Business Operation FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND ACCOUNTANCY ASSIGNMENT COVER PAGE Please fill in all the required details for your assignment to be accepted. Student’s Name Student’s Matric No Year/Semester Program Subject Name / Subject Code Lecturer’s Name Assignment Title No. of Page (excluding Assignment brief pages) Required words Soft copy included DECLARATION BY STUDENTS: ABDUL HALIQ 1 Business Operation I certify that this assignment is my own work in my own words. All resources have been acknowledged and the content has not been previously submitted for assessment to LINCOLN or elsewhere. I also confirm that I have kept a copy of this assignment. Signed: Haliq Date: 11/05/2019 CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT Program title Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting Module title Business Organization Module code BBA 1313 Words 3000 words (20%) (Excludes references, attachments, graphs, images, tables and addendums) Assignment As communicated on LMS Deadline ABDUL HALIQ 2 Business Operation Assignment Case study individual assignment Title • Know how a sole proprietorship is set-up and operated and how partnerships and corporations are created and operate Assignment • Be familiar with basic concepts of agency laws • Recognize how various professional organizations are Description created and understand each functions • Prepare the paperwork necessary for each of the business organizations TASK InnoTech Holdings Ltd. is a well-established company operating across many industries such as garment, tea, hotel and healthcare. Since its origin in 1983, its founding member, Mr. Arjuna Perera has been involving in the company activities. Arjuna Perera adopts a very friendly style in dealing with people in the organization. He has a strong vision of creating a peaceful working environment within the organization. Usually he walks around the workfloor and speaks with employees. Company’s values of respect for individuals, honesty, empathy, equality and hard work have been derived from Arjuna Perera over a long period of time. Further, he took a decision to create few places for employees from different religions to do their religious activities. He often encourages employees to be united and live together. Therefore, coexistence is a deeply rooted assumption of the company. Employees follow Arjuna Perera as a good leader and devote enormous love and respect to him. ABDUL HALIQ 3 Business Operation However, newly appointed Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of InnoTech Holdings Ltd., Mr. Dinesh Perera follows a different approach when dealing with employees. He is aggressive and target oriented. He closely studies the subordinates, rewards the best performers and punishes the poor performers. He has introduced a new rewards policy saying that it will take the company to a better financial position. Nevertheless, employees are not satisfied with the new reward policy at all. In the new reward policy, it addresses only the financial needs of employees whereas it pays no attention on the other needs of the employees. Mr. Arjuna Perera is also very disappointed about the new reward policy as he thinks that it may create a threat for the prevailing healthy working environment in the organization. Assume that you are running a Business Clinic where Mr. Arjuna Perera seeks your management consultancy to restore the organizational culture of InnoTech Holdings Ltd. Assignment – 02 (1500 words / 10% Task 02. Explain why organizational culture is important for operations of InnoTech Holdings Ltd. (50 Marks) ABDUL HALIQ 4 Business Operation To accomplish your assignment, you will need to: 1. Choose any book or journal article that related to the question. You can choose any topic in Sri Lankan issues or abroad. While you are reading, sometime you will find that the opinion or suggestion that you are agree with that. So you can state your idea or opinion. Opinion and ideas must be based or supported by references. 2. You might need to read many references and evaluate them before selecting which ones will be involved in your writing. 3. Thus, you will need to incorporate support from several sources of different views. This type of assignment requires you to examine a variety of sources and identify their relationship to your topic. 4. Arrange multiple sources per point to increase your credibility. 5. Follow the following format: A. The introduction (usually one paragraph) • Contains a one-sentence statement that sums up the focus of your topic or the introduction about the article. • Sometimes also provides pertinent background about the general topic from which the texts are drawn. B. The body • This should be organized by any point or content that you found. Please do not mix 2 or more point in the one paragraph. Separate it in to different paragraph. In order to make your explanation become interesting, you need another extra information that you can get from the library or another sources. ABDUL HALIQ 5 Business Operation Be sure that each paragraph: 1. begins with a sentence or phrase that informs readers of the topic of the paragraph (a topic sentences); 2. includes information from more than one source; and clearly indicates which material comes from which source using in-text citations to avoid plagiarism. 