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Group & Team Dynamics: Formation, Leadership, and Management

3. Group & Team Dynamics
• A group is defined as two or more
individuals/persons interacting with each other, who
have come together to achieve particular objectives.
• The members of the groups share their thoughts,
knowledge, information's and achieve their goals
through the integrated effort.
Features/Characteristics of a Group
1. Combination of two or more individuals/persons.
2. Individuals/persons are come closer physically virtually for
3. They come closer to achieve their common goals/ objectives.
4. Members contribute /share different inputs like skills,
knowledge and thoughts, towards achievement of organizational
5. In group there are certain forms of agreement and
disagreement which can be discussed/solved.
Why Do People Join Groups?
• 1.Security: Joining groups reduces insecurity of “standing
alone” in organization as well as in society.
• 2.Self-esteem: Groups can provide people with feelings of self
worth, Respect, status, recognition in the society.
• 3.Affiliation: Groups fulfill social needs through regular
Ex: Friendship, family, love
• 4.Power: Group actions enable in achieving, what one can’t
do individually.
• 5.Synergy: Outcome of the group effort is greater than the
sum of the individual contributions of the group.
• 6.Empowerment through sharing of resources: Exchange of
skills, knowledge, talents, values becomes possible.
• 7.Becoming a leader: People with leadership skills can
become leaders to form the groups & they lead the group.
Group Dynamics
• Group dynamics refers to the attitudinal and behavioral
characteristics of a group.
• Group dynamics concern how groups form, their structure
and process, and how they function.
• Group dynamics are relevant in both formal and informal
groups of all types.
• In an organizational setting, groups are a very common
organizational entity and the study of groups and group
dynamics is an important area of study in organizational
The Five-Stage Model of Group Development :
1. Forming Stage
2. Storming Stage
3. Norming Stage
4. Performing Stage
5. Adjourning Stage
1. Forming Stage
• In this, the team is formed and members meet. They learn
what the team opportunities and challenge will be.
• Members will agree on goals and assign actions for work and
ground rules / team guidelines are established.
• Leadership will help the team to define their processes. At
this stage, the leader needs to be directive and understand
the requirements for team training.
• This stage is complete when the members have begun to
think of themselves as a part of a group.
2. Storming Stage
• The second stage in group development, characterized by
intragroup conflict.
• During the second stage, individual expression of ideas occurs
and there is open conflict between members.
• Members tend to focus on details rather than the issues and
compete for influence.
• The leader should guide the team process towards clear
goals, defined roles, acceptable team behavior, and a mutual
feedback process for team communication.
• Leaders role are important to sort out the issues of the
3. Norming Stage
• In the third stage, the team develops work habits that
support group rules and values.
• They use established tools and methods , exhibit good
behaviors, mutual trust, motivation, and open
communication increase, positive teamwork and group
focus are apparent.
• The team relationships grow and individual
characteristics are understood and appropriately utilized.
• The team leader continues to encourage participation
and develop the professionalism among the team
4. Performing Stage
• The fourth stage shows high levels of loyalty, participation,
motivation, and group decision-making. Knowledge sharing,
cross-training, and interdependence increases.
• Team is self-directing in development of plans and strategy
to meet their goals and carry out work.
• Personal growth and sharing is encouraged throughout
membership. The leader becomes a facilitator /process easier
aiding the team in communication processes and helping if
they revert to a prior stage.
5. Adjourning Stage
• The final stage in group development for temporary groups,
characterized by concern with wrapping up activities rather
than performance.
• For project teams, temporary committees, or task forces
coming to an end, there will be a finalizing stage as they
celebrate and recognize group achievement.
• The dissolving of the team relationship and begin planning for
the change in individual work requirements.
Types of Groups
• A designated work group defined by the organization’s
structure, for perform specific tasks and achieve specific
• 2.INFORMAL GROUP• Informal groups are formed by the members of such groups
by themselves.
1. Formal Groups
• A group is formal when it is purposely designed to accomplish
an organizational objective or task. It is created via formal
authority for some defined purpose.
• The major purpose of formal groups is to perform specific
tasks and achieve specific objectives defined by the
• Ex: Quality Circle, Specific project.
• The formal groups usually work under a single supervisor,
even though the structure of these groups may vary.
• For example,
• 1.In one form of a group such as in production, the members
of the workgroup depend on each other as well as on the
• 2. In Sales department , the members of the group work fairly
independently and their common contact may be the sales
Characteristics of Formal Groups:
These groups are approved/formed from some authority.
Individuals are assigned specific responsibilities .
There are personal interactions between the group members.
A formal group is one that is deliberately created to perform a
specific task.
• The management can change the members whenever there
are changes in orgizaional structure, job structure, job design,
• A hierarchy of authority exists with specified members and
they frame the rules and regulations.
Two types of formal groups
• 1. Command/ Standing Task group: a permanently specified
in the organizational structure and consists of a supervisor
who exercises formal authority over subordinates.
• 2. Task Group: a temporary formal group, is created to solve
specific problems.
