2 D.A. Ryndyk Tight-binding model Tight-binding Hamiltonian Matrix Green functions and self-energies Semi-infinite leads Fisher-Lee formula in the GF representation 2.1 Tight-binding Hamiltonian The tight-binding (TB) model was proposed to describe quantum systems in which the localized electronic states play essential role, it is widely used as an alternative to the plane wave description of electrons in solids, and also as a method to calculate the electronic structure of molecules in quantum chemistry. The main idea of the method is to represent the wave function of a quantum system (QS) as a linear combination of some known localized states ψα (r) (for example, atomic orbitals, in this particular case the method is called LCAO – linear combination of atomic orbitals) cα ψα (r). (2.1) ψ(r) = α Using the Dirak notations |α ≡ ψα (r) and assuming that ψα (r) are orthonormal functions α|β = δαβ we can write the tight-binding Hamiltonian in the Hilbert space formed by ψα (r) Ĥ = (α + eϕα )|αα| + tαβ |αβ| + Vαβ,δγ |α|βδ|γ| + ..., (2.2) α αβ αβ,δγ the first term in this Hamiltonian describes the localized states with energies α , ϕα is the electrical potential, the second term is hopping between the sites, tαβ is the ”hopping” matrix element, which is nonzero as a rule for nearest neighbor cites, the third term is the two-particle interaction, et cetera. This approach was developed originally as an approximate method, if the wave functions of isolated atoms are taken as a basis wave functions ψα (r), but also can be formulated exactly with the help of Wannier functions. Only in the last case the expansion (2.1) and the Hamiltonian (2.2) are exact, but some extension to the arbitrary basis functions is possible. In principle, the TB model is reasonable only when local states can be orthogonalized. The method is useful to calculate the conductance of complex quantum systems 38 2 Tight-binding model. in combination with ab initio methods. It is particular important to describe small molecules, when the atomic orbitals form the basis. In the mathematical sense, the TB model is a discrete (grid) version of the continuous Schrödinger equation, thus it is routinely used in numerical calculations. Without interactions we can consider the first two terms of (2.2) Ĥ = (α + eϕα ) |αα| + tαβ |αβ| (2.3) α=β α as a single-particle Hamiltonian. To solve the single-particle problem it is convenient to introduce a new representation, where the coefficients cα in the expansion (2.1) are the components of a vector wave function c1 c2 (2.4) Ψ = . , .. cN and are to be found from the matrix Schrödinger equation HΨ = EΨ, (2.5) with the matrix elements of the single-particle Hamiltonian Hαβ = α|Ĥ|β = ψα∗ (r)Ĥ(r)ψβ (r)dr. ε N −1ε N ε1 ε 2 t t t Fig. 2.1. A linear chain of sites. 2.2 Matrix Green functions and self-energies 39 Now let us consider some typical QSs, for which the TB method is appropriate starting point. The simplest example is a single quantum dot, the basis is formed by the eigenstates, the corresponding TB Hamiltonian is diagonal 1 0 0 · · · 0 0 2 0 · · · 0 (2.6) H = ... . . . . . . . . . ... . 0 · · · 0 N −1 0 0 · · · 0 0 N The next typical example is a linear nearest-neighbor couplings (Fig. 2.1) 1 t 0 t 2 t H = ... . . . . . . 0 ··· t 0 ··· 0 chain of single-state sites with only ··· ··· .. . 0 0 .. . N −1 t . t N The method is applied as well to consider the semi-infinite leads. In the second quantized form the tight-binding Hamiltonian is Ĥ = (α + eϕα ) c†α cα + tαβ c†α cβ . α (2.7) (2.8) α=β 2.2 Matrix Green functions and self-energies The solution of single-particle quantum problems, formulated with the help of a tight-binding Hamiltonian, is possible along the usual line of finding the wave-functions on a lattice, solving the Schrödinger equation (2.5). The other method, namely matrix Green functions, considered in this section, was found to be more convenient for transport calculations, especially when interactions are included. The retarded single-particle matrix Green function GR () is determined by the equation (2.9) [( + iη)I − H] GR = I, where η is an infinitesimally small positive number η = +0. For an isolated noninteracting system the Green function is simply obtained after the matrix inversion GR = [( + iη)I − H]−1 . (2.10) Let us consider the trivial example of a two-level system with the Hamiltonian 40 2 Tight-binding model. 