3. shows the similarities or differences between the different sources in ways that make the paper as informative as possible; • Titles and subtitles can be used throughout the essay to emphasis different issues C. Conclusion. • Remind readers of the most significant themes you have found and the ways they connect to the overall topic. You may also want to suggest further research or comment on things that it was not possible for you to discuss in the paper. ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES: 1) Your essay must be supported with 10 – 15 references, and your references must include both books, journal articles and research. Majority of the references must be recent (5 years) 2) You must complete your assignment using Microsoft word and Microsoft excel, if needed. 3) Marks will be deducted from the final assignment mark which is under the word limit and for grammar, spelling errors and reference errors. 4) Attach your sources, if articles and cover page of a book, and any planner, mapping and notes that you might have used during doing your assignment. ABDUL HALIQ 6 Business Operation 5) A hard copy spiral bound document must be submitted and the softcopy of the assignment should be uploaded to or before the deadline. Students must upload the softcopy before the hardcopy submission. The submission of hardcopy and uploading of softcopy must take place on or before midnight 11.59 pm on the submission day. 6) Uploaded softcopy should be named as BBA-(subject number) (followed by the Student ID Example for company Law: BBA-2453- BBA-AC-01-05 7) Students are expected to keep a backup of all the assignments. BIMT and LUC reserve all the right to recall the soft copy of any assignment at any time during the course. 8) Please note that plagiarism is treated as a serious offence and therefore the work you produce must be individual and original although may work in groups in some instances (Please refer to Student Handbook on Plagiarism & Cheating). 9) All sources of information must be referenced using “Harvard referencing” where a reference listing should be included at the end of the assignment. 10) Please note that the submission date given for this assignment is the final date that you can upload the assignment. No late submissions are allowed by the system. (Please refer to the Student Handbook on Assessments - Late Submissions). 11) Please refer to Student Handbook on Assignments – Re-submission, mitigating circumstances procedure. 12) Please include the assignment coversheet in your answer. REPORT STRUCTURE ▪ Paper Size : A4 ▪ Printing Margins : LHS; RHS: 1 Inch ABDUL HALIQ 7 Business Operation ▪ Binding Margin : ½ Inch ▪ Header and Footer : 1 Inch ▪ Printing : Single Sided ▪ Basic Font Size : 12 ▪ Font Style : Arial/Times New Roman ▪ Presentation : Soft copy and Bound Document Executive Summary The report elaborates about Organizational culture is a system of shared traditions, principles, and beliefs, which directs how people act in organizations. Next topics analysis about types of cultures and analysis in connection with Innotech Holding Ltd . Finally, the report has been descripts in details of important of organization culture ABDUL HALIQ 8 Business Operation Table of Contents 1. Organization Culture ......................................................................................... 10 2. Types of Organization Culture .......................................................................... 11 2.1The Clan Culture:.............................................................................................. 11 2.2 The Adhocracy Culture: .................................................................................. 11 2.3 The Market Culture: ........................................................................................ 12 2.4 The Hierarchy Culture: ................................................................................... 12 ABDUL HALIQ 9 Business Operation 3. Analysis In connection with InnoTech Holdings Ltd ...................................... 12 4. Important of having Strong one Culture .......................................................... 13 5. Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 15 6. Reference ............................................................................................................. 