(FLUIDOS2012: Abstract Format: a maximum of 500 words) Title Author Affiliation, Country Contact@E-mail Numerical modeling studies offer important opportunities that could potentially lead to new discoveries in nanoscience, complementing and guiding experiments. In spite of this potential, limitations in the efficiency as well as the reliability of the most popular numerical methodologies available in the literature still persist. On the one hand, the ability and reliability of first principle methods in describing nanomaterial properties is shadowed by the prohibitive computational time involved in the calculation of the typical Hamiltonian matrix elements and the matrix diagonalizations. On the other hand, computationally efficient empirical calculations based on classical force fields are not reliable because they fail to describe quantum effects that are expected to be important at the nanoscale[1]. It is in this context that the Tight-Binding (TB) approximation offers a promising technique for nanomaterial modeling.In this work we propose a perturbative correction to the tight-binding total energy expression that depends on the fluctuation of the electron density of the system with respect to a reference atomic density. Our results lead to the conclusion that taking into account the intratomic interactions in TB is crucial in recovering the ground state structure as well the turnover from planar-to-nonplanar configuration of gold clusters, as predicted by Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. In the procedure proposed in this work, this is achieved without the necessity of the cumbersome, computationally expensive and arbitrary inclusion of the electronic structure data of small clusters (obtained from first principle calculations) when parametrizing the Tight-Binding hamiltonian, as has been done elsewhere for some metal nanoclusters. The results in Fig. 1 show that the uncorrected NRL-TB hamiltonian predicts smaller equilibrium distances and larger binding energy when compared to DFT calculations, while the perturbatively corrected version of the same TB hamiltonian substantially corrects these differences, a fact that elucidates the importance of taking into account the orbital popula- tion fluctuations in the TB total energy calculation. The results in Fig. 1 show that the uncorrected NRL-TB hamiltonian predicts smaller equilibrium distances and larger binding energy when compared to DFT calculations, while the perturbatively corrected version of the same TB hamiltonian substantially corrects these differences, a fact that elucidates the importance of taking into account the orbital population fluctuations in the TB total energy calculation. In conclusion, the above results show that inclusion of the on-site orbital population fluctuation in the total energy allow to recover relevant properties of gold nanoclusters, where other TB parameterizations and classical empirical potentials fail, despite the explicit inclusion of the structures of some discrete clusters in the parameterization of these methods. The robustness and relatively small computational cost -as compared with more accurate ab initio and DFT methodologies- make our TB model a computationally efficient tool to combine with Molecular Dynamics and/or Monte Carlo calculations, to determine and predict reliable thermochemical and physical properties of nanomaterials. The perturbatively corrected TB model introduced in this work is particularly