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College Course List: English, Math, Psychology, Criminal Justice

ENC 1101 English comp 1
ENC 1102 English comp 2
ENC 2300 Advanced composition
LIT 2480 Issues lit/culture
LIT 2120 Survey of world lit
BSC 1005 General edu biol
MAT 1033 Intermediate algebra
MAC 1105 College algebra
MGF 1106 Math for liberal arts
PSY 2012 Intro to psych
CLP 2040 Abnormal psychology
CCJ 1191 Human behaviour criminal justice
CCJ 3663 Female crime and delinquency
CCJ 3666 Victimology
CCJ 4651 Drugs and crime
CJE 4558 Computer crime ISS
1161 Individuals in society
CCJ 1010 Intro to criminology CCJ 2500/CJJ 2002 Juvenile deliquency CCJ 2650 Narcotics
and dangerous substances CCJ 4660 Crime/violence/Sch