1 t t 2 H= . (2.11) The retarded GF is easy found to be GR () = 1 ( − 1 )( − 2 ) + t2 − 2 t t − 1 . (2.12) Now let us consider the case, when the QS of interest is coupled to two contacts (Fig. 2.2). We assume here that the contacts are also described by the tight-binding model and by the matrix GFs. Actually, the semi-infinite contacts should be described by the matrix of infinite dimension. We shall consider the semi-infinite contacts in the next section. Let us present the full Hamiltonian of the considered system in a following block form 0 HL HLS 0 (2.13) H = H†LS H0S H†RS , 0 0 HRS HR where H0L , H0S , and H0R are Hamiltonians of the left lead, the system, and the right lead separately. And the off-diagonal terms describe QS-to-lead coupling. The Hamiltonian should be hermitian, so that HSL = H†LS , HSR = H†RS . (2.14) The equation (2.9) can be written as E − H0L −HLS 0 GLL GLS 0 −H† E − H0 −H† GSL GSS GSR = I, S LS RS 0 GRS GRR 0 −HRS E − H0R System H LS H RS L H 0L R H 0 S H 0R Fig. 2.2. A system coupled to the left and right leads. (2.15) 2.3 Semi-infinite leads 41 where we introduce the matrix E = ( + iη)I, and represented the matrix Green function in a convenient form. Now our first goal is to find the system Green function GSS which defines all quantities related to the QS only. From the matrix equation (2.15) one has E − H0L GLS − HLS GSS = 0, −H†LS GLS GSS − H†RS GRS + E− −HRS GSS + E − H0R GRS H0S (2.16) = I, (2.17) = 0. (2.18) From the first and the third equation GLS = E − H0L GRS = E − −1 −1 H0R HLS GSS , (2.19) HRS GSS , (2.20) and substituting it into the second equation we arrive at the equation E − H0S − Σ GSS = I, (2.21) where we introduce the self-energy Σ = H†LS E − H0L −1 HLS + H†RS E − H0R −1 HRS . (2.22) We found, that the retarded GF of a QS coupled to the leads is determined by the expression −1 0 GR , (2.23) SS () = ( + iη)I − HS − Σ the effects of the leads are included through the self-energy. Here we should stress the important property of the self-energy (2.22), it is determined only by the coupling Hamiltonians, and the GFs of the isolated −1 leads G0ii = E − H0R (i = L, R) Σi = H†iS E − H0i −1 HiS = H†iS G0ii HiS , (2.24) it means, that the self-energy is independent of the state of the QS. Later we shall see that this property conserves also for interacting System, if the leads are noninteracting. Finally, we should note, that the Green functions considered in this section, are single-particle GFs, and can be used only for noninteracting systems. 2.3 Semi-infinite leads Let us consider now a system coupled to a semi-infinite lead (Fig. 2.3). The direct matrix multiplication can not be performed in this case. The spectrum of an infinite system is continuous. We should transform the expression (2.24) into some other form. 42 2 Tight-binding model. System ε0 ε0 t t Fig. 2.3. A system coupled to a semi-infinite 1D lead. To proceed, we use the following relation between the lattice Green function and the eigenfunctions ψλ (α) of a system GR αβ () = ψλ (α)ψ ∗ (β) λ λ + iη − λ , (2.25) where α is the TB state (site) index, λ denotes the eigenstate, λ is the energy of the eigenstate. The summation in this formula can be easy replaced by the integration in the case of a continuous spectrum. It is important to notice, that the eigenfunctions ψλ (α) should be calculated for the separately taken semi-infinite lead. For example, for the semi-infinite 1D chain of single-state sites (n, m = 1, 2, ...) π dk ψk (n)ψk∗ (m) GR () = , (2.26) nm −π 2π + iη − k √ with the eigenfunctions ψk (n) = 2 sin kn, k = 0 + 2t cos k. Let us consider a simple situation, when the QS is coupled only to the end site of the 1D lead (Fig. 2.3). From (2.24) we obtain the matrix elements of the self-energy ∗ V1β GR (2.27) Σαβ = V1α 11 , where the matrix element V1α describes the coupling between the end site of the lead (n = m = 1) and the state |α of the System. To make clear the main physical properties of the lead self-energy, let us analyze in detail the semi-infinite 1D lead with the Green function (2.26). The integral can be calculated analytically (Datta II, p. 213, [12]) exp(iK()) sin2 kdk 1 π R =− , (2.28) G11 () = π −π + iη − 0 − 2t cos k t 43 Σ(ε) 2.3 Semi-infinite leads Im Σ Re Σ -2 -1 0 ε/t 1 2 Fig. 2.4. Real and imaginary parts of the contact self-energy as a function of energy. K() is determined from = 0 + 2t cos K. Finally, we obtain the following expressions for the real and imaginary part of the self-energy ReΣαα = |V1α |2 κ − κ2 − 1 [θ(κ − 1) − θ(−κ − 1)] , t |V1α |2 ImΣαα = − 1 − κ2 θ(1 − |κ|), t − 0 . κ= 2t (2.29) (2.30) (2.31) The real and imaginary parts of the self-energy, given by these expressions, are shown in Fig. 2.4. There are several important general conclusion that we can make looking at the formulas and the curves. (i) The self-energy is a complex function, the real part describes the energy shift of the level, and the imaginary part describes broadening. The finite imaginary part appears as a result of the continuous spectrum in the leads. The broadening is described traditionally by the matrix Γ = i Σ − Σ† . (2.32) (ii) In the wide-band limit (t → ∞), at the energies −0 t, it is possible to neglect the real part of the self-energy, and the only effect of the leads is level broadening. So that the self-energy of the left (right) lead is ΣL(R) = −i ΓL(R) . 