbers you
have added: people are married on - for 11 years /
the - of 4,11 and 6 is 7
banned if something is banned, it is not allowed
to happen. The verb is ban. Ban is also a noun:
the sport was - for a while because of violence /
smoking is - in the school /1 was - from driving for
two years / there are plans to ban advertising of
alcohol / there is a ban on fishing in the river
beat if you beat someone in a game, you win. If
you beat a record, you do better than it. The past
tense is beat and the past participle is beaten:
my brother always -s me when we play cards /
Liverpool - Chelsea 3-011 think the Democrats will
- the Republicans in the next election / he's -en
the world record
Some words like win and beat have a similar
meaning and may be translated with one word
in your language.The difference is sometimes
to do with grammar. For example,you can't 'win
someone', you 'beat them'. Sometimes the difference
is to do with collocation. That's why it's important to
look at and learn the examples in the VB.
bet if you bet, you try to win money by saying who
you think will win a game or race. Bet is also a
noun: people - a lot of money on the outcome
of the races / a lot of people - on the results of
football matches /1 - £50 that Arsenal would win /
I put a £20 bet on the race
bounce if you bounce, you jump up and down on
a soft surface. If a ball bounces, it comes back
when it hits a surface: players - up and down and
try to get the ball over the net / bouncing on a
trampoline / the ball ~d off the wall into the road
catch if you catch something that is moving through
the air,you stop it and take it in your hands. The
past tense and past participle is caught: don't
throw it to me- I'm terrible at -ing / - the ball! /1
threw the ball to her and she caught it
cheat if you cheat, you behave in a dishonest way in
order to do well in a game or an exam: I'm sure
he ~s when he plays cards / he -s at most games /
have you ever-ed in an exam?
draw if you draw in a game, you finish with the same
number of points as someone else. The past tense
is drew and the past participle is drawn. Draw is
also a noun: we drew 1-1 / Liverpool drew with
Arsenal on Saturday / it was a nil-nil draw
handle a handle is a part of something that you hold
when you use it: the 'duck'is now a ball with ~s /
I've broken the - on my cup / turn the door home when a team plays a game at home, it plays on
its own pitch, rather than travelling to the other
team's pitch.The opposite is away they're playing
at - this week /1 go to all their - games / the team won / we've got an away match next week
invent if you invent something new, you make or
design it. Something new that you invent is an
invention: the sport was -ed in the IT " century /
who -ed the television? / the telephone was a very
important invention
kick if you kick something, you hit it with your foot.
Kick is also a noun: - the ball over the net / stop
-ing my chair! / he got -ed by a horse /1 gave the
door a kick and it opened
lap a lap is once around the track in a race: they can
race each other for the remaining two ~s / they've
still got three ~s to go / he took the lead in the last 1
opponent your opponent in a game is the person or
team you are playing against: they try to score in
their -'s net / they beat their -s 3-0 / she's facing a
tough - in the final
outcome the outcome of a game or race is the final
result: they bet money on the - of the races / what
was the - of the match? / a draw was a good -for
us /1 don't know if that goal will affect the - of
the game
pace the pace of something is how fast it moves or
changes: a cyclist sets the - at about 50 km/h / the
others were running, and I couldn't keep up with
the - /1 was walking at a brisk - (walking quite
quickly) / / was looking for a slower - of life
prevent if you prevent something,you stop it
from happening: they tried to - each other from
carrying a duck to a farmhouse / we do everything
we can to - accidents
score if you score, you get a point in a game.The
score is the number of points that each player or
team has: I ~d 185 / try to - in your opponent's
net / he's -d over 30 goals this season / he ~d in
the last minute / what was the score?
season ticket a season ticket is a ticket that allows
you to do something several times during a period
of a year or several months: I've got a - to watch
my team / travelling by train is much cheaper if
you buy a shortage if there is a shortage of something, there is
not enough of it: there's a - of places to stay /
there's an acute - of water (a very serious
shortage) / there are food -s in many areas
spectator a spectator is someone who watches a
sports event: there were over 25,000 ~s at the
match I it's one of Japan's biggest - sports (a sport
that people like watching)
support if you support a sports team or player, you
watch them and want them to win. Support is
also a noun. Someone who supports a person or
team is a supporter: what team do you ~? /1 Arsenal / there's growing support for the game /
thousands of supporters came to watch him play
time if you time something,you measure how long it
takes: I don't usually - myself when I'm running /1
think we should - the journey
violence violence is behaviour in which people fight
or hit each other. The adjective is violent: the sport
was banned because of the - / there were several
outbreaks of - after the game (events in which
people used violence) / victims of - la violent
attack on a student / a very violent film (showing a
lot of violence)
win if you win a game or competition, you are the
best or most successful.The past tense and
past participle is won. Someone who wins is the
winner: they might - 5-4 / who won the match
last night? / they try to - money / they can millions of dollars /1 won a medal / who's going to
- the World Cup?/ who do you think will - the next
election?/ the winner will get $25,000
PACES 4 0 - 4 1
awake if you are awake,you are not asleep: if you
nap during the day,you can stay - in the evenings /
are you -? /1 was still wide - at three in the
morning /1 was only half - /1 was struggling to
keep aware if you are aware of something, you know
about it. The noun is awareness: we're - of the
problem / they didn't seem to be - of the danger /
are you - that the museum closes at five? / the
campaign aims to raise awareness of the benefits
of napping
benefit a benefit is an advantage that you get from
something: he wants to inform people about
the -s of napping / there are definite health -s /
I had the - of a happy family background
campaign a campaign is a series of actions that
you do in order to give people information about
something or change their opinion of something:
they've launched a - called National Nap at Work
Week / a government anti-smoking - / they are
running a - to tell people about the dangers of
being overweight / a major advertising conscious if you are conscious, you are awake and
can see what is happening around you.The noun
is consciousness: / was - during the operation /1
was fully - when I arrived at the hospital /1 lost
consciousness (was no longer conscious)
energy if you have energy, you feel strong and able
to do things without getting tired: a short nap
can increase your - levels / children have got so
much ~! / he's full of - 11 haven't got the - to do
any more
fall asleep if you fall asleep, you start sleeping: I'm
always falling asleep in front of the TV /1 fell asleep
on the sofa
homeless someone who is homeless has nowhere
to live. The noun is homelessness: a lot of people
become - after losing their jobs / she ran away
from home, and ended up - in London / a hostel for
- people / homelessness is a big problem in the city
ill if you are ill, you don't feel well or you are suffering
from a disease. The noun is illness: / can't come
out-I'm too - /1 feel really - / she's still seriously in hospital / he was taken - last night (he suddenly
became III)/a lot of people suffer from mental
illness/flu is a serious illness
inform if you inform someone of something, you tell
them about it: they aim to - people of the benefits
of napping / they didn't - me about their plans /
I regret to-you that your application has not been
level the level of something is the amount that there
is: a short nap can increase your energy ~s / the
city has high ~s of pollution / there is only a low of radiation
mood your mood is the way you feel, for example
how happy you are: a short nap can improve your
- / I'm in a really good - today/getting that letter
has put me in a bad nightmare a nightmare is an unpleasant or
frightening dream: doyou ever have ~s? /1 suffer
from ~s /1 often have -s about dying / watching
horror films gives me -s
productive if you are productive, you work hard and
achieve a lot: people are less - if they're tired / that
was a very - meeting
related if one thing is related to another, it is
connected to it in some way: sleep problems are
the biggest health— problems in many countries
/ some illnesses are directly - to stress / the police
believe the two crimes are - in some way
stay if you stay awake, asleep, calm etc, you remain
in that state: ifyou nap during the day,you can awake in the evenings / please try and - calm /1
need to - focused on my exams /1 hope we can friends
suffer if you suffer, you feel the bad effects of
something: a lot of people - from not having
enough sleep / people who - from heart problems /
they -from mental illness / a lot of companies are
-ing financially at the moment
survey if you survey people, you ask them questions
in order to learn their opinions. Survey is also a
noun: 33% of adults -ed said they would like to
sleep at work / they -ed over 20,000 students / we
conducted a survey of people's attitudes to their
health / a national survey
weak if something is weak, it is not very strong.
The noun is weakness: / can't use my'phone - the
signal is too - /1 felt too - to get out of bed /1
didn't want to show my weakness /1 have a real
weakness for chocolate (I like it a lot)
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 Would you like to play a game
2 The weather forecast says rain
3 The World Cup attracts thousands
4 He bets money
horse racing.
5 I need a new set
golf clubs.
6 I'm terrible
7 The game ended
a draw.
8 I can't say what will happen
the future.
B Choose the correct preposition
1 I have nightmares about/for losing my job.
2 My illness is related with / to stress.
3 She's always in / with a bad mood.
4 There's a lot oyer/o/violence in that movie.
5 There's a lot of support about/for the national
6 They scored in /on the last minute of the game.
7 Smoking is banned in /about this restaurant.
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
1 a nil-nil draw
The game was
2 Are you aware of
the problem'
3 a new invention
4 a violent film
5 Homelessness is a
big problem.
6 I'm feeling ill.
7 a muscle weakness
Alexander Bell
a film with a lot of
a serious
an anti-smoking
my job.
the outcome of the
me nightmares.
B Complete the sentences with the adjectives. Look
up the adjectives if you need help.
1 You're such a
2 What are the
aims of the project?
3 My team is playing an
game this
4 What was the
result of the football
5 My phone has a
signal in this part of
6 I was still
awake at 3 am this
C Complete the collocations with nouns from the
1 at the m
2 run a c__
3 your family b__
4 an outbreak of v__
5 a water s _ _
6 a spectator s
A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal
1 I have too much work. I can't keep on / up.
2 I played well but I ended up / on losing the game.
3 I'm sorry, but I can't come on I out. I'm too busy.
4 At weekends I get away / out of bed at about 10 am.
5 I was happy before you put me on / in a bad mood.
A Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in the list. Look up the verbs if you
need help.
lose conduct lose run affect give launch
1 We're
a health survey.
2 I
consciousness in the car accident.
3 My friend's daughter
away from
4 The university is
5 I'm afraid of
6 The weather
7 Writing exams
A Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
(to + infinitive or -ing).
1 In baseball,you use a bat
the ball, (hit)
2 The campaign aims
people about
the benefits of exercise, (tell)
3 I like
tennis on TV. (watch)
4 I started
golf when I was a teenager.
5 She works overtime in order
money, (make)
6 There are plans
alcohol advertising.
PACES 4 2 - 4 3
agriculture agriculture is the work of growing crops
and keeping animals to produce food: a rural area
with a lot of farms and ~ I modern intensive - I
traditional - / over 80% of the population work in bank the banks of a river are the areas of land along
the sides of it: we walked along the river ~ I their
house is on the south ~ of the river I the ~s of the
River Ouse
boat a boat is a vehicle that travels across water: we
took a - along the coast and went fishing /you can
get to the island by - / a small rowing - I a motor
- / the ~ sank in a storm
border the border between two countries is the line
that separates them: it's by the Mexican - I the between the USA and Canada I we crossed the into Spain I they managed to escape across the into Switzerland
bridge a bridge is something that is built over a river,
road or railway so that people can cross it: a - over
the river I a road - I the road goes under a railway
- I cross the - and then turn right
climate the climate is the typical weather in an area:
a place on the coast with a warm - / the- s lovely I
the - is quite cold and wet I a tropical - I the
island has a mild - (quite warm) / the dangers of change
coast the coast is the land next to the sea: a place on
the - with a warm climate I they live on the south
- of England I we decided to go to the - for the
day I we spent a week at the - / we drove along
thecoincidence a coincidence is a situation in which two
things happen that are separate but seem to be
similar or connected: have you ever experienced
a strange ~? I it was pure - that we went to the
same university I it was an amazing -
countryside countryside is land that is not in a city
or town: the hotel is surrounded by nice - / some
beautiful open - I it's important to protect the - I
this could destroy an area of lovely desert a desert is an area where there is very little
rain: the Sahara - /you can't survive for long in
the - / to the south is an arid - (very dry) / a landscape
doubt if you doubt something, you think that it may
not be true: / - if you'll know it /1 - that he's telling
the truth I1 suppose he might come, but I - it
dry a place that is dry has very little rain: the south
of Spain is very - l a - climate I a very - summer I
plants that will grow in - conditions
exciting if something is exciting, it makes you feel
happy and interested. You can also say that you
feel excited: a very - city I living away from home
can be very - / an - adventure story I I'm really
excited about the holiday
factory a factory is a building where things are made:
an industrial city with a big steel - / he works at a
small shoe - / a modern clothing - / when did the
- open? I a lot of factories are closing down now
farm a farm is a business that produces food by
growing crops or keeping animals. Someone who
has a farm is a farmer: a rural area with a lot of
~s and agriculture / a pig - / a large dairy - (with
cows for milk) / my parents lived on a - / a fruit
financial things that are financial are related to
money. The adverb is financially: we're having
- problems la- advisor I his first book was a success I the project was a - disaster I he's been
very successful financially
forest a forest is a large area of land that is covered
with trees: walking through the - I a tropical - I
they are clearing the - to make way for roads and
geography geography is the study of different
countries and areas in the world: who knows the
most about -? I my - isn't very good (I don't know
much about it) / / studied - at univer, ty
green an area that is green is covered with grass and
other plants: the area is very - I there are lots ofspaces in the city I -fields
industrial an area that is industrial has a lot of
factories. An industry is all the businesses that
produce one type of thing: an - area in the west of
Germany Ian - city I the north of the country is very
-1 a town by the sea with a fishing industry I the car
- is facing a lot of problems I the country's steel lovely something that is lovely is very nice or
pleasant: the food was - I it's a - place I the
climate's - l a - house I she's a - girl
Middle East the Middle East is the area that includes
countries such as Iran, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and
Israel: it's in the ~, near Saudi Arabia I have you
ever been to the-? I the problems in the -
murder a murder is a crime in which someone is
killed. Murder is also a verb: a horrible - I the
person who committed this terrible - I he's been
charged with - l a - victim I he murdered his wife
ocean an ocean is a very large area of sea: the Indian
- I the Pacific - I they crossed the Atlantic - in a
small boat
plant a plant is a factory where things are made:
an industrial city with a big car -la steel -la
nuclear power COMPOUND NOUNS
Two nouns used tog ether can make a new
noun - for example, a car plant (a factory for
making cars). The first noun describes the
second noun.
do housework
set you r alarm clock
go to the cycle track
work for a TV company
make TV adverts
have satellite TV
pollution pollution is chemicals and other things that
cause damage to the air, water or land: there's a
lot of - in the city I the problem of air -Ian effort
to reduce -1 new laws to limit -1 the government
should do more to tackle - (deal with it)
port a port is a place near the sea where boats arrive
and leave from: it's a big - in the north east I a
small fishing - I - Isabel
rural a rural area is in the country, not in a city: a area with a lot of farms and agriculture I a small community I the advantages of - life
spreads if something spreads, it moves or grows and
affects a larger area: the city -s along the coast I
fire can - very quickly I the disease can - easily
from person to person
steel steel is a strong metal that is used for making
cars and other things: an industrial city with a big
-factory la - bridge I it's made of square a square is an open square area with buildings
around it in a town or city: there are some lovely ~s
in the old part of the city I we had lunch in the tiny something that is tiny is very small: it's a village I their house is - I a - garden I the boats in
the distance looked wall a wall is a structure that is built of stone or brick
to separate different areas of land. The walls of a
room or building are the sides: there's a - around
the old city centre I the ancient city ~s I a garden I some pictures on the kitchen wall
PACES 4 4 - 4 5
bank balance your bank balance is the amount of
money you have in your bank account: I've got a
healthy -for once 11 need to check my - I my isn't very good at the moment
basin a basin is a bowl that is attached to a wall, in
which you can wash your hands: / have my own
room with a -to wash in 11 filled the - with water I
can I use your-?
bill a bill is a list that shows how much you have to
pay for something: the electricity - I the gas - I do
you have to pay extra for the ~s? I they sent me a for £3001 can I have the ~, please? (in a restaurant)
budget a budget is an amount of money that is
available for you to spend:you need to learn to
manage a - I our weekly food - is £801 we're on a
very tight - (with very little money) I you need to
set your - and then stick to it (not spend more)
company if you have someone's company, they are
with you: / enjoy her - I you have to learn how
to enjoy your own - I I'll stay and keep you - (be
with you)
fill if you fill something,you make it fulhyou may
want to -your time with a social life I can you the jug with water? I he kept -ing my glass
freedom if you have freedom, you can do what you
want, and no one stops you or controls you.The
adjective is free: the best thing about living on my
own is the - I people fighting for their - I children
have a lot of - now I I'm free to do what I want I
a free country
hard something that is hard is difficult: spending
time on your own can be - I the hardest thing is
learning to live on my own I it was a really - exam
housework housework is work that you do to keep
a house clean: she doesn't do any - at all 11 think
you should help with the - I we share the noisy if a place is noisy, there is a lot of noise: living
in a block with other students can be very - I the
bar was quite - I the problem of - neighbours
pint a pint is a unit for measuring liquids. A pint
is 0.47 litres: a - of milk la - of beer I two ~s of
takeaway a takeaway is a meal that you buy in a
restaurant to eat at home. Takeaway is also an
adjective: shall we get a ~? I a Chinese - I we lived
on frozen meals and - pizzas
tiring if something is tiring, it makes you feel that you
want to rest or sleep. If you feel tired, you feel that
you want to rest or sleep: / have to speak English
all the time, which is - I it's quite - work I I'm very
tired 11 feel really tired 11 was starting to get tired
tool a tool is something that you hold in your hand
and use to do a job: it's useful ifyou know how
to use basic -s 11 need a new set of -s I there's a
hammer in my -box
whatever whatever means anything or everything: /
can do - I want I take - you need
PACES 4 6 - 4 7
alarm clock an alarm clock is a clock that makes a
noise to wake you up: could you lend me an - for
the morning? /1 set my -for half past six / the went off at seven o'clock
allowed if something is allowed, you have permission
to do it: no overnight guests are - in the house /
he's not - to smoke in his room / children aren't in the bar
borrow if you borrow something from someone, you
use something that belongs to them and give it
back later: can I -your watch?/ doyou mind if I your phone for a minute? 11 -ed some money from
a friend
corner a corner is a place where two lines or walls
meet:you can leave your bags in the - there / he
was sitting in the - of the room / there's a cafe on
the - of the High Street
credit if you have credit on your mobile phone,you
have paid for some calls in advance, so you can
use your phone: / don't have much - on my phone/
I've got no - 11 need to put some - on my phone
(make a payment) / / need to top up my - (make
a payment)
feel free you say this to give someone permission to
do something: go ahead, -I /please - to ask
go ahead you say this to give someone permission
to do something: -, feelfree! / Please - and help
yourself to food
guest a guest is someone who is staying at your
house for a short time. Someone who is staying in
a hotel is also a guest: no overnight ~s are allowed
in the house I we've got -s staying with us this
weekend I you can stay here as my - I how many
~s have you invited? / the restaurant is only for
hotel -s
hang if you hang something in a place, you put it
there so that it is fixed at the top but loose at the
bottom.The past tense and past participle are
hung:you can - your coat on the back of the door /
-your clothes in the wardrobe / we hung some
pictures on the walls
host the host is someone who has organised a party
or other event and invited people to their house:
bring flowers or chocolates for the - / he was a
charming -
leave if you leave something in a place, you put it
there and let it stay there. The past tense and
past participle are left:you can -your bags in the
corner there / I've left my books upstairs /1 left my
keys on the kitchen table by mistake
lend if you lend something to someone,you allow
them to have it or use it for a short time. The past
tense and past participle is lent: could you - me
an alarm clock for the morning? / can you - me
£20? / I've lent my phone to a friend
midnight midnight is twelve o'clock at night: he has to
be home by - / it closes at - / we left at just after overnight if something happens overnight, it
happens during the night: no - guests are allowed
in the house /you can stay - ifyou like / we flew
to New York rather if you would rather someone didn't do
something,you do not want them to do it: I'd you didn't stay any longer / I'd -you didn't borrow
my CDs without asking
set a set of things is a group of them that belong
together: ask for a spare - of keys /a - of six chairs /
a chess show if you show someone a place,you take them
there so that they can see it: let me -you around
the house / I'll -you toyour room / we'll-you
how to get toyour school / a guide -ed us around
the castle
spare something that is spare is extra, and you can
use it if you need to: ask for a - set of keys / it's a
good idea to take a - pair of shoes / the - tyre in
the back of the car
take off if you take off a piece of cloth ing, you
remove it from your body: doyou want me to - off
my shoes? / come in and - your coat off
washing-up the washing-up is all the plates, cups
etc that are dirty after a meal. When you do the
washing-up,you clean them. The verb is wash
up: there was a big pile of - / do the - after
dinner / we all helped with the - / I'll helpyo't
wash up
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 I want to live in a place
a warm climate.
