EDCC 515 Assignment: 2 School subject: LIFE SCIENCES Grade: 12 Main topic: EVOLUTION Sub-topic: EVOLUTION BY NATURAL SELECTION Term: 3 Name: VINCENT N.E. YENIKA Student number: 36237604 Email: vincentyenika@yahoo.com Cell phone number: 0797924883 1|Page Index: 1. Checklist 3 2. Summary of learning content for learners with references 4 3. Class activity a. Investigation activity to introduce natural selection b. Case study to introduce speciation 19 4. Homework activity (with memorandum) a. Ideas of evolution and natural selection b. Speciation 21 5. Formal assessment a. Test b. Memorandum / Marking guideline 25 6. References 34 2|Page 1. Checklist Yes Did you use the NWU title- and index page? Did you update the details on the cover page? Did you update the page numbers on the index page? Did you replace the question marks on the index page? Did you complete the summary of the content as explained? Did you include TWO “active” class activities? Did you include TWO homework activities with memorandums? Will the homework activities keep the learners busy for the desired time? Did you complete a summative assessment/test with memorandum? Does the test count 50 marks? Did you include the various levels of questions according to Bloom’s taxonomy? Did you include a reference list according to the NWU referencing guidelines? Did you proofread your assignment, and did you use Arial 12? Did you safe the PDF document correctly, eg. 12345678 Assignment 2? Are you satisfied with your effort? 3|Page No SUMMARY OF CONTENT OBJECTIVE/OUTCOMES Upon completion of this chapter, learners should be able to: Understand the Origin of ideas about origins Identify and explain the evidences for evolution Explain the sources of variation Understand and explain the theories of evolution Explain how Lamarckism could explain evolution Explain Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection Explain how does natural selection work? Explain the theory of Punctuated equilibrium Compare and contrast Lamarckism vs Darwinism State the Generic account of speciation Explain the Formation of a new species (Speciation) by Geographical barriers Using example discuss Artificial selection in plants and animals Differentiate between natural selection and artificial selection Identify and explain the mechanisms for reproductive isolation Explain practical examples of Evolution in present times using Resistance to antibiotics in TB 4|Page ORIGIN OF IDEAS ABOUT ORIGINS The theory of evolution has been developed over many years by many different scientists and is regarded as a scientific theory since various hypotheses relating to evolution have been tested and verified over time. DEFINITION: Evolution is the process by which new types of organisms develop from other existing types of organism. BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION It is a special type of evolution that refers to changes that living things have undergone over long period of time WHY IS THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION REFERRED TO AS “MODIFICATION WITH DESCENT”? All present-day life forms have descended from and are related to, those that lived in the past. All present-day life forms may look different from those that they descended from because they became modified from one generation to another. What is a THEORY A well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses. Example: The sun is the Centre of the universe, around which all the planets revolve (Heliocentric theory) What is a HYPOTHESIS A testable statement about the natural world that can be used to build more complex inferences and explanations. Example: The high incidence of HIV-AIDS is due to the lack of education about the causes of the disease WHY IS EVOLUTION A THEORY Evolution is regarded as a scientific theory since various hypotheses relating to evolution have been tested and verified over time EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION Assumption made by scientists in presenting these evidences The assumption is that species changes through the forces of natural selection acting on the great genetic variation within species. 5|Page Fossils covered in Grade 10 • Different fossils are found in different rock layers with the oldest fossils in the oldest rock layers with transitional fossils present. • This systematic change through time is termed descent with modification. • The evidence shows characteristics that make organisms similar to one another largely from the study of fossils Geologist are scientists who study the structure of the earth. They can date rocks by studying the chemical elements in them. Palaeontology is the study of fossils The fossil records provides a history of past life on earth, and that life began as a single-celled bacteria about 3.6 billion years ago The fossil record also show us how living organisms have changed and develop over time. When scientist study fossil records, they look for similarities and differences in the type, origin and functions of body structures. This provide clues about the relationship that exist between extinct fossils species and extant species that are still living today • • • • • • Biogeography covered in Grade 10 Genetics Biogeography is the study of where species are found and why they are found there. There are many different collections of plants and animals in regions of the same line of latitude, with similar