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Poetry Analysis: Characteristics & 21st Century Evolution

In my opinion, there are a few characteristics that a piece of poetry needs to possess for it to be
considered good. First is a title that gives the reader an idea of the poem’s theme. The second is a
poem with a smooth flow and cohesion in each line. The third is its overall format which must
contribute to the theme or message of the poem. Depending on the author’s message, they can
format the structure differently. (5)
In my opinion, there are a few characteristics that a piece of poetry needs to posses for it to be
considered good. First is a (comprehensive? – see if the adjective is right) title which conveys the
poem’s theme to the readers. Second is a smooth flow and cohesion (within? – better preposition
needed) each line. Third is a (fitting – see adjective) format which the author
(molds/fashions/utilizes) to the theme or message. (4)
Poetry has been used to convey different messages over the centuries. Unlike poetry from past
centuries, poems written in the 21st century discuss equality, specifically gender equality, because
the public was not as open-minded and supportive during the 20th century as they are today.
Women were treated differently and were viewed below men; however, during the 21st century,
women decided to stand up for themselves and open people’s eyes to view women as their equal.
The support and the hate to those struggling with gender inequality inspired poets, increasing the
number of poems written with gender equality in mind. (4)
Themes and messages conveyed in poetry has changed through the years as a reflection of the
societal norms and values of their times. At the (cusp?/start) of the 21st century, with the gradual
support and
Poetry has evolved significantly in the 21st century to match the ever-changing definition of
entertainment that people have adapted, and many will wonder if it is even relevant in society. The
answer is yes because there are times when using fewer words to get a message across is more
meaningful than writing paragraphs about it. Also, it is a known fact that people’s attention span in
the 21st century has significantly shortened; therefore, a poem may seem more appealing to read
than an extended essay, even if both pieces of literature have the same topic and message. (3)