2 There are a lot
factories in my town.
3 She's from the east coast
4 I need an alarm clock
tomorrow morning.
5 My company employs thousands
6 I lent my car
a friend.
7 There are some lovely cafes
the centre of town.
8 I don't have much money
my bank account.
B Choose the correct preposition.
1 Can you help me with /for my homework?
2 I'm flying in / to London for a conference.
3 My cousin is staying with / at us this weekend.
4 I think my keys are with / on your desk.
5 I have no credit in / on my mobile phone.
6 We live in the old part of I by town.
B Complete the collocations with nouns from the
1 a river b _ _ k
2 a strange c _ _
3 the Sahara D
4 a tropical f
5 a Chineset__
C Match the two halves of the sentences.
1 Doyou have a spare set
a) budget.
2 Please buy a pint
b) of keys?
3 I'm on a very tight
c) change.
4 Can I have the
d) of milk.
5 He lives on
e) his own.
6 Pollution is causing climate
f) bill, please?
7 I work in a steel
g) plant.
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
1 a pig farmer
We live on a dairy
2 an industrial area
3 I'm feeling tired.
4 a pile of washing-up
5 a financial advisor
A town with a big
Studying is
He never
I struggle
A Complete the sentences with the adjectives. Look
up the adjectives if you need help.
rural pure social spare
5 This is a
area. There are no cities.
6 I don't want to live near a
Check your
tyre before your trip.
Thank you for being such a
I'm too busy to have a
Meeting you again was
A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal
1 Can I help you take up /off your coat?
2 I need to top in / up my phone credit.
3 My alarm goes out / off at 6 am.
4 I don't always stick in / to my budget.
5 My favourite restaurant is closing away / down.
6 I lived by / on junk food when I was a student.
7 What time do you wake on I up in the morning?
A Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
(to + infinitive or -ing).
1 We've decided
to Spain for our
holiday, (go)
2 Doyou have enough money
the bill?
3 Wood is used for
furniture, (make)
4 I like
time on my own. (spend)
5 Farming is the work of
6 I find it hard
English all the time.
PACES 4 8 - 4 9
ache if a part of your body aches, you feel a pain
there that continues for a long time. Ache is also
a noun: My whole body -s / my head ~s / my
back's aching / it ~s a bit, but it's not too bad / my
legs were aching from all the cycling / I've got a
stomach ache / I've got a really bad headache
advance if you do something in advance,you do it
before a time or an event:you should book well in
- /1 ordered the tickets in ~
apologise if you apologise to someone, you say that
you are sorry for something you have done. The
noun is apology: you ought to ~ to her / he -dfor
breaking my mug / I'm sorry I ~i /1 think I owe you
an apology
appetite your appetite is the feeling that you want
food: I've lost my - (I don't feel hungry) / he's got
a big ~ / a child with a healthy - / I've always had
a small ~ /1 went for a run to work up an - / have
you got your ~ back yet?
asthma asthma is an illness that makes it difficult
for you to breathe. The adjective is asthmatic: /
suffer from - /1 get quite bad - /1 have mild - /
the doctors can treat - quite successfully now /1
had a really bad - attack /1 don't do much sport
because I'm asthmatic
breath a breath is an amount of air that you take
into your body: / get out of - very easily (I find it
difficult to breath after exercise) / take a deep - so
I can listen toyour chest / it took me a few minutes
to get my - back (start breathing normally again
after stopping exercise) /1 can't hold my -for very
long (stop breathing) / doyou ever get short of-?
(find it difficult to breathe)
cough if you cough, you push air out of your throat
suddenly, with a loud noise. Cough is also a noun: /
- a lot at night /1 was trying not to - /1 -ed to get
his attention / I've got a horrible cough / that's a
nasty cough you've got
depressed if you are depressed,you feel very
unhappy. The noun is depression: I feel quite - /1
felt lonely and - /1 was starting to get - /1 became
severely - after losing my job / doctors can help
cure mild depression /1 suffer from bouts of
flu flu is a common illness that is similar to a bad
cold, but more serious: / think I'm getting the - /
he's got a mild bout of the - / I've been in bed with
- /1 don't want to go down with the - (become
ill with it)
hay fever hay fever is a medical condition that makes
you cough and sneeze when you are near plants:
doyou suffer from ~? /1 get really bad - / tablets
that can help relieve the symptoms of muscle the muscles are the strong parts of your body
that you use for moving: my ~s ache / the ~s in my
leg felt tight (stiff and slightly painful) /you need
to do exercises to strengthen the -s / I've pulled a in my leg (hurt it)
a nosebleed if you have a nosebleed, blood comes
out of your nose: / had a - / oh, no! I've got a - /1
had a really bad rash a rash is a lot of small red spots on your skin: ///
eat chocolate, I get a horrible - all over my body /1
get an allergic - if I eat tomatoes /1 broke out in a
- (a rash appeared on my body) / the - spread to
my face and neck
sick if you are sick, food comes up from your stomach
and out through your mouth: / was - three times
last night / stop the car -1 feel -I/I think I'm going
to be - / if I eat any more, it'll make me - /1 was
violently - when I got home
sneeze if you sneeze, air suddenly comes out of your
nose and mouth. Sneeze is also a noun: my eyes
water and I - all the time / the dust was making
me - 11 -d loudly 11 was trying to stifle a sneeze
(stop it)
sore if part of your body is sore, it is painful: I've got
a - throat / my feet are - Imy arm's getting better,
but it's still a bit - I my stomach's still really spread if you spread something,you cause it to
affect a larger area or more people. You can also
say that something spreads: stay at home if you've
got a cold, so you don't - it / rats - disease / we
tried to stop the fire from -ing / the infection can
- quite quickly
swallow when you swallow, you make food or drink
go down your throat: it hurts when I - /1 can only
eat foods that are easy to - / the tablets were too
big to sweat when you sweat, liquid comes out of your skin:
I feel hot and cold and I'm -ing a lot I the heat was
making me - /1 was -ing profusely (a lot)
tablet a tablet is a small round piece of medicine
that you swallow: take four of these ~s every day
/ the doctor gave me some -s /1 sometimes take
sleeping ~s (tablets that make you sleep) / the
drug is also available in - form
temperature if you have a temperature, your body is
hot because you are ill: I've got a - /1 think I've got
a slight - /1 had a really high - / the nurse took my
- (measured it) / this should bring your - down
upset stomach if you have an upset stomach,you
have an illness in your stomach that makes you
feel sick: I've got an - / I've got a bit of an - /
eating too much spicy food gives me an water if your eyes water, liquid comes out of them:
my eyes - and I sneeze all the time / the onions
were making my eyes - / my eyes keep -ing
PACES 5 0 - 5 1
accept if you accept something,you take it when
someone offers it to you. Something that is
acceptable, is good enough for you to accept: they
don't - credit cards /1 -ed his invitation / will you
- the job if they offer it to you? /1 -ed his offer
gratefully / the conditions in the hospital aren't
acceptable I this behaviour is simply not afford if you can afford something,you have enough
money to pay for it. Something that is affordable is
not very expensive, so people can afford it: / can't to go to the theatre /1 can't - to buy a new car / the
flights are more affordable ifyou book in advance
anxiety anxiety is the feeling of being very worried
about something. The adjective is anxious: the
doctor managed to cure her - about eating / money
problems cause a lot of - /1 get quite anxious about
exams / I've been feeling quite anxious about it all
Words ending in -ous are Bdjectives. They are
often connected to nouns but the connection is
not always the same.
have an anxious wait
a religious school
leave a generous tip
be very adventurous
be unconscious
create anxiety
teach religion
show generosity
a big adventure
lose consciousness
attack an attack is a short period of time when you
are ill or afraid: he gets panic -s every time he has
to fly /1 suffer from anxiety -s /an - of flu /an
asthma - / a heart blind if you are blind,you cannot see: I can't imagine
being - /he was born - /1 started to go - when I
was in my thirties / I'm partially - / he's completely case a case is an example of an illness: when we
think of mental health problems, we often think of
the most serious ~s / a severe - of food poisoning /
a mild - of flu
chemical a chemical is a substance.The chemicals
n your body are the substances that control how
your body works: many mental illnesses have a
physical or - cause in the brain / the heat causes a
- reaction
compare if you compare things, you look at them to
see if they are similar or different. Things that are
comparable are similar:you can - prices online /
you can't - these clothes with ones you buy in a
supermarket / it's a really good shop, and their
prices are comparable to much bigger stores
culture a culture is a way of life and set of traditions
that belong to a particular country or society.
Culture is also art, music and literature.The
adjective is cultural: / like finding out about
different -s / western European - /1 find it hard to
understand youth - / there are some interesting
cultural traditions / the school organises a lot of
cultural events (art, music etc)
cure if you cure an illness, you make the person
better. Cure is also a noun: doctors can - mild
depression / he says he -d himself by keeping
positive / they've -d him of cancer / doctors hope
that one day they will be able to - diabetes / I'm
completely ~d / doyou know any cures for hiccups?
disability if you have a disability, a part of your body
or mind does not work properly, so it is difficult for
you to do some things. The adjective is disabled:
/ can't imagine having a - / he's got a physical - /
a school for children with learning disabilities / the
accident left him disabled
inevitable if something is inevitable, it will definitely
happen and you cannot prevent it: / think it's we'll all get this flu / it seemed - that we would
lose the game
overcome if you overcome a problem or difficultly,
you solve it or deal with it so that it is no longer a
problem.The past tense is overcame and the past
participle is overcome: doyou know anyone who
has been successful in overcoming a difficulty? /
there are quite a lot of problems that we need to - /
I've finally overcome my fear of heights
panic panic is a sudden strong feeling of fear: he gets
- attacks every time he has to fly / a sudden feeling
of - / everyone was in a - (feeling panic)
physical something that is physical affects your body,
not your mind: many mental illnesses have a - or
chemical cause in the brain / he's got a - disability /
you need to build up your - strength
progress if there is progress, something gets better or
you get closer to achieving something: science is
making - / we made steady ~, and by five o'clock the
job was nearly done I the bad weather slowed our / the school will monitor the - of the new scheme
reaction a reaction is something that you say or do
because of something that has happened. The
verb is react: when people ask for help, they often
get an unwanted - / what was her - when you
told her? / my first - was to laugh / his speech
provoked an angry - (caused it) / how did she react
when you told her about it?
recognise if you recognise something, you accept
that it is true: we should - that mental illness is
a natural part of life / a lot of people don't - the
importance of a healthy diet
recover if you recover from an illness, you get better.
The noun is recovery: doyou know anyone who
has -edfrom a very serious disease? / it took me
nearly three months to ~from the operation / he's
made a full recovery /1 hope you make a speedy
recovery / exercise can speed up your recovery
rely on if you rely on someone,you depend on them: /
- my family to support me /you know you can - me
serious a serious illness or problem is very bad: a illness / a very - disease / - mental health problems
/ drugs are a - problem in this area /a - accident
therapy therapy is a way of treating illnesses
without using drugs, for example by allowing
people to talk about their problems: doctors use
drugs, - or other support / he's having - to help
with his depression
treat if doctors treat an illness, they give someone
medicine or other things to make it better.
The noun is treatment: a lot of mental health
problems aren't -ed / a new drug to - people with
cancer / they can - the disease quite easily with
antibiotics / early treatment is important /1 was
taken to hospital for treatment
PACES 5 2 - 5 3
bend if you bend, you move part of your body so
that it is not straight.The past tense and past
participle are bent: stand up and -your knees /1
can't - my arm /1 bent forward to pick up my bag /
I bent down to tie my shoelace
brush if you brush something,you make it clean
or tidy by using a brush: / never - my hair /you
should -your teeth after every meal
burn a burn is an injury on your skin caused by fire or
heat. Burn is also a verb. The past tense and past
participle is burnt or burned: a - on my hand /
that's a nasty - (a bad burn) /he suffered serious
~s in the fire /1 burned my hand on the iron
cream cream is a thick substance that you put on
your skin to make it better or less painful: we'll
give you some - for your burn / put some antiseptic
- on it / use hand - to keep your hands soft
diarrhoea diarrhoea is an illness in which when you
go to the toilet, the waste from your bowels is like
a liquid: I've got - /1 had mild -for a few days / a
lot of the children suffer from chronic dose a dose of a medicine is an amount that you take:
don't exceed three -s in 24 hours / I'm on a very low
-of the drug /the doctor gave me a strong - of
painkillers / it's important to take the correct -
exceed if you exceed an amount,you use or take
more than that amount: don't - three doses
in 24 hours / the total price won't - £200 / it's
against the law to - the speed limit
fridge a fridge is a piece of equipment in which you
keep food to keep it cold. If food is refrigerated, it is
kept in a fridge: put the bottle back in the- /I always
keep meat in the - / I'll get a beer from the - / once
opened, keep refrigerated and use within three days
heal if an injury heals, it gets better: how long did it
take for the cut to-? / broken bones usually take
about six weeks to - / it should - quite quickly / it's
-ed nicely (well)
hiccups if you have hiccups, you make repeated
sounds in your throat, without wanting to: I've got
- / doyou know any cures for -? /1 keep getting indigestion indigestion is a pain that you get in your
stomach because your stomach cannot break
down the food that you have eaten: I've got - /
I don't often suffer from - / eating late at night
always gives me - / it sounds like - / - tablets
plain someone who is plain is not very attractive:
she's got a - face / she's quite - / a- girl
prescription a prescription is an amount of medicine
that a doctor gives you: the doctor gave me a for some painkillers / are ~s expensive where you
live? / people under 18 are entitled to free ~s /you
have to finish the - / the drug is only available on (from a doctor)
relax if you relax a part of your body, you make the
muscles soft, not stiff:-yourface and shoulders /1
had a hot bath to - the muscles in my back and neck
a scar a scar is a mark on your skin where you had a
wound or injury in the past: I've got a - on my leg
/ how did you get that ~? / the cut left a small - on
my arm / he's got a deep - on his left cheek
settle if something settles your stomach, it makes
it feel comfortable again after you have had an
upset stomach: / need to take something to - my
stomach / a glass of water might - your stomach
smell if something smells, it has an unpleasant
smell:your/eef -/ / the cheese was starting to stitch a stitch is a piece of thread that a doctor uses
to sew your skin after an injury:you'll need some
~es in that cut /1 had five -es in my head / I'm
going back to the hospital next week to have the
-es out (for a doctor to remove them)
stretch if you stretch a part of your body, you push it
or make it straight, so that the muscles become
long: / do exercises to - my back / -your arms up
over your head / it's important to - your muscles
before you do exercise /1 sat up in bed and -ed /
I went outside to - my legs (go for a walk after
sitting down for a long time)
vomit if you vomit, food comes up from your stomach
and out of your mouth: have you had any indigestion
or vomiting? / the smell made me want to -
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 I go
a run every morning.
2 Doyou sleep well
3 She's ill
4 Do you suffer
5 I've got a rash
my leg.
6 He has a bit
a cold.
a bad stomach ache.
a deep breath.
How long can you
your breath?
my appetite.
She's depressed because she
her job.
I think I've
a muscle in my neck.
B Complete the sentences with the adjectives. Look
up the adjectives if you need help.
B Choose the correct preposition
1 I'd like a glass with / of water, please.
2 She has a scar on I by her cheek.
3 I need to stretch the muscles on / in my back.
4 The doctor gave me a prescription about/for my
5 I had a cold on /for a few days.
6 Doctors can treat disease/ram / with antibiotics.
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
1 He's an asthmatic.
He suffers from
2 I'm a bit depressed.
There is medication for
3 Exams can cause
4 a cultural event
5 an angry reaction
6 a new cancer
her results.
He made a
I don't eat a very
She has a
Koreans eat a lot of
He has a cold and a
When I exercise I get
recovery from cancer.
case of swine flu.
of breath.
C Match the two halves of the sentences.
1 I sometimes get asthma
a) teeth?
2 She's in bed
b) with flu.
3 You should book your flight
c) the law.
4 Many people have a fear
d) attacks.
5 How often do you brush your
e) of heights.
6 Drinking and driving is against f) in advance.
A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal
1 You forgot to put the milk on / back in the
2 I picked out / up my shoe and hurt my back.
3 This medicine will speed on / up your recovery.
4 Do exercises to build over / up your strength.
5 If I eat chocolate I break away/out in a rash.
6 Drink water to bring In / down your temperature.
A Complete the sentences with adjectives formed
from the nouns.
People who go to church are
I don't take risks. I'm not very
about his exam results.
She was knocked
in a sports accident.
Thanks for paying. You are very
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs. Look up the verbs if you need help.
A Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
[to + infinitive or -ing).
1 My legs ache from
2 I need
something for my headache.
3 You should do exercises
your back.
4 Doctors have a new drug
5 Young people can't imagine
serious illness, (have)
6 I keep
this pain in my neck, (get)
Most basic verbs combine with prepositions or
adverbs like off, on, up, back etc to create a new
way the way to a place is the road or path that you
follow to get there: doyou know the - to the
museum from here? / can you tell me the - to the
university? / what's the quickest - to the town
centre? / I'll show you the - to the station
get 3 paper (buy)
PACES 5 6 - 5 7
get off A the next stop (leave the bus / train)
brief if something is brief, it does not last a long
time: we'll try to keep this meeting as - as possible
/ ft was only a - visit / we had a - chat /1 sent her
a - email (not very long)
bunch a bunch of people is a small group of people:
they were a bad - / a nice - of people / they're a
very friendly couple a couple is two people who are married or
in a relationship with each other: we met a really
nice Swedish - / they're a happily married - / we
get on well with the - who live next door
disappointed if you are disappointed,you are
unhappy because something is not as good as you
hoped it would be. Something that makes you feel
disappointed is disappointing: / hope they won't
be - when they meet me /1 was a bit - with my
results /1 was really - that they didn't come with
us /I was bitterly - (very disappointed) / the film
was a bit disappointing / it was a disappointing
result for us
get up at six (leave? your bed)
What time did you get back? (return / arrive home)
PACES 5 4 - 5 5
council a council is an organisation that is responsible
for the local government in an area: where does
the local - hold its meetings? / / wrote to Leeds City
Council to complain / the - was elected last year /
she's on the town - (she is a member of it)
coach a coach is a bus that is used for long journeys:
doyou know what time the - leaves? / we're going
by - 11 don't want to spend six hours on a - / / got
on the - in London / we stopped, and everyone got
off the - / the - driver needed a break
cross if you cross a road,you go from one side to the
other: take the second on the right, then ~ and turn
left /1 ~ed the road to go to the bank / it's not safe
to - here / it's better to - at the pedestrian crossing
exit an exit is a place where you can leave a
roundabout or a motorway: take the third - on the
roundabout / take the -for York / we'll leave the
motorway at the next get if you get to a place, you arrive there. If you get
a bus, train or taxi, you travel in one: where are
you trying to - to? / we finally got to London at six
o'clock /1 just want to - home now / we can - the
bus from here / why don't we - a taxi?
get off if you get off a bus or train, you leave it. The
opposite is get on: / got off at the wrong stop / I'll the train in Cambridge / the bus stopped, and a few
people got on
Learn phrasal verbs with get in the same way you
learn normal verbs, as they appear in the VB. And
remember to always learn the collocations!
ground a sports ground is a place where a sport is
played: a sports - /afootball - /a rugby - /a cricket hold if you hold an event, you organise it and make
it happen: where does the local council - its
meetings? / we're -ing a small party next week /
the government will - elections next year
landmark a landmark is something that you can
recognise easily in a place: what are the famous ~s
where you live? / it was nice to see all the familiar
~s again /1 recognised one or two -s
lost if you are lost, you do not know exactly where you
are: / think we're - /1 got - in all the small streets of the
old city 11 took the wrong road and got hopelessly miss if you miss something,you don't see it or notice
it. If you miss a bus, train or plane,you are too
late and you don't get on it: the art gallery is in
the main square-you can't - it /1 -ed the last bus
home / hurry up or we'll - our flight!
monument a monument is something that is built
to remind people of something important in the
past: you'll go past a - / a historic -1 a - to the
people who died in the war
playground a playground is an area outside where
children can play: a children's - with swings and
slides / the school pray if you pray, you speak to Cod: people - in a
church / we are -ing for peace / he -ed to Cod to
give him strength
report if you report a crime or an accident, you te 11
someone in authority about it:you should go
to the police station to- a crime / did you - the
accident to the police? /1 think you should - this to
the local council
statue a statue is an image of a person or animal
that is usually made of wood or metal: there's a
big - in the square / a - of the president / a huge
bronze - / the new - stands in George Square
town hall a town hall is a public building in Britain
that is used for the local government of a town:
it's opposite the - / their offices are in the -
dusty if something is dusty, it is covered with dirt
that looks like a fine powder. The dirt is called
dust: the room's very - / some - old books / the
furniture was all very - / there was a thin layer of
dust over everything in the room
glad if you are glad, you are happy and pleased about
something: I'm - that you're OK I I'm -you can
come to the party / I'll be - when my exams are
over / I'll be - to get home
hard-working if you are hard-working,you work
hard: my brother's really - and serious / a very student / he's really notice if you notice something,you see it, hear it or
smell it: he suddenly ~d an old farmer /1 -d that
he looked very tired / did you - that funny smell?
selfish if you are selfish,you only care about
yourself and don't care about other people: he's
so ~! / don't be ~! / that was an incredibly - thing
to do! [very selfish)
slow down if you slow down,you start to do something
more slowly: he slowed down as he walked through
the fields /--the traffic lights are red!
trust if you trust someone, you believe that they are
honest and will not do anything bad: / didn't - any
of them /1 know I can -you / I - him completely /1
- them implicitly (completely)
unable if you are unable to do something,you
ca n not do it: they are - to stay quietly in their
room / a lot of these children are - to read / I'm
afraid I'm - to come to the party next week
PACES 5 8 - 5 9
adventure an adventure is something exciting or
dangerous that you do: we're interviewing Ellen
MacArthur about her latest - / sailing down the
Amazon was a great - / I'd love to go on an - /
people who are looking for - / an - story
avoid if you avoid a place, you stay away from it: the area ifyou can / the plane was diverted to French air space / it's best to - the city centre
bike a bike is a bicycle. A motorbike is a vehicle like a
bicycle with an engine: is it safe to ride a
motorbike? / I'll go on my - if the weather's good /
I climbed onto the back of his motorbike
burst if something bursts, it breaks open suddenly. The
past tense and past participle are burst the road is
closed because ofa- water pipe / the balloons all / one of my tyres ~, so I had to change it
cancelled if something that is planned is cancelled, it
does not happen.The verb is cancel: our flight was
- / the meeting was - at the last minute / we'll
have to cancel the game if it continues raining
chaos if there is chaos, there is a situation in which
there is a lot of confusion: the air traffic controller's
strike is causing complete - / the bad weather led
to - on the railways / the meeting ended in - /
there is political - in the country now
charge if you charge someone an amount of money,
you ask them to give you that amount when
you sell something to them or do a job for them.