climates and conditions, suggesting such organisms have a shared ancestor. Biogeography refers to the study of past and present distribution of individual species. This studies shows that closely related species tend to be found in the same geographic location, whereas very similar habitats (the same ecological niches) in distant regions are occupied by very different species new concept for Grade 12 – see below Species that are closely related have a greater genetic similarity to each other than distant species and therefore share a more recent common ancestor. Homologous structures 6|Page Homologous structures are characteristics that are shared by related organisms because they have inherited them from a common ancestor. the fore limb of all animals arose from that of a common ancestor in which the fore limbs had the same basic plan these structures now show variations (differences) because they became modified to perform different functions this is referred to as divergent evolution (homologous structures are evidence of divergent evolution) the way characteristics in organisms’ changes over time is called modification by descent scientists interpret the presence of homologous structures to mean that all species which show common ancestor which became adapted to live in different environment. This is called adaptive radiation adaptive radiation usually occurs when environmental changes cause numerous extinction, and the surviving species start to occupy the ‘new’ ecological niches created Genetic evidence and variation These evidences come from DNA structure, the sequences of genes and proteins, identical protein synthesis and similar metabolic pathways. The structures or processes in the field of genetics and molecular biology as evidence are: Identical DNA structure Similar sequence of gene Similar portion of DNA with no function Identical protein synthesis and similar proteins Similar respiratory pathways VARIATION This refers to small differences that exist between individuals of the same species or population. E.g. difference in height or eye colour. CAUSES OF GENETIC VARIATION MUTATION o Mutation involve a sudden change to the structure of a gene. o This leads to an altered genotype resulting in a different or altered phenotype. MEIOSIS o CROSSING OVER During prophase 1 of meiosis, there is an exchange of chromatid segments between homologous chromosomes. When meiosis is complete, new combination of genetic material results in the gametes, Making them different from each other 7|Page o RANDOM ASSORTMENT OF CHROMOSOMES The chromosomes arrange themselves randomly at the equator during metaphase 1 and metaphase 2. As a result, during anaphase 1 and anaphase 2, the chromosomes or chromatids may move to the poles in different combinations Leading to gametes that differ from each other CHANCES OF FERTILISATION o Firstly, the egg cells and the sperm cells produced by meiosis are different from each other. o Since there is random fertilisation of these different gametes, there will be different combination of genetic material in the offspring RANDOM MATING o Random mating of individuals and successful fertilisation occurs in a population, o The variety of gene combinations formed is even greater. o This lead to even more variation within a species THEORIES OF EVOLUTION Erasmus Darwin (1731 – 1802) Ideas on evolution that were proposed by Erasmus Darwin: o All life developed from simple forms. o There are similarities amongst various organisms o Artificial selection and metamorphosis showed how changes may have occurred Jean Baptiste de Lamarck (1744 – 1829): Two ideas of Lamarck in explaining evolution: o Use and disuse o Inheritance of modified characteristics Alfred Wallace (1823 – 1913) Natural selection as an explanation for evolution Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882) Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection Jean Baptiste de Lamarck Explain the two "laws" of De Lamarck Law of use and disuse Law of inheritance of acquired characteristics Explain examples of the application of de Lamarck’s theory (such as in the long neck of giraffe or the legs of snake) 8|Page The most significant advocates of the idea that species are not static, but have changed over time, were Jean Baptiste de Lamarck and Charles Darwin. Of these, Charles Darwin is best known, particularly as a result of his famous book called “The Origin of Species”. LAMARCKISM Jean-Baptiste Lamarck https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/en/science/leading-figures/what-remains-of-lamarck/ LAMARCK THEORIES Use and disuse of organs Changes in the environment create new needs that cause organisms to modify their existing organs to meet the need. Repeated use of the organ would cause it to enlarge and become more efficient. Disuse of an organ would cause it to degenerate Inheritance of acquired characteristics The modification an organism acquired during its life time could be pass on to its offspring. How did Lamarck explain the long necks of giraffe? 9|Page Elongation of a giraffe’s neck over time according to Lamarck Source: http://faculty.washington.edu/sr320/?p=2004 Why Lamarck was wrong There is no evidence that Acquired characteristics can be inherited/do not cause any change to the DNA of an organism's gametes (sperms or ova) Organisms did not evolve because they want to evolve Lamarck believed in determinism (internal drive of organisms to change) For this reason, Lamarckism is not accepted today as an explanation for evolutionary change. His work did, however, set the groundwork for scientists like Charles Darwin. Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection is one of the basic concepts for understanding evolution and is based on the four main observations made by him while on his around-the-world trip on the ship, the HMS Beagle. DARWIN’S THEORY OF NATURAL SELECTION • Most species produce a large number of offspring in their life-times • Variation: Offspring of the same species show a great deal of variation 10 | P a g e • Competition: These offspring compete with each other for food, shelter etc • Survival: Only a small number of offspring survive • Genetics: Organisms pass Genetic traits on to their offspring. later used the term survival of the fittest • Natural selection: Those organisms with the Most Beneficial Traits are more likely to Survive and Reproduce. Natural Selection from generation to generation caused the population to gradually change … • leading to the evolution of new species Charles Darwin Source: https://www.biography.com/news/charles-darwin-facts-darwin-day Based on his observations, Darwin came to three main conclusions: • All organisms are involved in a struggle for survival and only those best suited to the environment would survive there. • Organisms that survive are more likely to reproduce, and therefore pass on their useful characteristics to their offspring. • Over many generations, reproduction between individuals with different genetic makeup changes the overall genetic composition of the population. 11 | P a g e How does natural selection work? A generic explanation of natural selection is given in Table below 1 There is a lot of variation among offspring as offspring differ from their parents (due to crossing over, random arrangement of chromosomes, etc.). 2 When the environment changes or there is competition (for food, space, etc.). 3 The offspring with characteristics or traits that make them better suited to the new environment or competition will be most likely to survive and reproduce. 4 The organisms without the desired characteristic or trait are less able to survive in the new environment or competition and so will die out. 5 This means that more offspring in the next generation will have the advantageous characteristic(s). The next generation will have a higher proportion of individuals with the new trait or characteristic. 6 These differences accumulate and eventually all individuals in a population have the new trait or characteristic. THE THEORY OF PUNCTUATED EQUILIBRIUM (by Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould) Based on Darwinism, it is thought that evolution takes place through an accumulation of small or gradual changes that occur over a long period of time. This is supported by many transitional fossils in the fossil record which shows the progressive changes over time. Punctuated equilibrium explains the speed at which evolution takes place, as follows: According to the punctuated equilibrium, evolution is not gradual as proposed by Darwinism. Evolution involves long periods of time where species do not change or change very little (known as equilibrium). due to stable environment This alternate with (is punctuated by) short period of time where rapid changes occurs through natural selection. Due to unstable environment As a result, new species are formed in a short period of time, relative to the long period of no/little change. This is supported by the absence of transitional fossils (usually termed missing links) indicating the period of rapid change. 12 | P a g e Illustration of punctuated equilibrium Source: https://www.saburchill.com/IBbiology/chapters05/017.html Figure 4: Punctuated equilibrium (Gould) versus gradualism (Darwin) When a new species branched off from a parent species, changes occurred quickly, but thereafter, the organism changed very little. In a fast-changing environment, species needed to change rapidly to adapt to the environment, failing which, they would become extinct. Lamarckism vs Darwinism The table below outlines the differences between Lamarckism and Darwinism. Lamarckism make-up of a population transformation of a species/population 13 | P a g e members of population are all the same Darwinism members have similar characteristics with a measure of variation populations, not individuals, individuals are able to transform transform over time and only during a life time through genetic means mechanism of change individual chooses which traits to pass on to offspring natural selection – the environment exercises selective pressure causing change changes are directed to meet survival variation exists regardless of organisms needs. NATURAL SELECTION AND FORMATION OF NEW SPECIES Species: a group of organisms that are similar in appearance, share the same DNA Speciation: is the evolutionary process by which new biological species arise, due to the splitting of the lineage. Speciation by natural selection may be allopatric or sympatric Every population has some sort of genetic variation and these variations are important as they increase a species chance of surviving in a changing environment (natural selection). Geographic speciation is one-way speciation occurs. GEOGRAPHIC SPECIATION Geographic speciation occurs when