16 1. Organization Culture Organizational culture is a system of shared traditions, principles, and beliefs, which directs how people act in organizations. These shared morals have a solid influence on the individuals in the organization and order how they dress, act, and complete their jobs. Every organization develops and sustains a unique culture, which provides rules and borders for the performance of the members of the organization. In Simple Term, Every company has its own sole character, just like individuals do. The unique character of an organization is devoted to as its culture. In sets of individuals ABDUL HALIQ 10 Business Operation who work together, organizational culture is an imperceptible but influential force that influences the behavior of the members of that group. (Mclaughlin, 2019) Every human presence has certain personality qualities which help them stand apart from the crowd. No two persons act in a alike way. In the same way organizations have certain values, policies, rules and guidelines which help them create an image of their own. Organization culture denotes to the beliefs and principles of a specific organization. The culture followed by the organization has a substantial impact on the staffs and their connection amongst themselves. (forsty, 2018) 2. Types of Organization Culture 2.1The Clan Culture: This culture is fixed in teamwork. Members share unities and get themselves are part of one big family who are lively and involved. Management takes the form of mentorship, and the organization is assured by promises and traditions. The main values are fixed in teamwork, communication and consensus 2.2 The Adhocracy Culture: This culture is based on dynamism and creativity. Workers are encouraged to take hazards, and leaders are realized as innovators or ABDUL HALIQ 11 Business Operation entrepreneurs. The organization is held together by research, with an emphasis on individual ingenuity and freedom. The core values are based on change and quickness. 2.3 The Market Culture: This culture is made upon the changing aspects of competition and reaching targeted results. The focus is goal-oriented, with leaders who are rough and challenging. The organization is combined by a common goal to do well and beat all rivals. The key value are market share and profitability. 2.4 The Hierarchy Culture: This culture is created on structure and control. The work atmosphere is official, with strict institutional actions in place for management. Leadership is based on planned coordination and monitoring, with a culture emphasizing productivity and predictability. (Quinn, 2018) 3. Analysis In connection with InnoTech Holdings Ltd Arjuna Perera adopts a very friendly style in dealing with people in the organization. He has a strong vision of creating a peaceful working environment within the organization. Usually he walks around the workfloor and speaks with employees. Company’s values of respect for individuals, honesty, empathy, equality and hard work have been derived from Arjuna Perera over a long period of time where he is used to follow Clan culture style. ABDUL HALIQ 12 Business Operation Mr. Dinesh Perera follows a different approach when dealing with employees. He is aggressive and target oriented. He closely studies the subordinates, rewards the best performers and punishes the poor performers where he is followed Market Culture. Any Organization can not savoy with more than two culture where Mr.Arjuna Perera follows clan style and Mr.Dinesh Perera follows Market culture style. There should be strong one culture in the organization. 4. Important of having Strong one Culture The culture chooses the way employees cooperate at their office. A well culture encourages the employees to stay motivated and loyal in the direction of the management. Innotech holding wants to develop proper culture system to motive the employee. Every organization must have usual rules for the workers to work accordingly. The culture of an organization characterizes certain predefined policies which guide the employees and give them a sense of direction at the workplace. There for Innotech want to assign proper culture policies to provide direction and guild line. Every individual is strong clear about his roles and tasks in the organization and know how to accomplish the tasks ahead of the targets. (Cranefield, 2017) It is the culture of an organization which makes it different from others. The work culture goes a extended way in creating the brand image of the company. The work culture gives an uniqueness to the organization. In other words, an organization is ABDUL HALIQ 13 Business Operation recognized by its culture. Innotech have to develop unique culture for the organization to create image in the society. The organization culture carries all the workers on a common stage. The employees must be treated similarly and no one should feel mistreated or left out at the office. It is essential for the employees to correct well in the organization culture for them to bring their level best. in order to treat equally innotech should unique culture guideline to rather than in practice of two culture style. The work culture bonds the employees who are otherwise from different back grounds, families and have varied arrogances and attitudes. The culture gives the workers a sense of unity at the workplace. (Moseley, 2016) Certain organizations follow a culture where all the workers regardless of their designations have to step into the office on time. Such a culture boosts the employees to be on time which eventually benefits them in the