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Daniel the Persistent Pray-er Worksheet

Due Sun _____
Daniel the Persistent Pray-er
Daniel 6
How many satraps (officials) did Darius appoint over his kingdom and
what would be their jobs? (v. 1)_________________________________
What was the job of the three commissioners? (v. 2)________________
What did Daniel begin to do and why? (v. 3)_______________________
What did the king plan to do? (v. 3)______________________________
What did the officials try to find against Daniel? (v. 4) ______________
What did they find? (v. 4)______________________________________
What did they learn was Daniel’s vulnerable area? (v. 5)_____________
What did they tell Darius all the officials had agreed would be a positive
action for him to take? (v. 6-7)__________________________________
Darius signed the injunction and it could not be changed. What did
Daniel do when he learned the document had been signed? (v. 8-10)
10) Daniel prayed, as he “had been doing previously”. Name 3 things that
were part of his established habit of prayer._______________________
11) When the men found Daniel praying, what was their first action? (v. 11)
12) When they told Darius that Daniel had broken the law, how did he feel
and what did he do? (v. 14)____________________________________
13) When the men came and reminded the king the law couldn’t be changed,
the king ordered Daniel cast into the lion’s den. What did Darius say to
Daniel? (v. 15-16)___________________________________________
14) After sealing the den, the king went to his palace. What did he do that
night? (v. 17-18)____________________________________________
15) When did the king go check on Daniel? (v. 19)_____________________
16) What did he ask Daniel? (v. 20)_________________________________
17) What did Daniel reply? (v. 22)__________________________________
18) The king was pleased and ordered Daniel out of the den. Why did Daniel
have no injury? (v. 23)________________________________________
19) What were the king’s next orders? (v. 24)_________________________
20) Darius made a new decree. What did it say and how did he describe “the
God of Daniel”? (v. 25-27)_____________________________________