part of a population becomes isolated from the parent population due to physical barriers. Such barriers could be continental drift, oceans, rivers, mountains, or other natural disturbances such as volcanos or earthquakes. The images below show how two new species can arise as a result of being separated, over a long period of time, due to a geographic barrier. GENERIC ACCOUNT OF ALLOPATRIC SPECIATION E.g. when a population is geographically isolated from other populations, gene flow stops. Within each of the two groups there is variation Each group undergoes natural selection (different selection pressures) as a result of varying environmental conditions-and develops differently genotypically and phenotypically since the geographical barrier prevents gene flow/reproduction between the two populations The differences that develop between the two populations prevent them from interbreeding even if they were to mix (reproductive isolation mechanisms) such that one or both of the groups becomes a new species 14 | P a g e ILLUSTRATION OF ALLOPATRIC SPECIATION Source: https://www.storyboardthat.com/storyboards/zacheryevans/allopatric-speciation Artificial selection Artificial selection is the deliberate breeding of plants and animals for desired characteristics that would not necessarily benefit the survival of the descendants. Humans select the desirable characteristics and therefore serve as the environmental trigger. EXAMPLE IN ANIMALS: By selecting cows which produce large amounts of milk and whose mothers and grand-mothers were also high milk producers, And allowing them to mate with bulls whose mothers and grand-mothers were also high milk producers, Cow which produce high milk than their ancestors, have been developed. EXAMPLE IN PLANT By deliberate selection of polyploidy plants, bigger plants of watermelon have been produced 15 | P a g e SIMILIARITIES BETWEEN ARTIFICIAL AND NATURAL SELECTION Variation occurs in the specific population Variation in the population is hereditary The outcome is the same, that is, the population change over time and certain characteristics become more common. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL SELECTION Natural selection The environment or nature is the selective force Artificial selection Humans represent the selective force Selection is in response to suitability to the Selection is in response to satisfying environment human needs Occurs within a species May involve one or more species (as in cross breeding) Mechanisms for reproductive isolation Sympatric speciation (no geographic): This is the genetic divergence of various populations from a single parent species, which leads to the creation of new species. It results when Reproductive isolation occurs by either preventing fertilisation or by creating a degenerate or sterile hybrid. There is no geographical isolation like with Allopatric speciation. Reproductive isolation result because of: o BREEDING AT DIFFERENT TIMES OF THE YEAR: When the time of mating activity of 2 species occurs at different times of the year, May prevent contact with closely related species and Reduces chances of mating and reproducing new offspring E.g. butterfly o Species-specific courtship behaviour: Many animals have specific behaviour patterns that attract the opposite sex like calls, rituals, That prevent mating with other organisms Example: birds will sing o Adaptation to different pollinators: Flowers of many angiosperms are adapted to promote pollination by only one species or group of species of insects or Other pollinators that prevent cross breeding And hence keep the species separate 16 | P a g e o o Example: plant like the rose flower Infertile offspring If two species mate and produce a hybrid offspring, The species are reproductively isolated if hybrids are sterile Example: a horse and a donkey produce a mule Prevention of fertilisation: The sperm from one species cannot fertilise the eggs of another species Sperm of one species might not be able to survive the condition in the reproductive structure of a female of another species Or it might be chemical factors that prevent the sperm from penetrating the membrane of the egg of another species. Evolution in present times Evolution is always happening. Most of the time it is impossible to observe changes in populations and species because evolution happens very slowly – thus the theory of gradualism. However, there are some cases (e.g.: rapidly producing organisms such as viruses and bacteria) that allow scientists to study how species change in response to environmental factors. Pathogens (viruses and bacteria) evolve quickly because there is lots of natural variation amongst them and the fact that mutations occur most often in rapidly reproducing organisms. Resistance to antibiotics in TB Development of resistant strains of tuberculosis-causing bacteria (MDR and XDR) to antibiotics As a result of their rapid generation times, changes in bacterial populations can show significant evolutionary changes in relative short periods of time. Some evolutionary changes in bacteria, such as the acquisition of antibiotic resistance can be a threat to human health. Antibiotics are drugs that fight bacterial infections. After their discovery in the 1940s, they transformed medical care and dramatically reduced illness and death from infectious bacterial diseases. However some bacteria have developed antibiotic resistance. Resistance infections inhibit the treatment of patients and increase patient mortality (death). The cumulative effect of antimicrobial resistance costs millions of rands every year. Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Unfortunately, the incidence of this disease keeps increasing in South Africa. 17 | P a g e The evolution of drug resistance in bacteria Bacterium with Susceptible bacteria Slightly insensitive bacteria Within any population, there is genetic variation. In this case the susceptibility is with some bacteria more than others greater resistance survive and multiply The amount of antibiotics taken is too low, or the full course of antibiotics is not completed and only the most susceptible bacteria die, while some survive Now a population of insensitive bacteria has developed. Within this population there is also variation, in the susceptibility to antibiotics. As treatment continues, some bacteria may acquire grater resistance Drug resistant genes can be transferred to non- resistant strainsBacterium with A Highly resistance population has evolved. The resistance bacteria can exchange genetic material with other bacteria, passing on the resistance genes. The antibiotic used will now be ineffective. Adapted from: https://ib.bioninja.com.au/standard-level/topic-5-evolution-and-biodi/52natural-selection/antibiotic-resistance.html TERMINOLOGY biological evolution any genetic change in a population that is inherited over several generations biological species a group of organisms with similar characteristics that interbreed with one another to produce fertile offspring population a group of individuals of the same species occupying a particular habitat punctuated equilibrium evolution characterised by long periods of little or no change followed by short periods of rapid change natural selection mechanism of evolution - organisms survive if they have characteristics that make them suited to the environment artificial selection human-driven selective force, e.g. breeding of plants and animals to produce desirable traits speciation the formation of a new species geographic speciation formation of a new species when the parent population separated by a geographical barrier reproductive isolation a mechanism that prevents two species from mating with one another and making fertile hybrids 18 | P a g e CLASS ACTIVITY 1 This investigation is to be done in class before teaching natural selection Aim: to show that organisms that are best adapted in their environment survive Requirement: 2 green coloured A4 papers (like the butterfly product range) 2 yellow coloured A4 paper A puncher A forcep Procedure: Take one of the green coloured A4 paper and using a puncher, create about 30 holes on them. Collects the circles of paper that will be in the puncher Repeat the same procedure for the yellow paper One the green paper (acting as background) place 15 green circles and 15 yellow circles Do the same for the yellow paper (acting as background). A learner will be given 45 seconds to use a forcep take out as many circle as he can see on the yellow paper background. The same procedure is repeated for the green paper background. The procedure is repeated with about 6 learners Observation: More yellow circle was picked-up in the green background and more green circle were picked up in the yellow background. Inference: The teacher will now explain that because circles that are similar to the background could camouflage and therefor were not easily seen by the learners. The circle are the organisms, the background their environment and the leaners are predators. Organisms that are best adapted will survive. 19 | P a g e Class activity 2 This case study is to be done in class before teaching speciation through geographic barrier. Leaners will have to read this and the teacher will ask them some questions like 1. Do you think they were pretending? 2. Do you think even if they were to recognise each other they will want to get married? JOHN AND MARY John and Mary were born in a small informal settlement in Marikana north-west Province in South Africa. John was 3 years older than mary. They were very good friends and were always sharing their dreams. They use to play together, swim in the dirty nearby stream together and were always seen with each other. They did not even have proper clothings and could not even use cutlery to eat. SOURCE: https://www.news.uct.ac.za/article/-201612-09-integrating-informal-settlements When John was 13 years old, his long lost uncle who travelled to Egoli (Johanesburg) before John was even born return home. He took john back with him to Gauteng were they live in an up market suburb in sandton. Sent John to a Multiracial school and after 14 years, John was now a successful engineer. SOURCE: https://www.property24.com/articles/south-africas10-most-expensive-suburbs-revealed/26025 The company he worked for sent him on a mission to supervise a project in Marikana. When he went there, he met with mary and they could not even recognise each other. WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED? (story by Vincent yenika: HOD CPC and std: NWU) I will then explain to the class that, you can see that before they were together and happy. After they were separated, they all live under different condition and adapt differently. When they were brought to together, they could not recognise