extended run. It is the culture of the organization which makes the persons a successful professional. Every employee is pure clear with his roles and tasks and hard to accomplish the tasks within the targeted time frame as per the set plans. Execution of policies is never a problem in organizations where people follow a set philosophy. The new staffs also try their level best to know the work culture and make the organization a better place to work. (EMEN, 2017) The work culture encourages healthy bond amongst the employees. No one treats work as a burden and moulds himself according to the culture. ABDUL HALIQ 14 Business Operation It is the culture of the organization which extracts the greatest out of each team member. In a culture where management is very specific about the reporting system, the employees however busy they are would send their reports by end of the day. No one has to force anyone to work. The culture grows a tradition in the individuals which makes them successful at the workplace. (Juneja, n.d.) 5. Conclusion These are just a bit of reasons why organizational philosophy is significant, but they’re a good initial point to get you thoughtful about what your own organization takes to the bench. What’s significant at innotech holding might be totally different depending on the situation. ABDUL HALIQ 15 Business Operation So what are your next ladders? Find out what features of your organizational culture are most significant to your people, and think about execution a culture audit. Your goal is to learn what your people worth most and support that. Innotech Holding one step closer to making an unexpected workplace. Key of success is depending on better work culture. 6. Reference 1) Cranefield, 2017. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 04 2019]. 2) EMEN, 2017. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 04 2019]. ABDUL HALIQ 16 Business Operation 3) forsty, C., 2018. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 04 2019]. 4) Juneja, P., n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 04 2019]. 5) Mclaughlin, J., 2019. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2019 04 28]. 6) Moseley, C., 2016. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 04 2019]. 7) Quinn, R. E., 2018. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2019 04 28]. ABDUL HALIQ 17 Business Operation NAME OF STUDENT: Module: Program: BA TESL Code: Lecturer: Date / Time INSTRUCTIONS The student’s assignment will be evaluated according to the following criteria Classification Allocated Content 40 Knowledge and Evidence of Referencing Presentation Grammar Full Understanding Reading and Bibliography and Spelling Marks 36 12 6 100 6 Marks Excellent Outstanding Work description Excellent and discussion and of Knowledge Evidence of reading Excellent depth main understanding issues of a of wide referencing range appropriate ABDUL HALIQ Excellent presentation, and logically structured, using of bibliography (6) correct grammar spelling (6) 18 and Business Operation and material with principles and concepts supplementary evidence (34-36) sources (12) of critical evaluation (37-40) Detailed description of Knowledge and depth of (33-36) Excellent Work main understanding issues with of Appropriate and principles material and concepts (31-33) evidence Evidence of reading Accurate supplementary referencing Good presentation logically and structured, bibliography (5) using correct grammar and spelling (5) sources (10) of evaluation Good Quality Description of main Knowledge and sound Evidence issues directed and understanding of the key material with principles and concepts reading and some occasional evidence of (28-30) supplementary discussion (29-32) sources (8) ABDUL HALIQ of Appropriate Orderly presentation, referencing and competently structured and Bibliography (4) acceptable spelling (4) 19 grammar and Business Operation Description of main Basic knowledge of the Evidence Acceptable issues key principles and directed and material only (25- concepts only 28) Adequate Work ( reading (6) and structure, acceptable gram bibliography (3) (3) (25-27) Weak main referencing and structure, Bibliography (2) grammar and spelling (2) issues and key principles material only concepts only (21-24) (22-24) of some Limited relevant and and reading (4) or Evidence inconsistent Limited material Work) referencing Adequate presentation and Limited description of Adequate knowledge of Limited evidence of Limited Omission Fail of Adequate minimal knowledge (17-20) understanding of Inadequate reading referencing and only (2) of presentation and acceptable Poor presentation, structure, and grammar and (1) bibliography (1) key principles and concepts (19-21) Fail Insufficient and largely Little or no evidence of (Unacceptable irrelevant material knowledge Work) (0-16) understanding of the key reading (0) ABDUL HALIQ Little or and evidence no Little or no Unacceptable of referencing and presentation, grammar (0) bibliography (0) 20 Business Operation principles and concepts (0-18) Marks obtain Overall Comment: ABDUL HALIQ 21