Charge is also a noun: how much did he -you? /
he -d us £200for painting the windows / doyou
-for delivery? / how much do they -for coffee? /
there's a £5 delivery charge
clear up if you clear a place up, you make it clean and
tidy: the road is shut while the police - the mess /1
can - if you like / it took us hours to - after the party
concert a concert is a show in which people play
music: a lot of people are travelling to Wembley for
the big - / I'm going to a - on Saturday / the band
are giving a - in London later this year / a rock consult if you consult a book or a website,you look
there for information. If you consult a person, you
ask them for information or advice:you should the airline's website / -your dictionary / - a doctor
ifyou get any worse
cycle if you cycle, you ride a bicycle. Someone
who rides a bicycle is a cyclist: / - to work / we
-d nearly 60 kilometres / there's a - lane / a
demonstration by cyclists
deal a deal is an agreement: there's little hope of a yet /a - between the unions and the company's
management / the two sides have finally reached
a - / I'll make a - with you - I'll let you borrow the
car ifyou put some petrol in it for me
delayed if something is delayed, it happens later
than it was planned to happen.The verb is delay
our flight has been - / the train was - by two
hours / they have decided to delay the start of the
game until three o'clock
demonstration a demonstration is an event where
a large number of people meet to show that
they support something or are against it. The
verb is demonstrate: a - by cyclists in the city
centre / a huge - against the war / students held
a ~ at the university / they are organising a - to
protest about the job cuts / the announcement led
to -s all over the country / thousands of people
demonstrated about the rise in food prices
diverted if something is diverted, it has to travel in
a different direction. A different direction that
you have to travel in is a diversion: the plane was
- to avoid French air space / our flight was - to
Heathrow / the road is closed and a diversion is in
freely if something happens freely, it happens with
no problems, or without anyone stopping it: the
traffic is moving - / people are now allowed to
travel - across the border / they can't speak about the government
globe the globe is the world: her latest adventure
is sailing round the - on her own / her music is
popular all over the land when a plane lands, it comes down to the
ground. When it takes off, it goes up into the air:
our flight is delayed so we're going to ~ late / we're
due to - at 6.30I we took off at eleven thirty / the
plane took off from London Catwick
lane a lane on a big road is one of the parts that
cars and other vehicles drive along: one - of the
motorway is shut / we were driving along in the
inside - (the one closest to the side of the road) /
a car drove past us on the outside ~ / a car changed
-s suddenly in front of me
licence a licence is an official document that gives
you permission to do something: doyou need a to ride a motorbike? /you must have a valid driving
- /you need a gun ~ to own a gun / he was found
guilty of dangerous driving, and lost his - for two
years (he wasn't allowed to drive)
line a rail line is a line that trains travel along: they're
planning to build a high-speed rail - / they're
building a new -from London to Birmingham
lorry a lorry is a large vehicle that is used for carrying
goods: a - has crashed on the A516 / too many
goods are transported by - / a - driver
mosque a mosque is a religious building where
Muslims go to pray:you'II go past a - / Muslims
who go to the -for Friday prayers
park if you park a car, you stop it and leave it in a
place for a while: we drove around for half an hour
before we found somewhere to - / we -ed in the
car park /1 -ed the car near the library
passenger a passenger is someone who is travelling
in a bus, train, plane etc: they stopped on the
motorway to let the -s stretch their legs / there
were nearly 300 -s on board the plane / the bus
stopped and a few -s got off
practical something that is practical involves doing
things with your hands, rather than thinking or
writing about things:you have to take a - test of
your riding skills / we really need some - help with
the project / he's got no - experience of building work
remove if you remove something,you take it away
from a place: the police -d some cars from the main
shopping street 11 -d the dirty dishes from the sink
I she had an operation to - a lump from her leg
renew if you renew something, you replace it with
something new: repair work to - the underground
/ we had to - some parts of the engine
reputation someone's reputation is the opinion that
other people have about them: taxi drivers have a
bad - / the restaurant's got a very good - / he has
a - for being very hard-working / her - suffered as
a result of the scandal
ride if you ride a bike or motorbike, you sit on it and
drive it. You also say that you ride a horse. The past
tense is rode and the past participle is ridden: do
you need a licence to - a motorbike? /1 never learned
how to- a bike / I've never ridden a horse in my life!
route a route is a set of roads that you go along to
get from one place to another: the traffic is moving
slowly, so it's best to take other -s / what's the
quickest -from London to Manchester? /you should
plan your - carefully
row a row of things is a line of them all next to each
other:yoi///go past a - of shops and a mosque /
we arranged the seats in three -s / they were all
standing in a - / we were sitting in the back - (the
line of seats nearest the back of a room)
sail if you sail somewhere,you travel there in a boat:
her latest adventure is -ing round the globe on her
own / we -ed to France / they're -ing around the
Creek islands
service station a service station is a building near
a motorway where you can buy petrol and food:
they stopped at a - on the motorway / the food is
always really expensive in motorway -s
speed the speed of something is how fast it moves:
a high— rail line / travelling at a - of 70 miles an
hour / driving along the motorway at top - (as fast
as possible) / a car which can reach -sofup to 200
kilometres an hour
transport if you transport something, you move it
from one place to another in a vehicle: too many
goods are -ed by lorry / cars are -edfrom the
mainland to the island by boat
B Complete the sentences with the adjectives. Look
up the adjectives if you need help.
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 When I got
Paris it was after midnight.
2 You can take a bus
Paris to Amsterdam.
3 I don't know any
my neighbours.
4 London has a statue
Nelson Mandela
5 Do you know the way
the football stadium?
6 I was disappointed
my exam results.
B Choose the correct preposition
1 The goods were transported on / by lorry.
2 We stopped at a service station/or / to get some
3 She has a reputation/or/on being lazy.
4 I need some help to / with my homework.
5 Two cars have crashed about /on the motorway.
6 My flight leaves in/at 2:30 pm.
7 We're going to a concert on /at Friday night.
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
1 a disappointing
I was
the service.
2 a dusty floor
There was
3 She's a keen cyclist.
to work.
4 Workers are
It's a
5 a traffic diversion
The new road will
1 I sat in the
row of the bus.
2 That airline has a
3 You must have a
driver's licence to
drive a car.
4 The concert was cancelled at the
5 My classmates are a
bunch of
6 The Great Wall of China is a
C Complete the collocations with nouns from the
1 local g
2 the town c _ _
3 a pedestrian c _ _
4 an art g __ __y
5 the police s __
6 traffic I
7 a ca r p _ _ k
A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal
1 Where do you usually get out /off the train?
2 I get over/on well with my brothers and sisters.
3 You're driving too fast. Please slow down / up.
4 The plane took off / out from Heathrow Airport.
5 I'll help you clear out / up the mess in the kitchen.
6 Hurry on / up or we'll be late!
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs. Look up the verbs if you need help.
1 Do you want to stop and
your legs?
2 You must indicate before you
3 There are some students
4 I'll
glad when the journey is over.
5 My taxi driver in Madrid
6 Let's go out. I
a break from my
A Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
(to + infinitive or -ing).
1 Ships are used for
goods, (carry)
2 I have
one of my tyres, (change)
3 He has a reputation for
a good
manager, (be)
4 My job involves
with numbers.
5 The flight is due
at 9:30. (land)
6 The government is planning
roads, (build)
PACES 6 4 - 6 5
boiling if something is boiling, it is very hot: the
weather was - / it's - in here! / it was a - hot day
cancer cancer is a serious disease in which the cells
in your body start to grow in a way that is not
normal: research into the causes of - / he died of
lung - / breast - / she's suffering from ~ / his long
battle against conduct if you conduct something, you do it:
scientists shouldn't - experiments on animals / the
police are -ing an investigation / we're going to - a
survey to find out people's opinions
cruel if something is cruel, it is wrong because it
makes people or animals suffer. The noun is
cruelty: horse racing is ~ / how could they be so -? /
you should never be - to animals /1 hate cruelty
to animals
discovery a discovery is a new fact or piece of
information that someone learns.The verb is
discover: a scientific - / he made a very important
- / her work led to some exciting new discoveries I
scientists have discovered a new planet
effect an effect is something that happens as
a result of something else: a problem with
very negative -s I what -s did the experiment
have? / the chemicals have a harmful - on the
environment / they think that climate change will
have no - on their lives
environment the environment is the land, water and
air around us. The adjective is environmental: a
government policy to help the ~ / we must do more
to protect the - / the factory will damage the ~ /
chemicals that cause environmental damage
extinct if a type of animal or plant is extinct, it no
longer exists. The noun is extinction: if bees
become we won't have any fruit or vegetables /
many insects are virtually - (almost extinct) /
these animals are now in danger of extinction /
they're on the verge of extinction (almost extinct)
freezing if something is freezing, it is very cold: the
weather was -I / I'm not swimming in there - the
water's -I / shut the door - it's ~ out there! / it was
- cold outside
fund if someone funds something, they pay for it.
The noun is funding: the government should more research / the project is -ed by the university /
the project couldn't continue because there was no
more funding
investigate if you investigate something, you
try to find information about it. The noun is
investigation: we're doing an experiment to - how
the Big Bang worked / police are investigating the
murder / police have launched an investigation into
his disappearance
mosquito a mosquito is a small insect that can bite
people. Some types of mosquitos spread diseases:
they've found a new way to kill the ~es that cause
malaria / I've been bitten by a - /1 had - bites all
over my legs
nuclear nuclear power is power or energy that is
produced when the central part of an atom is
split: produce energy from - power / a - power
station / some people argue that - energy is better
for the environment / a - bomb
pet a pet is an animal that you keep at home: have you
got a ~? /a lot of people have ~s / a - dog /a- rabbit
protect if you protect something, you keep it safe
and prevent it from being damaged.The noun is
protection: we should do more to - animals like
whales / new laws to - children / we must do more
to - the environment / he asked for police protection
rocket a rocket is a vehicle that can travel into space:
they're planning to launch a new space - / the - is
due to lift off tomorrow morning
save to save someone or something means to make
it safe: this discovery could - millions of lives / a
new campaign to - polar bears from extinction /
new laws to - the rainforest
scientific something that is scientific uses science or
is related to science. Someone who studies science
is a scientist: electricity is the greatest - discovery
ever made / some important new - research /
a - investigation I scientists shouldn't conduct
experiments on animals
snow snow is soft white pieces of frozen water that
fall from the sky in winter. Snow is also a verb: the
- lasted for three weeks la lot of-fell last winter /
we had some heavy - last night (a lot of snow) /
the garden was covered in a blanket of - (a thick
covering of snow) /it started to snow
storm a storm is very bad weather, with strong winds
and rain: the ~ lasted nearly three hours / there
was a terrible - last night /1 think we might be
in for a - (there might be a storm) / a thunder (with thunder and lightning)
terrorist a terrorist is someone who uses violence to
try to force a government to do something:
a bomb attack by ~s / killed by a - bomb
windy if it is windy, there is a strong wind: it was
really - / a - day / it was quite - yesterday
PACES 6 6 - 6 7
act if you act as something,you have that role or
job: they got married with their dogs -ing as best
man and maids of honour / he's agreed to - as
bomb a bomb is a weapon that explodes and kills
people or damages buildings: the rats are trained
to detect ~s in the ground / a ~ went off in the city
centre / a - exploded in a tourist hotel last night
boostto boost something means to improve it: how
can pets - your health? / the advertising campaign
has ~ed sales / this win will ~ his confidence
cage a cage is a container with bars, for keeping
animals or birds in: the parrots lived in a - in the
living room / a rabbit - / the animals escaped from
their ~s
case a case is a legal matter that the police
investigate and a court makes a decision about:
a dog called Scooby has appeared in court in a
murder ~ / a rape - / the police need to decide if
there is enough evidence to take the - further / the
- will be heard in court next month
detect if you detect something, you find it when it is
not easy to see or hear: some animals are used to
- things / the rats are trained to - mines / tests to
- cancer / the machine can - very small amounts
of chemicals
evidence evidence is facts that prove that something
is true: the police need to decide if there is enough
- to take the case further / the police are still
collecting - / they don't have enough - to convict
him / there was no - against him (to show that he
was guilty)
insect an insect is a small animal that has six legs and
can usually fly: bees are -s / there was a huge swarm
of ~s around the light / there were -s crawling all
over the food / a few ~s were buzzing around
insist if you insist on doing something, you say very
strongly that it must happen: the fishermen -ed
on using it / he -ed on paying for everything / she
-ed that I should see a doctor
mine a mine is a bomb that is hidden under the
ground or in water: the rats are trained to detect ~s /
they laid -s on the beaches / the ship struck a and was destroyed / they are gradually clearing all
the -sfrom the area
occasion an occasion is a time when something
happens: the shark has only been seen on 40 -s /
I've met him on several -s
prepared if you are prepared for something, you are
ready for it. If you prepare for something,you get
ready for \t. you'll need to be - for the big day /1
wasn't very well -for the interview /1 wanted to
be fully -for the meeting /1 felt badly - / we're all
busy preparing for the wedding
rare if something is rare, you do not see it very often
or it does not happen very often. The adverb is
rarely: a very - shark / a very - disease / it's - for
me to miss a day of work / I'm very rarely ill
shocked if you are shocked,you are very surprised
and upset by something. Something that makes
you feel shocked is shocking: / was really ~ / we
were all deeply - by his death /1 was - to hear
about her accident / that's shocking news
sense your senses are the physical abilities you have,
such as hearing and seeing: some dogs have an
amazing - of smell / I've got quite a poor - of taste /
I think I'm losing my - of hearing
smell your sense of smell is your ability to notice
things with your nose. A smell is also something
that you can notice with your nose: some dogs
have an amazing sense of - / a very acute sense
of - / those roses have got a lovely - / there were
some wonderful cooking -s coming from the
speech a speech is a talk that someone gives to a
number of people: / hadn't made a - in public
before / he gave a very funny - / she made a briefabout reducing costs and saving money
suspect if you suspect someone of something bad,
you think that they did it. A suspect is someone
who the police think has committed a crime: they
wanted to see how he would react to the man -ed
of the crime / he is -ed of murdering his wife /1
- that she isn't telling the truth / the police have
interviewed two suspects / he is the main suspect
in a murder case
wild a wild animal lives in natural conditions and is
not cared for by people:/oxes are - animals / we
saw some - horses / a type of - cat
witness a witness is someone who sees a crime.
Witness is also a verb: the dog was a - to the crime
/ doyou think she is a reliable ~? (one that we can
trust) / no one witnessed the robbery
PACES 6 8 - 6 9
authority if someone has authority over other people,
they have power over them and can tell them
what to do: people find it difficult to say no to
people in - / the government has no - over private
schools /you don't have the - to ask me to leave
bang if something bangs, it makes a loud noise.
Bang is also a noun: they heard some -ing and
screaming / he started to - on the wall 11 heard
the door - / we heard a loud bang
date if you date someone, you go out with them
and have a relationship with them. A date is an
arrangement to go out with someone: she told me
not to - anyone more attractive than me / are you
dating anyone at the moment? / I've got a date
with someone tonight
due if something is due at a particular time, people
expect it to happen then: / asked her when her
baby was - / the baby's - next month / the plane
is - to land in half an hour / we're - to arrive in
New York soon / the film's - to start at 7AS
findings the findings of a piece of research are the
things that it discovers: doyou agree with the of the experiment? / their - are presented in a
report / the committee will present its - next week
list a list is a number of words or names that you
write down one below the other: put the words
in the correct - / / made a - of things to do /
a long - of names / can you add butter to the
shopping ~?
minority a minority of people is less than half.
The opposite is majority: a - of people gave the
maximum shock /only a small - of voters support
his ideas /1 thinkyou're in the - (most people don't
agree with you) / the majority of students (most
students) take out loans to pay for their fees
Words ending in -ity are usually nouns and are
connected to adjectives.
a minority of voters
have a majority
have no creativity
have a disability
a minor issue
a major problem
a creative job
be disabled
pain pain is the feeling that you have in your body
when it hurts: he started to shout in - / the people
who took part in the experiment agreed to cause
- / he's in constant - / most people don't enjoy
inflicting - on others
participate if you participate in something,you
take part in it. Someone who takes part is a
participant: would you - in an experiment like
this? /you should try to - more in class / some
participants found the experiment funny
point a point is a particular time in a process: at one
- he complained about having a heart problem /
at some - every teacher stopped and asked what
the purpose of the experiment was / they recorded
the - at which people refused to continue / most
people were willing to take part in the experiment,
but only up to a ~
predict if you predict something, you say that you
think it will happen.The noun is prediction: they
-ed that only 12% of teachers would give the
maximum shock / the university is -ing an increase
in student numbers / their economic predictions
were correct
purpose the purpose of something is what you
want it to achieve: they asked what the - of the
experiment was / what's the - of the president's
question if you question something, you say that you
are not sure it is good or right: every teacher -ed
what the purpose of the experiment was I some
people have -ed his motives / some doctors have
-ed the government's decision
record if you record information, you write it down,
A record is information about something that is
written down: they -ed the point at which people
refused to continue /1 -ed the main events of the
trip in my diary I you should keep a record of the
amount you spend
refuse if you refuse to do something, you say that
you will not do it: some people ~d to continue /
she ~d point blank to pay for anything (completely
refused) / he flatly -d to come with us (completely
require if a rule or law requires you to do something,
it says that you must do it: he said the experiment
~d them to continue / all drivers are ~d by law to
have valid motor insurance
scream if you scream,you shout in a very loud, high
voice. Scream is also a noun: they heard banging
and -ing I she was -ing in pain / the girls were
-ing with laughter / they heard the - coming from
the learner
shock an electric shock is a painful feeling that you
get when electricity goes into your body: they
believed they were receiving real electric -s / what
percentage of people gave the maximum electric
~? /1 got an electric -from the kettle
soldier a soldier is someone who is in the army: some
~s had participated in terrible crimes / he served as
a - for over 20years / a - in the American army /a
group of French ~s
term something that is short-term only lasts for
a short time. Something that is long-term lasts
for a long time: there are short-term and longterm effects / there will be some short-term
benefits / we need a long-term solution to the
uniform a uniform is a set of clothes that all the
people who work for an organisation wear: people
found it hard to say no to people who wore a - /1
wasn't wearing my - / he was wearing a police - /
an army - / the men were all In - / doyou have to
wear a school ~?
upset if you are upset,you are unhappy because
something sad or disappointing has happened.
