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K-12 Work Immersion: Student Performance & Assessment

Background of the Study
The rise of new curriculum blossoms a new chapter of our educational
system, a transition from Republic Act 1053 known as “Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013” approved by Former Pres. Benigno Aquino III last
May 15, 2013 shifting to the K-12 program which adds up two years in the
present curriculum. This idea aims to equip the students with values,
knowledge, and skills that our country needs. After a student finishes his
study years, one must ready the life stage afterwards and that is the
beginning of work. But to prepare for work, the DepEd recognizes a feature
in the Senior High School curriculum (SHS) which was known as Work
Work Immersion program refers to the part of that contains 80 hours
of work designated for an experience or work simulation which the Grades
11 and 12 students will undergo to expose them to the actual workplace
setting and to enrich the competencies provided by the school under the
supervision of the School Head and the designated personnel of the Partner
(Lopez, 2018). DepEd describes work immersion as one of the vital
requirement for graduation. The Work Immersion serves as a preparation for
senior high school students to their postsecondary or tertiary goal that’s why
these kind of engagement will shine their talents and skills enabling them to
get real experiences for the future. Here, students will have the necessary
practice needed for partaking the real experiences after they studied. Areas
such as work ethics, safety of the workplace and rules and regulations are
objectives stated in the DepEd Order, s. 2017 which the researcher intends to
assess after the students completed the program. The assessment will be
essential in That’s why this research is intended to check the significant
difference in the respondent’s assessment as regards the work immersion
program of Malabon National High School.
This research intends to answer the challenges brought by the work
immersion to the students. It is conducted to determine the problems
encountered by the respondents towards the full implementation of the
program. And then after addressing the issues generated from the senior high
students, the research intends to find solutions that might help in the
improvement of the work immersion.
Statement of the Problem
This study hopes to determine the effects of K-12 immersion program
to the students’ performance in Malabon National High School of A.Y.
Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions;
1. What is the profile of the students in terms of:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
2. How may the respondents’ assessment on the work immersion program of
Malabon National High School be described in terms of?
2.1 Work Ethics
2.2 Safety in the Workplace
2.3 Rules and Regulations
3. Is there a significant difference in the respondents’ assessment as regards
the work immersion program of Malabon National High School?
4. What are the problems encountered by the respondents in the
implementation of the work immersion program of Malabon National High
5. How may the result of the study be utilized in preparing an Action Plan to
improve the Work Immersion Program of Malabon National High School?
Objectives of the Study
The study aims to determine the effects of k to 12 work immersion to
the students’ progress in Malabon National High School. Its objective is to;
1. determine how the demographic profile of the respondents are described
in terms of
a. Age
b. Gender
2. check the status of the students on the work immersion based on the work
ethics, safety of the workplace, rules and regulations
3. test if there is a significant difference in the respondents’ assessment as
regards the work immersion program
4. investigate the problems associated with the work immersion program
encountered by the students
5. prepare plan needed for improvements of work immersion program
Significance of the Study
This research is significant to the following:
Students. This study may aid them in developing a thorough understanding
of the new course in the curriculum about which they should be informed
and well-versed. Students will gain valuable experience that cannot be
obtain in the classroom setting. Furthermore, this research will assist them in
expressing their thoughts on the 80-hour Work Immersion Program that they
had participated in.
Teachers. This research may be a valuable tool for empowering their
teaching in such a way that it becomes a reference, since it will cater the
students' thoughts and opinions based on their hands-on learning experience.
Future Researchers. Future researchers will use this research as a
foundation for improving scientific studies. The outcome of the study is
beneficial to the either present researchers or future researchers. This study
may be one of the bases that a new theory in learning will rise.
Scope and Limitations
The Research will be conducted around the Metro Manila area mainly
Malabon City at a school called Malabon National High School. The
selected group of individuals are the Grade 12 Senior High School students
of Malabon National High School and they will be used to answer the given
questionaire.The apparatus that is to be used or needed are first willing
participants second is the place in were survey will take place which will be
answered online, and final will be refreshments for the participants such as
food or water.
The approximate cost of the research may well be low due to the fact
that all these apparatuses are more or less attainable without the use of cash.
The only costly material will be the research papers and questionaire itself
that will be around 200-250 php adding the cost of refreshments that will
bring the number to around 100-200 pesos depending on the number of
participants The limitation of the research will be first and for most will be
the small time frame in which the research will be conducted.
