Love and Friendship Poem Analysis Worksheet

Love and Friendship by Emily Bronte
Starter: Answer these questions in sentences
LOVE and FRIENDSHIP- Who are the
first 3 people think of?
• How would you describe friendship?
• What do you think is the difference
between LOVE and FRIENDSHIP?
Read the poem as a class.
Love and Friendship
Love is like the wild rose-briar,
Friendship like the holly-treeThe holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?
The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild-briar fair?
Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now
And deck thee with the holly’s sheen,
That when December blights they brow
He may still leave thy garland green.0
• What do
you think
the poem is
• What do
the 2 plants
• What
does the
How many stanzas does the poem have?
How many lines?
Is there a rhyme scheme?
How do the first 2 stanzas end?
A stanza
containing 4 lines
Challenge: What does the change in the rhyme
scheme mirror about romantic love?
Keyword: change
First Stanza
Love is like the wild rose-briar,
Friendship like the holly-treeThe holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?
Can you find two SIMILES in this stanza?
Challenge: Why do you think these plants
were chosen?
Connotation = something suggested or implied
What is usually implied by roses?
The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild-briar fair?
Why do you think the poet chose to represent
love as the wild-rose briar?
Which words make you think this?
What does the question tell us about the
rose and love?
SIBILANCE = repetition of a ‘hissy’ S sound
Can you find an example of sibilance in this stanza?
Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now
And deck thee with the holly’s sheen,
That when December blights thy brow
He may still leave thy garland green.
In the last line the poet has used ‘he’ for the holly. Which literary
technique has been used here? P - - - - - - - - - - - - - Challenge: If the holly is referred to as a
person, what does that imply about the holly?
KEYWORDS: friend, human
• What does Bronte suggest about the nature of
Bronte suggests…
• What do the holly and the wild rose represent?
The holly represents….and the wild rose….
• How does the poet use structure to reinforce
the message of the poem?
The structure of the poem is….This tells us….about
• Explain the line ‘but which will bloom most
This line says…
• ‘The wild-rose briar is sweet in spring’. How does
the poet use seasons to tell us about love and
friendship? The poet is using seasons to tell us…