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Counseling Theory & Practice Midterm Exam - Spring 2021

Midterm Exam-Spring 2021-EDUC 667 Counseling: Theory and Practice
Midterm Exam-Spring 2021-EDUC 667
Counseling: Theory and Practice
Multiple Choice (20Pts)
1. Clinical experience and research suggest that positive counseling
prognosis is associated with which conditions?
1 point
A. Expectation of improvement
B. Major secondary gains from problems
C. Satisfying work/career experiences
D. High level of arousal
Clear selection
2. One approach to selection of group members is:
1 point
A. The invitation interview approach
B. The randomization approach
C. The empathic approach
D. The matching approach
Clear selection
Midterm Exam-Spring 2021-EDUC 667 Counseling: Theory and Practice
3. What is the ideal size of a counseling group?
1 point
3-4 members
B. 10-12 members
C. 7-8 members
D. 5-10 members
Clear selection
4. What is the acceptable size range for a counseling group?
1 point
3-4 members
B. 10-12 members
C. 7-8 members
D. 5-10 members
Clear selection
5. Person-centered therapy developed primarily
1 point
Through concern about how children learn
B. To focus on the presence of the tendency for individuals to form complete figures
C. Through behavioral theory and experimental research
D. As a result of the perceived limitations of psychoanalysis
Clear selection
Midterm Exam-Spring 2021-EDUC 667 Counseling: Theory and Practice
6. Theory is important to a counselor in:
1 point
A. Developing statistical formulae
B. Reacting to society
C. Making sense out of his or her observations
D. All of the above
Clear selection
7. Freud’s theory is referred to as:
1 point
B. Psychodynamic
C. Humanistic
D. Ecological
Clear selection
8. In Adler’s theory, a major stumbling block to personal growth is:
1 point
A. Lack of initiative
B. Innate character flaws
C. Feelings of inferiority
D. Gemeinschftsgefuhl
Clear selection
Midterm Exam-Spring 2021-EDUC 667 Counseling: Theory and Practice
9. To achieve a truly effective level of group work, rather than a superficial
level, the group must successfully experience:
1 point
A. A caring environment
B. Catharsis
C. Difficult conflicts and confrontations
D. A thorough assessment
Clear selection
10. B. F. Skinner specifically developed and refined principles of:
1 point
A. Psychotherapy
B. Ethical practice
C. Behaviorism
D. Affective guidance
Clear selection
Midterm Exam-Spring 2021-EDUC 667 Counseling: Theory and Practice
11. C. Gilbert Wrenn asserted which of the following about values in
1 point
A. Even counselors who intend to keep their values out of the counseling session
cannot help but communicate them
B. Counseling is value-free
C. It is appropriate for counselors to help their clients work toward acquiring the
values of middle-class America
D. Values are irrelevant to the counseling process.
Clear selection
12. In Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, the counselor is viewed as:
1 point
A. A teacher
B. A parent figure
C. A warm, supportive listener
D. All of the above
Clear selection
13. In Reality Therapy, a client is seen as being:
1 point
A. Controlled by external realities
B. Powerless
C. Driven by events in their childhood history
D. In a position of power to make choices in their lives
Clear selection
Midterm Exam-Spring 2021-EDUC 667 Counseling: Theory and Practice
14. During the first session that a group meets, the group leader may need
1 point
to deal with:
A. Feelings of apprehension
B. Promoting a positive interchange between group members
C. Setting limits
D. All of the above
Clear selection
15. Establishing a good counseling relationship is important because:
1 point
A. It helps to meet the client’s needs
B. The relationship is an important factor in whether the client continues with
C. It provides for the client a model of an adaptive interpersonal relationship
D. All of the above
Clear selection
16. Which of the following is an important role of school counselors
1 point
regarding child abuse:
A. Reporting suspected abuse
B. Consulting with principals and teachers
C. Broad-based prevention programs
D. All of the above
Clear selection
Midterm Exam-Spring 2021-EDUC 667 Counseling: Theory and Practice
17. Group counseling makes a/an _____ attempt to change attitudes and
1 point
A. Indirect
B. Technique-oriented
C. Direct
D. Anfractuous
Clear selection
18. Group guidance activities are most often found in:
1 point
A. Agency settings
B. School settings
C. Hospital settings
D. Home settings
Clear selection
19. For the developmental needs of middle school students, the school
1 point
counselor should emphasize:
A. Concrete rules
B. Decision-making skills
C. Language development
D. Possible psychopathology
Clear selection
Midterm Exam-Spring 2021-EDUC 667 Counseling: Theory and Practice
20. Which one of the following is not a role of the classroom teacher in a
1 point
school counseling program:
A. Listener-adviser
B. Referral agent
C. Career educator
D. Parenting coordinator
Clear selection
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Midterm Exam-Spring 2021-EDUC 667 Counseling: Theory and Practice
Midterm Exam-Spring 2021-EDUC 667
Counseling: Theory and Practice
Matching: (5 pts)
1.Individual and Family Counseling
1 point
A. Schools without Failure is related to this theory
B. Formed a basis for elementary school and marriage
C.Views the personality as separated into the id, ego, and super ego.
D.Emphasized the client’s responsibility and capacity; the counselor as facilitator and
E.Clients must experience the “here and now”
F. A personal relationship between client and counselor is not essential
G. Counselor is in charge - tells client what to do
H. None of the above
Clear selection
Midterm Exam-Spring 2021-EDUC 667 Counseling: Theory and Practice
1 point
A. Schools without Failure is related to this theory
B. Formed a basis for elementary school and marriage
C.Views the personality as separated into the id, ego, and super ego.
D.Emphasized the client’s responsibility and capacity; the counselor as facilitator and
E.Clients must experience the “here and now”
F. A personal relationship between client and counselor is not essential
G. Counselor is in charge - tells client what to do
H. None of the above
Clear selection
1 point
A. Schools without Failure is related to this theory
B. Formed a basis for elementary school and marriage
C.Views the personality as separated into the id, ego, and super ego.
D.Emphasized the client’s responsibility and capacity; the counselor as facilitator and
E.Clients must experience the “here and now”
F. A personal relationship between client and counselor is not essential
G. Counselor is in charge - tells client what to do
H. None of the above
Clear selection
Midterm Exam-Spring 2021-EDUC 667 Counseling: Theory and Practice
1 point
A. Schools without Failure is related to this theory
B. Formed a basis for elementary school and marriage
C.Views the personality as separated into the id, ego, and super ego.
D.Emphasized the client’s responsibility and capacity; the counselor as facilitator and
E.Clients must experience the “here and now”
F. A personal relationship between client and counselor is not essential
G. Counselor is in charge - tells client what to do
H. None of the above
Clear selection
1 point
A. Schools without Failure is related to this theory
B. Formed a basis for elementary school and marriage
C.Views the personality as separated into the id, ego, and super ego.
D.Emphasized the client’s responsibility and capacity; the counselor as facilitator and
E.Clients must experience the “here and now”
F. A personal relationship between client and counselor is not essential
G. Counselor is in charge - tells client what to do
H. None of the above
Clear selection
Midterm Exam-Spring 2021-EDUC 667 Counseling: Theory and Practice
This form was created inside of Lebanese International University. Report Abuse