Study of the shearer for the possibility of stabilizing the load current in the cutting electric drive Shprekher D.M. Kolesnikov E. B. Zelenkov A.V. Tula State University Tula, Russia Novomoskovsk branch (institute) of D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology Novomoskovsk, Tula region, Russia Tula State University Tula, Russia Abstract — A mathematical model of a shearer-loader with an integrated forward motion drive and an automatic control system (ACS) with a PI controller has been developed. It is shown that ACS allows reducing dynamic loads on the mechanical parts of a shearer-loader electric drives in conditions of a sudden change in coal strength. The results of transient processes arising from a stepwise change in the strength of coal are presented. It is shown that when the combine is working on weak coals, there is a decrease in the ACS speed by almost 1.5-2.0 times relative to the speed of the ACS when the combine is working on strong coals. To stabilize the speed of the ACS of the cutting current regulator, it is proposed to adjust the parameters of the regulator depending on the resistance of the coal to cutting. The conclusion is made about the need for the use of intelligent regulators. Keywords — shearer-loader, forward motion drive, cutting drive, mathematical model, transients, coal strength, control system I. INTRODUCTION One of the areas of the technical process in the coal industry is the widespread introduction of systems and means of automation of mining equipment and, first of all, shearers. Existing mining shearer-loader extracting minerals (coal, silvinites) have drive of shearer drum and drive of forward motion which interact among themselves at destruction of a layer of a mineral through executive body- fig. 1 [1.2]. A coal seam is a heterogeneous mass with the presence of solid inclusions of the rock, which, when destroyed, lead to the appearance of strong shock loads on the executive body of the shearer. Thus, the cutting drive is one of the weakest parts of the shearer [3]. Automation of the operation of the shearer should increase their productivity due to a more complete use of the energy capabilities of the electric drive and reduce the likelihood of "induction motor stalling", increase durability due to reduced overloads of the electric motor and the mechanical part, and hence their accident rate. In the control system of the mining shearer-loader, a cutting current (load) regulator can be applied, the purpose of which is to prevent overload or stalling of the cutting drive motor, by changing the feed rate of the combine when the resistance of the mineral to cutting and the working conditions of the combine [4]. Executive body Drive of shearer drum Drive of forward motion Fig. 1. The appearance of the mining shearer-loader However, this control system is forced to work under the conditions of parametric disturbances, which are caused by changes in the strength of coal, which is of a random nature, wear and blunting of the cutters of the executive body of the shearer. The action of perturbations causes a change in the transmission coefficient of the control object, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of transients in the system and can lead to a loss of stability of the control system. A control object in such a system is a shearer together with industrial process, control – the speed of forward motion of the shearer, and the main disturbance is the change in the strength of the coal. II. LITERATURE ANALYSIS the shearer, its electromechanical system must be considered as several constituent energy parts. A frequency converter for powering an adjustable electric motor, an electromechanical converter (induction motor) for converting electrical energy into mechanical energy, a mechanical converter (transmission) to ensure the technological process. The executive body of the shearer is connected to an asynchronous squirrel-cage rotor motor and through the transmission carries out the destruction of the rock mass. The interaction between the cutting electric drive and the drive of shearer drum takes place through the coal face, and the loads are controlled by the operator in manual or automatic mode, analyzing the signals from the sensors. Changing the forward speed of the shearer is implemented by means of a frequency-adjustable drive of shearer for motion forward [10]. The work of domestic and foreign scientists is devoted to the development of control systems that increase the productivity of the shearer in a in the conditions of change of disturbing influences in wide limits. However, a number of unresolved issues remain that determine the direction for improving the control systems of the shearer (coal mining technological processes) [3-7]. In addition, additional research is required to clarify the mathematical model for the joint operation of the shearer and the coal face. The electrical part of the drive. Matlab Simulink was used as a modeling tool. To speed up the simulation, it was proposed that the induction motors of the forward motion and cutting drives be presented in the form of known transfer functions with the following parameters: moment of inertia JIM, electromagnetic time constant TE, and momentum transfer coefficient β (Fig. 2) [11]. The control