2 (2.33) 44 2 Tight-binding model. 2.4 Fisher-Lee formula in the GF representation After all, we want again to calculate the current through the System. We assume, as before, that the contacts are equilibrium, and there is the voltage V applied between the left and right contacts. The calculation of the current in a general case is more convenient to perform using the full power of the nonequilibrium Green function method. Here we present a simplified approach, valid for noninteracting systems only, following the paper of Paulsson [13]. Let us come back to the Schrödinger equation (2.5) in the matrix representation, and write it in the following form 0 HL HLS 0 ΨL ΨL H† H0 H† ΨS = E ΨS , (2.34) S LS RS 0 Ψ Ψ 0 HRS HR R R where ΨL , ΨS , and ΨR are vector wave functions of the left lead, the System, and the right lead correspondingly. Now we find the solution in the ”scattering form” (which is difficult to call true scattering because we do not define explicitly the geometry of the leads). Namely, in the left lead ΨL = ΨL0 + ΨLr , where ΨL0 is the ”incoming wave” – the eigenstate of the H0L , and the ”reflected wave” ΨLr , as well as the ”transmitted wave” in the right lead ΨR , appear only as a result of the interaction between subsystems. Solving the equation (2.34) with these conditions, we find ΨL = 1 + G0L HLS GR H†LS ΨL0 , (2.35) ΨR = G0R HRS GR H†LS ΨL0 R ΨS = G H†LS ΨL0 . (2.36) (2.37) The physical sense of this expressions is quite transparent, they describe the quantum amplitudes of the scattering processes. Note, that GR here is the full GF including the lead self-energies. Now the next step. We want to calculate the current. The partial (at one energy) current from the lead to the System is (see the problem 2.5.3) ji=L,R = ie † Ψi HiS ΨS − ΨS† H†iS Ψi . h̄ (2.38) To calculate the total current we should substitute the expressions for the wave functions (2.35)-(2.37), and summarize all contributions [13]. As a result the Landauer formula is obtained. We present the calculation for the transmission function. First, after substitution of the wave functions we have for the partial current going through the system 2.4 Fisher-Lee formula in the GF representation ie † jR = ΨR HRS ΨS − ΨS† H†RS ΨR = h̄ ie 0† 0 R † 0 H ΨL HLS GA H†RS G0† − G G H Ψ RS R R LS L = h̄ e Ψ 0† HLS GA ΓR GR H†LS ΨL0 . − h̄ L 45 (2.39) Now we can calculate the transmission function 0† 0 T = 2π δ(E − Eλ ) ΨLλ HLS GA ΓR GR H†LS ΨLλ = 2π = δ λ λ 0† 0 δ(E − Eλ ) ΨLλ HLS Ψδ Ψδ† GA ΓR GR H†LS ΨLλ δ Ψδ† GA ΓR GR H†LS 2π δ(E − 0† 0 Eλ )ΨLλ ΨLλ HLS Ψδ λ = Tr ΓL GA ΓR GR . (2.40) To evaluate the sum in brackets we used the eigenfunction expansion (2.25) for the left contact. We obtained the new representation for the Fisher-Lee formula, which is very convenient for numerical calculations T = Tr t̂t̂† = Tr ΓL GA ΓR GR . (2.41) Finally, one important remark, at finite voltage the diagonal energies in the Hamiltonians H0L , H0S , and H0R are shifted α → α + eϕα . Consequently, the energy dependencies of the self-energies defined by (2.24) are also changed and the lead self-energies are voltage dependent. However, it is convenient to define the self-energies using the Hamiltonians at zero voltage, in that case the voltage dependence should be explicitly shown in the transmission formula T () = Tr ΓL ( − eϕL )GR ()ΓR ( − eϕR )GA () . (2.42) 46 2 Tight-binding model. 2.5 Problems 2.5.1 Toy example of the self-energy Calculate the self-energy for a single-level system, coupled from the left and from the right to double-site systems ε1 ε1 t1 ε0 VL ε2 ε2 VR t2 2.5.2 Current though a single level in the wide-band limit Calculate the spectral function, the transmission function, and the conductance though a single level in the wide-band limit 2.5.3 Current in the TB method Prove the formula (2.38). Additional reading • D.K. Ferry and S.M. Goodnick, ”Transport in nanostructures”, sect. 3.8. • S. Datta, ”Quantum transport: atom to transistor”, chapter 8. • S. Datta, ”Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems”, sections 3.5, 3.6. Bibliography 11. G. Cuniberti, G. Fagas, and K. Richter, “Fingerprints of mesoscopic leads in the conductance of a molecular wire,” Chem. Phys. 281, 465 (2002). 12. M. Paulsson, “Non Equilibrium Green’s Functions for Dummies: Introduction to the One Particle NEGF equations,” cond-mat/0210519 (2002).