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Gardner's Theories Guidebook

Gardner Theories Guidebook
Stew Bertke
Howard Gardner was born on July 11th, 1943 in Scranton, PA.
Gardner is a Developmental Psychologist and Research
Professor. Gardner graduated from Harvard College in 1965
and graduated from Harvard University in 1971. Important
years for Gardner’s famous Theory of Multiple Intelligences
include 1983, 2003, 2009, and 2011.
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
• The Eight Intelligences in the Multiple Intelligences Theory (although
Gardner emphasizes that eight is not a magic number and there is more to
take into account): linguistic (verbal), musical, spatial, logical-mathematical,
bodily-kinesthetic (movement), interpersonal (understanding others),
intrapersonal (understanding self), and naturalist (observing and
understanding natural and human-made patterns and systems). Source: Our
class text
Multiple Intelligences Theory in the
• From https://www.edutopia.org/multiple-intelligences-research,“Providing students with
multiple ways to access content improves learning (Hattie, 2011).
• Providing students with multiple ways to demonstrate knowledge and skills increases
engagement and learning, and provides teachers with more accurate understanding of students'
knowledge and skills (Darling-Hammond, 2010).
• Instruction should be informed as much as possible by detailed knowledge about students'
specific strengths, needs, and areas for growth (Tomlinson, 2014).”This theory is trickier than
other theories because there is no one-size fits all way to implement this theory into the
classroom, this theory stresses playing to the different students diverse skill-sets.