Uploaded by Nicole Perocho

Alternator Calculations Activity Sheet

EE 322
Activity # 1
Solve the following problems.
1. A wye attached armature winding with 144 slots and 10 conductors
per slot runs at 450 rpm in a 3-phase, 16-pole alternator. The flux per
pole is 40 mWb, with a distribution factor of 0.966. What is the voltage
between the two lines?
2. A single layer full-pitch winding with 8 conductors per slot is used in a
3-phase 4-pole alternator. The armature has 36 slots in total. When
the alternator is powered at 1800 rpm with a flux of 0.05 Wb per pole,
calculate the voltage between the lines.
3. A 60-slot, 4-pole, 3-phase, 60-Hz wye-connected alternator with two
conductors per slot in two layers. Fractional pitch winding with one
side in slot No. 1 and the other in slot No. 13. Calculate the flux per
pole needed to induce a 6600 volt emf between two lines.
4. A wye connected 4-pole, 3-phase, 60-Hz alternator has 24-slots with
40 turns in each coil and 63 mWb of sinusoidally distributed flux per
pole. If the pitch factor is unity, what is the open circuit terminal
5. At normal voltage, a 1500 kVA, 6600-V, 3-phase, Y-connected
generator with a synchronous impedance of (0.40 + j6.0) ohms per
phase produces full load current and 0.80 power factor lagging
current. At 0.80 leading power factor, what would be the terminal
voltage with the same excitation and load current?