The process box shows the different stages in the actual development
and evaluation of work immersion that starts with the planning of the
researcher on what topic should focus on. This study focused on addressing
students’ difficulty in carrying work immersion. The next step the researcher
determined was the students’ preference on the work immersion.The
researcher sought to develop a survey questionnaire to determine the
perceptions of respondents after they conducted the task. The survey will be
descriptive in nature targeting the respondent’s evaluation and then hopes
with measuring student satisfaction. The validation part of this research
contained all the possible questions that the work immersion have.
output box shows the final assessment of the work immersion, which is
revised based on the evaluation results from the respondents, teachers and
experts. The final revision of the assessment is hoped to determine the
strengths plus the weaknesses of work immersion
The Input – Process - Output (IPO) shown in figure 1 illustrates the
processes involved in the development of the work immersion assessment.
Figure 1: Research Paradigm
Literature Review of the
following aspects:
 Issues concerning
the work immersion
 Advantages and
disadvantages of
work immersion
 Elements of a good
work immersion
 Planning phase
 Development of
the survey
 Validation of the
research questions
 Validation of
 Revision based on
“Work Immersion,
an Assessment”
 Strengths
plus the
of work
Literature Review
This chapter deals with a review of some related literature and studies
relevant to the study. To support the researchers' objective, the review of
studies have opened an avenue of understanding that would lead to the
solution of the problems set in the study.
Work Immersion provides insights into the students’ perceptions of a
college experiences (Harkness,2017). These are brought up by different
aspects like hands on activity, recreational programs, workshops and many
more. Since college is the door to the real world, working needs integration
at ideas and constructive learning. It gains experience in interdisciplinary
collaboration (Sterling, 2017). The virtue of work immersion is to create
something by great thinking across boundaries. When there’s no discipline
on right preparations, the tendency a stagnant run of learning will inhibit the
nurture of connections between academic area. Like for example, immersion
requires commitment to other people , to the group’s objective, and to
learning and growing. Within this context, the individual will also join a
collaborative group to feel part of a community, to participate at meaningful
work (Schumacher, 1997).
Benefits of Work Immersion
Immersion is an ideal way to gain valuable job experience for those
thinking about changing careers. It can be difficult to find work, particularly
if you lack experience. Unfortunately, you will not be able to acquire
experience until you have obtained a job. Students gain increases
competency and demonstrate increase accountability with each progressive
which culminate in the senior year (Diefenback et all,2018). As a result
students felt well prepared for internship with some indication that the selfdirected nature of the final year promote a lifelong learning approach (Sen
Gupta, 2018).
Advantages and Disadvantages of Work Immersion
Students have the ability to apply what they've learned in class to realworld situations, getting a firsthand look at the kinds of tasks they'll be doing
in their chosen sector. However, work Immersion not only teaches specific
skills in a profession, but it also teaches transferable skills like
communication, teamwork, and proficiency, completely training learners to
join the workforce. Several writers and legal bases have similar concepts of
work immersion. Between the ages of 16 and 18, students can volunteer for
at least 80 hours. (Jesuit,2015). Taking on an immersion while in high
school allows students to work in their desired field, helping them decide if
the field is right for them. By graduation, students who interned are more
likely to feel confident they chose the right degree This job immersion,
according to Dr. Dagatan (2017), helps learners to learn about the workplace
as well as the authentic work environment. Learners will find out a lot about
their strengths and weaknesses by getting input from supervisors and those
in the field, and it's a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience that they won't
get again as an adult. Work immersion is advantageous to students who
wants to experience and learn more about the life of being employed. It
prepares them to the bigger world after graduation and makes them equipped
with relevant skills. In general, job immersion is beneficial to students who
wish to learn more about working life and experience it firsthand.
Self Efficacy of the Students
When students face a new academic task, they ask themselves “Can I
perform this task?” (self-efficacy) and “Why should I do this task?”. If their
answer to the first question is “yes,” they proceed to the next question
(Keskin, 2014). This logic suggests that task value is a predictor of selfefficacy, not the other way around. Satisfaction is also an important
requirement for successful learning (Sinclaire, 2014). While there is
substantial evidence to support the direct impact of self-efficacy beliefs on
academic achievement, few studies have looked into the motivational
process that mediates the self-efficacy–achievement relationship, which is
important to understand what satisfactory rate students have on their work
place. According to psychologist Albert Bandura, who first suggested the
term, self-efficacy is a personal assessment of a person's ability to cope with
a given situation based on their abilities and the situations they face. This
research explores the association between academic self-efficacy, students'
expectancy-value views, teaching process satisfaction, and academic
achievement from a socio-cognitive perspective. Its main goal is to
recognize certain motivational-underlying mechanisms that influence
student achievement and satisfaction through academic self-efficacy. It is
critical to not only design actions and initiatives to increase teacher
effectiveness and students’ academic performance, but also to contribute to
clarifying the relationship between self-efficacy and expectancy-value
variables in predicting students outcomes, whose results to date are limited
and sometimes contradictory (Williams, 2010) According to Pajares and
Schunk(2001), a good sense of efficacy improves human action by a
cognitive and affective processes that instigate, direct and sustain principles.