Upset is also a verb. Something that is upsetting
makes you feel upset: sfie was quite - / she looked
a bit - /1 felt really - about it /1 was deeply - /
I didn't want to - him /1 found the film really
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 Her research led
a scientific discovery.
2 A coelacanth is a type
3 I've got insect bites all
my back.
4 Modern medicine has saved millions
5 Are you prepared
your exam?
6 What are you studying
the moment?
B Choose the correct preposition
1 The cold weather lasted out/for a long time.
2 There's a group of/ at American students in our
3 What's the purpose by / of your research?
4 He doesn't talk much at / in class.
5 The meeting starts at / on 9 am.
6 Cars have a harmful effect on/in the
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
1 Animal cruelty
Are animal experiments
2 a scientific discovery
a new
3 environmental damage Protect the
4 government funding
5 a murder investigation
6 a weather prediction
own research.
Police are
it will
B Which words in the list below are both nouns and
a record of your experiment results.
2 He
point blank to pay the bill.
3 I
out a loan to pay for my car.
4 We've
a list of possible research
5 The game is due
in half an hour.
6 Do you think he was
the truth?
7 He is
some scientific research.
B Complete the collocations with nouns from the
1 nuclear p
2 a thunder s
3 an advertisingc__
4 a sense of s
5 an electric s
6 long-term e__
7 a school u _ _ __ m
C Match the two halves of the sentences.
1 I agree, but only up
a) ofhearing.
2 I'm losing my sense
b) of snow.
3 The good results boosted my
c) to a point.
4 The ground is covered in
d) of extinction,
a blanket
5 Some animals are on the verge e) the
6 There are new laws to protect
f) confidence.
A Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
[to + infinitive or -ing).
1 He is suspected of
in his exams.
2 Some dogs are trained
3 I'm thinking about
law. (study)
4 Would you like
part in an
experiment? (take)
5 She insisted on
for the meal, (pay)
6 All drivers are required
a licence.
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs. Look up the verbs if you need help.
take make conduct tell start refuse keep
retook and the past participle is retaken: /'// - the
exam in a couple of months /1 retook two papers
Some adjectives are formed from verbs by
adding -ive.
a supportive family
a creative person
an interactive website
an imaginative idea
a impressive result
PACES 7 0 - 7 1
advantage an advantage is a good point about
something. The opposite is disadvantage:
what are the ~s and disadvantages of going to
university! / working from home has got a lot of -s
/ one - of the new system is that it's much faster
deadline a deadline is a time or date by which you must
finish something: they don't consider your application
if you miss the - / what's the -for applications? /1
don't think I can meet the - (finish by the deadline) /
they agreed to extend the - (make it later)
finals finals are the exams that students take at the
end of their university course: I've got my - next term
/1 hope I don't fail my- / she's sitting her - at the
moment (doing them) / I'm sure he'll do well in his law if you study law, you study all the rules of a
country, and the punishments for people who
break the rules: doing a Master's in - / studying
international - / a - degree / a - firm
Master's a Master's is a degree that you study at
university after you have finished your first
degree: I'm doing a - in law / I've got a - in history /
I decided to take a - degree
mention if you mention something,you say or write
a small amount about it, without giving a lot of
details: what subjects do they ~? / She only -ed it
briefly / did he - his new book?
PhD a PhD is the highest university degree that you
can get: I'm doing a - in maths / he's got a promise if you promise to do something, you say that
you will definitely do it. Promise is also a noun:
they've -d me that they'll buy me a car / he -d to
phone me/she ~d that she wouldn't be late /you
must come-you -d! /she kept her promise and came
to visit us / don't worry -1 won't break my promise
retake if you retake an exam,you do it again because
you did not get a good mark.The past tense is
support me in
whatever 1 do
create a work of art
interact with
people online
1 can imagine
impress your boss
save if you save money, you keep it so that you can
use it later. Money that you save is your savings: if
I can - enough money, I'll take a year off71 ~d over
£500 last year /1 don't want to use my savings
straight if you go straight to a place, you go there
immediately, without waiting. If you do something
straightaway,you do it immediately: I'm not taking
a year out - I'm going - to university /1 went home /1 was tired so I went - to bed /1 left school
at 16 and started work straightaway
supportive if someone is supportive, they give you help
and encouragement. The verb is support: everyone
has been very - / I've got very - parents /1 know my
parents will support me whatever I do/ my parents
can't afford to support me (give me money to live)
take if you take something, you have it or do it: I'm
taking a year out before university / shall we - a
break? / come here and - a look at this!
theoretical if something is theoretical, it is to do with
ideas rather than doing things with your hands:
the course was quite - - not very practical / I've got
a good - understanding of his subject
tutor a tutor is someone who teaches students at a
university: / love the course, and my -s are great /
a history ~
year a school year is a period from September to July,
when children go to school: I'm in my third - at
secondary school / what - are you in? / he's in - nine
PACES 7 2 - 7 3
access if you access information,you find it. If you
access a website, you look at it online. Access is
also a noun: there are now controls to stop kids
-ing certain sites / we can't - the internet at the
moment / I'm sorryyou can't - those files / most
children have access to the internet at home
affect to affect something means to change it in
some way. The noun is effect: how has the internet
-ed plagiarism? / stress can - your health / don't
worry- this won't -you /his death had a major
effect on my life
appear if something appears, you can suddenly see
it, or it suddenly starts to exist: sites offering to
do homework have started -ing online / a boy -ed
from behind some bushes / some new dishes have
-ed on the menu
assume if you assume that something is true, you
believe that it is true even though you do not
know for certain. The noun is assumption: we
shouldn't - that the internet only brings problems /
she didn't answer the door, so I -d she was out /
government policies are based on the assumption
that prices will continue to rise
create to create something means to cause it to
happen or exist: for every problem the internet -s,
it also brings a solution / the government has
promised to - 10,000 new jobs
desperate if you are desperate, you want something
very much: really - students sometimes copy whole
essays /1 was - to leave home / they're - for money
essay an essay is a piece of writing in which
someone discusses a subject: really desperate
students sometimes copy whole -s /1 have to finish
my - tonight / we had to write an - on cheating /1
handed my - in late
extract an extract is part of a piece of writing:
nowadays, students can copy -sfrom websites /
she read out an - from the novel / a brief-from a
poem / a collection of film ~s
finances your finances are the amount of money that
you have: / need to organise my - / my personal are in a mess / he helped me sort out my harm harm is damage or hurt. Harm is also a verb:
there are controls to stop kids accessing sites that
could do them - / we all want to protect our
children from - / this could cause considerable - to
the economy /1 know he would never harm me /
these chemicals can harm the environment
immediately if something happens immediately, it
happens quickly, without any delay.The adjective
is immediate: the software helps teachers to detect
copied work - / come here -I / the new law has
had an immediate effect
mix if you mix things you put them together or
combine them.The noun is mix or mixture: it's
hard for teachers to decide how to - modern
technology with traditional study skills / - the
butter and sugar together / her style -es classical
music with rock / a mix of different styles / there's
a good mix of people on the course / a mixture of
different styles and traditions
original the original person or thing is the one that
existed first, before any others: the - author of the
work / the house still has the - windows / have you
got the - documents?
pretend if you pretend that something is true,you
say that it is true when it is not really: taking other
people's ideas and -ing that they are your own / he
was only -ing to be upset
punishment a punishment is something unpleasant
that is done to someone because they have done
something wrong.The verb is punish: what is a
suitable - for cheating? /1 was kept at home as a
- / a lot of people think there should be tougher
-sfor criminals / he managed to avoid - /1 knew I
would be punished if I was caught
quote if you quote someone else, you use words
that they have said or written. Quote is also a
noun: students need to learn how to - copied work
properly / he ~d a few words of Shakespeare /a from a well-known poem
recognise if you recognise something,you know
what it is because you have seen it before: most
teachers can - when someone is cheating / most
doctors are not trained to - mental illness /1 didn't
-you with your new haircut!
search if you search for something,you try to find it.
Search is also a noun: it's easy to - for information
online / the police are still -ing for the killer / a
massive police search for the missing child
sophisticated a sophisticated machine or system has
been designed in a clever way to do a particular
job: parents can use - controls to stop kids accessing
sites / the bank has a - surveillance system
suitable if something is suitable, it is correct or right
for a particular situation: what is a - punishment for
cheating? / the film isn't -for young children / it's
going to be cold, so make sure you wear - clothing
suitable if something is suitable, it is right for a
particular situation: what is a - punishment for
cheating? / that website isn't - for children I the
film wasn't considered -for children / it's not really
- as a family car
upload if you upload a picture or document, you
send it from your computer to a bigger computer
system or the internet.The opposite is download:
I'm going to - the photos on to the internet /
the information is all -ed on to a website /1
downloaded some information from the internet
website a website is a place on the internet where
there is information about something: which -s
doyou visit the most? / I've found a really good - /
you can download information from their - I why
not visit our website at www.gardenhelp.co.uk?
whole a whole thing is all of it: students sometimes
copy - essays / they ate the - cakel /1 spent the week in bed
PAGES 7 4 - 7 5
amount the amount of something is how much
there is: we complained about the - of homework
we get /you only need a small - of sugar / they've
collected a large - of information / it costs a
considerable - of money
approach an approach to something is a way
of doing it: what's his - to teaching like? /an
exciting new - to art education / he's got a very
philosophical - to life
assignment an assignment is a piece of work that is
given to someone and they have to do: they get
stressed when they have ~s / we have to do one
written ~ each term
attention if you give your attention to something,
you watch or listen carefully: / try to pay - all the
time /1 could tell that he wasn't giving me his full
- / it's difficult trying to keep children's - /you
have my undivided ~ (I am listening carefully)
available if something is available, you can have it,
use it or buy it: the subjects ~ at this school / the
new game is now - in the shops / tickets are - at
the ticket office or online
bullying bullying is behaviour in which someone
deliberately hurts or frightens another person. The
verb is bully: there's no violence or - in the school /
the school has really clamped down on - (tried to
stop it) / the older children bullied me sometimes
complain if you complain about something,you
say that you are not happy about it. The noun is
complaint: / -ed because my food was cold / some
people just - about everything! / there are a lot
of complaints about education / I'd like to make a
complaint (complain about something)
compulsory if something is compulsory, you must do
it: English and maths are the only - subjects / sport
is - in this school / military service is ~for all men
disturb if you disturb someone, you interrupt them
and stop them from continuing what they are
doing: / often threw paper planes and -ed the class /
I'm sorry to -you, but can I talk to you for a minute?
fail if you fail a test or exam, you do not succeed in
it: / was worried I might - the course /1 ~ed all my
exams I if your teacher syou in some subjects,
you have to repeat the year
hand in if you hand something in,you give it to
a person in authority: / have to - in my essay
tomorrow / ~ your keys in at the reception desk
hardly if you hardly do something, you almost don't
do it at all: / - understood anything in class
(I understood very little) / she - goes out (she
almost never goes out) / my grandparents live in
Scotland, so I - see them at all
head the head of an organisation is the leader or
most important person: the - of a school /the - of
a large multinational company / a meeting of ~s of
government from 15 countries
keep up with if you keep up with something,
you know what is happening with it: / like to ~
Messenger /1 like to - what's going on in the world
knowledge your knowledge is what you know about
something: the children listened and improved
their - I she's got considerable - of the subject / he
shared his - with us / my general - is quite poor
(knowledge about subjects in general)
lecture a lecture is a talk about a subject that a
university teacher gives to students. Someone
who gives a lecture is a lecturer: / go to all my -s /
he gave a very interesting - on Russian history /1
missed last week's - / he's a really good lecturer
mechanic a mechanic is someone whose job is to
repair cars or machines: I'm training to be a - /a
car - / he's a brilliant optional if something is optional, you can choose to
do it but you don't have to do ityou can choose
three - subjects / history and geography are - /
the holiday could be expensive ifyou have all the
- extras
pass if you pass a test or exam,you succeed in it: /
hope I - my test / I've ~ed my driving test /1 ~ed
all my exams
play a play is a story that is written so that actors
can perform it: we do a lot of -s and concerts /
a - by a young American writer / we saw a
really good ~ last night / we're putting on a (performing it)
point out if you point something out to someone,
you tell them: / always - if students are doing
something wrong /1 pointed out that some of the
numbers were wrong
relationship the relationship between people is how
they behave towards each other and feel about
each other: the parent-teacher - is very important /
I have a very good - with my parents / the between the two countries is beginning to improve
resource resources are things that you have and
can use: the school has got very good ~s / the
internet is a valuable - / the country has got a lot
of natural ~s (things such as oil, coal etc that a
country can use)
set if you set some work, you give it to someone and
ask them to do it: the teacher - the essay last week /
some teachers - too much homework
skip if you skip something,you do not do it or go
to it, when you should: have you ever skipped
classes? /1 decided to - work for the day /1
sometimes - breakfast if I'm in a hurry
stand if you stand,you are upright and on your
feet, not sitting down. The past tense and past
participle is stood: he stood in the playground
watching everyone play / we stood at the back of
the hall
state a state organisation is one that is paid for by
the government of a country: / went to a - school /
the - education system / he gets the basic - pension
textbook a textbook is a book with information
about a subject, which is used to help teach the
subject to people: we don't use ~s very much /
students have to buy their own -s / there's a lot of
information in the -
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 He's writing exams
the moment.
2 She's doing a Master's
3 I'm in my second year
4 Why do you complain
5 I think so, but I don't know
6 He knows a lot
nuclear physics.
B Choose the correct preposition.
1 I went to / on a boys-only school.
2 Do you go to / at all your classes?
3 My classmates are all by/from different countries.
4 I'm writing an essay on / over Shakespeare.
5 The school year is on /from September to July.
6 I finish my degree in a couple over /of months
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
1 I have supportive
2 Smoking affects
It didn't have a big
your health.
on me.
3 Don't assume I
An incorrect
can help.
4 She avoided
5 a school bully
He sometimes
his brother.
A Complete the sentences with adjectives formed
from the verbs.
1 She studies art. She's very
2 We need
ideas for our advertising
3 You got 90%! That's very
4 Online learning is very
5 His family helps him.They are very
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs. Look up the verbs if you need help.
She has never
I'm sorry I
I usually
Come and
I'm going to
bad service.
a deadline.
my promise.
straight home after class.
a look at this.
my undivided attention.
a complaint about the
B Complete the sentences with the adjectives. Look
up the adjectives if you need help.
personal good general
classical natural major
1 My history teacher had a
effect on
my life.
2 I need help with my
3 I love listening to
4 The school has a
mix of teachers.
5 He has a very wide
6 African countries have a lot of
Complete the collocations with nouns from the
1 take a driving t
2 do military s
3 get a h _ _ rcut
5 mental i __
6 Please pay a _ _
_ _ n.
A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal
1 We're putting out/on a student play.
2 She talks too fast. I can't keep on / up with her.
3 I handed out / in my essay a day late.
4 Teachers are clamping down / away on bullying.
5 She read a poem out / over to the class.
6 I don't go at / out on week nights.
Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
(to + infinitive or-ing).
1 She was punished for
2 My lecturer agreed
the deadline.
3 I promised
her with her essay, (help)
4 Can we stop children
5 I need
my class notes, (organise)
The -ing form of a verb is often used to make a
noun, especially to describe an activity.
/ do babysitting to earn some extra money
I go swimming every day
Parking is really difficult in the city centre.
We need more funding for hospitals.
We sat in the waiting room for two hours.
PACES 7 6 - 7 7
activity an activity is something that you do for
pleasure: there are organised activities every day /
they offer a wide range of leisure activities /you
can do lots of sporting activities on the campsite
air conditioning air conditioning is a system that
keeps the air inside a building cool. A place with
air conditioning is air-conditioned: I'm afraid the
- is broken /1 turned the - on / an air-conditioned
arrangement an arrangement is something that
you have organised and agreed with someone:
we have an - with a local car park / we finally
managed to come to an - (reach an agreement) /
a business arrival your arrival in a place is when you arrive: we
had to cancel a week before our - date / what's
your expected time of-? / they greeted us on our at the airport
apartment an apartment is a set of rooms on one
floor of a building, where someone lives or stays
on holiday: we rented an ~ I a holiday - / a thirdfloor - / they live in a luxury availability the availability of something is whether
it is free for people to use. The adjective is
available: let me check our - (when our rooms are
free) / doyou have any triple rooms available? /
there's no money available for new projects
babysitting babysitting is the job of looking after
young children while their parents are out.The
verb is babysit: we offer a - service /1 do a bit of
- to earn some money /1 offered to babysit for
cancellation a cancellation is when someone
decides that something that was planned will
not happen. The verb is cancel: we had to pay a
-fee / when was the ~ made? / there were a lot
of delays and -s at the airport because of the bad
weather I our train was cancelled / the match
was cancelled
central the central part of something is the part
near the middle: a hotel in ~ Dublin / we live in London / countries in - Europe
comfort comfort is the feeling of being relaxed and
happy, in a pleasant place. If you feel comfortable,
you feel relaxed and happy: ~ is very important
to me /1 like to travel in - / are you comfortable
sitting there? / a comfortable chair (one that
makes you feel comfortable)
convenient if something is convenient, you can get
to it and use it easily: the hotel's in a ~ location /
it's a nice house, and the shops are - / there's a car
park just behind the theatre, which is deal with if you deal with something, you do what is
necessary to sort it out: one of my colleagues will
-your booking /oursecretary -deals with all the
emails / the best way to - this problem
deposit a deposit is a first payment that you make
when you agree to buy something such as a
holiday or a house: we had to pay a 5% - / they
usually take a 10% - I we had to put down a- of
1200 / will we get our - back if we cancel?
details your details are information about you: can
I take your credit card-? / can you fill in your on this form? /1 didn't want to give them my
personal digit a digit is a single number, such as 5,6 etc: can
you give me the last three -s of the security code? I
a ten— number
double a double room is a room for two people: we
don't have any single rooms - we only have ~s / I'd
like a - room, please
entertainment entertainment is shows and other
performances that people enjoy watching: there's
organised - in the evenings / they provide -for the
expiry date an expiry date is the date when
something can no longer be used: what's the - on
the card?'/ the - on my passport is June 2011
fee a fee is an amount of money that you pay for
a service: there is WiFi in rooms for a - / most
museums charge an entrance - / they can't afford
to pay the school ~s
fully if a place is fully booked, it is completely booked
and there are no spaces: I'm afraid we're - booked
/ the restaurant is - booked this evening
hire if you hire something, you pay to use it for a
short time. Hire is also a noun: a car -firm / we
~d a car for the week I we could - a boat for a day
location the location of something is where it is: the
hotel's in a convenient - / it's in a beautiful - / the
documents are kept in a secret - / we don't know
the exact - of the ship
nearby if something is nearby, it is not very far away:
there are several car hire places - / doyou live ~? /
we ate in a - restaurant
on behalf of if you do something on behalf of
someone else, you do it instead of them: I'm
ringing - a colleague /1 didn't want him to speak
on my behalf
organised if something is organised, someone has
planned it and made it happen.The verb is
organise: there is - entertainment in the evenings /
there are - activities most days /an - trip to the
island / we're organising a party next weekend
parking parking is space where people can park cars:
doyou have -facilities? / there's no - at the hotel /
there's free - in the town centre / we couldn't find
a - space
payment a payment is an amount of money that
you pay:you need to make a - when you make the
booking / the final - is due on 25 June
rate a rate is an amount of money that you pay or
charge for something: they offer a reduced - of
€15 a day /1 increased my hourly - to €30 /the
government has promised to cut the basic - of
income tax
reject if you reject something, you refuse to accept it:
did it - my credit card again? / he -ed my offer /
the court -ed his evidence /1 applied to Oxford
University, but they -ed me
security security is all the things that people do to
keep something safe. A security number is a special
number that only one person knows: the - number
on the back of the card / who is in charge of- at the
airport? la - officer / - around the hotel has been
tightened (made stronger) for the president's visit
shuttle a shuttle is a plane, bus or train that makes
regular trips between two places: there's a bus that serves a number of hotels / the LondonEdinburgh triple a triple room is a room for three people: doyou
have any - rooms available? / we've got double
rooms available, but no -s
view a view is everything that you can see from a place:
there are wonderful -sfrom the hotel / a beautiful across the bay / we stopped to admire the PAGES 7 8 - 7 9
arrange if you arrange things, you put them in a
particular position or order: she enjoys arranging
flowers /1 can't decide on the best way to - the
furniture / the names are ~d in alphabetical order
bunch a bunch of flowers or vegetables is a group of
them held or tied together: a hundred -es of red
flowers / a - of grapes
come out if something comes out, it moves out of
a place: / turned the tap on but hardly any water
came out / he's locked the door, and he won't - of
his room!
demand a demand is a very strong request for
something. Demand is also a verb: why do people
make -s like this? / will people agree to her ~s?/
the union has put forward -sfora pay increase /
workers are demanding higher wages and shorter
working hours
demanding someone who is demanding always
wants attention from other people: she's a nice kid,
but she's very - / a very - child
downstairs downstairs means on a lower level in a
building: we can hear the people - / there's a bar - /
we'll see you - for breakfast
drop if a number or amount drops, it becomes less:
the price ~s to €70 a night ifyou stay for more
than three days / the number of visitors has -ped
this year / the temperature could - to -3 tonight /
unemployment has -ped slightly this month
filthy if something is filthy, it is very dirty: our room
was ~! / my clothes were absolutely overcharge if someone overcharges you, they charge
you too much money: they ~d us by €100 /1 think
they -d us by mistake
pleasure if something is a pleasure, it is pleasant or
enjoyable: it's a real - to have her in the hotel /
It's always a - to see you! 'Thanks for your help?
