IEC 61400 JUSTIFICATION E30/70 PRO ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es INDEX 1.- SCOPE...................................................................................................................... 3 2.- REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 3 3.- WIND TURBINE DESCRIPTION..................................................................................... 3 3.1.-DATA SHEET ....................................................................................................... 4 3.2.-PMG DATA SHEET ................................................................................................ 4 4.- SIMPLE LOAD MODEL ................................................................................................ 7 4.1.- CALCULATION OF EQUIVALENT STRESSES ......................................................... 12 4.2.-MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION ......................................................................... 14 4.3.-SAFETY FACTORS .............................................................................................. 15 ANNEX A ..................................................................................................................... 18 FEM ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................ 18 A.1.-EPRO_BASE ....................................................................................................... 19 A.2.-EPRO_ BIELA ..................................................................................................... 24 A.3.-EPRO_CORREDERA ............................................................................................. 30 A.4.-EPRO_CUCHARA ................................................................................................ 35 A.5.-EPRO_GIRATORIA .............................................................................................. 41 A.6.-EPRO_GONDOLA ................................................................................................ 47 A.7.-EPRO_PLATO ..................................................................................................... 55 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es 1.- SCOPE This part of IEC 61400 deals w ith safety philosophy, quality assurance, and engineering integrity and specifies requirements for the safety of Small Wind Turbines (SWTs) including design, installation, maintenance and operation under specified external conditions. Its purpose is to provide the appropriat e level of protection against damage from hazards from these systems during their planned lifetime. This part of IEC 61400 is concerned w ith all subsystems of SWT such as protection mechanisms, internal electrical systems, mechanical systems, support structures, foundations and the electrical interconnection w ith the load. While this part of IEC 61400 is similar to IEC 61400-1, it does simplify and make significant changes in order to be applicable to small turbines. This part of IEC 61400 applies to w ind turbines w ith a rotor sw ept area smaller t han 200 m 2 generating at a voltage below 1 000 V a.c. or 1 5 00 V d.c. . This part of IEC 61400 should be used together w ith the appropriate IEC and ISO standards. 2.- REFERENCES Basis reference “ IEC 61400-2 Design requirements for small w ind turbines” 3.- WIND TURBINE DESCRIPTION The EPRO70 w ind turbine is a w ind turbine of 3,5 kW in nominal pow er, w ith a permanent magnet generator and a passive variable pitch syst em to control the pow er output and it can w ork as in isolated installations as in grid connected. In the next point some of the most important charact eristics are specified. ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es 3.1.-DATA SHEET GENERAL Configuration Pow er [W] Rated speed [m/s] Diameter [m] Sw ept area [m2] Annual energy yield [kWh] at 5ms Max. pow er [W] IEC Turbine Class Wind class Start rotation w ind speed [m/s] Cut-in w ind speed [m/s] Cut-out w ind speed [m/s] Noise [dB] Nacelle w eight [kg] Operating temp. range [ºC] Nominal rotation speed [rpm] Passive pitch start [rpm] Design lifetime [years] Supported speed [m/s] 3 blades, horizontal axis, clockw ise, upw ind, passive yaw , variable pitch 5000 11 4.25 14.2 6000 5500 Class IV IEC / NVN I -A 1.8 2.8 n/a 44 185 -25/50 225 260 25 > 60 GENERATOR Type Generator Direct drive permanent magnet synchronous 250 rpm | 24 poles | neodymium magnets Material Fiberglass epoxy resins and polyurethane core BLADES CONVERTER Nominal efficiency [% ] Point tracking 95 MPPT algorithm OTHER INFO Applications Brake Controller Noise Anti-corrosive protection Isolated connection batteries, electric grid connection Electrical Optional grid connection and battery charging 1% more than the environmental noise of the w ind. Cataphoresis, epoxy painting TOWER Configuration 12, 15 y 18m, folding, cable-stayed or lattice. Table 1 – Data sheet ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es 3.2.-PMG DATA SHEET ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION Rated output pow er [W] Rated rotation speed [rpm] Rectified DC current at rated output [A] Number of poles Required torque at rated pow er [Nm] Phase resistance [Ohm] Output w ire square section [mm2] Output w ire length [mm] Insulation Generator configuration Design lifetime 3500 250 ND 30 164 1 2.5 700 F Horizontal 15 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION Weight [kg] Starting torque [Nm] Rotor inertia [kg m2] Front bearing Rear bearing 100 < 1 0.2 SKF 6309-2rsr SKF 6207-2rsr MATERIAL SPECIFICATION Shaft material Outer frame material Fasteners Windings temperature rating [ºC] Magnets material Magnets temperature rating [ºC] Magnets temperature until demagnetization [ºC] Lamination stack F1252 Aluminum alloy Inox 130 Nd 100 150 Non oriented magnet ic steal Table 2 – PMG Data sheet PMG PERFORMANCE The permanent magnet generator performance curves are next: The open circuit voltage show s a linear behavior: Figure 1 – PMG open circuit voltage ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es The output pow er is approximat ed by a straight line: Figure 2 – PMG output pow er The input torque needed for the continuous movement at the revolutions show n below : Figure 3 – PMG input torque Figure 4 – PMG Schematic design ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es 4.