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Chronic Pulpitis: Types, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Chronic forms
of pulpitis
Chronic forms of pulpitis
• Significant duration is a general sign of all chronic
forms of pulpitis (it is from several weeks about to
several months and years). The combination and
discrepancy of slight manifestation of subjective
symptoms (for example, pain) and hard tissue
sewere damage.
• Pain is typically presents in all forms of chronic
inflammation of the pulp, it connected with the action of
irritants. But pain, unlike in caries, does not subside after
the elimination of pain cause. Long discomfort in an oral
cavity is typical of the chronic forms of pulpitis. Nagging
toothache when reception of eating, inhaling of cold air,
coming in a warm room after cold.
Chronic fibrous pulpitis
• The patient complains of paroxysmal tooth pains from
various irritants: temperature, mechanical, and chemical.
Anamnesis shows, that the tooth was painful earlier.
Spontaneous pains arise rarely, can be absolutely absent.
Reflex pains arise with delayed reaction only from strong
irritants (cold water).
• An examination with a probe of the floor of a carious cavity the
communication between the carious and crown cavities is found
more often. The examination with a probe of the pulp is painful,
the pulp bleeds. In some cases chronic fibrous pulpitis can
develop without the communication of carious cavities with the
cavity of a tooth. X-ray in 30 % of cases shows the expansion of
periodontal fissure or the centers of under pressure of bone tissue
at a root apex.
Differential diagnostics
• It is necessary to differentiate chronic fibrous pulpitis
from deep caries, acute local pulpitis, chronic gangrenous
pulpitis. 1) In chronic fibrous pulpitis and deep caries
there is painful reaction to all types of irritants. But if in
deep caries the pain subsides quickly after the elimination
of irritants, but in chronic pulpitis pain persists during
some time. 2) the case history shows
• that the chronic fibrous pulpitis lasts much longer during this period the
process can repeatedly become exacerbated. Acute local pulpitis lasts only
1-2 days. Its course is characterized by the absence attacks of spontaneous
pains. 3) In chronic gangrenous pulpitis the painful reaction occurs from
strong irritants, first of all, from hot food. The tooth cavity is widely open
in most cases; the examination with a probe of the crown pulp causes not
severe pain or may be painless. Pain of pulp can be determined on deep
examination with a probe by root needle in tooth root canals.
Chronic hypertrophic pulpitis
• The patient complains of nagging pain of which is caused
by various irritants. The patient frequently complains of
growth of «wild meat» which easily bleeds. Hemorrhage
can be in full absence of pain. The pain can be observed
only at chewing. Examination of the carious cavity is
reveals a growing tissue.
• This growing tissue can be dense or of granulation type, easily
hemorrhage even at the easiest touch. Sometimes there is slight
pain there. Dense tumour of lightly pink color is found on the
generated polyp of the pulp in a carious cavity. The examination
with the probe does not cause hemorrhage and is slightly painful.
The reaction to temperature irritations is not expressed. As a rule,
the changes in periapical areas of X-ray examination are not
Differential diagnostics
• It is necessary to differentiate chronic hypertrophyc
pulpitis from growth gum or granulating tissue of
periodontium, bifurcation (trifurcation) roots. The growth
of gum papilla occurs as a result of its trauma of sharp
edges of a carious cavity
• For the specification of diagnosis we can use the probe which
pushes aside the growing gum papilla, on external edge of a
carious cavity. If periodontium was a source of a growth of
granulating tissue, the deep introduction of probe is painless.
There can be severe hemorrhage and perforation of the floor of
tooth crown cavities. The X-ray shows the bone rarefaction in
bifurcation area.