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2020 IEEE 4th International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems (IEPS)
Hybrid railway traction power supply system
Kuznetsov Valeriy
Electric Power Division
Railway Research Institute,
Warsaw, Poland,
E-mail: vkuznetsov@ikolej.pl
ORCID: 0000-0003-4165-1056
Sychenko Viktor
Department of intelligent power supply systems
Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after
Academician Lazaryan
Dnipro, Ukraine, 49010
E-mail: elpostz@i.ua
ORCID: 0000-0002-9533-2897
Hubskyi Petro
Electric Power Division
Railway Research Institute,
Warsaw, Poland,
E-mail: phubskyi@ikolej.pl
ORCID: 0000-0002-0216-7256
Sergiy Myamlin
Kyiv, Ukraine, 03-038
ORCID: 0000-0002-7383-9304
Kosariev Yevhen
Department of intelligent power supply systems
Dnipro National University of Railway Transport
named after Academician Lazarian
Dnipro, Ukraine, 49010
E-mail: kossik89@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0003-3574-7414d
Liashuk Vitalij
Department of intelligent power supply systems
Dnipro National University of Railway Transport
named after Academician Lazarian
Dnipro, Ukraine, 49010
E-mail: lyashuk52@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0003-3411-9643
with existing energy development trends that have been
incorporated into the Smart Grid concept, which is currently
the main technological and methodological basis for
improving energy efficiency. It is possible to formulate the
following understanding of the intelligent traction power
system (ITPS): the use of advanced technologies of
electricity transportation, diagnostics of equipment status,
large-scale monitoring of modes and their management using
new tools and technologies to ensure the reliability of
electricity transmission and controllability of the traction
network [2].
Abstract — Modern requirements for traction DC power
supply in the organization of high-speed movement are
reduced to the need to provide a normalized voltage level of
2900 V on the pantograph of electric locomotives. The existing
power supply system does not allow to provide the necessary
mode of voltage at change of load and the necessary specific
energy consumption, despite the considerable aggregate power
of traction substations. The purpose of the work is to develop a
hybrid traction system with the use of alternative generators of
electricity. The article presents the algorithm of interaction of
different types of generation when the traction load is changed.
The developed hybrid power supply system for electric rolling
stock allows to provide the necessary voltage level on electric
locomotive pantograph and to reduce the range of its changes,
which will allow to fulfill the necessary conditions for ensuring
high- speed movement without changing the voltage in the
traction line.
Synthesis of a distributed (decentralized) traction power
system is a complex task that requires solving many issues
related to the choice of power amplifying points, element
base and circuitry, as well as finding the best way to
calculate this system and its elements [3]. For efficient use of
distributed power technologies, it is necessary to apply
methods of system analysis and modeling taking into account
the specific features of railway power systems (sharply
variable, non-stationary traction loads that move in space and
time). The problem of structural-parametric synthesis of the
power supply system of the distributed type of railway
includes the following steps:
1. Determination of the purpose of synthesis and research
of DPSS as an object of design;
2. Development of modeling methods for this system;
3. Creation of methods of topological synthesis of the
system, which include the layout and rational placement of
installations and main units of electrical equipment.
4. Development, in fact, of the distributed power system
itself, namely:
- selecting of number of power points (PP) and places of
their installation;
- selecting of PP power, their element base and circuitry.
Keywords — traction power system, voltage mode, distributed
generation, amplification point, hybrid power supply system.
Energy efficiency in modern conditions is the most
important factor in the competitiveness of railways in the
domestic and foreign markets of transport services. In
connection with the rise in energy prices has emerged the
need for the development of a new energy policy,
modernization of the equipment of traction power supply
systems and the search for untraditional traction power
supply systems. The urgency of the tasks set is compounded
by the high-speed traffic launched in Ukraine.
According to the research done by the authors [1], the
new 3.3 kV traction power supply system is an intelligent,
self-adjusting distributed-type power supply system (DTPS),
built on a modern elemental basis. This approach is in line
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2020 IEEE 4th International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems (IEPS)
5. Development of the scheme of external power supply
of the decentralized system.
6. Determination of the most optimal parameters in terms
of achieving the stated goals, as well as the development of a
control system for distributed power devices and obtaining
numerical values of the parameters of the regulators, which
provide the necessary dynamic characteristics and
achievement of the set values of performance indicators.
a constant speed of movement of conventional trains (Fig. 1).