system of the shearer while limiting the cutting current in automatic mode is characterized by increased complexity. Firstly, the shearer is a complex object consisting of the following closely interacting mechanical and electromagnetic systems: an asynchronous electric motor (IM) and a transmission of drive for motion forward, an asynchronous electric motor (IM) and a transmission of drive for cutting, executive body and the shearer's body. Secondly, a change in the perturbing effects by which the regulation is carried out leads to a change in the static characteristics of the executive body, namely, its angle of inclination. Thirdly, the motion forward speed of the shearer sets the rate of change in time of disturbing influences, which is the low-frequency component of the resistance of coal to cutting. In such automatic control systems, complicated by the presence of feedback with a variable gain in the disturbance function and the presence of a variable in a wide range of gain of one of the components of the control object (also in the disturbance function), the stability of control systems and the quality of transient processes is especially urgent task [9]. (1 TE p) M IM (0 IM ); III. THE MAIN CONTENT The most effective analysis tool is the method of mathematical modeling. For this, it is necessary to develop a correct mathematical model of the dynamic functioning of all subsystems in the shearer when forming maximum loads, which have a significant negative impact on the reliability parameters of the shearer. In this work, the UKD300 coal processor [9] was adopted as an object of transient research. To draw up a structural diagram describing the electromechanical processes that occur during the operation of The equations describing the operation of an induction motor are as follows: M IM M red J IM pIM . (1) In its turn J 2М max 1 2f ; 0 ; TM IM , ; TE 0 smax 0 smax pp (2) where M max - is the critical (maximum) moment of the induction motor to drive cutting or drive moving forward; smax - critical slip of an induction motor to drive cutting or drive to moving forward; p p - the number of pole pairs of the electric motor; 0 - the angular frequency of the ideal idle speed of the induction motor; IM - the angular frequency of rotation of the rotor of an induction motor, TM electromechanical time constant. This system of equations is implemented in the form of the structure shown in Figure 2. Since the induction motor of the cutting drive is unregulated, and it is important for us to know the value of its current only (the frequency of rotation is constant), it can be represented by the transfer function proposed in [12, 13, 14], assuming that the moment in the working part of the mechanical characteristic cutting motor is proportional to its current ( M c 1 I c ) we get: kI WIM.c p I c ( p) 1 / KI , M c ( p) TЭTМ p 2 TМ p 1 (3) where k I - is the by current transfer coefficient of the asynchronous motor for cutting drive. The calculation procedure of k I - is presented in [15], and the parameters of an induction motor for cutting drive are given in [9]. The transfer function of the frequency converter (FC) can be represented by the gain: WFC ( p) K FC . (4) The implementation of the model of the transmission drive to motion the shearer forward according to (5) is shown in Fig. 3. The mechanical part of the drive for moving the shearer forward. The subsystem for moving the combine body is described by the following equation [10, 16], and its implementation is shown in Fig. 4. msh dVm Сst (st Rst xm ) st (st Rst Vm ) Fr , dt (7) where Fr is the force of resistance to movement of the shearer mass mc, equal to the sum of the forces from resistance to movement of the screw and resistance to movement of the combine along an inclined axis [9, 13]. Fr k f ( Fig. 2. Block diagram of the drive of shearer for forward motion (or cutting) of induction motor (исправить) Transmission for driving the shearer for motion forward. In the mining shearer loader, two reduction of transmission are used: between the cutting electric motor and the screw and between the electric motor providing motion for the combine forward and the shearer propeller. The drive of shearer for forward motion rotates the asterisk cycloid gear. The model transmission of shearer for forward motion is implemented according to the classical system of equations [10, 16]: J tr dst M tr itr tr M , dt M tr ctr (IM st itr ) btr (IM st itr ), (5) Where M tr - is the moment on the input shaft of the transmission; M r .tr - moment of resistance on the output shaft of the transmission; IM, IM - respectively, the angle of rotation and the rotation speed of the rotor of induction motor at forward motion the shearer, st st - respectively, the angle of rotation and the rotation speed of the drive star (pinion gear) for forward motion the shearer; itr - gear ratio of the transmission for the drive forward motion; J tr - moment of inertia of the transmission for the drive forward motion; сtr, btr - respectively, the stiffness and viscosity coefficients of the transmission for drive of shearer forward motion; tr transmission efficiency. M Сst Rst (st Rst xm ) st Rst (st Rst Vm ), (6) where сst, bst - respectively, the stiffness and viscosity coefficients of the pinion gear ( star) of