Uploaded by John Dave

Thermionic Overunity Generator: Free Energy Device

Based on 4-400A tube specificaƟons.
The tube is the thinly drawn
cylinder on the leŌ, made of
glass and with high vacuum.
Screen is unused.
The filament, thoriated tungsten, requires 14.5A at 5V, or
72.5W. It produces a cloud of
electrons which are accelerated
towards the grid. A maximum
of 350mA current is recommended on the 4-400A data
sheet. Many other tubes can be
In normal operaƟon, seen in textbooks the plate is made posiƟve and the grid negaƟve, however, to produce
free energy, we connect a posiƟve voltage to the grid instead, and simply connect the plate to a load.
The gV supply makes the grid highly posiƟve, a few thousand volts normally. The cloud of electrons is accelerated to great speed towards the grid. Now, you would think that the electrons would all hit the grid and cause a
large current to be shown at current meter gA , instead, just as described in the 1930’s Farnswoth mulƟpactor
patents ,most will pass straight through, because of the thin wire and large spaces used to make the grid, and
also due to their great momentum. These electrons have great energy, in fact, 2000 eV or more, depending of
the voltage used at the grid. The plate, collects these electrons and discharges them through a load, back to the
filament, just like a baƩery does. The secret is to use the grid voltage to provide a potenƟal but not as a current
source! We are uƟlizing the 2000V potenƟal to do work, but not draining it by allowing a current to flow.(5mA).
Assuming a typical potenƟal of 2000V at the grid and 305mA current. Some 5mA will be collected at the grid,
under opƟmum tuning, leaving us with 300mA to flow through the load. 2000x300mA=600W.
600W-72.5W-10W=517 waƩs of real free energy.
In 1957 our enƟre laboratory was shut down when we accidently re-discovered this phenomenon, and
foolishly, with good will, wrote an arƟcle to be published in Wireless World. People have been murdered trying to release such informaƟon to the public four years aŌer the shutdown, please spread
this informaƟon as widely as possible and quickly, I am old and don’t have long to live and I want this
secret to be know to help the world in need. Textbooks will never show you this secret.
With Love, A.S. 2015