each other. They behave like different species 20 | P a g e Homework 1 Question 1 1.1. What type of characteristics does nature select during evolution? (1) 1.2 In nature, there is always a fight for survival due to competition, predation and adverse weather conditions. Suggest a collective term for all these factors (1) 1.3 Why is the concept of natural selection so important? (2) 1.4 Why is natural selection not a random process? (2) 1.5 In a population of mice, half were light in colour and half were dark. a) If an owl, hunts in the area at night, which mice have the more favourable characteristic? Explain your answer in terms of natural selection. (3) b) If the predator was a snake that detects the body heat of its prey, which mice would probably have the more favourable variation? Explain your answer. (3) Question 2 The graph below shows the speed at which evolution occurs in a species of butterfly. B A time 2.1. Explain the trend in evolution represented by: a) phase A (2) b) phase B (2) 2.2. In view of the trend represented by A and B, what type of evolution is represented by the graph? 2.3. Explain why the chances of speciation are great during phase B. (1) (2) (7) 21 | P a g e Memorandum on home work 1 1.1 those that benefits the organism✓ 1.2 selective forces or forces of natural selection✓ 1.3 It provides a mechanism for evolution ✓, explaining that animals are able to change to a changing environment and that these small changes over time can result in a new species being formed ✓ that is different to ancestral species. 1.4 The environment actively selects ✓ which organisms are best suited to their environment ✓. The ways by which variation arises in a population may be random but natural selection is a very selective process. 1.5 a. The dark coloured mice ✓ – they will be difficult to spot in the dark ✓ as they will be well camouflaged at night ✓ in their surroundings c) The light coloured mice ✓ – lighter colours absorb less heat than darker colours ✓ . Darker coloured mice will absorb more heat and therefore will be more “visible” to the snake ✓ . Question 2 2.1. a) No evolutionary change takes place in phase A ✓ – the species is in equilibrium with its environment ✓. b) Phase B points to an accelerated evolutionary change ✓ due to rapid environmental changes ✓. 2. 2. Punctuated equilibrium ✓ 2.3. During phase B, species with advantageous characteristics, i.e. suitable to the new environment, survive and reproduce. ✓ Species that do not have advantageous characteristics die out. Thus the chances of speciation during phase B are much greater than during phase A ✓. (7) 22 | P a g e HOME WORK 2 Question 1 1. Bontebok are antelope that are found in the Western Cape. Two main populations exist, one at the Bontebok National Park and the other at Table Mountain National Park. These two national parks are hundreds of kilometres apart. Scientists believe that due to geographical separation, speciation may occur. 1.1 Define the term “speciation”. (2) 1.2 Define the term ‘species’. (3) 1.3 Name the type of speciation that may occur in the bontebok populations. (2) Question 2 Darwin discovered two different species of tortoises on two different island in the Galapagos. One had a domed shell and short neck, the other had an elongated shell and a longer neck. The two islands had very different vegetation. One of the islands (island X) was rather barren, dry and arid. It had no grass but rather short tree-like cactus plants. On the other island (island Y), there were no cactus plants but it had a good supply of water and grass grew freely. The diagram below shows the two main species of tortoise. Tortoise 1 Tortoise 2 2.1 Which tortoise (1 or 2) would have been found on: 2.2. 2.3. 23 | P a g e a) Island X (1) b) Island Y (1) Describe how the two tortoise species became different species. (5) Scientists believe that the variation in populations lead to the formation of new species. List four sources of variation in populations. (4) Question 3 3.1. 3.2. List four ways in which artificial selection has been used in agriculture. (4) Copy the table below and complete it showing the differences between artificial selection and natural selection. (9) Artificial selection Natural Selection Driven by... Rate of change... Amount of variation achieved End result 3.3. Humans have been domesticating plants for years and today, most agricultural species come from domesticated varieties. a) Define the term “domestication”. (2) b) What was one of the first crops to be domesticated in the world? (1) c) Name two characteristics that were selected for in the domestication of the crop mentioned in (b) above. (2). Homework 2 Question 1 1.1) The process by which new species are formed ✓ ✓ 1.2 A group of organisms with similar characteristics ✓ /that are closely related to each other and are able to interbreed✓ and produce viable/fertile offspring ✓ 1.3 Allopatric speciation or geographic speciation ✓ ✓ Question 2 1.1 a) Island X Tortoise 2 ✓ b) Island Y Tortoise 1 ✓ 1.2 The ancestral tortoise population was separated by a geographic barrier (the ocean) as they were found on the mainland and on islands ✓ • There was no gene flow between the populations ✓ • Each population was exposed to different climatic conditions and different vegetation types, so that natural selection occurs independently in both populations ✓ • The individuals in the populations become very different to each other both in their genes (genotypically) and their appearance (phenotypically) ✓ • Even if the populations were to mix again, they will not be able to reproduce with one another ✓, since they are now two different species. 