the shearer; xm, Vm respectively, the movement and linear speed of the combine (speed movement forward); Rst - is the radius of the drive star (pinion gear). Frm msh gfk cos), (8) where - is the overall efficiency of the movement mechanism of the shearer; fk - coefficient of friction of the shearer on the guides of the conveyor; - angle of incidence (rebellion) of the reservoir; G - is the weight of the shearer; Frm - is the force of resistance to the forward movement of the combine; g is the acceleration of gravity; kf - coefficient taking into account additional resistance to movement of the combine is taken equal to 1.4. Transmission for cutting drive. The Executive body and the transmission for the cutting drive have their eigenvalues own rigidity and viscosity. To obtain the transfer function of the transmission for the cutting drive ( Wtr .c ), we rewrite the system (5) in the operator form, taking the control action by speed equal to zero ( IM 0 ) . As a result, we obtain: Wtr .c p М tr p / М p [(btr.c / ctr.c ) p 1]/{(itr.c J tr .c / ctr.c ) p 2 [tr.c (btr.c / c tr.c ) p 1]}. (9) Executive body. A shearer is a element whose output values are the moment of cutting resistance forces MEB and the component of these forces in the direction of the combine forward movement, and the input quantities are the control action (forward speed of the combine Vm) and external disturbance forces (coal resistance to cutting A ). The transfer function of the executive body for the control action [10]: WEB ( p ) M EB ( p)/Vm ( p ) K EB / [( 1 / 12) 2 p 2 (1 / 2)p 1] (10) where KEB is the transfer coefficient of the executive body on managing influence; - is the delay constant by the formation of coal shavings ( 1 / ( z c ) ); z - the number of incisors in one cutting line; c - frequency of rotation of the screw of the cutting drive. Fig.3. Model of the transmission drive to motion the shearer forward Fig. 4. Model of the mechanical part of the forward motion drive (housing) of the shearer The process of forming land shavings is subject to the law [17] t h( t ) Vп ( t )dt or h( p ) Vп p ( 1 e p ) / p t (11) where kp - is the coefficient taking into account the weakening of the resistance to cutting of the material in the cutting zone and the parameters of the auger cutters; REB - radius of the screw (executive body), h(t) - the thickness of the coal shavings In turn, the process of formation (creation) of coal shavings is determined by the transfer function of the form [14]: Wc .sh p h( p) / Vm ( p) (1 e p ) / p / [( 1 / 12 ) 2 p 2 (1 / 2)p 1]. (12) Combining equations (10) - (12), we obtain the transfer function of the interaction of cutting electric drive and the electric drive of forward movement of the combine WEB ( p) M EB ( p) / Vm ( p) A k p z REB / [(1 / 12 ) 2 p 2 (1 / 2)p 1]. where Bc - is the parameter characterizing the interaction of the cutting electric drive, the electric drive for moving the combine and the coal face. Current sensor. The analog signals from the primary converters of the stator current are converted using an analogto-digital converter into digital signals. The moment of resistance to cutting is [13]: M EB A k p z h(t ) REB , FEB / Frm ( M EB / REB )/( M rm / Rst ) Bc 1 / 0,7 , (14) (13) The relationship of the influence of the mechanical properties of the coal face on the power parameters of the cutting electric drive and the electric drive for moving the combine can be taken constant [15]: The current sensor gain is the ratio of the output voltage to the measured input parameter. The transfer function of the current sensor is presented in the form: WCS ( p) K CS uCS / I C , (15) where uCS - is the output voltage of the current sensor corresponding to the current value the current of the cutting motor; IC - current of the cutting motor. Based on the above considerations, using the formulas (1) - (15), a simulation model of the control system (CS) of the shearer with the calculated parameters for the stabilization mode of the cutting current was compiled (Fig. 5). In the simulation model of the control system of the shearer (Fig. 5), a block has been introduced to simulate changes in the resistance of coal to cutting. When cutting a homogeneous coal seam, the resistance to cutting can be modeled at a constant value. When the formation with solid inclusions is destroyed, the resistance to cutting increases sharply, exceeding the nominal one by 1.7–2 times [2]. Fig. 5. The simulation model of the control system of the shearer in the stabilization mode of the cutting current with a PI controller In the work, the obtained model was used to study the electromechanical processes occurring in a shearer with automatic control of the current of the cutting drive electric motor and with a stepwise change in the resistance of coal to cutting and the work of the combine on weak and strong coals. As a result, we obtained the oscillograms shown in Fig. 6, 7. From the oscillograms (Fig. 6) it can be seen that with a stepwise change in the resistance of coal to cutting in the range from 350 N/mm to 500 N/mm, the speed of the cutting current regulator is 0.4 s with a load surge, at reset a load- 0.5 s. Furthermore, the maximum current value of the cutting motor is 170 A. 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