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7th Grade ELA: Prepositional Phrases Grammar Quiz

7th Grade ELA – Mrs. DeGeorges – Grammar Chapter 5 – Prepositional Phrases Practice Quiz
Part I – Identifying Prepositional Phrases. Underline each prepositional phrase. Some
sentences may have more than one prepositional phrase; please underline them individually.
1. The sea gulls glided through the air.
2. The school bus was on time.
3. Ms. Smith, my math teacher, got married over the weekend.
4. I will answer your questions after the lesson.
5. My brother asked for a new bicycle for Christmas.
6. He tried to do his best in the race.
7. We are excited to attend the fireworks display in the park.
8. The crafty cat walked through the shrubbery.
9. We all piled in the car and went to the beach.
10. I love to read challenging books with my class.
Part II – Adjective Phrases – Underline each adjective phrase and circle the noun or pronoun
it modifies. Some sentences will contain two adjective phrases. Some sentences may contain
adverb phrases. You are only concerned with locating the adjective phrases in this exercise.
11. The flowers in the vase are beautiful.
12. I do not need the papers in the basket.
13. The child with the teddy bear is my sister.
14. Please vacuum the crumbs under the table.
15. A map of the world is on my bedroom wall.
16. The photographer took a picture of our class.
17. The files on the computer were corrupted.
18. The fish in the tank are healthy.
19. Sardinia is an island off the coast of Italy.
20. The soup in the pot is boiling.
21. A reporter from The New York Times questioned the president.
22. The treats in Red Riding Hood’s basket smelled delicious.
23. The cookies in the cookie jar are almost gone.
24. The book from the library is on the shelf.
25. The leaves in the trees are turning orange and gold.
26. The player in the middle caught the ball.
27. The closet on the second floor contains seasonal items.
28. Please give this to the children on the bench.
29. I spoke with the mother of the student.
30. The quizzes in your notebook will help you on the final.
31. Susan is the daughter of a local businessman.
32. Please give me a glass of water.
33. Put the vocabulary cards in the box with the red top.
34. The pencil with the blue eraser is mine.
35. The buds on the tree are pink.
Part II – Adverb phrases that modify verbs. Underline each adverb phrase and circle the verb
or verb phrase it modifies.
36. My grandfather stores tools in his workshop.
37. Please put the picture in the frame.
38. Write your answers on the worksheet.
39. She worked for three hours on her essay.
40. Christine helped her brother with his homework.
41. At breakfast, we ate fruit and cereal.
42. I assembled the furniture with a hammer.
43. Susan always studies before her tests.
44. The basketball bounced over the fence.
45. For many years, she has been waiting for this opportunity.
46. We shop for groceries at Stop and Shop.
47. The carpenter hit the nail with a hammer.
48. We must finish our project before Easter break.
49. Jack bought the flowers for his mother.
50. The flowers will bloom in spring.
51. We usually eat our lunch under the tree.
52. She swept the floor with an old broom.
53. Father plays golf on Saturday mornings.
54. She accepted the invitation with pleasure.
55. I swam in the water.
56. Our grandparents will arrive in an hour.
57. Pete will run on the track in the afternoon.
58. I wash our laundry on Saturdays.
59. Cut the paper with the scissors.
60. Type the document in a traditional font.
Part III – Adverb phrases that modify adjectives. Underline each adverb phrase and circle the
adjective it modifies.
61. Vitamins and exercise are important for good health.
62. Jane is older by one year
63. Baseball is very popular in our town.
64. Stella is brilliant at math.
65. The sunset is beautiful at the beach.
Part IV – Write ADJ if the sentence contains an adjective phrase and ADV if it has an adverb
66. ________ Autumn leaves fell to the ground.
67. ________We arrived in the city early.
68. ________A strange cry was heard in the night.
69. ________The radio towers were visible from the park.
70. ________The coral reefs in Bermuda hold many wonders.
71. ________The sound of dogs barking scared the cat.
72. ________After school, I will help my brother.
73. ________The taste of chocolate is delicious.
74. ________The story about Paul Revere was fascinating.
75. ________ Don babysits for his neighbors.
76. ________ The dog sniffed around the kitchen.
77. ________ The pandas at the zoo are adorable.
78. ________ Ben works at the museum.
79. ________ Karen felt better after her rest.
80. ________ Amy rode her bike to school.