'That's OK. It's a -?
pressure pressure is the force that is made when one
thing is pushing against another: the water - was
so low that hardly any water came out of the tap /
the air - in the tyres was too low / put some - on
your arm to stop the bleeding
record a record is a piece of information that is
written down and kept so that people can look
at it in the future: they didn't have any - of my
booking /your medical ~s / we keep a - of all
customer complaints
site a site is a place where something happens:
there's a building - next to the hotel / this was the
- of a battle 200years ago / a picnic toiletries toiletries are things such as soap, shampoo
and toothpaste that you use to wash yourself:
there were no - in our room/1 forgot to pack my ~ /
Where's my - bag?
wake-up call a wake-up call is a phone call to wake
you up: would you like a - in the morning? / I've
ordered a - for six o'clock
wall the walls of a building or room are the sides:
tfiere were insects all over the -s / the bedroom -s
/ a picture on the PACES 8 0 - 8 1
achievement an achievement is something good
that you succeed in doing. The verb is achieve:
getting a degree is a real - I getting everything
finished on time was quite an - / some of the
students achieved excellent exam results
appearance your appearance is the way you look: his
- has changed a lot I you shouldn't judge people by
their - /you shouldn't worry so much about your bitten if you are bitten by an insect, it hurts you and
makes a mark on your skin. The verb is bite. Bite
is also a noun: / got - by mosquitoes /you can use
special creams to stop insects biting you / I've got
mosquito bites all over my legs
bring up if you bring up children,you look after
them until they are adults,The past tense and
past participle is brought up: / was brought up in
Amman I bring-ing up kids is a difficult job /she
brought up four children on her own
campsite a campsite is a place where you can camp:
were there many facilities at the-? / we stayed at
a lovely challenge if something is a challenge, it is very
difficult: putting the tent up was a real - / he's
someone who enjoys a - / getting the economy
right will be a big - for the government / the job
presents some difficult ~s
climb if you climb up something,you go up it.
Climbing is the sport of going up mountains: a ladder / - up a mountain 11 did rock climbing
when I was younger
desert a desert is an area of very dry land where very
few plants grow: we go camping in the - / the
Sahara - / - animals
explore if you explore a place,you look all around
it to see what it is like: we -d the campsite / we
spent a week exploring Scotland
field trip a field trip is a trip in which students study
something in its natural environment: we went
on a - to Scotland / I've got a - to Italy next year
fire a fire is a pile of burning wood or coal that you
use to provide heat: sitting round a - with friends
/ we lit a - in the garden I he showed me how to
make a - / sitting in front of a roaring - (a very
hot fire)
follow if you follow a tradition or an instruction,
you do something in the way it tells you: they -
the traditional nomadic life / - the instructions
carefully /1 decided to - her advice
gang a gang of young people is a large group of
them: there was a - of us who just ran around
all day /you see -s ofyouths hanging around
the streets
give up if you give up something,you stop having
it or doing it: I'm a real city boy now and I would
never give it up / I'm trying to - smoking
heavily if you do something heavily, you do it a lot: he
smoked - when he was younger /1 was drinking at that time / it rained - last night
hide if you hide, you stay in a secret place so that
people cannot see you. If you hide something,you
put it in a secret place so that people cannot find
it. The past tense is hid and the past participle
is hidden: play - and seek /1 hid under the bed /
they've hidden the money
jump if you jump, you push yourself up into the air,
or let yourself fall through the air: we all -ed into
the pool I - over a fence / -ing up and down with
miles miles means a very long way: we walked for ~! /
the hotel is - away from the beach / it was a lovely
clear day, and you could see for peace peace is when everything is quiet and calm:
you feel a - that you can never get in the city / a
wonderful feeling of - /1 was enjoying the - and
quiet while everyone was out / can you leave me in
-for a minute?
relief relief is a happy feeling you have when
something bad has stopped or not happened: it
was a - to get home / it was such a - to see that
everyone was safe / the news that he was coming
home came as a great - to us all
scared if you are scared,you are frightened.
Something that makes you feel scared is scary:
/ was really - 11 felt very - I you look - - are you
OK? / it was really scary being there on my own /
a scary film
seek if you seek something,you try to find it or get
it: we played hide and - /you should - advice from
your doctor
star a star is a ball of burning gas in space, that
you see as a small light in the sky at nightyou
wouldn't believe how many -syou can see /1 was
looking up at the -s
tent a tent is a shelter made of cloth, that you sleep
in when you go camping: we slept in a - / can you
help me put the - up? / we took the - down in the
variety if there is a variety of things, there are a lot
of different types of things: the food was OK, but
there wasn't much - / there's a wide - of activities
to choose from / satellite TV offers more - of
1 The resort offers a
2 I don't give my
3 Babysitters charge an
4 We'd like a
5 Always check the
6 The club charges an
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
1 room availability
Are there any rooms
3 travel in comfort
My seat isn't
4 organised entertainment
camping trip.
5 80% is a great achievement. He didn't
good results.
A Complete the sentences with nouns formed from
the verbs.
is very good exercise.
She's trying to find
for her research.
I'm sitting in the doctor's
We work in a big office
I don't drive because it's difficult to find
6 Doyou have our hotel
range of activities.
details over the
room, please.
date on food
C Complete the collocations with nouns from the
1 receive a wake-up c _ _ I
2 expected time of a __ _ _ l
3 pay a cancellation f__
4 credit card d
5 income t _ x
6 go on a field t
hourly wide personal expiry double entrance
B Complete the sentences with the adjectives. Look
up the adjectives if you need help.
B Choose the correct preposition
1 Let's meet tomorrow in /for breakfast.
2 The temperature dropped for/ to -5 last night.
3 Thank you very much/or /about your help.
4 The business centre is next on / to the hotel.
5 I got bitten about / by mosquitoes last night.
6 Ifinished my project at/on time.
1 The news that I passed my exams
a great relief.
2 I know you are busy. I'll
you in peace.
3 It
heavily last night.
4 We finally managed to
to an
5 I
the challenge of my job.
6 Don't
people by their appearance.
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 I'd like a room
air conditioning.
2 I often babysit
my friends.
3 A good night's sleep is important
4 The hotel is
a convenient location.
5 Please write your details
this form.
6 Payment is due
20 September.
2 a last-minute cancellation
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs. Look up the verbs if you need help.
A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal
1 She gave over / up smoking five years ago.
2 It took us hours to put the tent on / up.
3 He hasn't come out /away of his room all day.
4 We put up /down a 20% deposit on our house.
5 Please turn in / on the air conditioning.
6 The nurse asked me to fill in / up a form.
A Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
(to + infinitive or-ing).
1 I don't feel comfortable
in airline
seats, (sit)
2 Do you enjoy
football? (watch)
3 There aren't many activities
4 I forgot
my sunglasses, (pack)
5 I babysit
some extra money, (earn)
text if you text someone, you send them a written
message on a mobile phone. Text is also a noun:
/'// - you later / he -ed me to invite me to a party /
I'll send you a - later /1 got a - from Sammy this
urgent if something is urgent, it is very important
and you need to do it immediately: he's still in bed
- is it -? / hurry up - it's - /1 could see that he was
in - need of medical attention
PAGES 8 4 - 8 5
PAGES 8 2 - 8 3
call back if you call someone back, you phone them
again later: I'm having dinner-can I call you back?
/ I'll call you back later I Tom's not here at the
moment - shall I get him to call you back?
confirmation a confirmation is a statement saying
that something is certain or definite. The verb is
confirm: I'm still waiting for - of the price / we'll
send you a written - ofyour booking / I'll email
you to confirm the time of the meeting
coverage the coverage of a mobile phone network is
the area where there is a strong signal, so you can
make calls: the - isn't very good here /1 couldn't
phone because there was no - there
get cut off if you get cut off, your phone suddenly
stops working: we couldn't finish the conversation
because we got cut off7 we're just going into a
tunnel, so I might hang up if you hang up, you end a phone
conversation suddenly: we started to argue, so I
just hung up / he just hung up on me!
line a line is a telephone connection: / tried calling,
but the - was busy / can you hold the -? I he's on
another ~ at the moment (talking on a different
on hold if you are on hold, you are waiting to speak
to someone on the phone: / was put - for about
ten minutes / I'll just put you - for a moment while
I check his number
put through if someone puts you through, they
connect to the person you want to talk to on the
phone: she put me through to the right department
/George Baker? Yes, I'll put you through
signal a signal is electrical waves that carry sound or
pictures to mobile phones, computers etc: / can't
hear you very well - it's a very poor - /1 haven't got
a - here, so I can't use my phone
brain your brain is the organ inside your head, that
you use for thinking: he had an operation to reduce
the pressure on his - / she suffered some - damage
in the accident
expect if you expect something,you believe that
it will happen or arrive: the problems weren't
-ed /1 didn't - him to be so angry about it / the
parcel arrived earlier than -ed / I'm here to see
Mr Edwards - he's -ing me
fair something that is fair is right and reasonable,
and treats everyone in the same way.The opposite
is unfair: that's not -! /it's not - on the others if
you get more money than them / I'll give you £20
each to make it - / that seems perfectly - to me /
that's unfair!
fall off if you fall off something, you fall from it to
the ground: I fell off my bicycle / she fell off her
horse last week 11 was scared I was going to fine a fine is an amount of money that you have
to pay if you have done something wrong. Fine
is also a verb: they've introduced -sfor people
making improper calls /1 was given a £60 for speeding /1 got a parking - / police officers
can impose on-the-spot ~s (that you must pay
immediately) / he was fined £250for driving
hole a hole is a gap or space in something: they had
to make a - in the boy's head / there's a - in my
sock / water was getting in through a - in the roof /
we dug a deep - in the garden
household household things are done or used in the
home: he only had a normal - drill /1 spent the
morning doing - chores / a lot of families find it
difficult to pay the - bills
identify if you identify something, you say exactly
what it is: they identified the species of spider / she
was able to - her attacker
improper something that is improper is not right or
suitable: they've introduced fines for people making
- calls / he was accused of - conduct (behaviour
that is not acceptable by a professional person)
incident an incident is an unusual event: after
the ~, he took a photo of the spider / the police
believe that the two ~s might be related / he was
involved in an - outside a bar / when did the take place?
initially initially means at the beginning: he seemed fine /1 didn't like him introduce if people introduce something, they
start using it: they've ~d fines for people making
improper calls / the school has ~d a new uniform
irrational if something is irrational, it is not based
on sensible ideas: / have an - fear of spiders /1
knew that my feelings were - /1 think you're being
completely leaflet a leaflet is a piece of paper that gives
information about something: the police are
sending ~s to houses to explain the problem / a
publicity - / more details are given in our
information misuse if you misuse something, you use it in a
wrong or bad way: how are people misusing the
number? / he is accused of misusing the charity's
MISmis- is added to a number of words to mean you
did something wrongly or badly.
They misuse the service.
I misunderstood what you said. I It was a
I miscounted the money.
You misheard me.
We were really mistreated
operation if you have an operation, doctors cut into
your body to repair it or remove part of it: he had
an - to reduce the pressure on his brain / a minor (not very serious) / she needed an emergency - / a
knee - /a heart package a package is a box or large letter that is sent
by mail and delivered to someone's house: / was
expecting two -s / a large - arrived for me / I'll
send the - toyour home address
patient if you are patient, you remain calm and don't
get angry when there is a problem. The opposite
is impatient: he wasn't a very - customer/just
be -I / he was extremely - with us / don't be so
poisonous something that is poisonous can make
you ill if you eat it or touch it: one of the world's
most - spiders /a - snake / the leaves are - to
humans / some types of mushroom are highly polite if you are polite, you speak and behave in a
way that shows respect for other people. The
opposite is impolite: he's always very - / she's
always extremely - tome/that wasn't very - of
you / it would be impolite not to invite her
realise if you realise that something is true,you
know or understand that it is true: the doctor ~d
the boy was in danger of dying /1 didn't - it was so
late / seeing those people made me - how lucky I am
receive if you receive something, you get it: / ~d a
phone call from him / I'm expecting a package,
but I haven't -d it yet / did you - my email? /you
should - a letter from me later this week
remote a place that is remote is far away from towns
and cities: they live in a - town in Australia / a village in the mountains / the house is extremely ride a ride is a trip or lift in a car: he wanted a - home /
I'll give you a - to the station /1 managed to get a back to the village / we went for a - in his new car /
get in - I'll take you for a rush if you rush somewhere, you go there very
quickly. Rush is also a noun: she -ed him to the
nearest hospital /1 -ed downstairs to answer the
door / there's no need to- - we've got plenty of
time /1 can't talk now - I'm in a rush
species a species is a type of animal or plant. The
plural is also species: they identified the - of spider /
a rare - of butterfly / some - of birds are still very
common / the - is almost extinct
spider a spider is a small animal with eight legs that
makes sticky webs to catch insects to eat: they
identified the species of - / a spider's web
swelling a swelling is a part of your body that is
bigger than usual because it is injured. The verb is
swell: a nurse noticed a - on his head / the - was
beginning to go down (become smaller) / my knee
swelled up
unpleasant someone or something that is
unpleasant is not nice or pleasant: he's a very man / she was extremely - to us / an - smell / it
tasted slightly PAGES 8 6 - 8 7
automated something that is automated uses
computers or machines to do a job, rather than
people: an - telephone system / the production
process is fully contract a contract is an official agreement between
people: / signed a - with World Mail / they offered
me a three-year - /1 don't have a written - / they
threatened to end my deliver if you deliver something,you take it to a
place. The noun is delivery: we've tried to - the
package twice this week / the letter was -ed to my
home address / doyou charge for delivery?
embassy an embassy is a building where
government officials from another country work: /
phoned the - to ask about my visa / the Australian
- in London / a protest outside the American held if something is held somewhere, it is kept there.
The verb is hold: the packages are being - in our
main sorting office in Manchester / the records
are all - on computer / he was - prisoner by the
kidnappers for three weeks (kept as a prisoner) /
we'll hold your documents here until you're ready
to collect them
help desk a help desk is a place where you can go
to ask for information or help: there's a 24-hour
telephone - / why don't you ask at the ~f
insufficient if something is insufficient, it is not
enough. The opposite is sufficient: / had to pay
extra because of - postage / we had - money to
live / there was sufficient evidence to prove his guilt
item an item is a thing: we can offer you a full refund
for the lost - / are you phoning to ask about
a special delivery ~? /an - of clothing /you're
allowed one - of hand luggage / what's the first on the list?
landlord a landlord is a man who owns a house or
flat and allows other people to live in it in return
for money. A woman who does this is a landlady:
/ phoned my - to tell him about the problem / my
- called to collect the rent
obtain if you obtain something, you get it://you'd
like to - a postal code, please press 2 / it's quite
difficult to - funding I you can - the information
quite easily /you need to - permission from your
postal postal means to do with the system for
sending letters and packages: the - service isn't
very good / what's your full - address? / ifyou'd like
to obtain a - code, please press 2
refund a refund is an amount of money that you get
back when you return something to a shop or are
not satisfied with a service. Refund is also a verb:
we can offer you a full -for the lost item /1 took it
back to the shop and asked for a - / they offered to
give me a - /1 asked them to refund my money
registered registered post is a system for sending
letters and packages in which you pay extra to be
certain that they will arrive safely: they were sent
by - post /1 sent it by - airmail /a - letter
sign if you sign a letter or document, you write your
name on it. Your signature is your way of writing
your name: / -ed a contract with World Mail /1
forgot to - the cheque /1 -ed and dated the letter /
you need to - for the delivery / can you - your
name here, please? / her signature was on the
bottom of the letter
unlimited an unlimited amount does not have a
fixed limit. The opposite is limited:/or that price
you get - downloads / we have - access to the
internet /she seems to have an - supply of money /
we can only invite a limited number of people
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 I got a text
my sister yesterday.
2 The surgeon removed part
his jaw.
3 I told my boss
the problem.
4 There's a letter
5 Some types
spider are poisonous.
6 I got permission
my landlord to install a
B Choose the correct preposition
1 She has respect about I for other people.
2 He wasn't very polite of I to me.
3 I live in I on Melbourne, Australia.
4 The letter was sent to I at your work address.
5 I'm phoning to ask of I about a package.
6 The airline only allows 20 kg of I in luggage.
7 I wasn't satisfied of I with the service.
3 Just
patient! Your turn will come.
4 I'm here to see the manager. She's
5 He's on a call. Can you
the line?
6 I'll
you a text tomorrow.
B Match the two halves of the collocations. Look up
the nouns (a-f) if you need help.
1 the first item on the
a) fine
2 sign a
b) list
3 a spider's
c) chores
4 a piece of
d) contract
5 an on-the-spot
e) web
6 household
f) paper
C Complete the missing adjectives.
1 The letter was sent by r _ _
2 What's the p
I code for your address?
__ I fear of heights.
4 He was accused of i
_ r conduct.
5 I received a w _ _
n confirmation of the
6 I can't hearyou. My phone has a w _ _ k signal.
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
1 We're waiting for
Did you
2 a swelling on her
My arm is
3 a delivery charge
package yesterday.
4 Where are the records The post office is
the parcel.
5 I signed the letter.
That's not my
B Which words in the list below are both nouns and
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs. Look up the verbs if you need help.
A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal
1 We got cut out/offln the middle of our
2 I hang away / up when marketing people call me.
3 Can you put me through / on to customer services,
4 The swelling on my knee is starting to go down /
5 Hurry on /up! We're going to be late.
6 I fell out/off my bicycle and broke my arm.
A Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
{to + infinitive or-ing)
1 Your signature is your way of
name, (write)
2 Can I ask him
you back? (call)
3 I want
to Mr Smith, please, (talk)
4 She's very sick and in danger of
5 You can be fined for
improper calls.
6 I spent the morning
TV. (watch)
7 Were you able
the caller? (identify)
1 I can't
now. I'll call you later.
2 Could you give me a
to the
PACES 9 2 - 9 3
chase a chase is a situation in which someone follows
another person quickly and tries to catch them.
