Uploaded by George Bullis

Book Club Final Exam: Creative Writing & Character Analysis

Mr. Bullis’ “Book Club” Final Exam
All work should be submitted to me by sharing in Google Classroom.
Grading Choices:
One Option= highest grade possible is a C
Two Options=highest grade possible is a B
Three Options=highest grade possible is an AFour Options=highest grade possible is an A+
1. Character astrology signs. After reading brief descriptions of the astrology or sun signs, figure
out which signs you think three of the main characters from your book were born under. Write
an explanation of why you think they fit the sign, drawing on their actions, attitudes, and
thoughts from the book.
2. Poetry. Write three poems in response to the novel. The poems can be about the characters,
where the book took place, or the themes in the book.
3. Create a Comic Strip. Use a comic strip template or online comic strip creator. Be sure to include
scenes or moment from the novel.
4. Character Trading Cards: Choose three characters from the novel you read and create a
character trading card.
5. Vocab: Select ten words from the novel that you are unfamiliar with. Look up the word
meanings and create a miniature dictionary, including sentences.
6. Diary: Write a diary entry about the main character from the point of view of another character.
7. DJ: Find several songs that you think reflect an important messages from the book. List the lyrics
and explain how they relate to the book or the characters.
8. Review: Write an Amazon style review where you tell future students if they should choose this
book to read and why or why not.
9. Predict the Future: Imagine a character 10 years from now. Update us on what is going on in
this character’s life. Where does he/she live? What job does this character have? Is he/she
married? To whom? Does he/she have kids? If so, how many? Is this character facing any
problems in his/her life? Write as if you were that character.
10. Your Own Idea (Approved in Advance)