- SIMPLE LOAD MODEL It has been performed a SLM (Simple Load Model) analysis according to the IEC 61400-2. This is useful to get t he real forces that appear in the w ind turbine. For certain turbine configurations, the loads can be derived using simple, conservative equations for a limited set of load cases. If the turbine configuration does not meet those configuration requirements, the simple equations cannot be used, instead the alternative aero elastic modelling or load measurements shall be used. In Table 3 there are w ritten all the necessary data to initialize the equations. All the parameters are about the geometry of the w ind turbine and the operational behavior. The Drag, Lift and Thrust coefficients are obtained according to t he IEC 61400 -2. Along the overall process the equations used have been gotten from the IEC 61400 -2 and each one is named before its use. Table 1 Input data in the SLM method INPUT DATA IN THE SLM METHOD Description Input value Air density Gravitational acceleration Reference w ind speed Average w ind speed Number of blades Blade tip radius Total planform area of the blade Drag coefficient of the blades Max lift coefficient of the blades Thrust coefficient Maximum rotor speed Design rotor speed Second moment of inertia for each blade Single blade mass Rotor mass (All blades plus hub) Distance from blade centre of gravity to rotor axis Distance betw een rotor centre and the first bearing Distance betw een the rotor centre and the yaw axis Gearbox ratio Brake torque Design pow er Short circuit torque factor 1.225 9.81 30.0 6.0 3 2.135 0.349 1.5 2.0 0.5 400 250 0.123 4.95 59.34 0.86 0.28 0.26 1.0 0 3.5 2.0 Units Symbol kg/m 3 m/s2 m/s m/s n/a m m2 n/a n/a n/a rpm rpm kg m 2 kg kg m m m n/a Nm kW n/a ρ g V_ref V_ave B R A_proj,B C_d C_l,max C_T n_max n_design I_B m_B m_r R_cog L_rb L_rt Gear M_brake P_design G Table 3 – Input data in the SLM method ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es The next paramet ers are intermediate data needed for the calculations of the loads in the SLM method. All of this paramet ers give us much informat ion about the behavior of the w ind turbine like the maximum w ind speeds that are t aking like a point of design for survival, not for operation. PARAMETERS CALCULATED FROM THE INPUT DATA Description Equation Design w ind speed 50 year extreme w ind speed 50 year extreme tip speed ratio Design tip speed ratio Drive train efficiency Design torque Projected area (turbine sw ept area) Design rotational speed of the rotor Maximum possible rotor speed Max yaw rate Eccentricity of the rotor centre of mass Effective brake torque IEC F IEC 10 IEC F.2 IEC F.2 - Value 8.4 42.0 2.13 6.65 0.62 216.5 14.32 26.18 41.89 2.88 0.0107 0.0 Units Symbol m/s m/s n/a n/a n/a Nm m2 rad/s rad/s rad/s m Nm Table 4 – Intermediate parameters calculates from the input data Figure 5 – Coordinate system ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 V_design V_e50 λ_e50 λ_design η Q_design A_proj ω_n,design ω_n,max ω_yaw ,max e_r M_brake ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es For the calculations it must be taken into account that there are different loads hypothesis. The IEC 61400-2 consider eight different load cases. Load case A: Normal operation. The design load for “ normal operation” is a fatigue load. The load case assumes constant range fatigue loading for the blade and shaft, these ranges are given below . The ranges are to be considered in the fatigue assessment as peak-to-peak values. The mean values of the load ranges can be ignored. The fatigue loading on the blade w ould be considered to occur at the airfoil – root junction or at the root – hub junction, w hichever is determined to have the low est ultimate strength. The calculated stresses are the combinat ion of the centrifugal loading (FZB) and the bending moments (M XB and M YB). The fatigue load on t he rotor shaft shall be considered at the rot or shaft at the first bearing (nearest to t he rotor). The range of the stress shall be calculated from t he combination of the thrust loading (Fx-shaf t ), t he torsion moment (M x-shaf t ) and the bending moment (M shaft ). Load case B: Yawing For this load case, the ultimate loads (gyroscopic forces and moments) shall be calculated assuming t he maximum yaw speed ωyaw ,max occurring w ith n design. Load case C: Yaw error All turbines operate w ith a cert ain yaw error. In this load case, a yaw error of 30° is assumed. Load case D: Maximum thrust The SWT can be exposed to high thrust loads on the rotor. The thrust load act s parallel to the rotor shaft and has a maximum value. The trust coefficient is equal to 0,5 by normative. Load case E: Maximum rotational speed The centrifugal load in the blade root FZB and the shaft bending moment M SHAFT due t o centrifugal load and rotor unbalance shall be calculated. The maximum possible rotor speed is directly relat ed to the maximum rotational speed revolutions. Load case F: Short at load connection In the case of a direct electrical short at the output of the SWT or internal short in the generator, high moment is creat ed about t he rotor shaft due to the short circuit torque of the alternator. In the absence of any values proven to be more accurat e, tw o times the QDESIGN is to be taken as the short circuit torque acting on the generat or shaft. In the absence of any values proven to be more accurate, G shall be 2,0. ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Load case G: Shutdown (braking) In the case of w ind t urbines w ith a mechanical or electrical braking system in the drive train, the braking moment can be greater than the maximum driving moment. In these cases, the braking moment M brake, derived from testing or calculations, shall be used in the design calculations of the SWT. The maximum shaft torque is assumed to be equal to the brake plus the design torque (thus assuming that the brake is applied w hile t he generator still delivers design torque). Mbrake shall be multiplied by the gearbox ratio if the brake is on the high speed shaft. Load case H: Parked wind loading In this load case, the w ind turbine is parked in the normal w ay. The loads on t he exposed parts of the SWT shall be calculated assuming w ind speed of V e50 The maximum tow er bending moment shall be calculated using the thrust force. The drag or lift force on t he tow er and nacelle need to be t aken int o account as w ell. For free standing tow ers the maximum bending moment w ill occur at the tow er base. For guyed tow ers, the maximum bending moment w ill occur at the upper guy w ire attachment. Load case I: Parked w ind loading, maximum exposure In the case of a failure in the yaw mechanism, the SWT can be exposed to the w ind from all directions. Thus, for design purposes, the forces on the SWT blades, nacelle, tow er, and t ail (if applicable) shall be calculated for all possible exposures including w inds from the front, side or rear of the rot or. Load case J: Transportation, assembly, maintenance and repair The manufacturer shall consider loads on the turbine system caused by t he transportation, assembly, installation, and maintenance and repair of the system. Examples of such loads are: – gravity loads on turbine during transportation in other than upright position – loads caused by special installation tools – w ind loads during installation – loads introduced by hoisting the turbine onto the foundation – loads on a tilt up tow er during erection – load on a support structure from climbing it ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es LOADS FROM SLM Description Equation SLM value Units Symbol Load case A – Fatigue loads on blades and rotor shaft Blade loads Centrifugal force at the blade root (z-axis) Lead-lag root bending moment (x-axis) Flapw ise root bending moment (y-axis) IEC 21 IEC 22 IEC 23 5304.91 148.10 480.21 N Nm Nm ΔF_zB ΔM_xB ΔM_yB IEC 24 IEC 25 IE 26 1012.15 228.93 686.15 N Nm Nm ΔF_x-shaft ΔM_x-shaft ΔM_shaft IEC 28 IEC 29, 30 266.96 550.94 Nm Nm M_yB M_shaft IEC 31 871.86 Nm M_yB IEC 32 986.74 N F_x-shaft IEC 33 IEC 34 6790.29 474.20 N Nm F_zB M_shaft IEC 35 IEC 36 433.00 144.33 Nm Nm M_x-shaft M_xB IEC 37 IEC 38 n/a n/a Nm Nm M_x-shaft M_xB 603.79 1696.85 Nm N M_yB F_x-shaft Shaft loads Thrust on shaft (x-axis) Shaft moment about x-axis Shaft moment Load case B – Blade and rotor shaft loads during yaw Flapw ise root bending moment (y-axis) Bending moment on the shaft Load case C – Yaw error loads on blades Flapw ise root bending moment (y-axis) Load case D – Maximum thrust on shaft Maximum thrust on shaft Load case E – Maximum rotational speed Centrifugal force at the blade root (z-axis) Bending moment on the shaft Load case F – Short at load connection Bending moment on shaft Lead-lag root bending moment (x-axis) Load case G – Shutdow n braking Bending moment on shaft Lead-lag root bending moment (x-axis) Load case H – Parked w ind loads during idling Flapw ise root bending moment (y-axis) Maximum thrust on shaft IEC 39, 40 IEC 41, 42 Table 5 – Loads from SML In Table 6 there are considered the highest values for each part in w hich w e must pay attention. The highest betw een all the load hypothesis have been taken. These values w ill be the input data for the FEM (Finit e Element Method analysis) MAXIMUM LOADS Description Blades loads Hypothesis Centrifugal force at the blade root (z-axis) Lead-lag root bending moment (x-axis) Flapw ise root bending moment (y-axis) Value Symbol Load case E – Maximum rotational speed 6790.29N F_zB Load case A – Fatigue loads on blades and rotor shaft 148.10Nm ΔM_xB Load case C – Yaw error on blades 871.86Nm My_B Load case H – Parked w ind loads during idling 1696.85 N F_x-shaft Load case F – Short at load connection 433.00 N m M_x-shaft Load case A - Fatigue loads on blades and rotor shaft 686.15 N m ΔM_shaft Shaft loads Maximum thrust on shaft Bending moment on shaft Shaft moment Table 6 – Maximum loads ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es 4.1.- CALCULATION OF EQUIVALENT STRESSES Handmade calculations w ere done before the FEM analysis for the different load hypothesis. In Table 7 there are some necessary data for the calculations to the stresses w hich appear on the most critical parts in the w ind turbine as the blades and the shaft are. Other data that w e have to fix are the f atigue parameters that w e w ant the w ind turbine to resist. ADDITIONAL MECHANICAL DATA Description Value Diameter of the shaft Cross sectional area of the shaft Second moment of inertia for the shaft Section modulus for the shaft Cross sectional area of the blade root Ixx for the blade x-distance from blade centroid to the maximum stress point Iyy for the blade y-distance from blade ent roid to the maximum stress point Blade x-section modulus Blade y-section modulus Ultimate material strength for the blades Ultimate material strength for the shaft Units Symbol 0.05 1.9635E-3 3.068E-7 1.2272E-5 3.85E-3 3E-7 5E-3 4E-5 3E-2 6E-5 1.33E-3 3445 207 m m2 m4 m3 m2 m4 m m4 m m3 m3 MPa MPa n/a A_shaft I_x-shaft W_shaft A_B I_xxB c_xB I_yyB c_yB W_xB W_yB f_kb f_k-shaft 25 788940000 9.86E+ 9 1E+ 10 1.23E+ 3 Years s n/a n/a n/a T_d n_i N_shaft N_blade Additional dat a for fat igue calculations Design life of the turbine Number of fatigue cycles Number of cycles to failure as a function of stress (shaft) Number of cycles to failure as a function of stress (blade) Table 7 – Additional mechanical data Where ⁄ ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Now w e proceed to the calculations of the equivalent stress in the blade root and in the axis in the diff erent load hypothesis. The calculation method is alw ays the same but changing the loads in each hypothesis. ADDITIONAL MECHANICAL DATA Description Equivalent stress [MPa] Load case A – Fatigue loads on blades and rotor shaft Blades Shaft 4.21 58.69 Load case B – Blade and rotor shaft loads during yaw Blades Shaft 0.20 44.89 Load case C – Yaw error loads on blades Blades 0.65 Load case D – Maximum thrust on shaft Shaft 0.50 Load case E – Maximum rot ational speed Shaft Blades 1.76 38.64 Load case F – Short load connection Blades Shaft 2.41 30.56 Load case G – Shutdow n braking Blades Shaft - Load case H – Parked w ind loads during idling Blades Shaft 0.45 0.86 Table 8 – Equivalent stresses ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es 4.2.-MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION One of the most important things to guarantee the correct behavior of the w ind turbine is to use the correct materials, and the mechanical properties of them. In that point w e have made the decision to full characterize all the mat erials f or know ing the real properties of them and after that to oversize the w ind turbine for getting more reliabilit y. For all the materials that w e use w e ask f or the data sheet w hich has the full analysis to check if the material is the one w e need for guarant eeing the mechanical performance that is needed and the safety factors. ALUMINUM 356 T6 Properties Value Modulus of elasticity Poisson coefficient in XY Shear modulus XY Mass density Traction limit X Traction limit Y Elastic limit Coefficient of thermal expansion X Thermal conductivity X Specific heat Units 4.21 58.69 0.20 44.89 0.65 0.50 1.76 38.64 2.41 30.56 Table 9 – Aluminum 356 T6 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 N/m^ 2 N/D N/m^ 2 Kg/m^ 3 N/m^ 2 N/m^ 2 N/m^ 2 /K W/(m K) J/(kg K) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es STEEL F 114 Properties Value Modulus of elasticity Poisson coefficient in XY Shear modulus XY Mass density Traction limit X Compression limit X Elastic limit Coefficient of thermal expansion X Thermal conductivity X Specific heat Damping coefficient Units 2.05 + 011 0.29 8e+ 010 7850 665000000 400000000 1.15e-005 49.8 486 N/m^ 2 N/D N/m^ 2 Kg/m^ 3 N/m^ 2 N/m^ 2 N/m^ 2 /K W/(m K) J/(kg K) N/D Table 10 – Steel F114 4.3.-SAFETY FACTORS The most important parameters in a small w ind turbine are saf et y and reliabilit y. According to IEC 61400-2 safety factors for this machines must be higher than 9 if the material properties are not charact erized but if the mat erial is full characterized as w e have made w ith ours the safety factor must not be less than 3. We have made the choice to full characterize the materials and despite of that w e also get higher safety fact ors. In the next tables the comparison betw een the safety factors w hich w ere obtained and the ones w hich are needed is done. It is clear that each part of the w ind turbine is according to the IEC 61400 -2 and the safety factors are bigger than the mandat ories ones because of w e w ant to increase the safety of the machine. ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es According to the simple load model: The safety study w as first done using the simple load model to ensure that the IEC61400-2 w as covered. Simple Load Model Results Load Case A - Fatigue Loads on Blades and Rotor Shaft Blades Shaft Fatigue Damage Limit 1,00 1,00 Fatigue Damage 1,01E-06 Infinite Life Conclusion SAFE SAFE Load Case B - Blade and Rotor Shaft Loads during Yaw Blades Shaft Material Stress Limit (MPa) 382,78 205,00 Calculated Stress (MPa) 0,20 48,9 Conclusion SAFE SAFE Calculated Stress (MPa) 0,65 Conclusion SAFE Calculated Stress (MPa) 0,50 Conclusion SAFE Calculated Stress (MPa) 38,64 17,6 Conclusion SAFE SAFE Calculated Stress (MPa) 2,41 35,6 Conclusion SAFE SAFE Calculated Stress (MPa) n/a n/a Conclusion n/a n/a Load Case C - Yaw Error Load on Blades Blades Material Stress Limit (MPa) 382,78 Load Case D - Maximum Thrust on Shaft Shaft Material Stress Limit (MPa) 382,78 Load Case E - Maximum Rotational Speed Blades Shaft Material Stress Limit (MPa) 382,78 205,00 Load Case F - Short at Load Connection Blades Shaft Material Stress Limit (MPa) 382,78 205,00 Load Case G - Shutdow n Braking Blades Shaft Material Stress Limit (MPa) 382,78 205,00 Load Case H - Parked Wind Loads during Idling Blades Shaft Material Stress Limit (MPa) 382,78 205,00 Calculated Stress (MPa) 0,86 4,5 Table 11 – Simple Load Model Results ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 Conclusion SAFE SAFE ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es According to the Annex A and the Finite Element Method for the maximum loads. In the IEC 61400-2 the FEM analysis is not mandatory, but w e have decided to full study our w ind turbine to ensure that not only in the parts w hich is mandatory to study the loads the safe factor is the correct one. We w ant to know all about our w ind turbine and w e w ant it to me as safe as w e can, and the finite element method analysis reveals that the safety f actors in every part of the w ind turbine are higher than the mandatories as it could be seen in the next table. Part Material stress limit [MPa] Calculated stress [MPa] Safety factor Conclusion Framew ork Nacelle Blade holder Yaw axe Variable pitch support Rod Slider 272 272 205 205 272 205 205 33.3 45.3 59.4 51.9 68.5 34.6 24.1 8.17 6.01 3.45 3.95 3.97 5.92 8.5 SAFE SAFE SAFE SAFE SAFE SAFE SAFE ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es ANNEX A FEM ANALYSIS ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es A.1.