Chase is also a verb: the car - was really exciting /
a high-speed car - / he ran off, and the police officer
gave ~ / we eventually gave up the ~ (stopped it) / /
chased after her / they chased me down the street
costume a costume is a set of clothes that an actor
wears, or that you wear in order to look different:
the ~s were amazing / there are some great ~s /
I wore a lion - / he was dressed in a cowboy complicated if something is complicated, it is
difficult to understand because it has a lot of
different parts: a - plot / the instructions are too / a very - situation
direct if you direct a film,you control the way it is made
by telling the actors what to do. Someone who
does this is a director: there's this film called Dust
and Heat - -ed by Umberto Collocini / a famous film
director / the director of the Harry Potter movies
drama a drama is a play for the theatre or television:
some -s deal with current issues such as AIDS / a
- about the Second World War / a new TV - / my
favourite hospital - on TV / she's starring in a new
- series on BBC1
ending the ending of a film or story is the way it
ends: does the film have a happy~? / a sad - / the
- is very dramatic /1 didn't like the explosion an explosion is the loud noise that
happens when a bomb goes off. The verb is
explode: there are lots of car chases and ~s / there
was a huge - / people heard the - miles away /
hundreds of people were injured in the - / a
massive - shook the building / a nuclear - / a
bomb exploded in the city centre
halfway halfway means at the middle point between
two things, or at the middle point between the
beginning and end of something: / got really bored through the film /1 live - between London and Leeds
light something that is light is easy to understand
and not very serious: I'd like to watch something
a bit ~er /1 like to read something - when I'm on
holiday / it's perfect - entertainment
plot the plot is the story in a book or film: it's got
a very complicated - / the - is quite simple /
everything became clear as the - developed /
there's an interesting twist in the - at the end
(something unexpected happens)
predictable if something is predictable, it happens in
the way you expected, so it is not interesting. The
opposite is unpredictable: it's quite - / the ending
was very - /1 found it rather boring and ~ / the
plot is highly - / the weather's a bit unpredictable
at the moment
set if a story is set in a place, it happens in that place:
it's - in space / the film is ~ in north Africa / the
story is - during the French Revolution
special effects special effects are pictures and sounds
in a film that make it seem as if something very
exciting or impossible is happening: it's got some
amazing ~ / the - are brilliant /1 love the star if a film stars someone, that person is an
important actor in the film: the film -s Beatrice
Binoche and Brad Schmidt / a film starring Hugh
Grant / the film starred Jessica Baldwin as a young
artist living in Paris
subtitles subtitles are words that are printed at the
bottom of a film in a different language, which
translate what the actors are saying. A subtitled
film has subtitles: the film was in English and there
were no - / it's in French with - / we watched the
subtitled version of the film
put up for - (sold at an auction) / it's going to be
sold by - (at an auction)
author an author is someone who writes books:
the - of a new book about Hollywood / a young
American - /1 haven't read anything by that - /
she's my favourite award an award is a prize that someone wins for
something good that they have done: he's won
several -sfor his books / an - for bravery / he
received an - for his performance in the film / she
got a special -for her charity work
background your background is the type of family
you come from and the education you have had:
the programme helps young people from poor ~s /
she's from a very wealthy - / it's brought together
people from different ~s / he never talks about his biography a biography is a book about a person's
life: he's written a new - of Winston Churchill / the
official - of the queen
character a character is a person in a book or film: the
main - is a young man called Simon / he's quite a
tragic - / there are a few comic -s in the film
composer a composer is someone who writes music.
The verb is compose:/amous -s like Beethoven
and Mozart / one of the best living -s / a classical
- (someone who writes classical music) / he
composed this piece when he was 15
concert a concert is a performance by musicians or
singers: we've been rehearsing this piece of music for
a - / a - of piano music / a rock - /we went to a last weekend / I've bought tickets for a - on Friday
conductor a conductor is someone who stands in front
of musicians or singers and directs the way they
play or sing. The verb is conduct: the international
- Gustavo Dudamel / he's been conducting the
National Youth Orchestra for the last ten years
PAGES 9 4 - 9 5
addiction if you have an addiction, you are unable to
stop doing something because your body or mind
needs it. Someone who has an addiction is an
addict. The adjective is addicted: it helps the kids
avoid problems like drug - / the growing problem
of alcohol - / he's trying to beat his - to cocaine /
she's a drug addict /1 became addicted to gambling
album an album is a CD with several different songs
on it: what's your favourite ~f / he's just recorded
his first - / they are due to release their next - in
March / her new - is coming out next week / this is
his debut - (his first one)
anniversary an anniversary is a date on which
something important happened in a previous
year: it's our wedding - today / the third - of his
death / the - of the end of the war
auction an auction is an event where things are sold
to the person who offers the most money for
them: / bought it at an - / they're holding an - of
nineteenth century paintings / the house will be
Some names for jobs/people are based on verbs
with -or.
a well-known conductor a fitness instructor
a film director
the governor of
an inventor
investors in the company
exhibition an exhibition is a show where people
can go to look at paintings or other works of art:
/ saw an - of his work last year / the art gallery is
holding an - of paintings by Rembrandt / we're
going to an - tomorrow / a major new - opens at
the gallery next week
fan a fan is someone who likes something a lot: I'm a
big - of his films / I'm not a great - of her books / a
football - / a group of Manchester United -s
found if someone founds an organisation or a city,
they start it: he -ed a theatre in Mozambique /
the school was -ed in 1748 /the city was -ed over
400years ago
instrument a musical instrument is something that
you can play music on: a musical - / a brass - /
woodwind -s / can you play an -?
landscape a landscape is a picture of the countryside:
he paints mainly -s / one of the best - painters of
all time /a - painting
long-running something that is long-running has
continued for a long time: a - TV programme / a dispute between the two families / a - legal battle
novel a novel is a book that tells a story: a new - by a
young French writer / the ~s of Charles Dickens /
have you read any of her ~s> / he's written over 20
-s / her first - was published last year / a bestselling - / a romantic painting a painting is a picture that someone has
painted: an exhibition of his ~s / a famous - / a
collection of impressionist ~s / he did a lot of -s of
portrait a portrait is a picture of a person: a - of
Napoleon / a family - (of all the members of a
family) / he painted several ~s of his mother
programme a programme is a set of actions that
help or improve something: a - that helps young
people from poor backgrounds learn classical music /
a training - foryoung unemployed people / I've
started a new fitness - / the government has
announced a - of education reforms
publish if a company publishes a book, it prints it
and makes it available for people to buy: her first
novel was -ed last year / they've just -ed a new
biography of John Lennon
rehearse if you rehearse, you practise something
such as a play or concert before you perform in
front of people: we've been rehearsing the song for
a concert / we've been rehearsing for six weeks /1
need to - my lines
scheme a scheme is a plan or system that tries to
help or improve something: we've got a similar
- in this country / a government training - / if
you work here, you can join our pension - / the
government has set up a new - to help the longterm unemployed
sculpture sculpture is the art of making beautiful
objects out of wood, stone etc. A sculpture is a
work of art made in this way: I'm really interested
in - / a wonderful - exhibition / he does these
beautiful ~s / a huge wooden -ofa man
social social problems or qualities are to do with
society, and different people in society.Social
activities involve doing things with other people
for pleasure: her novels deal with - issues / the
area has a lot of - problems / the people all come
from different - backgrounds /1 have a brilliant life (I see a lot of people and go out a lot)
suspense suspense is a feeling you have when you
are waiting for something exciting to happen:
there's a lot of - in his books / the film is full of- /
/ couldn't watch it, because I couldn't bear the - /1
get my exam results next week - the - is killing me
(I feel very excited)
technique a technique is a special way of doing
something: she's got an amazing singing - / he
uses a variety of ~s in his paintings / there are
different -sfor building stone walls
train if you train,you learn the skills that you need to
do something. The noun is training: she -ed as an
opera singer / I'm -ing to be a teacher /1 did a lot
of training before the race
trouble if you are in trouble, you have done
something wrong and people want to punish you:
/ was already in - with the police / I'll be in - with
my parents if I'm late home /1 don't want to get
into - / try and keep out ofvoice your voice is the sounds you make when you
sing or speak: she's got an amazing - / he's got a
very loud - / she spoke in a soft - / a high-pitched
- / a deep - / she didn't often raise her - (shout) /
he lowered his - (spoke more quietly) / can you
keep your - down, please? (speak quietly) / I've lost
my - (I can't speak because I've got a problem
with my throat)
experience if you experience something, it happens
to you: a country that has ~d civil war / I've never
~d anything like this before / we ~d a few problems
/1 didn't - any pain 11 haven't ~d it first-hand
generate to generate something means to produce
it or make it happen: the industry ~s around
£160 million a year / the business doesn't - much
income for us / using the sun to - electricity / the
film has ~d a lot of interest in the subject
industry an industry is all the companies that
produce one particular type of goods or service:
does your country have a big film ~? / the coal - /
the car - / the country has a large tourist neutral someone or something that is neutral does
not support one side in an argument or war;
English is a common - language / a - country / the
country remained - during the war
punish if you punish someone, you do something
bad to them because they have done something
wrong. The noun is punishment: they are fantasies
where the bad people are -ed and the good people
rewarded I he was -edfor stealing /1 think he
deserves to be -ed /you will be severely -ed / he
was given a harsh punishment (strong) / / think the
punishment was too lenient (not very strong)
PACES 9 6 - 9 7
record if you record something,you store it on a tape:
most films are -ed in English / all police interviews
are -ed /1 -ed our telephone conversation / she's
busy -ing her new album
represent to represent something means to be it:
English -s a common neutral language / this ~s a
very big achievement for our school
reward if you are rewarded,you receive something,
for example money, because you have done
something good. Reward is also a noun: the bad
people are punished and the good people -ed /
the police have offered a £10,000 reward for
AIDS AIDS is a very serious disease that makes your
body unable to stop infections: current issues such
as - / he died of - / people who are living with - /
new treatments for censorship if there is censorship, parts of books or
films are taken out if the government thinks they
are bad or dangerous. The verb is censor: is there
any - of films? / there is strict government - of all
books / the government has relaxed - in the last
few years I they have promised to tighten - / all
books and films are censored
civil war a civil war is a war between different groups
in a country: the incident could cause - / a country
that has experienced - I he fought in the Spanish corruption corruption is dishonest or immoral
behaviour.The adjective is corrupt: some dramas
deal with current issues such as - /government - is
a huge problem / two government ministers have
been accused of - / corrupt police officers
cult a cult is a small religious group with different
or extreme beliefs: he becomes involved with a
religious - / he became a - leader
current a current problem or situation is one that
exists now: - issues such as AIDS / interested in affairs (things that are happening in the world
now) / the - world champion
deal with if something deals with a subject, it is
about that subject: some dramas - current issues
such as AIDS and corruption / the film deals with
the problem of poverty
specialise if you specialise in something,you do
mainly that thing: Hollywood ~s in action movies /
the company ~s in adventure holidays
tension if there is tension between people, they
do not trust or like each other: the films cause
-s between different groups / there's a lot of between local people and the police
tough something that is tough is difficult and has
a lot of problems: a - society like Nigeria / life is sometimes / he's had a - time recently
wealth wealth is a large amount of money. The
adjective is wealthy: a religious cult that promises
him incredible - if he kills his wife I he uses his - to
help others I a wealthy businessman
weird something that is weird is very strange: the and wonderful world of Nigerian cinema / it was
all a bit - /1 think she's -
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 I only watch the news
2 There was a great twist
the movie plot.
3 The film was in Spanish
English subtitles.
4 Next week I'll be
5 The film is set
6 She's won awards
her books.
B Choose the correct preposition
1 She's in /from a wealthy background.
2 I'm interested in / on American history.
3 Kate Winslet is one of / about my favourite actors
4 We went at / to a movie last night.
5 I'm not a fan in / of action movies.
6 The school was founded in /on 1890.
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
l a famous film
the movie?
2 a drug addict
3 He trained to be an receive computer
4 government
5 Criminals are
a harsh
A Complete the sentences with nouns formed from
the verbs.
| invent
your voice down, please.
2 I'm waiting for my results. The suspense is
3 The art school is
an exhibition of
student work.
4 The house was
up for auction.
5 The group have
their second album.
6 I like films that
a happy ending.
B Complete the sentences with the adjectives. Look
up the adjectives if you need help.
musical social big
I like listening to
She works hard and has no
My dream is to write a
Can you play a
I'm a
fan of Liverpool Football Club.
character is a young Japanese
C Complete the collocations with nouns from the
1 the city c
2 the French R__
3 a wedding a __
4 go to a rock c _ _
5 an opera s
6 have first-hand e
A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal
1 The thief ran out / off with her handbag.
2 A bomb went off / about in a crowded bus.
3 Their new album has just come on /out.
4 I don't go on / out much in the evenings.
5 She gave in / up her studies after one year.
1 She works as a
in the film industry.
2 Henry Ford and Alexander Graham Bell were both
3 He's the
of the New York
Philharmonic Orchestra.
buy shares in the stock market.
5 People vote to elect a
6 She's training to be a fitness
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs. Look up the verbs if you need help.
A Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
(to + infinitive or-ing).
1 Let's watch the movie
Kevin Spacey.
2 The government has promised
censorship, (tighten)
3 It's a story about an artist
in Rome.
4 We use solar power
5 He's tried but he can't stop
PAGES 9 8 - 9 9
bin a bin is a container where you put things that
you no longer want: a rubbish - / a waste paper
- I put it in the - I if you don't want it, just throw
it in the court a court is an area where you can play a
game such as tennis or basketball: a tennis ~ /a
basketball - I the players have been on - for nearly
two hours (playing)
clean if you give something a clean, you clean
it: we have to give everything a good - I the
windows need a - I the car could do with a (needs a clean)
drawer a drawer is a part of a piece of furniture
that you can move in and out and keep things in:
there's a knife in the - in the kitchen I all the pens
are in my desk - I it's in the top - of the chest of
drawers I the bottom duvet a duvet is a thick warm cover for a bed: / need
a new - / a double - (for a double bed) / a single
- (for a single bed) / / was lovely and warm under
theforecast a forecast is a description of what you think
will happen: what's the weather - for tomorrow? I
the weather -for tomorrow is quite good I the
economic -for next year is quite gloomy (not
garage a garage is a building for keeping a car in:
there's a mop in the - I1 never put the car in the iron an iron is a piece of equipment that you use for
making clothes smooth. Iron is also a verb: he gave
me an - for my birthday! I make sure the - isn't
too hot I use a cool - I I've got a few shirts to iron
kettle a kettle is a piece of equipment that you use
for boiling water: can you make some coffee? The
~'s over there /fill the - with water I there isn't
enough water in the -
mop a mop is something that you use for cleaning
floors, with a long stick and a soft part on the end.
Mop is also a verb: / need a - and a bucket I use
the - in the kitchen I clean the floor with a - / I've
just mopped the kitchen floor
mortgage a mortgage is an amount of money that
you borrow in order to buy a house: we've got a
big - /a small - /we took out a-to buy a house I
I've finally paid off my nail a nail is a thin pointed piece of metal that you
bang into wood with a hammer: a hammer and ~s I
hammering a - into the wall
neighbour a neighbour is someone who lives next
to you or near you: / asked a - for help I he's my
next-door - (he lives in the next house to me) /
doyou get on well with your ~s? I the -s are very
pan a pan is a container that you use for cooking
food on the top of a cooker: heat the milk in a
small - I a frying - / a stainless steel plaster a plaster is a small piece of sticky material
that you put over a cut on your skin, to protect it:
put a - on the cut 11 think you can take the - off
now I1 peeled the - off carefully
pray if you pray, you speak to God: a mosque is a
building where you go and - I they -ed for the
victims I he -ed for forgiveness
rail a rail is a long round piece of metal or wood, that
you use to hang something on: a shower - / a
curtain -la towel - I looking through the clothes
on the refugee a refugee is someone who has left their
country to escape from war or danger: the country
won't accept any more -s I thousands of ~s have
escaped over the border / a - camp
rubber a rubber is a small object that you use for
removing pencil marks from paper: can I borrow a
~? I use a - to rub it out
rubbish rubbish is things that people throw away:
a site where - is buried I household - is collected
every Monday I we all produce too much - la bin la- tip (a place where rubbish is left)
shelf a shelf is a piece of wood or metal that is
attached to a wall, that you can put things on:
there are some towels on a - in the bathroom 11
need a - for my books I my dad put up some
shelves for me 11 got a job stacking shelves in a
supermarket (putting things on the shelves)
sink a sink is a piece of furniture in a bathroom or
kitchen, that you can fill with water and use for
washing things: put the dirty dishes in the - I
there's a cloth in the cupboard under the - in the
spare a spare thing is an extra thing that you have,
so that you can use it if you need it:you can sleep
in the - room I I've got a - key in my bag I you
should always have a - tyre in the boot of
your car
spill if you spill a liquid, you let it fall out of its
container by accident: I've just spilt water all
over the bathroom floor I mind you don't -your
stapler a stapler is a small machine that puts small
pieces of wire through paper to hold them
together. The pieces of wire are called staples.
Staple is also a verb: can I borrow your ~? 11 need
to put some more staples in the stapler I staple the
documents together
A lot of names for objects and machines are based
on the verb that they are used for,
a stapler
a rubber
a food mixer
a photocopier
a rice cooker
a DVD player
Note: a cooker is the machine, and the person is a
cook or chef.
towel a towel is a piece of thick cloth that you use
for drying your skin: have you got a - I could
borrow? 11 dried my hands on a - I a hand (a small one for drying your hands) la bath vacuum cleaner a vacuum cleaner is a machine that
cleans floors by sucking up dirt: / usually clean the
floor with the - I he doesn't know how to use the PAGES 1 0 0 - 1 0 1
archaeologist an archaeologist is someone who
studies very old societies by studying the remains
of their buildings and objects. The subject is
archaeology: a team of ~s has investigated the
site I she's doing a degree in archaeology
bury if you bury something,you put it in a hole in
the ground and cover it: a site where rubbish was
buried I they buried her body in the garden
cardboard cardboard is very thick, stiff paper that is
used for making boxes: a container made of - I
a - box
consume if you consume something,you use it:
everything we produce and - leads to waste I we
should try to reduce the amount of energy we - I
they - vast quantities of food
convince if you convince someone about something,
you make them feel certain that it is true: she's
trying to - me that I could waste less I he managed
to - them of his innocence
cross off if you cross something off a written list,
you remove it from the list by putting a line
through it. If you cross something out, you put a
line through it: all my favourite things are getting
crossed off my shopping list 11 crossed my name off
the list I some of the names have been crossed out
dairy dairy products are foods that are made from
milk: / don't eat too many - products 11 don't buy
a lot of- produce
diet your diet is the types of foods that you eat every
day: which family has the healthiest ~? I try to
make sure that you have a balanced - (with all the
foods that you need) I most of the children here
have a very poor - 11 think I should change my dispose of if you dispose of something, you get rid
of it because you don't want it: it costs around
$100 per tonne to - of rubbish I what's the best
way to - of old paint?
efficiency efficiency is working well, without wasting
energy or time. The adjective is efficient: 100% is impossible I we need to improve - I tap water is
much more efficient la very energy-efficient system
efficient if something is efficient, it doesn't use
more energy than is necessary. The opposite is
inefficient: drinking tap water is much more - I
new washing machines are more energy - than
older ones I producing aluminium is very inefficient
expert an expert is someone who knows a lot about
a subject: an - on the environment I a world - on
cancer I a group of medical ~s
get rid of if you get rid of something,you throw it
away or destroy it because you no longer not need
it: It costs $1000 a tonne to - chemicals such as
paint I we need to - this old furniture I the best
way to - mice from your house
global warming global warming is the increase in
the world's temperature, caused by an increase in
the amount of certain gases in the air: a natural
gas which causes - I the problem of - I the effects
of - I ways to prevent - I new measures to tackle guilty if someone is guilty, they have done something
that is a crime. If you feel guilty, you feel bad
because you have done something wrong: I feel
very - 11 felt - about lying to him 11 don't think
he's - of the murder I the court found her - of theft
mine if people mine something, they dig it out of the
ground in order to use it. A mine is a place where
people dig something out of the ground: they must
-four tonnes of rock to get one tonne of aluminium
I they - gold in this area I a gold mine I a coal mine
packaging packaging is the bags and boxes that
something is sold in: the - is biodegradable I most
things you buy in supermarkets have got too much recycle if you recycle things, you send them to be
treated in special factories so that they can be
used again: doyou - the containers? I most paper
can be ~d I it's quite easy to - glass and plastic I
what does your country do to encourage recycling?
reduce if you reduce something, you make it less
in size or amount. The noun is reduction: we
must - waste by 10% I plastic bottles - transport
costs I the government wants to - the number
of accidents on the roads I we should all - the
amount of paper we use I there has been a
reduction in unemployment over the last three
rock rock is the hard substance that the Earth is
made of: they mine four tonnes of - to get one
tonne of aluminium / machines that can cut
through solid preserve to preserve something means to keep it in
good condition and stop it from being harmed or
damaged: some perfectly ~d sausages / chemicals
which are used to - food / experts are working to the painting
sticker a sticker is a small piece of paper or plastic
with writing or a picture on, that you stick on to
something: a - on the bag to show they have paid
their tax /a - on the car window saying 'Baby on
tap a tap is a piece of equipment that you use to
control the flow of water, for example in a kitchen
or bathroom. Tap water is water from the tap: why
not drink - water? / the hot-water - / turn the on and fill the sink with water I can you turn the off? / the - in the kitchen is dripping
team a team is a group of people who work together
or play a sport together: a - of archaeologists has
investigated the site / we work together as a - / a
football vegetarian a vegetarian is someone who doesn't eat
meat. Vegetarian is also an adjective: it's better to
be- I doyou like -food? / they don't offer many options / are you a -?
weakly if you say or do something weakly, you
do it in a way that shows you do not feel very
confident: 'Nothing,'I - reply / he smiled -
attractive someone who is attractive is pretty or nice
to look at: clothes that make me more - / a very girl / doyou find him -? I he's incredibly blow if something blows, it moves because of
the wind. The past tense is blew and the past
participle is blown: / use that rock to stop papers
on my desk -ing away / the door blew shut / some
trees were blown down in the storm
break up if people break up, they decide that they
don't want to be in a relationship with each other
any more.The past tense is broke up and the past
participle is broken up: a couple of weeks after
that, we broke up / I've broken up with Jack
clue a clue is a small piece of information that helps
you to learn the truth about something: she gave
me ~s about the present / the police have found
some important -s / they are still searching for -s /
we have no ~s as to his identity
click if you click on something on a computer, you
press a button on the mouse to make something
happen: when I -ed on the link, I understood
everything / - on 'Continue'
confused if you feel confused,you cannot
understand something very well. Something that
is confusing makes you feel confused: / was - / /
felt completely - / I'm still a bit - about the whole
thing / it's all very confusing
embarrassed if you are embarrassed, you feel slightly
ashamed or uncomfortable because you are
worried about what people will think of you.