• The group comprises employees who work together to
complete a particular task or project, The employees belong
to different depts.
• They stay together till the task is complete and once the work
is completed they disband and return to their respective task
• Ex- Quality Circle
Informal Groups
• Informal groups are formed by the members of such groups
by themselves.
• They emerge naturally, in response to the common interests
of organizational members.
• They are formed spontaneously, without any formal
designation, and with common interests such as self-defense,
work assistance, and social interaction.
• leadership is a process by which a person influences others to
accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way
that makes it more consistent.
• Leadership is the ability to develop a vision that motivates
others to move with a passion toward a common goal.
• leadership is the “process of social influence in which one
person can enlist the aid and support of others in the
accomplishment of a common task”.
Styles of leadership
• 1.Authoritarian or autocratic
• 2.Participative or democratic
• 3.Delegative or Free Reign
• 1. Autocratic – The authoritarian leader makes decisions
alone as power is centralized in one person.
• Decisions are enforced using rewards and the fear of
punishment. it is an abusive, unprofessional style called
“bossing people around.”
• 2. Democratic- The participative leader include one or more
employees in the decision making process. Communication
flow freely suggestions are made in both directions.
• The participation encourages member commitment to the
final decision.
• Improves the sharing of ideas and experiences within the
• 3. Laissez-faire- The free-rein leader gives power to
subordinates to make the decisions. However, the leader is
still responsible for the decisions that are made.
• This is used when employees are able to analyze the situation.
• Can be very useful in businesses where creative ideas are
• Can be highly motivational, as people have control over their
working life
A leader is a person who influences A manager is a person who
his subordinates to achieve a
manages the organization and
specified goal.
is responsible for planning,
direction, coordination and
Sets Direction
Plans details
Facilitates decision
Makes decision
Growth and development.
Attainment of the required
Process and Procedure
Uses conflict as an asset
Avoid conflict
Difference between Leader Vs Manager
• 1.A leader influences his subordinate to achieve a specified
goal, whereas a manager is a person who manages the entire
• 2.A leader sets directions, but a manager plans details.
• 3.A manager takes decision while a leader facilitates it.
• 4. A leader has followers while the manager has the
• 5.A manager avoids conflicts. On the contrary, a leader uses
conflicts as an asset.
• The leader focuses on people while a manager focuses on the
Process and Procedure.
• A leader aims at the growth and development of his
teammates while a manager aims at accomplishing the end
Qualities That Make Good Leaders
• 1. Communication.
• For leadership role, good communication skills are absolutely
crucial. Using language to perform one-to-one communication
with the employees is really all that we have as human
• 2.Integrity (the quality of being honest and having strong
moral principles)
• An honest leader succeeds when they stick to their word, live
by their core values, having strong moral principles.
• 3. Confidence.
• Effective leader should be confident while taking of any
decisions in the organization
• 4. Accountability/responsibility.
• A strong leader is accountable/responsible for the team’s
good or bad results as well as performance of the team.
• They hold themselves and their employees accountable for
their actions, which creates a sense of responsibility among
the team.
• 5. Empathy/ open-mindedness
• A true leader has enough open-mindedness to understand
their followers’ motivations, hopes, dreams, and problems so
that they can forge a deep personal connection with them.
• 6. Humility.
• Great leadership styles focus on problem-solving and team
dynamics much more than self-promotion.
• A great leader will be effective if they’re focus on well-being
of their team more concerned with themselves.
• 7. Vision.
• A great leader clearly sets the organizational vision and work
according and give the direction to his team members.
• 8. Positivity.
• The leader always positively focus on organizations objectives
and principles.
• 9. Delegation.
• leaders are accustomed to doing all the work themselves and
struggle to let others handle responsibilities on their own.
Great leaders must elevate / raise /lift to higher position their
team , they must be more focus towards delegation of
Theories of leadership
• 1. Trait theory( A distinguishing quality)
• The Trait Approach arose from the “Great Man” theory as a
way of identifying the key characteristics of successful leaders.
• This theory critical leadership traits(quality) could be isolated
and that people with such traits /best quality persons could
then be selected as leadership positions.
2.Behavioral Theory• These theories of leadership are based upon the belief that
great leaders are made, not born.
• This leadership theory focuses on the actions of leaders and
his behavior characteristics in the organization.
• The behavior approach says that anyone who adopts the
appropriate behavior i.e suitable for gathering, respecting the
other members can become a good leader.
3. Blanchard's situational theory
• The theory states that instead of using just one style,
successful leaders should change their leadership styles
based on the maturity of the people they're leading and the
details of the task. i.e like
• 1.Autocratic
• 2.Democratic
• 3. Free Reign
• Using this theory, leaders should be able to place more
emphasis on the task and change the leadership style
according to the situation.
4.Contingency theory
• In Contingency theory of leadership, the success of the leader
is a function to handle the situations at various contingencies
of their subordinate while doing any organizational task.
• The Leaders who handle the situation very effectively during
contingency time may become successful leader.
• Ex: Lockdown, Layoff