Achieving a minimum of active power losses in a mixed
configuration power system and the required specific power
level is accomplished by using an algorithm to select their
parameters. The algorithm for selecting the parameters and
structure of the DPSS electrotechnical complex should be
based on the detected dependences of the voltages at the
current collectors and power losses in the elements of the
distributed network from the parameters of the electrical
devices [4]. According to the results of the analysis of
scientific and technical publications and experimental
researches it is possible to formulate requirements for high
efficiency DPSS:
- required power of traction substations and
reinforcement points;
- number of traction units;
- number of reinforcement points;
- distance between traction substations and reinforcement
- specific power of the traction network;
- cross section of the contact line.
Fig. 1. The average change in power consumption per kilometer when
driving on NDV-P section in the even and odd directions: 1 - the power
consumed by ERS on every kilometer; 2 - average power consumption of
ERS; 3 - capacity of section between TS provided by adjacent TS
The analysis of the results shows that in the traction line
there are zones of limited power consumption, i.e. areas
where power consumption (ERS exceeds the capacity of the
PSS to transmit the required power). In turn, this leads to a
sharp decrease in the voltage on pantographs of electric
locomotives and decrease the speed of movement, which is
unacceptable in the introduction of high-speed movement
[5]. Paradoxically, the installed aggregate capacity of traction
substations is not fully utilized.
Another factor in the operation of the TPSS is the uneven
consumption of energy during the day, which is now not
only one of the main problems of traction systems for rail
transport, but also of energy in general. A typical schedule
for electricity consumption in railway power supply system
typically has maximum and minimum values during the day
and at intervals of rolling stock. As a result, a local surplus
and energy shortage can be observed, leading to an
outperformance of the electricity quality standards in the
Nowadays, there are some approaches to design
distributed power supply systems. The main direction for the
development of modern power supply systems is the
evolutionary transition from centralized generation of
electric energy to distributed smart generation systems that
use renewable energy sources. Their application increases
the maneuverability of energy flows, which leads to an
increase in the quality of electricity supply under uneven
schedule of electricity consumption. The application of
distributed generation and accumulation of electric energy
can reduce the energy content of the power systems, increase
its reliability and vitality through the backup energy stored in
the storage devices [1,2]. The above stipulates the necessity
of developing new approaches to the scheme of power
supply of the traction network with the use of electric energy
both from existing centralized power grids and from sources
of distributed generation. In [1] it was shown that the modern
DPSS is a multisource power supply system, the
methodological basis of which is the structure of the energy
hub, with the optimal set of technologies and devices for the
electricity supply of a particular electrified area to be
determined in each case, taking into account its properties,
connection points , track profile, train schedule, etc.
The analysis of the proposed structure of the hybrid TTS
[1] showed that in order to provide the required level of
electricity efficiency, it is necessary to ensure the efficient
interaction of different types of energy sources, such as
external power supply (EPSS), and distributed generation
sources (DGS).
The analysis of alternative generation schedules shows
that the levels of produced energy change depending on the
time of the year randomly, which must be taken into account
when developing the algorithm of combined operation of
centralized and distributed power supply (Fig. 2, 3)
This article continues the research directions fin term of
design of hybrid traction system.
To ensure high-speed movement, the SRS should provide
not only a standardized voltage level on the electric
locomotive current collector, but also sufficient energy
intensity of the traction network. However, as shown by the
research done by the authors, depending on the aggregate
power of the traction substations, the specific power of the
traction line always satisfies the requirements, even to ensure
Fig. 2. Block diagram of an electric hub: TS – traction substation; BP –
boost point; RT – rail track; CS – catenary system; ESS – energy storage
system; PTL – power transmission line; WF – wind farm; PV –
photovoltaic power station; ERS – electric rolling stock.
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2020 IEEE 4th International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems (IEPS)
railways of the USSR, the load rate of the installed power of
two traction units on traction substations of Oktiabrskaya
railway was 11.6 percent, Moscowskaya - 19.25,
Yuznouralskaya - 16.3, Zapadnosibirskaya - 21.9 percent. It
can be stated that, at the present stage, the utilized power
factor is quite low and does not exceed 20%. The experience
of introducing high-speed DC motion proves this trend.
