Hypovolemia stage 1 stage 2 stage 3 stage 4 Blood Volume 15% / 750 ml 15-30% / (750 - 1500 ml) 30 - 40 % / (1500 - 2000 ml ) 40% / (>2000 ml) Blood Prussre normal increased diastolic / normal systolic increased diastolic / decreased systolic 100mmHg or less increased diastolic / decreased systolic 70mmHg or less Heart Rate normal tachycardia / >100bpm tachycardia / >120 bpm tachycardia / > 140 bpm Respiratory rate normal increased than 20 per minute tachypnea / > 30 respirations per minute stop breathing / pronouced tachyonea Skin paleness pale , cold and calmmy sweating with cool and pale skin moribund capillary refill refill 2 second delayed refill delayed refill no/absent refill mental status normal but slight anixiety mildly anxious altration in mental status coma urine output normal 20-30 ml/h 20 ml/h nothing