on enVIRONMENT whY IS ENVIRONMENT IMPORTANT TO US ? GIVE YOUR OPINIONS this reminds us of the responsibility that we have towards the environment. esto NOS RECUERDA LA RESPONSABILIDAD QUE TENEMOS CON EL MEDIO AMBIENTE The world, as we understand it, is changing.not many people understand the true implications that melting sea ice could have on the species, especially on future generations of bears. This leads to increased worldwide temperatures and the melting of polar ice caps, as well as many other undesirable impacts. Melting sea ice has a particularly negative effect on polar bears, as it is their prime habitat and they rely on it for food and shelter. environmental issues/environmental problems clean up the air/ limpiar el aire Yet we have so disconnected ourselves from the natural world that it is easy—and often convenient—to forget that nature The rise of technology and industry may have distanced us superficially from nature, but it Everything humans have needed to survive, and thrive, was provided by the natural world around us: food, water, medicine, materials for shelter Biodiversity produces food, fibers, wood products; it cleans water, controls agricultural pests, pollinates and dispersers the world plants; and provides recreation, such as birdwatching, gardening, diving, and ecotourism. elephants may not go extinct nature-lovers have long expected: spending time in a green space, such as a park, provides benefits for one’s mental and physical health. Exercising in a park, instead of inside a gym, has shown to provide mental health benefits as a greater sense of well-being People who live in more natural settings have better overall health we are living in an age when environmental issues have moved from regional problems to global ones time will run out, Scientists have been warning for years SCIENTIFOCS HAN ESTADO AVISANDO QUE Yet scientists, environmentalists, and even some policymakers increasingly warn that forests are worth CONSERVING/ VALE LA PENA CONSERVAR LOS BOSQUES THE ENVIRONMENT IS WORTH PROTECTING " VALE LA PENA PROTEGER EL MEDIO AMBIENTE https://news.mongabay.com/2011/04/what-does-nature-give-us-a-special-earth-day-article/