-EPRO_BASE Analyzed File: EPRO_BASE.ipt Autodesk Inventor Version: Creation Date: Simulation Author: Summary: 2015 (Build 190159000, 159) 09/05/2016, 9:54 Román Dato Cuadrado Project Info (iProperties) Physical The most significant material specifications of this parts w ere defined below Material Aluminum 356 T6 Density Mass Area Volume 2,8384 g/cm^ 3 8,09196 kg 402876 mm^ 2 2850890 mm^ 3 x= 0,0569934 mm y= 73,0483 mm z= -0,0503049 mm Center of Gravity Data General objective and settings: This kind of analysis is the necessary to get the strengths that appear in the studied part of the full w ind turbine The single point objective is for solving every point in the part, and the static analysis is opposite to the fatigue one, so the maximum loads act in certain moments. Design Objective Single Point Simulation Type Last Modification Date Detect and Eliminate Rigid Body Modes Static Analysis 09/05/2016, 9:51 No Mesh settings: These mesh settings w ere chosen according w ith the standards for that kind of analysis Avg. Element Size (fraction of model diameter) Min. Element Size (fraction of avg. size) Grading Factor Max. Turn Angle Create Curved Mesh Elements 0,05 0,05 1,1 60 deg Yes ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Operating conditions In the next st eps it is show n w hat and w here the loads are put. The pictures are clear enough to understand w hat kind of loads are actuating in its face. Pressure: 1 Load Type Pressure Magnitude 4.880 MPa Load Type Force Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z 452.000 N 0.000 N 452.000 N 0.000 N Selected Face(s) Force: 1 Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Force: 2 Load Type Force Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z 113.000 N 0.000 N 113.000 N 0.000 N Selected Face(s) Fixed Constraint: 1 Constraint Type Fixed Constraint Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Results The results obtained are show n using three magnitudes of control -Von Mises Stress: It reveals a combination of all kind of tensions that appear in each point of the part -Displacement: It show s how much the part is deformed -Safety factor: Using the mat erial given as a reference it makes the comparison betw een the maximum stress admitted and the stress obtained in each point Result Summary Name Minimum Volume Mass Von Mises Stress Displacement Safety Factor Maximum 2850890 mm^ 3 8,09196 kg 0,00104139 MPa 0 mm 8,16687 ul 33,6726 MPa 0,0406143 mm 15 ul Figures Von Mises Stress Maximum combined stress point ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Displacement Points w hich w ill be deformed w hen the maximum loads are applied Safety Factor The most important parameter, it show s the safety factor in each point of the part w hen the maximum loads are applied. That analysis does not make difference betw een the most critical points like the SLM because it takes the overall points of the part to make the analysis. ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es A.2.-EPRO_ BIELA Analyzed File: EPRO_BIELA.ipt Autodesk Inventor Version: Creation Date: Simulation Author: Summary: 2015 (Build 190159000, 159) 09/05/2016, 13:07 Román Dato Cuadrado Project Info (iProperties) Physical The most significant material specifications of this parts w ere defined below Material Steel F114 Density Mass Area Volume Center of Gravity 7,85 g/cm^ 3 0,328713 kg 11015,6 mm^ 2 41874,3 mm^ 3 x= 7,5 mm y= 12,104 mm z= -15,5365 mm Simulation: 1 General objective and settings: This kind of analysis is the necessary to get the strengths that appear in the studied part of the full w ind turbine The single point objective is for solving every point in the part, and the static analysis is opposite to the fatigue one, so the maximum loads act in certain moments. Design Objective Single Point Simulation Type Last Modification Date Detect and Eliminate Rigid Body Modes Static Analysis 09/05/2016, 13:06 No Mesh settings: These mesh settings w ere chosen according w ith the standards for that kind of analysis Avg. Element Size (fraction of model diameter) Min. Element Size (fraction of avg. size) Grading Factor Max. Turn Angle Create Curved Mesh Elements 0,01 0,01 1,1 60 deg Yes ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Material(s) Name Steel, Cast Mass Density Yield Strength Ultimate Tensile Strength Young' s Modulus Poisson' s Ratio Shear Modulus EPRO_BIELA General Stress Part Name(s) 7,85 g/cm^ 3 250 MPa 300 MPa 210 GPa 0,3 ul 80,7692 GPa Operating conditions In the next steps it is show n w hat and w here the loads are put. The pictures are clear enough to understand w hat kind of loads are actuating in its f ace. Force: 1 Load Type Force Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z 1255.000 N 0.000 N 1255.000 N 0.000 N Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Frictionless Constraint: 1 Constraint Type Frictionless Constraint Selected Face(s) Frictionless Constraint: 2 Constraint Type Frictionless Constraint Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Results Reaction Force and Moment on Constraints Constraint Name Reaction Force Magnitude Component (X,Y,Z) Frictionless Constraint:1 14,6695 N Frictionless Constraint:2 1240,25 N 0 N -14,6695 N 0 N 0 N -1240,25 N 0 N Reaction Moment Magnitude Component (X,Y,Z) 0,531348 N m 80,4596 N m -0,531348 N m 0 Nm 0 Nm -80,4596 N m 0 Nm 0 Nm Result Summary The results obtained are show n using three magnitudes of control -Von Mises Stress: It reveals a combination of all kind of tensions that appear in each point of the part -Displacement: It show s how much the part is deformed -Safety factor: Using the mat erial given as a reference it makes the comparison betw een the maximum stress admitted and the stress obtained in each point. Name Volume Mass Von Mises Stress 1st Principal Stress 3rd Principal Stress Displacement Safety Factor Minimum Maximum 41874,3 mm^ 3 0,328713 kg 0,0310979 MPa 42,1988 MPa -47,4164 MPa 93,4125 MPa -93,5576 MPa 49,06 MPa 0,000646734 mm 0,0189292 mm 5,92433 ul 15 ul ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Figures Von Mises Stress Maximum combined stress point Displacement Points w hich w ill be deformed w hen the maximum loads are applied ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Safety Factor The most important parameter, it show s the safety factor in each point of the part w hen the maximum loads are applied. That analysis does not make difference betw een the most critical points like the SLM because it takes the overall points of the part to make the analysis. ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es A.3.