Something that makes you feel embarrassed is
embarrassing: / was quite - because it was our first
date / he looked really -I1 was really - by you! / it
was so embarrassing!
go out with if you go out with someone, you have
a romantic relationship with them: / went out
with a girl a few years ago / she's never been out
with a boy
hand if you hand something to someone, you give
it to them: she -ed me a rock from the beach / he
-ed the letter to me / can you - me that bottle?
link a link is a connection between different parts of
a website, or between different websites: when I
clicked on the -, I understood everything / there's
information about the charity, and a - to their
occasion an occasion is a special event: when did you
receive the present? What was the-? I we're saving
it for a special - /an 18th birthday party is a big - /
an important - / how are we going to celebrate
the -? /1 think we should mark the - in some way
(celebrate it)
petrol petrol is a liquid that you put in a car or other
vehicle to make the engine work: I've saved loads
of money on - I fill the car up with - / the rising
price of pour if you pour a liquid, you make it flow from one
container into another: shall I -you a drink? /
shall I - the coffee?/ - some orange juice into
the glass
rock a rock is a large stone: sfie handed me a -from
the beach / we climbed over the -s I the boat ran
into some -s and sank / the ground is just bare - /
a huge lump ofturn if you turn something, you become it: she ~s 13
next week I the weather's -ed colder / my hands
-ed blue with cold /1 was worried he might - nasty /
the situation could - violent
5 She managed to
people to vote for her.
6 The house could
with a clean.
the rubbish in the bin.
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 There's a sharp knife
the drawer.
2 I got a new phone
my birthday.
3 There are some towels
the shelf.
4 I cleaned the floor
a mop.
5 He's doing a degree
6 We should reduce the amount
we use.
B Choose the correct preposition
1 Cheese is made by/from milk.
2 Click at / on the link to find more information.
3 What's the best way to dispose of / out batteries?
4 Water is dripping of7from the tap.
5 I finished studying a couple of / on weeks ago.
6 There's a spare tyre on / in the boot.
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
1 I ironed my
a steam
2 Can I borrow your
the pages
3 I mopped the floor.
I bought a new
4 a team of
5 We must reduce
6 an embarrassing
She studies
I felt
in road
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs. Look up the verbs if you need help.
1 He
2 We
3 My sister is
4 We need to
nasty when he drinks too much.
the occasion with a big party.
out with one of my
together as a team.
B Complete the sentences with the adjectives. Look
up the adjectives if you need help.
1 I want to make his birthday a
2 It's important to have a
3 Doyou eat a lot of
4 Every country needs
quantities of oil.
5 You can sleep in the
6 You cook an omelette in a
7 I don't know my
Complete the collocations with nouns from the
1 theweatherf__
2 a handt
3 tap w
4 orangej
5 a healthy d
6 a cardboard b x
A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal
1 We took on / out a mortgage to pay for our house.
2 I'm still paying out/off my student loan.
3 Doyou get about /on well with your classmates?
4 Can you help me put up /on some shelves?
5 We crossed all the items out /off the list.
6 I need to get rid at /of all the junk in my
7 My sister just broke away / up with her boyfriend.
A Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
{to + infinitive or -ing).
1 Does your town encourage
? (recycle)
2 Rubber is used for
tyres, (make)
3 I need
a few shirts, (iron)
4 Use the kettle for
water, (boil)
5 Doyou know how
a car? (drive)
6 The government wants
unemployment, (reduce)
PACES 1 0 4 - 1 0 5
course a course is one part of a meahyou can get
a three— meal for $6 / the first - / what are you
having for your main -}
crisps crisps are very thin pieces of potato that
are fried in oil: the - are quite expensive here / /
bought a packet of-/a bag of plain - (with no
flavours added) / ready-salted - / salt-and-vinegar
- /1 never eat currency a currency is the money that is used in a
country: our - is strong at the moment / the is still weak /you can get foreign - at the bank I
the major European currencies / what's the local
- there?
designer designer clothes are made by a famous
fashion company: you can get - clothes for quite
low prices /a- suit I - dresses I the well-known labels / - jewellery
election an election is when the people in a country
vote to choose a new government. The verb is
elect: there's an - next month I a general - (of the
whole country) / local ~s / a democratic - / they
are calling for fair and free ~s / they're claiming
the - was rigged / accusations of -fraud / are you
going to vote in the ~? I the new government
was elected last month / he was elected President
goods goods are things that are made and sold in
shops: electronic - are much cheaper there / a shop
selling luxury - / household - / they produce and
sell electrical - / the - are transported by lorry / a
- train
go up if something goes up, it increases:
unemployment has gone up a lot over the lastyear
/ inflation's gone up over the last two years / rail
fares have gone up by nearly 50% / the
temperature went up to over 40 degrees / prices
have gone up dramatically / inflation has gone up
inflation if there is inflation, the price of things you
can buy keeps increasing: -'s gone up over the last
two years / a period of high - / we've had relatively
low - recently / rising - I soaring - (rising quickly) /
these price rises will fuel - (make it worse) /an
attempt to reduce - /government measures to
control pace the pace of something is how fast or slowly it
happens: the - of life is much slower there I the of life is really fast / the - of events has speeded up /
the - of technological change
popularity someone's popularity is how many people
like them. If someone is popular, a lot of people
like them: the government is currently losing - /
the - of internet shopping / the show enjoys huge
- / the university is gaining in - / his - has grown /
its - has declined in recent years / he's very popular
with his classmates / a popular TV entertainer
population the population of a place is all the people
who live there: nearly 80% of the - own a car /
there's only a small -la large - /the- of Trance /
the global - / the - is growing / the - now stands
at over 15 million / the - could reach 25 million by
2025 / a decline in the salary a salary is an amount of money that you
receive each month for a job: the average - is quite
high I they pay good salaries / an annual - of
£35,000 /your starting - will be £19,000 / they are
demanding an increase in - I my - will go up next
year I some managers face cuts in security if you have security, you are safe and you
are not going to lose something. The adjective
is secure: people had more job - in the past / we
don't have any financial - I the relationship gives
her emotional - / a feeling of - / we are financially
shame if something is a shame, it is disappointing: It
seems a - to leave / oh, what a -I / that's a -I / it's
a - the weather isn't good
unemployment if there is unemployment in a
country, a lot of people don't have jobs. The
adjective is unemployed: - has gone up a lot over
the lastyear / - has risen to over 3 million / the
government has promised to reduce - / - has fallen
to under 2 million / a period of high - / low - /a
time of rising - /falling - / thousands of workers
are now facing PACES 1 0 6 - 1 0 7
bill a bill is a list showing how much you have to pay
for something: what kind of-s do people have to
pay? / a big -for cleaning/fuel -s are going to get
higher / I've got a few unpaid ~s / a telephone - /
the electricity - / the gas - / he sent me a huge - /
who is going to foot the - (pay it)?
card playing cards are small cards with numbers or
pictures on, which people use to play games: we
played - together /a pack of-s / a - game / I'll
shuffle the ~s (mix them up) / come on, deal the ~s
(give them to people at the beginning of a game)
charity a charity is an organisation that collects
money and uses it to help people: /give money
to a children's - / an animal - / a local - / donate
money to - / it's sometimes difficult to decide
which - to support / they've raised a lot of money
for - / a - event
company if you have company, you are with
someone: / guess he liked his neighbour's - /1
enjoy his - / she's good - (enjoyable to be with) /
I needed some - / it's nice to have a bit of - / I'll
stay here to keep you - / he likes his own - (enjoys
being alone)
divide if you divide something,you share it between
different people: the money was ~d between them /
we -d the money equally among us /1 tried to it fairly
doll a doll is a toy that looks like a baby or small
person: dad used to find bits of old wood and turn
them into toy boats and ~s / playing with their
-s / a wooden - / a rag - (made of cloth) / a
double if something doubles, it becomes twice as
big: he bought shares in a company that ~d in
value / the town has ~d in size / unemployment
has ~d over the last three years / taxes have almost
~d/food prices have more than ~d
fool a fool is someone who is stupid. The adjective
is foolish: a - spends what the wise man saves /
you're a stupid-I /he's a complete - /1 felt like a- /
don't make a - ofyourself / a really foolish thing to
do / it was rather foolish of me to trust him
insurance insurance is an agreement in which you
pay money regularly to a company, and they will
pay the costs if something bad happens to you:
everything is covered by your - / the - company
paid for everything / have you got private health -? /
medical - / travel - / car - / an - policy /1 took out
- against flooding
interest interest is money that a bank or other
company charges when you borrow money from
them. It is also money that you receive when
you keep your money in a bank: / pay 5% - / they
charge up to 25% - / how much - doyou pay
on your mortgage? / an - rate of 7% /an —free
loan (with no interest) / how much - doyou get
a month?
invest if you invest money, you spend it on something
in order to improve it, or to make a profit from it.
The noun is investment: the government is going
to - money in schools /1 -ed some of my money
in shares / we decided to - in property / greater
government investment in the health service / he
lost money through some poor investments
leave if you leave something to someone, you
arrange for them to have it when you die:
have you ever been left anything in a will? / my
granddad left it to me when he died / she left all
her money to charity
minimum the minimum is the smallest amount that
is possible.The opposite is maximum: what's the
- wage? / we need a - of three hours / we want to
keep costs too - / we'll pay a maximum of £3000
owe if you owe money to someone, you have to give
them money because you borrowed it from them
or they have done something for you: doyou any money to anyone? / he ~s me £20 /1 still - you
for those tickets
repair if you repair something, you mend it. Repair
is also a noun: my mum taught us to make and clothes /1 need to get the wall -ed / it needs -ing
/ we managed to - the damage / the car needs a
few minor repairs
sarcastic if you are sarcastic, you say the opposite of
what you mean, in order to make a joke or show
that you are angry: there's no need to be ~\ / aremark / - comments /1 didn't realise he was being saying a saying is a well-known expression that
people often use: we sometimes invented our own
silly ~s / a well-known - / it's one of my favourite
-s / 'there's no fool like an old fool,'as the old - goes
second-hand something that is second-hand is not
new, but has been owned by someone else before
you buy it: I've bought a - car / a shop selling clothes /1 bought it shares shares are equal parts that a company is
divided into, which people can buy and sell: he
bought - in a company /1 decided to invest in - /
sell your - / share prices have fallen again
turn into if you turn something into a different thing,
you change it so that it becomes the other thing:
Dad used to find bits of old wood and - them
into toy boats and dolls /you can - old jeans
into shorts
wage a wage is an amount of money that you
receive each day or each week for work: what's
the minimum -? / what's your weekly-? / a daily
- of $50 / he earns a good - / they're demanding
a decent - / a fair - / people on low ~s / the ~s are
quite high / my basic - has increased / they've cut
our ~s (reduced them) / a- increase / a - cut
will a will is a legal document that says what you
want to happen toyour money and possessions
when you die: he left me some money in his - /
we read the - after my grandmother died / have
you made a - (written one).? / she didn't leave a
- when she died / he changed his - a few months
before he died
worth the amount of money that something is
worth is its value: it's - over £300 / how much is
it -? / it's an old car, so it isn't - much / it's - a lot
of money
PACES 1 0 8 - 1 0 9
ask out if you ask someone out, you invite them to
go somewhere with you because you want to
have a romantic relationship with them: / -ed her
- / has he -edyou - yet?
condition the condition of something is the state
that it is in,for example whether it is broken or
not: it's not in perfect - / it's still in very good - / in
immaculate - (perfect) / in reasonable - / in very
poor fare a fare is an amount of money that you pay to
travel by bus, train, taxi etc: bus ~s have just gone
up /you can get cheap -s ifyou book in advance /
~s are quite high I they offer quite low ~s /1 had to
pay the full - / an increase in rail ~s / they've cut
their ~s (reduced them)
irregular something that is irregular is not usual or
regular, or not completely honest or legakyour
card was cancelled because we noticed some activity /1 work ~ hours / some of the business
transactions were a bit loan a loan is an amount of money that someone
borrows: / took out a - to pay for the car / a big - /
a small - / a £5000 ~/he offered me an interestfree - / it took me years to repay the - / a agreement / the monthly - repayments
mark a mark is an area of dirt on something, or
an area where it is slightly damaged: it's not in
perfect condition - look, there's a - here / a dirty on his shirt / the coffee cup left a - on the table /
some scratch ~s on the paint / a burn - / she had
bite -s on her arm
PIN (number) your PIN number is the secret number
that you use with a bank card or credit card: / need
to change my - I I've forgotten my - / can you put
your - in, please?
recession a recession is a period of time when there is
less business activity than usual: I'm going to move
back home before the - here gets worse 1 a deep - /
a major ~ / a long - /the crisis that caused the - /
the country has gone into - / the US has now come
out of - / the - has worsened I businesses will take
time to recover from the - / the end of the silly someone who is silly is stupid or foolish: don't be
- - it's too far to go /1 think that's a - idea / that
was a really - thing to do I don't ask ~ questions /
I felt a bit speed up if you speed up, you start to go faster. If you
speed something up,you make it happen faster:
the new software will - things - / we can ~ when
we get on to the motorway / we're trying to - the
application process
Sometimes up in a phrasal verb means an
increase and down shows a decrease:
The car sped up / slowed down
Unemployment has gone up / gone down a lot.
However, more often the meaning is not obvious.
Always think of the two words as having one
He's gone down with flu. (he's caught flu)
She's given up smoking, (she's stopped smoking
support if you support someone, you help them by
giving them advice or money. Support is also a
noun: we'll - you until you graduate / he doesn't
earn enough to - his family I your teachers will
-you through your exams / she gave me a lot of
emotional - 11 rely on my parents for financial suspect if you suspect that something is true,
you think it is probably true, but you do not
know for certain. A suspect is someone who the
police think has committed a crime: we - that
your card was copied 11 rather - she knew all
about it / I'm beginning to - that she's involved
in some way / he's suspected of murder / a
murder suspect I the police have arrested three
treat a treat is something special that gives someone
pleasure: /'// get this - it's my - I going to the
theatre was a real - in those days / a special - / my
birthday - /we took the kids to the beach as a vintage vintage clothes, music or films are good
quality and show typical qualities from a
particular time in the past: the music is - sixties
/ doyou like - clothes? / a -film / - cars (old, but
kept in good condition)
wallet a wallet is a small flat case in which you carry
money and bank cards: / left my - in my other
jacket / a leather - /1 had no money in my- / his
- was stuffed with money / / took out my - and
offered to pay
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 What are you having
2 The US dollar is very strong
the moment.
3 The pace of life is slower
the countryside.
4 That teacher is very popular
5 A lot
people are unemployed.
6 I donated money
an animal charity.
7 My daughter loves playing
her dolls.
B Choose the correct preposition.
1 He buys shares on / in companies.
2 The insurance paid/or / of everything.
3 My town has doubled about / in size.
4 I pay 10% interest of /on my loan.
5 Fares are cheaper if you book on / in advance.
6 The economy needs to recover in /from the
7 He relies on his family on/for financial support.
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs. Look up the verbs if you need help.
my car second-hand.
The family are all
by his insurance.
a real fool of myself!
I'll stay to
you company.
I'm trying to
money for charity.
Who's going to
the bill?
B Match the two halves of the
1 We had a delicious.
2 I love salt-and-vinegar
3 I don't usually wear
4 Oh, that's
5 I'll shuffle
6 We need to keep costs
to a minimum.
a shame!
three-course meal.
designer labels.
the cards.
C Complete the collocations with nouns from the
1 a special t
2 myPINn
3 the minimum w _ _ e
4 an insurance p
5 household g
6 your annual s
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
1 a general election
The USA has
a new president.
2 a popular teacher
Online shopping is
gaining in
A financially
4 I felt like a fool.
to do.
5 A good investment
your money
in the stock market.
6 I suspected it
A murder
was her.
A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal
1 The price of electricity has gone over / up.
2 I recently took on /out life insurance.
3 I asked my classmate out / in on a date.
4 The economy has gone into / on recession.
5 My work is very slow. I need to speed things
out / up.
6 Come at/on, I'm waiting for you.
A Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
{to + infinitive or -ing).
1 My father has given up
2 People are voting
a new government.
3 Your suit needs
4 The rate of inflation keeps
5 It was a foolish thing
6 She offered
for the meal, (pay)
1 I
very irregular hours in my job.
2 My grandfather
me some money in
his will.
PAGES 1 1 0 - 1 1 1
background if you can hear something in the
background,you can hear it quietly, but it is not
the main thing that you can hear: the music
wasn't too loud - just good - music /1 could hear
voices in the - I there was a lot of - noise
bowl a bowl is a dish you put food in: / put a few ~s
of olives on the tables I a glass - /a wooden - /a
soup - / a cereal - / / poured some soup into the buffet a buffet is a meal in which people take food
from a large table and sit somewhere else to
eat it: they just had a - and everyone helped
themselves / a delicious - / a cold - (with only cold
foods) la - will be served at 12.30 /a- meal
clear if you clear a place, you make it empty: the first
Dl was great, but the second one -ed the dance
floor I the police -ed the area around the fire / will
you help me - the table? I1 need to - my desk
convert if you convert something, you change it into
something different: It used to be a factory, but
they -ed it a few years ago I the house has been
-ed into flats / -an old barn into a house
distant if someone is distant, they are not very friendly
or interested: they seemed a bit cold and - - not
very friendly I she was very - / he's become rather ex your ex is a person you used to be married to or have
a romantic relationship with: my - arrived with his
new girlfriend / an —boyfriend / her —husband
full if a place is full, it contains as much of something
as it can hold, so there is no room for more: the
dance floor was - all evening / I'm sorry - the
restaurant's - tonight / mind you don't spill any the cup's very - / the bath's almost - / the room's of junk / the streets were - of people
gorgeous someone who is gorgeous is very
attractive. Something that is gorgeous is lovely:
she was absolutely - /you look -I / he's drop-dead-I
(extremely attractive) / what a - dress / those
flowers smell - / a - chocolate cake
impressive if something is impressive, it seems very
good, and you admire it. If you are impressed with
something, you admire it: the organisation of the
whole event was very -la very - achievement /
an - display of skill / the company's performance
is extremely - /1 found his speech quite - / / was
quite impressed with her
reception a reception is a large formal party: a
wedding - /a special -for the visiting politicians
ruin if you ruin something.you spoil it completely: It
-ed the evening for me / the rain -ed my shoes /1
knew I had -ed my chances of getting the job / it
completely -ed my life
venue a venue is a place where an event happens: it's
an amazing - for a party / an ideal -for weddings I
a popular concert - / a sports warm someone who is warm is friendly: everyone
was very - and friendly I she's a really - person /
we were given a - welcome
PAGES 1 1 2 - 1 1 3
accused if you are accused of doing something illegal
or wrong, someone says that you did it. The verb is
accuse: he was - of corruption / he was wrongly of murder / she stands - of fraud / he accused her
of trying to hide the truth
agriculture agriculture is the work of growing crops
and keeping animals to produce food: they live off
seasonal - / the benefits of modern - / traditional
- /subsistence - (growing just enough to eat) la
lot of people are employed in - / they depend on for their income
battle a battle is a fight between different armies:
the - of Preston / a fierce - I a famous - /a naval
- (at sea) / they won the - / the Americans lost the
- / the - raged for three days
colony a colony is a country that is controlled and
ruled by another country: the United States was a
- of Britain / Britain's overseas colonies
crowned if someone is crowned king or queen, they
are made the king or queen in a special ceremony.