24 | P a g e 1.3 crossing over during Prophase I of meiosis ✓; the random arrangement of maternal and paternal chromosomes ✓; random fertilisation of egg cells ✓; random mating ✓ Question 3 3.1. • produce disease resistant crops • improve crop yield • adapt old crops to grow in adverse conditions • increase shelf life •enhance nutritional value and flavour of crops 3.2 Artificial selection Natural Selection Driven by... man nature Rate of change... faster slower Amount of variation achieved less more End result Improve crops and livestock for human consumption Suitable to the changing environment 3.3 a) The selecting and breeding of organisms ✓ with desirable characteristics ✓ b) maize (Zea mays) ✓ c) Any two: reduced covering of the seed ✓ ; retention of seeds (kernels) on the cob ✓ ; erect habit with a single stalk ✓ ; larger ear structure ✓ 25 | P a g e SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Section A Question 1 1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose the correct answer and write the letter (A – D) next to the question number (1.1.1–1.1.5) for example 1.1.6 D. 1.1.1 The theory that describes the speed at which evolution took place…….. A B C D 1.1.2 gradualism punctuated equilibrium Jean Baptiste de Lamarck Charles Darwin The reason that Lamarck would have provided for the long beak of the hummingbird is that: A all hummingbirds have the same beak length B there is natural variation in beak length and some birds are therefore better suited to feed on nectar C D 1.1.3 the more the hummingbird used its beak, the longer it grew hummingbirds with shorter beaks were more fit for survival Lamarck's 'laws' of use and disuse and inheritance of acquired characteristics were: A rejected, because only characteristics that benefit offspring can be inherited. B not rejected, because evidence shows that acquired characteristics can be inherited C rejected, because only characteristics that are coded for in the DNA can be inherited D not rejected, because Darwin's theory supports Lamarck's (3 x 2) = (6) 26 | P a g e 1.2 Give the correct biological term for each of the following descriptions. Write only the term next to the question number. 1.2.1 A tentative explanation of a phenomenon that can be tested. 1.2.2 The distribution of species in different parts of the world. 1.2.3 Variation that results in distinct phenotypes. 1.2.4 The breeding of plants and animals to produce desirable characteristics. 1.2.5 The process whereby organisms better suited to their environment survive and produce more offspring. (5 x 1) = (5) 1.3 Indicate whether each of the descriptions in Column I applies to A ONLY, B ONLY, BOTH A AND B or NONE of the items in Column II. Write A only, B only, both A and B or none next to the question number. Column I 1.3.1 The selection and breeding of organisms desirable characteristics by humans 1.3.2 Example of a reproductive isolating mechanism Column II with A: natural selection B: artificial selection A: breeding at the same time of the year B: adaptation to different pollinators 1.3.4 A group of similar organisms that can interbreed A: species to produce fertile offspring B: genus (3 x 2) = (6) 1.4 Many dog breeds exist today as shown in the diagram below. (a) (b) Explain why all breeds of domestic dogs belong to the same species. (2) Describe how artificial selection has led to different breeds of domestic dogs. (3) (5) 27 | P a g e 1.5 This question applies to the diagram on the next page. The ancestor of the modern horse had very differently shaped foot bones. Scientists believed that the structure of the foot bones evolved as the environment changed from swampy areas with soft mud to drier and harder soil. This allowed the animals to move effectively in each habitat. ankle bones foot bones Eohippus 50 Mesohippus 35 Merychippus Equus 25 5 - millions of year ago Key: the shaded bones are the ones that touched the ground 1.5.1. Describe two changes to the bones that have taken place over the past 50 million years. (2) 1.5.2. Eohippus lived in swampy areas with soft mud. Explain one advantage to Eohippus of the arrangement of bones in its feet. (2) (4) Section A: [26] 28 | P a g e Section B Question 2 2.1 Study the diagram below of the moth species that originally belonged to a single population but was later separated by a mountain into two groups. Species A Mountain range Species B Species C 2.1.1 Name and define the process which is illustrated in the diagram above. (3) 2.1.2. Explain the importance of the process you identified in question 2.1.1 above. (2) 2.1.3. Why is species A the ancestor of species B and C? (2) (7) 2.2. Study the extract below which describes the evolution of the snake. How snakes lost their limbs has long been a mystery to scientists: New research on a 90-million-year-old snake fossil suggests that snakes evolved to live and hunt in burrows as many snakes still do today. It is generally accepted that snakes and lizards are closely related, although very few transitional fossils have been found to support this generalisation. (adapted from https://www.ed.ac.uk/news/2015/snakes-271115) a) b) Explain one characteristic that you