When the management of the firm along with its employees understand the Importance of Interpersonal Communication there is a free flow and exchange of ideas and thoughts during the formal and informal sessions. It is able to increase levels of team bonding, and team bonding results in the enhanced teamwork by sharing the workload during stringent deadlines and having each other’s back during tough and difficult times. When the employees of the firm understand and follow, they behave in a rational and mature manner and solve all the issues and problems that exist. Furthermore, they can also avoid the problems that may occur in the future as well. And this trait and quality are beneficial for both, the company as well as the employees. 2.4. Helps to retain quality staff From the adequate and challenging roles and responsibilities to the proper appreciation for their quality work, the internal staff of the firm also looks for effective interpersonal communication with the management. If the management follows the open-door policy hearing their issues, suggestions, grievances, and problems, they likely feel valued and motivated. And this results in their long-term association with the firm. 2.5. Attracts investors and vendors Following the great interpersonal communication skills of the top management and employees, quality and expert vendors like to get associated with the firm. Plus it also attracts a lot of investors that helps the firm to attain its financial stability and the overall goals and objectives. Organizational communication is the process whereby an organizational stakeholder (or group of stakeholders) attempts to stimulate meaning in the mind of another an organizational stakeholder (or group of stakeholders) through intentional use of verbal, nonverbal, and/or mediated messages. 2.2. The importance of organizational communication 2.2.1. Employee engagement Simply defined, employee engagement is how willingly and enthusiastically an organization’s employees focus exclusively on the task at hand. Going beyond devotion and dedication, which can be tied to obligation, engagement is directly tied to how valued your employees feel. The surest way to help employees feel valued is to explore how you communicate with them. What are the words you use, your tone of your voice, and the timing of your email replies? Do you take the context into consideration and, perhaps most importantly, are you able to empathize with them as you communicate? By exercising communication practices that help employees feel valued, you’re able to get more out of each employee, lessen the likelihood of turnover, and positively drive your organization’s bottom line 2.2.2. Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is how satisfied a person is with an organization, be it their service, their product, and/or their interactions with the organization. As we all know, customer satisfaction is critical to organizational survival and success. You can have the greatest product or service out there, but if a customer feels they are not valued by your organization, the chances they’ll turn away from increase dramatically. Once again, it comes right back to how well your organization communicates. That will determine their sense of value. Customers are satisfied when they feel they are listened to, empathized with, and that their experience matters. Customers are satisfied when their organizational interactions leave them feeling valued, which as research has demonstrated, can override any poor customer service or product experiences they have. Service and product mistakes will inevitably happen, but how your organization deals with the mistake will ultimately determine customer satisfaction. 2.2.3. Organizational Perception Even though there are countless organizations you’ve never done business with, chances are you still have an opinion about them, for better or worse. What’s so fascinating about how we develop these perceptions is it’s NOT based on any direct experience. It’s often based on the stories we’ve heard, the articles we’ve read, the advertisements we’ve seen, or the social media sites we’ve visited. Note how these are all forms of second-hand information, yet they are equally as powerful as direct experiences. Outside of advertising and the news, all this second-hand information is based on the direct experiences of those passing this information on. There are ghastly numbers out there saying how far more likely it is for folks to share negative experiences they have with an organization compared to positive ones. So, it goes without saying that if your organization’s communication is creating poor direct experiences, those direct experiences will negatively impact how your organization is perceived by potential customers, clients, guests, or employees. This, in turn, certainly impacts your organization’s ability to grow and thrive. Once again, more proof that you need to improve organizational communication to create that feeling of “being valued”. So how do you do it? VII. Recommendation If reader want to increase your ability of interpersonal and organizational communication skills, some tips below may help you in your career pathway. With interpersonal communication, at first, you must do research and plan by collect data to plan for conversation. This makes ensure clarity and accuracy. Moving to the next step is determine audience, considering coworkers’ personality and mindset before approaching a conversation. Find the right communication style for your specific situation. After that, you can do self-evaluation to understand your own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to communication. Lastly, monitoring expectations is very important that it keeps assumptions and expectations to a minimum before engaging with a coworker. There are 3 steps that enhance your organizational communication. Firstly, you need do survey in your department and request everyone do a simple personal communication assessment. Next, you determine everyone after understanding their characteristics and identify the strengths and weakness of each person. And the last, all the assessment above will allow each person to know where their personal starting point towards improvement is, as it will not be the same for everyone.