A crown is a special circle of gold or silver that a
king or queen wears on their head: he was - king in
1743/she was - Queen of England I a gold crown
decade a decade is a period often years: over the
following -, they were forced to live on farms / the
1960s was a very exciting date from if something dates from a particular
time in the past, that is the time it was made or
started: tools which - the Stone Age / the church
dates from the twelfth century
declare if you declare something.you state
formally and officially that it is true.The noun
is declaration: America -d independence from
Britain / Britain -d war on Germany / the
government has -d a state of emergency / she
was ~d the winner / he ~d his love for her / a
declaration of war / the American declaration of
defeated if you are defeated, you lose a battle or game.
The verb is defeat. Defeat is also a noun: they were
-ed in the battle / Manchester United were - 3-0
/ theyfinally managed to defeat the Scots / an
important military defeat / we will never admit defeat
distinct something that is distinct is clearly different
from other things: a - Kazakh language and
culture emerged / they are two - organisations /
Catalan is - from Spanish / we should keep these
two issues emerge if something emerges, it becomes visible or
known: a distinct Kazakh language and culture ~d /
he -dfrom his office (came out) /the truth will eventually
empire an empire is a group of countries or an
organisation that is controlled by one person or
government: the British - / the Roman - / the
ancient Egyptians established a huge - / he created
a huge business execution an execution is when someone is killed as a
punishment for a crime. The verb is execute: he came
to power after the king's - /a public - (with people
watching) /he was found guilty, and nowfaces - / by lethal injection / he was executed for murder
fall the fall of something is the time when it loses
power or stops existing. Fall is also a verb: the - of
the Berlin Wall / the - of the Roman Empire / his from power / the government fell lastyear
gain if you gain something.you get it: two countries
that have -ed independence from Britain I he -ed
control of the company / we couldn't - access to the
building /1 did voluntary work to - some experience
height the height of something is the time when it
is most successful: at the - of its empire / a film he
made at the - of his acting career
independence if a country has independence, it
controls itself and is not controlled by another
country. The adjective is independent: Kazakhstan
gained - in 1991 / the country is fighting for its - /
when did the country become independent?
invade if you invade a place, you attack it. The noun
is invasion: the army -d in 1219 / the place is -d
by tourists every year / a military invasion / they
launched an invasion of the country
lease if you lease land or a building to someone, you
allow them to use it in return for money. A lease is
an official document that allows someone to use
land or a building in return for money: the site is
-d to Russia / they - the house to students / a fiveyear lease / to sign a lease
monarch a monarch is a king or queen: the longestruling British - was Queen Victoria I the reigning (the one in power now) / the current - has ruled
for over 20years
nomadic people who are nomadic move around to
different places, rather than staying in one place:
It was a - society /a - tribe /a- life
occupation an occupation is when a group of people
go into a place and take control of it. The verb
is occupy: the Roman - of Britain / they voted to
continue their - of the school / the country was
occupied by Russia
oil oil is a thick dark liquid from under the ground
that is used to make petrol: the 11'" largest
producer of - and gas / companies that are drilling
for - (trying to find oil) / the —exporting countries
opposed if you are opposed to something.you
believe that it is wrong and should stop. You can
also say that you oppose something: they are - to
joining NATO / I'm - to animal experiments / she's
fiercely - to the death penalty /1 remain - to the
war / hundreds of people oppose the new law
rapidly if something happens rapidly, it happens very
quickly. The adjective is rapid: the economy grew - /
things are improving quite - / the disease can spread
extremely - /a period of rapid economic growth
republic a republic is a country that has an elected
government, and does not have a king or queen:
Britain briefly became a-1 the French - / the country
became an independent -in 1837 /a democratic revolution a revolution is when the people of a
country change their political system using force:
ff?e war led to a- / the French - /a communist - /
a socialist - / a peaceful - / the government tried
to crush the route a route is a set of roads or paths that you use
to get from one place to another:_/br many years,
the Silk Road trade - went through the region / the
usual tourist - /1 follow the same - to work every
day / what's the shortest - home? / the quickest to the city centre / we decided to take the scenic (the most beautiful, but not the quickest)
rule if you rule a country, you have power and control
over it. Rule is also a noun: Queen Victoria -dfor
over 60 years / he ~d over the whole of the Middle
East / the area was under British rule for nearly
200years / the country is now under military rule I
a system of majority rule (in which the majority of
people decide what should happen)
settle if you settle somewhere, you go to live there
and make it your home: a population growth
caused by people settling in the region / the family
finally ~d in Canada
support if you support someone, you help them and
say that you want them to do well. Support is also
a noun. A supporter is someone who supports a
person or team: Royalists -ed the king / which
football team doyou -? / they depended on
support from the king /he gets a lot of support
from older voters / a crowd of football supporters
vote if you vote in an election,you say who or what you
support: they -dfor joining NATO / who are you going
to -for? / he -d Republican (voted for the Republican
party) / they -d against the single currency
PACES 1 1 4 - 1 1 5
citizen a citizen is someone who lives in a town, city
or country. Citizenship is the legal state of being
a citizen of a country: / was treated like a secondclass - /you can apply to become a British - / a
law-abiding - (someone who does not break the
law) / fie was granted citizenship last month
connection a connection is a relationship between
people or things: I felt a real - with the place / is
there any - between the two crimes? / there is a
close - between poverty and crime / scientists have
discovered a - between alcohol and stomach cancer
funeral a funeral is a ceremony for someone who
has died: / went to London for her - / did you go to
the -? / over 300 people attended the - / the - will
take place next week I a church - / a religious grateful if you are grateful,you feel thanks because
someone has given something to you or done
something for you: /'// always be - for that / I'm
very - to you I I'm deeply - to you for all your help /
I'd be - ifyou could help us clear up
global something that is global affects the whole
world: a date with national or - significance / a economic crisis / this is a - problem / the issue of
- warming
moving something that is moving makes you feel
strong emotions: / spent the night in the house I
was born in, which was very - / a very - experience /
a - film /1 found it deeply partner a partner is someone you live with but are
not married to: I've found a - now /she introduced
There are different ways of referring to a couple's
girlfriend / boyfriend describe people who are
together but not married. Older people may use
these terms as well even though 'girl' and 'boy'
describe young people.
fiance (male) / fiancee (female) are sometimes used
for couples who have decided to get married.
wife / husband describe people who are married.
partner describes someone considered as a wife /
husband although they might not actually be
woman or man are not used to describe a
peak a peak is the top part of a mountain: we reached
the - just as the sun was coming up/a snowcovered - / the mountain ~s towered above us
region a region is a large area of a country: people
have lived in the - since the Stone Age / a northern
- of the country I a southern - / the central - I a
coastal - /a desert - / the tropical -s / very few
people live in the remote jungle ~s
remarkable something that is remarkable is very
good and unusual: the fact that he became
president was truly - / a - achievement I the show
was a - success
side your mother's or father's side of the family is
all the people who are related to you through
your mother or father: my great-grandmother on
my mum's - was Ukrainian / I've got quite a few
cousins on my father's - / there's a history of heart
problems on my mother's - of the family
significance if something has significance, it is
important.The adjective is significant: a date with
national or global - / a discovery of great - / he
didn't appreciate the true - of what he achieved /
we shouldn't attach too much - to this / an
extremely significant change / this information
could prove to be highly significant
surgeon a surgeon is a doctor who performs operations
on patients: thanks to my -, I've been given a second
chance in life I a heart - / a brain - / a plastic (someone who does operations to improve people's
a ppea ra nee) / he became a distinguished touch if you touch someone, you make them feel
a strong emotion: she -ed the lives of millions
of people I their suffering has -ed the hearts of
people all over the world
tragedy a tragedy is a very sad event. The adjective
is tragic: her death in 1997 was a real - /a terrible
- / the day ended in - / we must make sure we
prevent another - / a tragic accident / her tragic
death in 2006
welcoming if someone is welcoming, they are
friendly and they make you feel welcome: the
people were very - / he gave a - smile
A Complete the sentences with the correct
1 Dinner will be served
7 pm.
2 My cupboards are full
3 I was very impressed
the performance.
4 This is a great place
a party.
5 The town depends
tourism for income.
6 India was once a colony
7 I'm opposed
military service.
B Choose the correct preposition
1 He finally emerged out/from his room.
2 I don't have access to I about that information.
3 The Normans invaded England in / on 1066.
4 We lease our house with / to students.
5 France was occupied over / by Germany in the war.
6 I'm very grateful in /for all your help.
7 Let me introduce you with / to my partner.
A Complete the expressions with the correct form of
the word in bold.
a gold crown
Elizabeth was
America declared
war on Iraq.
a public execution
He was
a military invasion
Poland in 1939.
The Roman
The Iraqis
occupation of Britain. Kuwait.
1 support Manchester a football
an American citizen
She's applying for
His death was a
real tragedy.
B Which words in the list below are both nouns and
1 Mother Theresa
the lives of
2 Don't
too much significance to that
3 We haven't
the lease yet.
4 Tony Blair
to power in the 1990s.
5 The government has
a state of
6 These rock paintings
from the Stone
7 The crowd
the team a hero's
B Complete the sentences with the adjectives. Look
up the adjectives if you need help.
1 I can't hear you. There's a lot of
2 His girlfriend is
3 I'm reading about
battles of the First
World War.
4 We took the
route along the coast.
5 When I go there I feel like a
6 The country went through a period of
economic growth.
C Complete the collocations with nouns from the
1 her ex-h _ _ _ _ d
2 The Roman E
3 a nomadic t
4 a law-abiding c _ _ __n
5 the dancef
6 a plastic s __ __ n
A Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
(to + infinitive or -ing).
1 What are your chances of
the job?
2 People voted for
less hours a week.
3 I take the bus
to work, (get)
4 I finally managed
my essay, (finish)
5 She accused him of
lies, (tell)
6 The information could prove
significant, (be)
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs. Look up the verbs if you need help.
1 to
4 at
2 in
5 with
3 on
6 with
1 with
4 for
2 in
5 from
3 in
6 with
1 creativity
2 frustrated
3 generously
4 neatly
5 retire
6 behaviour
1 spicy
2 unlucky
3 messy
4 dirty
5 unhealthy
1 keep
4 put
2 has
5 play
3 take
6 give
1 close
2 lucky
3 open
4 bad
5 good
6 great
1 c
4 d
2 e
5 b
3 a
6 f
1 away
2 on
3 after
4 out
5 out
6 on
1 going
2 shouting
3 to help
4 arguing
5 to visit
6 drinking
1 of
5 for
2 on
6 in
3 of
7 of
8 at
1 at
4 for
2 with
5 with
3 for
6 from
1 Employers
2 injured
3 inspection
4 lock
5 supplies
6 exploitation
7 hugely
8 booking
1 selection
2 Day
3 money
4 receipt
5 stock
6 fine
1 false
5 minor
2 capital
6 tour
3 mass
7 quality
4 good
5 a
2 c
6 d
3 g
7 b
4 f
1 out
5 up
2 in
6 up
3 off
7 back
4 on
8 off
1 wearing
2 Smoking
3 to understand
4 stealing
5 to see
6 Rising
7 to walk
0 3 EAT
1 of
6 of
2 for
7 with
3 of
8 in
9 of
5 for
1 of
4 of
2 in
5 of
3 of
6 with
1 incredibly
2 boil
3 roast
4 fried
5 grill
6 allergic
1 book
2 get
3 working
4 take
5 keep
6 left
7 complained
1 modern
2 green
3 medium
4 damp
5 mixed
6 sour
1 c
5 d
2 a
6 h
3 f
7 e
4 b
8 g
1 down
2 off
3 down
4 in
5 at
6 down
1 Visiting
2 to do
3 selling
4 cooking
5 to sit
6 to cool
1 in
4 for
2 with
5 at
3 on
6 of
1 of
4 of
2 on
5 for
3 for
6 for
1 installed
2 national
3 concentration
4 manages
5 presentation
6 development
1 made
2 entered
3 involve
4 fighting
5 runs
6 working
1 new
2 good
3 bitter
4 voluntary
5 basic
6 official
1 stress
2 presentation
3 salary
4 industry
5 college
1 c
4 a
2 e
5 f
6 b
1 up
5 up
2 out
6 in
3 down
7 out
4 on
1 working
2 to meet
3 studying
4 to negotiate
5 to talk
6 to do
1 of
5 of
2 for
6 at
3 of
7 in
4 on
8 in
1 about
5 for
2 to
6 in
3 in
7 in
4 of
1 drawn
2 awareness
3 invented
4 violence
5 homeless
6 illness
7 weak
1 conducting
2 lost
3 ran
4 launching
5 losing
6 affected
7 gives
1 bad
4 final
2 main
5 weak
3 away
6 wide
1 with
5 of
2 of
6 to
3 of
7 in
8 in
1 with
4 on
2 to
5 on
3 with
6 of
1 farm
2 industry
3 tiring
4 washes up
5 financially
1 spare
2 charming
3 social
4 pure
5 rural
6 nuclear
1 bank
2 coincidence
3 Desert
4 forest
5 takeaway
2 d
3 a
4 f
5 e
6 c
7 g
1 off
2 up
3 off
4 to
5 down
6 on
7 up
1 to go
2 to pay
3 making
4 spending
5 producing
6 to speak
1 moment
2 campaign
3 background
4 violence
5 shortage
6 sport
1 up
2 up
3 out
4 out
5 in
1 to hit
2 to tell
3 watching
4 to play
5 to make
6 to ban
c1 b
1 for
4 from
2 at
5 on
3 with
6 of
1 of
4 for
2 on
5 for
3 in
6 with
1 asthma
2 depression
3 anxious
4 culture
5 react
6 treat
1 religious
2 adventurous
3 anxious
4 unconscious
5 generous
1 got
4 lost
2 Take
5 lost
3 hold
6 pulled
1 full
2 healthy
3 severe
4 spicy
5 sore
6 short
4 e
2 b
5 a
3 f
6 c
1 back
2 up
3 up
4 up
5 out
6 down
1 running
2 to take
3 to strengthen
4 to treat
5 having
6 getting
1 to
4 of
2 from
5 to
3 of
6 with
1 by
5 on
2 to
6 at
3 for
7 on
4 with
1 disappointed
2 dust
3 cycle
4 demonstration
5 divert
1 stretch
2 change
3 holding
4 be
5 got
6 need
1 back
2 bad
3 valid
4 last
5 nice
6 famous
1 government
2 council
3 crossing
4 gallery
5 station
6 lights
7 park
1 off
2 on
3 down
4 off
5 up
6 up
1 carrying
2 to change
3 being
4 working
5 to land
6 to build
1 to
4 of
2 of
5 for
3 over
6 at
1 for
2 of
3 of
4 in
5 at
6 on
1 cruel
2 discovered
3 environment
4 funds
5 investigating
6 predict
scream, witness, snow
1 Keep
2 refused
3 took
4 made
5 to start
6 telling
7 conducting
1 power
2 storm
3 campaign
4 smell
5 shock
6 effects
7 uniform
1 c
2 a
3 f
4 b
5 d
6 e
1 cheating
2 to detect
3 studying
4 to take
5 paying
6 to have
l at
4 about
2 in
5 for
3 at
6 about
1 to
4 on
2 to
5 from
3 from
6 of
l supports
2 effect
3 assumption
4 punish
5 bullies
I creative / imaginative
2 imaginative / creative
3 impressive
4 interactive
5 supportive
l missed
4 take
2 broke
5 have
3 go
6 make
l major
2 personal
3 classical
4 good
5 general
6 natural
c1 test
2 service
3 hair
4 break
5 illness
6 attention
i on
4 down
5 out
2 up
6 out
3 in
i cheating
2 to extend
3 to help
4 accessing
5 to organise
1 with
4 in
2 for
5 on
3 to
6 on
1 for
4 to
2 to
5 by
3 for
6 on
1 available
2 cancelled
3 comfortable
4 organising
5 achieve
1 Swimming
2 funding
3 waiting
4 building
5 parking
6 booking
1 came
2 leave
3 rained
4 come
5 enjoy
6 judge
1 wide
2 personal
3 hourly
4 double
5 expiry
6 entrance
1 call
4 details
2 arrival
5 tax
3 fee
6 trip
1 up
4 down
2 up
5 on
3 out
6 in
1 sitting
2 watching
3 to choose
4 to pack
5 to earn
1 from
4 for
2 of
5 of
3 about
6 from
1 for
5 abou
2 to
6 of
3 in
7 with
4 to
1 confirm
2 swelling
3 delivered
4 holding
5 signature
1 talk
2 lift
3 be
4 expecting
5 hold
6 send
1 b
4 f
2 d
5 a
3 e
6 c
1 registered
2 postal
3 irrational
4 improper
5 written
6 weak
1 off
2 up
3 through
4 down
5 up
6 off
1 writing
2 to call
3 to talk
4 dying
5 making
6 watching
7 to identify
1 on
4 on
2 in
5 in
3 with
6 for
1 from
4 to
2 in
5 of
3 of
6 in
1 directed
2 addicted
3 training
4 corrupt
5 punishment
1 director
2 inventors
3 conductor
4 Investors
5 governor
6 instructor
1 Keep
4 put
2 killing
5 released
3 holding
6 have
1 classical
2 social
3 best-selling
4 musical
5 big
1 in
4 with
2 for
5 in
3 on
6 of
1 from
4 from
2 on
5 of
3 of
6 in
1 iron
2 Staple
3 mop
4 archaeology
5 reduction
6 embarrassed
1 turns
2 marked
3 going
4 work
5 convince
6 do
7 Throw
1 special
2 balanced
3 dairy
4 vast
5 spare
6 frying
7 next-door
6 main
1 forecast
2 towel
3 water
4 juice
5 diet
6 box
1 out
5 off
2 off
6 of
3 on
7 up
4 up
1 recycling
2 making
3 to iron
4 boiling
5 to drive
6 to reduce
c1 centre
2 Revolution
3 anniversary
4 concert
5 singer
6 experience
1 off
4 out
2 off
5 up
3 out
1 starring
2 to tighten
3 living
4 to generate
5 smoking
1 for
5 of
2 at
6 to
3 in
7 with
4 with
1 in
5 in
2 for
6 from
3 in
7 for
4 on
1 elected
2 popularity
3 secure
4 foolish
5 Invest
6 suspect
1 work
2 left
3 bought
4 covered
5 made
6 keep
7 raise
8 foot
4 c
2 a
5 f
3 e
6 b
1 treat
2 number
3 wage
4 policy
5 goods
6 salary
1 up
2 out
3 out
4 into
5 up
6 on
1 smoking
2 to choose
3 repairing
4 increasing
5 to do
6 to pay
1 at
5 on
2 of
6 of
3 with
7 to
4 for
1 from
5 by
2 to
6 for
3 in
7 to
4 to
1 crowned
2 declaration
3 executed
4 invaded
5 occupied
6 supporter
7 citizenship
8 tragic
rule, fall, defeat, lease
1 touched
2 attach
3 signed
4 came
5 declared
6 date
7 gave
1 background
2 drop-dead
3 naval
4 scenic
5 second-class
6 rapid
1 husband
2 Empire
3 tribe
4 citizen
5 floor
6 surgeon
1 getting
2 working
3 to get
4 to finish
5 telling
6 to be
began /bigaen/
bite /bait/
lie (not tell the truth)
bitten /bitan/
lose /lu:z/
blow /blau/
blew /blu /
blown /blaun/
brought / b n . t /
built /bilt/
paid /peid/
bought Ibyxl
pay /pei/
caught /lo:t/
chose /tfauz/
read /red/
read /red/
read /ri:d/
rang /raerj/
run /rAn/
ran /raen/
rung /rAt]/
drew /dru:/
say /sei/
said /sed/
draw / d o : /
dreamed /dreamt
saw /SD:/
drunk /drArjk/
ate /eit/
eaten / i : /
fall IMI
fell /fel/
fallen /falan/
feel /fi:l/
felt /felt/
fight /fait/
fought / f a t /
found /faund/
fly /flat/
flew /flu:/
flown /ftaun/
got [US: gotten]
grew /gru:/
grown /graun/
hung /hAt]/
heard /h3:d/
heard /h3:d/
hidden /hidan/
knew /nju:/
lay /lei/
lead / l i d /
learn /l3:n/
led /led/
build /bild/
grow /grau/
hang /haerj/
begun /bigAn/
drawn / d o n /
known /naun/
sang /saerj/
sung /sArj/
sank /saerjk/
sunk /sArjk/
spread /spred/
stuck /stAk/
strike /straik/
struck /strAk/
swum /swAm/
take /teik/
took /tuk/
taken /teikan/
thought IQy\l
throw /9rau/
threw /8ru:/
thrown /Sraun/
woke /wauk/
woken /waukan/
wear /wea/
wore /wa:/
worn /W3:n/
taught /tDt/
written /ritan/