would expect a transitional snake fossil to have. (1) Describe how would Jean Baptiste de Lamarck have explained the loss of limbs in snakes? (4) (5) [12] 29 | P a g e Question 3 3.1 Lizards of a certain species on an island are usually brown in colour. A mutation in one gene for body colour results in red or black lizards. Black lizards camouflage well against the dark rocks and warm up faster on cold days which will give them energy to avoid predators. Scientists investigated the relationship between the colour of lizards in a population and their survival rate on an island. They conducted the investigation as follows: • They selected a group of lizards of a certain species in a habitat. • They recorded the percentage of each colour (brown, red or black) in the selected group. • They repeated the investigation over a period of 30 generations of offspring. The results of the investigation are shown in the table below. Colour of lizards Percentage (%) of each colour In the population Initial population 10th generation 20th generation 30th generation Brown 80 80 70 40 Red 10 0 0 0 Black 10 20 30 60 (adapted from https//hhmi.org/bioInteractive) 3.1.1 State the: a) independent variable b) dependent variable (1) (1) 3.1.2. Use the theory of natural selection to explain the higher percentage of black lizards in the population of the 30th generation. (5) (7) 3.2 The diagram shows the distribution of various camels on the different continents. The arrows indicate the current distribution of the animals. llamas dromedary bactria ( adapted from http://www.ck12.org) Explain how speciation of camels may have occurred. 30 | P a g e (5) [12] Section A: [26] Section B: [24] Total Marks: [50] Memorandum Section A: 1.1 1.1.1 B 1.1.2. C 1.1.3. C 1.2 1.2.1 hypothesis 1.2.2. biogeography 1.2.3. discontinuous 1.2.4. artificial selection 1.2.5 natural selection 1.3 1.3.1 A only 1.3.2 B only 1.3.3 A only 1.4 (a). They are able to interbreed with each other ✓ to produce fertile offspring ✓ (b). Humans chose characteristics pleasant to humans and bred dogs with those phenotypes and genotypes ✓ to create dogs that suit their needs, e.g. hunters, companions, helpers. ✓ The different breeds are bred for the different needs and therefore selected characteristics. ✓ 1.5. 1.5.1. Bones became larger / longer / thicker ✓, there were fewer bones ✓, fewer bones touched the ground ✓ (any two) 31 | P a g e 1.5.2 Large/r surface / area in contact with the ground ✓ *compulsory low / less pressure on the ground ✓, less likely to sink into ground / mud ✓, could run faster ✓, easier to escape predators ✓ (* compulsory + any one) SECTION B 2.1. 2.1.1. Speciation 2.1.2. increases diversity of species / biodiversity ✓ as the new species formed are genetically different Introduces reproductive isolation mechanisms ✓ and eliminates gene flow between different populations ✓ Decreases extinction rates of species ✓ as the new species might be able to survive certain conditions due to its different genetic composition. ✓ (any one X 2) 2.1.3. Species B and C ✓ evolved from species A. ✓ OR Species A existed prior to species B ✓, and species C evolved at the same time as species B ✓ (any one x 2) 2.2 (a). Smaller limbs than the ancestor compared to no limbs of modern snakes ✓ OR More vertebrae than the ancestor but less than the modern snake ✓ (any one) (b). Lizards crawled into burrows to find food / escape from predators ✓. They did not use their limbs anymore ✓ The limbs became smaller and eventually disappeared ✓ They passed on this characteristic to their offspring ✓ QUESTION 3 3.1 3.1.1. colour of lizards 3.1.2. rate of survival 3.1.2. There is variation in colour amongst the lizards * Red and brown lizards have a disadvantageous characteristic / trait and ✓ * are not camouflaged / cannot warm up fast enough to have energy to run away ✓ and are killed by predators ✓ 32 | P a g e * The black lizards have the advantageous trait and ✓ * are better camouflaged / warm up faster to have energy to avoid predators ✓ and survive / reproduce ✓ The allele for black colour is passed on to the next generation to produce more black lizards in the next generation ✓ (any 2 + * 4 compulsory marks) 3.2. *The common ancestor / original camel population was separated into different populations by the sea / due to continental drift ✓ There was no gene flow between the populations. ✓ Each population was exposed to different environmental conditions / selection pressures ✓ Natural selection occurred independently in each of the populations ✓ The individuals of each of the separated populations became different from each other over time genotypically and phenotypically ✓ Even if the three populations were to mix again they would not be able to interbreed to produce fertile offspring. ✓ (any 4 + 1* compulsory) 33 | P a g e Bibliography Bowie, M., de Beer, J.. Khan, M.A.. Naude, F. Pretorius, E.J.P.,Whitlock, C.E., Wiese, S.M. Via afrika life sciences: grade 12 learners’ book: cape town: Nasou and via afrika Gebhardt,A., Farhem, B., Preethlall, P., Pillay, S. Study and master life sciences: grade 12 llearner’s book. 3rd ed. Pretoria: BIS Grogan,J.& Suter, R. Mind action life sciences: grade 12 text & work book. Preoria: Allcopy publishers Isaac, T., Chetty, S., Manganye H.T., Mpondwana N.L., White, L. Understanding life sciences: grade 12 learners’ book. 3rd ed. Dormerton: Pulse 34 | P a g e 35 | P a g e