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Enzymes Worksheet: Biology Unit 1

Biology Unit 1 2020
Week 2: Enzymes Booklet
Other resources to use
● �Enzymes PowerPoint, Workbook notes
● �Compass videos and links
something that can speed up biochemical reactions
Active site
Activation Energy
Lock and Key Theory
Collision Theory
When an enzymes shape is irreversibly changed, caused by pH or
temperatures outside of its “optimal” range.
1. Identify the Enzyme, the substrate and the active site in the diagram below:
2. Enzymes are sensitive to changes in their surroundings. Two conditions that may affect
enzyme shape are
_______________________________ & ______________________________
3. Describe what denaturing does to the physical shape of an enzyme.
4. Explain whether an enzyme can do its job after it has been denatured.
5. What is Activation Energy and why is it necessary for biochemical reactions?
6. How do enzymes save cells energy, with reference to activation energy?
7. An enzyme has an optimal range in which its performance is more efficient. If the
enzyme is in its optimal range for both conditions, then it will have higher production of
A) What is the enzymes optimal temperature in the graph above?
B) Why does the rate of reaction fall suddenly at 40°C?
C) Could this reaction occur without an enzyme present?
8. Activation energy is required for all chemical reactions. The graph below shows the
energy involved in Cellular Respiration.
In cellular respiration, energy is both used and released by the cell.
A) Write a balanced chemical equation for Cellular Respiration below
B) From the above chemical reaction, which molecule is being broken down to release energy?
C) Describe the importance of enzymes in cellular respiration, in terms of energy usage vs.
energy production of the cell.
9. What is an active site?
the part of an enzyme that binds only to the product molecules
the part of an enzyme that binds to a substrate
the sequence of amino acids responsible for the structure of an enzyme
the specific area responsible for the activity of all proteins
10. According to the induced fit model of enzyme function, which of the
following statements is correct?
There is an exact fit between a specific substrate and a specific enzyme.
The enzyme can change shape to accommodate the substrate.
The substrate can change its shape to fit a number of enzymes.
Competitive inhibitors can change the shape of enzymes.