-EPRO_CORREDERA Analyzed File: EPRO_CORREDERA.ipt Autodesk Inventor Version: Creation Date: Simulation Author: Summary: 2015 (Build 190159000, 159) 09/05/2016, 15:46 Román Dato Cuadrado Project Info (iProperties) Physical The most significant material specifications of this parts w ere defined below Material Steel F114 Density Mass Area Volume 7,85 g/cm^ 3 2,44378 kg 63602,1 mm^ 2 311309 mm^ 3 x= 80,0001 mm y= 24,3562 mm z= -46,188 mm Center of Gravity 3070V2_Análisis_Deslizadora General objective and settings: This kind of analysis is the necessary to get the strengths that appear in the studied part of the full w ind turbine The single point objective is for solving every point in the part, and the static analysis is opposite to the fatigue one, so the maximum loads act in certain moments. Design Objective Single Point Simulation Type Last Modification Date Detect and Eliminate Rigid Body Modes Static Analysis 09/05/2016, 15:44 No Mesh settings: These mesh settings w ere chosen according w ith t he standards for that kind of analysis Avg. Element Size (fraction of model diameter) Min. Element Size (fraction of avg. size) Grading Factor Max. Turn Angle Create Curved Mesh Elements 0,01 0,05 1,2 60 deg Yes ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Material(s) Name Steel, Cast Mass Density Yield Strength Ultimate Tensile Strength Young' s Modulus Poisson' s Ratio Shear Modulus EPRO_BIELA General Stress Part Name(s) 7,85 g/cm^ 3 250 MPa 300 MPa 210 GPa 0,3 ul 80,7692 GPa Operating conditions In the next steps it is show n w hat and w here the loads are put. The pictures are clear enough to understand w hat kind of loads are actuating in its face. Force: 1 Load Type Force Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z 9145.000 N -0.000 N -9145.000 N 0.000 N Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Fixed Constraint: 1 Constraint Type Fixed Constraint Selected Face(s) Frictionless Constraint: 1 Constraint Type Frictionless Constraint Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Results The results obtained are show n using three magnitudes of control -Von Mises Stress: It reveals a combination of all kind of tensions that appear in each point of the part -Displacement: It show s how much the part is deformed -Safety factor: Using the material given as a reference it makes the comparison betw een the maximum stress admitted and the stress obtained in each point. Result Summary Name Volume Mass Von Mises Stress Displacement Safety Factor Minimum Maximum 311309 mm^ 3 2,44378 kg 0,0104964 MPa 92,0673 MPa 0 mm 0,0110634 mm 2,7154 ul 15 ul Figures Von Mises Stress Maximum combined stress point ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Displacement Points w hich w ill be deformed w hen the maximum loads are applied Safety Factor The most important parameter, it show s the safety factor in each point of the part w hen the maximum loads are applied. That analysis does not make difference betw een the most critical points like the SLM because it takes the overall points of the part to make the analysis. ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es A.4.-EPRO_CUCHARA Analyzed File: EPRO_CUCHARA.ipt Autodesk Inventor Version: Creation Date: Simulation Author: Summary: 2015 (Build 190159000, 159) 09/05/2016, 11:42 Román Dato Cuadrado Project Info (iProperties) Physical The most significant material specifications of this parts w ere defined below Material Steel F114 Density Mass Area Volume 7,15 g/cm^ 3 3,52544 kg 63907 mm^ 2 493069 mm^ 3 x= 17,5713 mm y= -0,00144994 mm z= 145,664 mm Center of Gravity Simulation: 1 General objective and settings: This kind of analysis is the necessary to get the strengths that appear in the studied part of the full w ind turbine The single point objective is for solving every point in the part, and the static analysis is opposite to the fatigue one, so the maximum loads act in certain moments. Design Objective Single Point Simulation Type Last Modification Date Detect and Eliminate Rigid Body Modes Static Analysis 09/05/2016, 11:42 No Mesh settings: These mesh settings w ere chosen according w ith the standards for that kind of analysis Avg. Element Size (fraction of model diameter) Min. Element Size (fraction of avg. size) Grading Factor Max. Turn Angle Create Curved Mesh Elements 0,02 0,05 1,1 60 deg Yes ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Material(s) Name Steel F 114 Mass Density Yield Strength Ultimate Tensile Strength Young' s Modulus Poisson' s Ratio Shear Modulus EPRO_CUCHARA General Stress Part Name(s) 7,15 g/cm^ 3 758 MPa 884 MPa 120,5 GPa 0,3 ul 46,3462 GPa Operating conditions In the next steps it is show n w hat and w here the loads are put. The pictures are clear enough to understand w hat kind of loads are actuating in its face. Force: 1 Load Type Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z Force 339.000 N 0.000 N 0.000 N 339.000 N Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Force: 2 Load Type Force Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z 679.000 N 0.000 N 0.000 N 679.000 N Load Type Force Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z 1764.000 N 1764.000 N 0.000 N 0.000 N Selected Face(s) Force: 3 Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Fixed Constraint: 1 Constraint Type Fixed Constraint Selected Face(s) Pin Constraint: 1 Constraint Type Pin Constraint Fix Radial Direction Fix Axial Direction Fix Tangential Direction Yes Yes No Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Results The results obtained are show n using three magnitudes of control -Von Mises Stress: It reveals a combination of all kind of tensions that appear in each point of the part -Displacement: It show s how much the part is deformed -Safety factor: Using the material given as a reference it makes the comparison betw een the maximum stress admitted and the stress obtained in each point. Result Summary Name Volume Mass Von Mises Stress Displacement Safety Factor Minimum Maximum 493055 mm^ 3 3,52534 kg 0,00000425949 MPa 307,96 MPa 0 mm 0,0703671 mm 2,46135 ul 15 ul Figures Von Mises Stress Maximum combined stress point ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Displacement Points w hich w ill be deformed w hen the maximum loads are applied Safety Factor The most important parameter, it show s the safety factor in each point of the part w hen the maximum loads are applied. That analysis does not make difference betw een the most critical points like the SLM because it takes the overall points of the part to make the analysis. ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es A.5.-EPRO_GIRATORIA Analyzed File: EPRO_GIRATORIATESTS.ipt Autodesk Inventor Version: Creation Date: Simulation Aut hor: Summary: 2015 (Build 190159000, 159) 09/05/2016, 10:17 Román Dato Cuadrado Project Info (iProperties) Physical The most significant material specifications of this parts w ere defined below Mass Area Volume Center of Gravity 7,48794 kg 172973 mm^ 2 983138 mm^ 3 x= 0,00000486377 mm y= 43,8377 mm z= -0,15053 mm Simulation: 1 General objective and settings: This kind of analysis is the necessary to get the strengths that appear in the studied part of the full w ind turbine The single point objective is for solving every point in the part, and the st atic analysis is opposite to the fatigue one, so the maximum loads act in certain moments. Design Objective Single Point Simulation Type Last Modification Date Detect and Eliminate Rigid Body Modes Separate Stresses Across Contact Surfaces Motion Loads Analysis Static Analysis 09/05/2016, 15:47 Yes No No Mesh settings: These mesh settings w ere chosen according w ith the standards for that kind of analysis Avg. Element Size (fraction of model diameter) Min. Element Size (fraction of avg. size) Grading Factor Max. Turn Angle Create Curved Mesh Elements Use part based measure for Assembly mesh 0,01 0,1 1,1 60 deg Yes Yes ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Material(s) Name Acero S355 Mass Density 7,73 g/cm^ 3 Yield Strength 355 MPa Ultimate Tensile Strength 600 MPa Young' s Modulus 205 GPa Poisson' s Ratio 0,3 ul Shear Modulus 78,8462 GPa EPRO_BRIDA EPRO_EJEGIRATORIA General Stress Part Name(s) Operating conditions In the next st eps it is show n w hat and w here the loads are put. The pictures are clear enough to understand w hat kind of loads are actuating in its face. Force: 1 Load Type Force Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z 1873,700 N -0,000 N -1873,700 N 0,000 N Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Force: 2 Load Type Force Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z 1360,000 N 1360,000 N 0,000 N 0,000 N Selected Face(s) Force: 3 Load Type Force Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z 339,000 N 339,000 N 0,000 N 0,000 N Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Fixed Constraint: 1 Constraint Type Fixed Constraint Selected Face(s) Results The results obtained are show n using three magnitudes of control -Von Mises Stress: It reveals a combination of all kind of tensions that appear in each point of the part -Displacement: It show s how much the part is deformed -Safety factor: Using the material given as a reference it makes the comparison betw een the maximum stress admitted and the stress obtained in each point. Result Summary Name Volume Mass Von Mises Stress Displacement Safety Factor Minimum Maximum 983137 mm^ 3 7,48794 kg 0,0232978 MPa 89,8774 MPa 0 mm 0,113105 mm 3,94982 ul 15 ul ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Figures Von Mises Stress Maximum combined stress point Displacement Points w hich w ill be deformed w hen the maximum loads are applied ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Safety Factor The most important parameter, it show s the safety factor in each point of the part w hen the maximum loads are applied. That analysis does not make difference betw een t he most critical points like the SLM because it takes the overall points of the part to make the analysis. ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es A.6.-EPRO_GONDOLA Analyzed File: EPRO_GONDOLA.ipt Autodesk Inventor Version: Creation Date: Simulation Author: Summary: 2015 (Build 190159000, 159) 09/05/2016, 12:30 Román Dato Cuadrado Project Info (iProperties) Physical The most significant material specifications of this parts w ere defined below Material Aluminum 356T6 Density Mass Area Volume 2,7 g/cm^ 3 34,1382 kg 979287 mm^ 2 12643800 mm^ 3 x= -139,85 mm y= -14,6386 mm z= -0,0667279 mm Center of Gravity Simulation: 1 General objective and settings: This kind of analysis is the necessary to get the strengths that appear in the studied part of the full w ind turbine The single point objective is for solving every point in the part, and the static analysis is opposite to the fatigue one, so the maximum loads act in certain moments. Design Objective Single Point Simulation Type Last Modification Date Detect and Eliminate Rigid Body Modes Static Analysis 09/05/2016, 12:37 No Mesh settings: These mesh settings w ere chosen according w ith the standards for that kind of analysis Avg. Element Size (fraction of model diameter) Min. Element Size (fraction of avg. size) Grading Factor Max. Turn Angle Create Curved Mesh Elements 0,051 0,092 1,5 60 deg Yes ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Material(s) Name Aluminum 6061 Mass Density Yield Strength Ultimate Tensile Strength Young' s Modulus Poisson' s Ratio Shear Modulus EPRO_GONDOLA General Stress Part Name(s) 2,7 g/cm^ 3 275 MPa 310 MPa 68,9 GPa 0,33 ul 25,9023 GPa Operating conditions In the next steps it is show n w hat and w here the loads are put. The pictures are clear enough to understand w hat kind of loads are actuating in its face. Moment: 1 Load Type Moment Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z 170000.000 N mm 0.000 N mm 0.000 N mm -170000.000 N mm Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Moment: 2 Load Type Moment Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z 2205000.000 N mm 2205000.000 N mm 0.000 N mm 0.000 N mm Load Type Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z