Work immersion in the real world is a tool that helps the student
prepare his career. Training just helps the student but it is the student’s skill
that leads to learning (Neer, 2014). Work immersion has several advantages
and one of it is that it allows the students to progress at their own pace
(Rosso, 2016). The program of K-12 allows the learners to also track their
own achievement since majority of the courses have different pace or level
of difficulty (Ramey, 2012). Another advantage of integrating work
immersion in the classroom is it provides an easy access to a brighter
journey and in the decision making whether these courses will help at the
individual needs of the students or a better career will be more helpful. It can
help the students track their confidence level. Work immersion also helps
the students find answers to some of their questions related to a specific
subject. Integrating work immersion in learning also makes practice flexible.
Students learn even outside their classrooms and also make students like
what they learn because they are more familiar to environment which they
desired in their work goals.
An inculcation relaying work immersion in the classroom has many
disadvantages. One is that work immersion could become disadvantageous if
run wont implement well. Since students of this program are considered
“young” since they are just fresh graduates from senior high school. (Lopez,
2018) The 2018 Program report outlined certain inconsistencies; in
particular there were suggestions of variations in workplace effectiveness of
the Program, including with regard to relationships between Work
Immersion supervisors and learners. In different areas of work, the number
of tasks assigned to students varied; for instance, learners in Accountancy,
Business and Management learned a lot during their experience in a bank
setting, as well as future employment opportunities, whereas those in the
General Academic Strand reported that they were only given minimal duties.
Therefore, more years, along with adjustments in the Program are likely to
be needed to show more coherent effectiveness of the Program. (Putri,
2021). Understanding is the key to battle the unrivaled challenge of work
immersion, and on its advantage or disadvantage, one can learn how to
discipline and stretch the importance of work immersion in the real world.
Experiential Learning
A common usage of the term “experiential learning” defines it as a
particular form of learning from life experience; often contrasted it with
lecture and classroom learning. (Kolb, 2015). Keeton and Tate (1978) state
that learning in which the learner is directly in touch with the realities being
studied. It is contrasted with the learner who only reads about, hears about,
talks about, or writes about these realities but never comes into contact with
them as part of the learning process. Relevantly, learning is something that
blooms and bears fruit. The birth of the experiential learning focuses on the
product of the tree which makes it more productive than the flowers.
Learners are suitable in handling these process because of the three domains
of learning; cognitive, affective and psychomotor. They run like an engine
and combines these processes. The experience of the learning process
contributes to the changes in psychomotor levels, depending on the work
chosen. Whereas, a scientist who knows all the scientific endeavors will
apply them on the experiment. So experience is the essential factor brought
and taken place from the facilities where they work. These outside
environment will then be an additional opportunities for physical activity.
Definition of Terms.
The following terms are defined in this study as follows:
Accountability. The obligation to explain, justify, and take responsibility
for one’s actions (Collins Dictionary, 2021)
Adaptation. The act of changing something or changing your behavior to
make it suitable for a new purpose or situation. (Collins Dictionary, 2021)
Apparatus is the equipment, such as tools and machines, which is used to
do a particular job or activity (Oxford Language, 2021)
Assessment is the systematic basis for making inferences about the learning
and development of students. It is the process of defining, selecting,
designing, collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and using information to
increase students' learning and development.. (Oxford Language, 2021)
Avenue. A way of approaching a problem or making progress toward
something. (Oxford Language, 2021)
Competency. The ability to do something successfully or efficiently.
(Oxford Language, 2021)
Constructive criticism. The process of offering valid and well-reasoned
opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and
negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one.
(Oxford Language, 2021)
Ethic. A set of values based on the ideals of discipline and hard work.
(Oxford Language, 2021)
Initiative the ability to decide in an independent way what to do and when
to do it (McMillian Dictionary, 2021)
Interdisciplinary. means involving more than one academic subject.
(Oxford Language, 2021)
Psychomotor. relating to, or characterizing movements of the body
associated with mental activity (Oxford Language, 2021)
Qualitative research is a type of social science research that collects and
works with non-numerical data and that seeks to interpret meaning from
these data that help understand social life through the study of targeted
populations or places. (Oxford Language, 2021)
Self-efficacy is part of the self-system comprised of a person’s attitudes,
abilities, and cognitive skills. (Oxford Language, 2021)
Social cognition is a broad term used to describe cognitive processes related
to the perception, understanding, and implementation of linguistic, auditory,
visual, and physical cues that communicate emotional and interpersonal
information. (Oxford Language, 2021)
Stagnant is someone or something that has little or no movement or
activity. (Oxford Language, 2021)
Research Hypothesis
There is a significant difference in the respondent’s assessment as regards
the work immersion program of Malabon National High School
Survey Questionnaire
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