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This report shows and analysis the brand architecture of the two leading brands
Coca Cola and Pepsi in the cold beverage market. The two brands are selected as
they participate in a very similar market cold beverages but also have very
different brand personalities. Coca Cola and Pepsi are among the most top ranking
brand in the world and this report depicts the stark differences in the brand
architectures of these two brands. The goal is to find roots of these brands and
know how consumers have contrasting perceptions about two very similar but
strikingly different brands due to its brand architecture.
Brand Core/Essence-Feeling of
pleasure and joyful
Brand PersonalityExciting,Delicious,invigorating
Emotional Benefits-Feeling of
Product Benefits-Chill,contain
Product Attributes-soft
Brand Pyramid for Pepsi
Brand Comparison
Both brands are running in the same market and they give a lot of thought into
producing a quality product and sustaining a premium with the same. However, at
the same time differences in the brand personalities target audience effectively.
Coca Cola shows an image of having a great time and moments with the family
and friends while Pepsi is more popular in youth and strike the youth by
advertising in sports games specially in cricket leagues.
Coca cola is attractive to its consumers for its slogan of a bottle of joy whereas
Pepsi distinguishes itself as THE thirst quenching cold drink after a heavy session
of game.
Coca Cola is famous for its raisiny vanilla taste and iconic bottle shape where are
Pepsi is known for its citrusy flavor burst and the cans which a guy crushes
showcasing the COOL factor.
Brand Value
On statista’s website, brand value of almost 38 billion U.S. dollars, Coca-Cola was
by far the most valuable non-alcoholic beverage brand in the world in 2020.
However for comparison, we would require just brand value of Coca Cola. One
way could be calculating the overall brand value by the revenue shares of Coke
from its parent company The Coca Cola company. That would be time consuming
and too hard task.
On the other hand, pepsi has a brand value of over 11 billion U.S. dollars in 2020.
Exactly like Coca Cola, it would not be a easy task to find out the standalone value
of Pepsi as it is under the ownership of PEPSICO, big conglomerate.
The difference between the brand value is huge because coca cola has created
special affilation with families and youth. Its advertisements are more successful
because people relate it to pleasure and happiness and Pepsi is not moving from
thirst quencher for a teenager which is the main reason of its decreasing brand