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Improving Tourism in Ghana: Challenges & Solutions

Ways to improve
the tourism
industry in Ghana
By :Ines Anto Korankye
Challenges of the Tourism
industry of Ghana
Lack of legal backing
of legal backing (laws) for
plans- Tourism plans get mixed up
unnecessary legal battles on issues of
land acquisition for prolonged period
of time. There should be laws to
protect tourist sites.
Poor Institutional
separation of public and
private sector institution involved
in Tourism coupled with the
complications associated with it
makes consensus(agreement)
building and partnership formation
very difficult
Security Problems
threat of terrorism forces people to
cancel travel plans. Many governments
often issue travel advisories warning their
citizens on countries they consider a
security threat. A government that wants
to promote their tourist sites needs to put
measures to control the treat of terrorism.
Unclean Cities
cities do not attract tourists. This
is not only for hotel rooms only but extends
to various social amenities eg. hospitals,
roads etc. spread across the country.
Unknown Foreign Languages
like Spanish, English or
French are universal and many
tourists speak one or both. If the
locals or workers do not know
these foreign languages, they
cannot communicate with tourists
Ways to improve the Tourism industry
of Ghana
Improve Security
threat of terrorism forces people to
cancel travel plans. Many governments
often issue travel advisories warning their
citizens on countries they consider a
security threat. A government that wants
to promote their tourist sites needs to put
measures to control the treat of terrorism.
Promote Clean Cities
attract tourists make sure that make
your country is clean. Make sure there are
laws for cleanliness and police to make it
work. This is not relegated to hotel rooms
only but extends to various social
amenities spread across the country.
Teach Foreign Languages
like Spanish, English or
French are universal and many
tourists speak one or both. For a
country to grow its tourist
numbers, they need to invest in
foreign language classes for their
Good Institutional
public and private sector
institutions involved in Tourism
must partner and work together to
ensure good tourism
What will happen when the
Tourism industry of Ghana is
More money for the country including foreign money like dollars
 Money from tourists can be used to protect the natural
 More work for people
 Shows your culture to more coming tourists
 Improved facilities i.e. buildings, sites etc
 Improved country image to foreign people
 Good holiday destination and picnics for locals too
Thank you