Thus, the average current of the traction substation
Sunflower, located between the Klin and Kryukov
substations on Moscow – St. Petersburg section, is 2021 A,
the maximum is 3086 A, one minute - 2936 A, three minutes
- 2515 A, twenty minutes - 2093 A. The maximum load
factor two converters are 0.32 and 0.64 [7]. Thus, the
substations are underloaded, and even with one inverter
operating unit, its capacity is used by 64 percent, ie the
capacity used is 7.68 MW. In this case, the minimum voltage
in the contact network at the Klin - Kryukovo section is 2907
V, the average (one minute) is 2962 V. For such loads, the
operation of the above traction substations with one
transformer unit is justified. At the initial stage of the
introduction of high-speed traffic with speeds of 200250 km/h, there is a need to make the best use of the existing
devices of the DC 3.0 kV system with the least capital and
operating costs. Based on the available K with the power of
the traction substation will be within 2.5….10 MW, with an
average capacity of 6.26 MW. That is why in [4] the required
power of the traction substation was proposed at a level of 10
Fig. 3. Comparison of levels of electricity generation by solar and wind
power and its consumption by train (April).
Fig. 4. Comparison of levels of electricity generation by solar and wind
power and its consumption by train (October).
It should be noted that the above data are variational and
given for the electrified section with a small amount of
transport work for further consideration. For the efficient use
of energy flows in the DPSS energy hub, the following
combinations of DGS and EPSS interaction can be
- traction power is greater than solar power, with the
wind power being zero, to ensure uninterrupted operation we
will be powered by an external power supply system.
- traction capacity is greater than the amount of solar and
wind power, and to ensure uninterrupted operation we get
power from an external power supply system.
- traction power is greater than wind power, with solar
power being zero, subject to this condition we get power
from an external power supply system.
- traction power is less than the power of solar
generation, in such conditions we use a solar power plant.
- traction power is lower than wind power, this condition
indicates that power will be provided from the wind power
- traction power will be less than or equal to the total
power of wind and solar generation, with traction mains
power being obtained from the combined system of solar and
wind power plants.
Accordingly, the laws of programmatic control of energy
flows can be developed, one of them is presented in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Control of generation types for daily train power consumption
In order to provide the same voltage mode in the traction
line during high-speed movement and to minimize the losses
of electrical energy, the variant calculations obtained the
following parameters of the gain points for the intersubstation section according to Fig. 1 and table I.
Here it is necessary to specify the following: under the
existing system of centralized power the power of traction
substations significantly exceeds the level of necessary
expediency and redundancy [4, 6]. Thus, in 1985-89, when
there was a considerable amount of transportation on the
current of
power, kW
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2020 IEEE 4th International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems (IEPS)
However, the maximum power of a solar power plant is
required to supply each booster according to the possible
modes of operation of the hybrid DPSS in accordance with
its power (Table. I) is shown in table. II.
supply and the sources of distributed generation. On the basis
of the analysis of the levels of electricity generation by the
solar and wind power plant and its consumption for the
traction of trains, it is proposed to develop program control
of energy flows depending of train situation.
On the basis of the variant calculations on simulation
model was calculated the required power of the booster
points in the hybrid traction system and the maximum power
of the solar power plants used as booster points to provide
the required levels of voltage and specific power. It is shown
that for the given initial data the proposed hybrid traction
power supply system provides normalized requirements for
high-speed movement with better energy characteristics.
At fig. In Fig. 6 the results of simulation of the modes of
voltage of the hybrid DPSS at changing the levels of traction
load (number of trains on section 1-4) and the flows of
electricity from different types of generation are presented.
This paper is elaborated in the framework of the project
co-financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic
Fig. 6. Change of voltage levels in the traction network with different
combination of traction load and types of generation.
As it follows from the analysis of the figure (Fig. 6), a
hybrid type distributed system provides the required voltage
mode in the traction network.
With the introduction of high-speed movement, the DC
traction system 3.3 kV in the presence of significant
aggregate power not only provides the standardized voltage
level on pantographs of electric locomotives, but also the
required specific power of the traction line to ensure the
stability of functioning when changing the traction load.
There is a paradoxical situation with energy shortages to
ensure a steady train speed.
In order to ensure the required level of efficiency, a
technique for efficient interaction of different types of energy
sources is developed: the system of centralized electricity
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