Force 702.000 N -702.000 N 0.000 N 0.000 N Selected Face(s) Force: 1 Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Force: 2 Load Type Force Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z 702.000 N 702.000 N 0.000 N 0.000 N Selected Face(s) Fixed Constraint: 1 Constraint Type Fixed Constraint Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Fixed Constraint: 1 Constraint Type Fixed Constraint Selected Face(s) Pin Constraint: 1 Constraint Type Pin Constraint Fix Radial Direction Fix Axial Direction Fix Tangential Direction Yes Yes No Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Results The results obtained are show n using three magnitudes of control -Von Mises Stress: It reveals a combination of all kind of tensions that appear in each point of the part -Displacement: It show s how much the part is deformed -Safety factor: Using the material given as a reference it makes t he comparison betw een the maximum stress admitted and the stress obtained in each point. Reaction Force and Moment on Constraints Constraint Name Reaction Force Magnitude Component (X,Y,Z) Fixed restricction:1 1070,47 N Fixed Constraint:1 9121,15 N Pin Constraint:1 8625,66 N -257,835 N -849,721 N 597,822 N -512,129 N -396,492 N -9098,12 N 769,795 N 1246,81 N 8500,29 N Reaction Moment Magnitude Component (X,Y,Z) -781,212 N m 273,347 N m 33,7967 N m -1423,61 N m 397,153 N m 41,6967 N m 0 Nm 446,117 N m 83,2969 N m 828,343 N m 1478,56 N m 453,827 N m Result Summary Name Volume Mass Von Mises Stress 1st Principal Stress 3rd Principal Stress Displacement Safety Factor Minimum Maximum 12644300 mm^ 3 34,1396 kg 0,00286847 MPa 45,7223 MPa -31,9007 MPa 53,2738 MPa -78,6908 MPa 21,1258 MPa 0 mm 0,104102 mm 6,01457 ul 15 ul ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Figures Von Mises Stress Maximum combined stress point Displacement Points w hich w ill be deformed w hen the maximum loads are applied ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Safety Factor The most important parameter, it show s the safety factor in each point of the part w hen the maximum loads are applied. That analysis does not make difference betw een the most critical points like the SLM because it takes the overall points of the part to make the analysis. ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es A.7.-EPRO_PLATO Analyzed File: EPRO_PLATO.ipt Autodesk Inventor Version: Creation Date: Simulation Author: Summary: 2015 (Build 190159000, 159) 09/05/2016, 12:54 Román Dato Cuadrado Project Info (iProperties) Physical The most significant mat erial specifications of this parts w ere defined below Material Aluminum 356T6 Density Mass Area Volume 2,7 g/cm^ 3 3,33473 kg 150680 mm^ 2 1235090 mm^ 3 x= -0,0600538 mm y= -0,00108793 mm z= -17,0923 mm Center of Gravity Simulation: 1 General objective and settings: This kind of analysis is the necessary to get the strengths that appear in the studied part of the full w ind turbine The single point objective is for solving every point in the part, and the static analysis is opposite to the fatigue one, so the maximum loads act in certain moments. Design Objective Single Point Simulation Type Last Modification Date Detect and Eliminate Rigid Body Modes Static Analysis 09/05/2016, 12:54 No Mesh settings: These mesh settings w ere chosen according w ith the standards for that kind of analysis Avg. Element Size (fraction of model diameter) Min. Element Size (fraction of avg. size) Grading Factor Max. Turn Angle Create Curved Mesh Elements 0,05 0,05 1,1 60 deg Yes ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Material(s) Name Aluminum 6061 Mass Density Yield Strength Ultimate Tensile Strength Young' s Modulus Poisson' s Ratio Shear Modulus EPRO_PLATO General Stress Part Name(s) 2,7 g/cm^ 3 275 MPa 310 MPa 68,9 GPa 0,33 ul 25,9023 GPa Operating conditions In the next steps it is show n w hat and w here t he loads are put. The pictures are clear enough to understand w hat kind of loads are actuating in its face. Moment: 1 Load Type Magnitude Vector X Vector Y Vector Z Moment 433000,000 N mm 0,000 N mm 0,000 N mm 433000,000 N mm Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Fixed Constraint: 1 Constraint Type Fixed Constraint Selected Face(s) Frictionless Constraint: 1 Constraint Type Frictionless Constraint Selected Face(s) ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Results The results obtained are show n using three magnitudes of control -Von Mises Stress: It reveals a combination of all kind of tensions that appear in each point of the part -Displacement: It show s how much the part is deformed -Safety factor: Using the material given as a reference it makes the comparison betw een the maximum stress admitted and the stress obtained in each point. Reaction Force and Moment on Constraints Constraint Name Reaction Force Magnitude Component (X,Y,Z) Fixed Constraint:1 17620,1 N Frictionless Constraint:1 17623,4 N 2736,19 N -17406,3 N 34,8316 N -2733,21 N 17410,1 N -35,4464 N Reaction Moment Magnitude Component (X,Y,Z) 135,509 N m 134,927 N m 129,943 N m 24,8565 N m -29,3202 N m -130,347 N m -24,1337 N m 25,1464 N m Result Summary Name Volume Mass Von Mises Stress 1st Principal Stress 3rd Principal Stress Displacement Safety Factor Minimum Maximum 1235130 mm^ 3 3,33485 kg 0,00410328 MPa 0,00410328 MPa -10,2799 MPa 83,8409 MPa -96,7552 MPa 18,5053 MPa 0 mm 0,0596551 mm 2,96667 ul 15 ul ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Figures Von Mises Stress Maximum combined stress point Displacement Points w hich w ill be deformed w hen the maximum loads are applied ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18 ENAIR ENERGY S.L. - www.enair .es Safety Factor The most important parameter, it show s the safety factor in each point of the part w hen the maximum loads are applied. That analysis does not make difference betw een the most critical points like the SLM because it takes the overall points of the part to make the analysis. ENAIR ENERGY S.L. CIF- B54483656 C/Campello,19 Castalla (Alicante) +34 96 556 00 18