Implementation of Smoke Extractor Using Op-Amp and 555 Timers 2 Shailesh V erma 1, Mohammad Shahid and Jitendra Singh Tamang 3 Shailesh Verma1, Department of E&C Engineering. Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT), Majitar, Sikkim, lndia 1 shailesh. Mohammad Shahicl2• Department of E&C Engineering, Sikkim Manipal Institute ofTechno]ogy (SMIT), Mt\jilar, Sikkim, India shahidj rht2@gmail.com2 Jilendra Singh Tamang3, D epartment of E&C Engineering, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMlT ). Maji tar. Sikkim. lndia . @gmru") .coml JS.tamang ABSTRACT In prcscm world. fumes pose a serious potential threat for mankind. Be ii either large scale industries or small scale soldering (of electronic components). i1 has polluted the surroundings efficiently and has created health hazard. Those working closely with electronic componeDLs are at a higher risk of inhaling the fumes. Hence a low cost smoke extractor circuit is introduced to automatically extract the fumes from the surroundings. thereby saving us from inhaling the same. The circuit can be efficiently utilized in large scale industries. laboratories, chemical factories and all such areas where generation of smokes is observable. In this project, we have taken a soldering iron as a heat source to produce toxk fumes performing soldering of electronic components. The circuit utilizes the concept of JC 741 as a comparator and JC 555 timer as a monostable multivibrator. It is full y automatic and turns on a fan when the soldering iron is placed in the holder unit. The fan automatically turns off after a few seconds. The au1omatic working of Lhe uni1 is convenient as the soldering work is intermi t1e0l. Keywords: Jc 741. Jc 555 Timer, Comparator. Monostable Mu ltivibrator. Soldering Iron. 1. INTRODUCTION The objective of this project ms to design a low cost smoke extractor circuit that automaticallycxtructs the fumes from Lhe surroundings, thereby saving us from inhaling the same. BAS I C Fl-~CTIO:'.'/AL B LO C K DlAC.RA.'I : 1.1 SMOKE EXTRACTOR ClRCUIT Let us begin by understanding the harmful effects of fumes generated during various industrial & chemical processes. The smokes released during such processes are toxic which could pose a potential health hazard if nol controlled. They contain a considerable amount of carbon monoxide which is very hazardous to human heaJtl1. Those working with electronic components arc at a higher risk of inhaling the fumes. In Lhis project, we have demonstrated our circuit using a soldering iron as a beatsource to generate toxic fumes Lhrough soldering paste. The heart of the circuit is an OP AMP (IC 741) which is configured as a comparator with :m IC 555 timer as a monostable multivibrator. When the compact unit is placed close to the circuit board, it extracts all the fumes from the immediate working area. leaving smoke free surroundings. The circuit is fully automatic & turns on a fan when the soldering iron is kept in the me tal sink after making a solder joint. The fan automaLically turns off after a few second. The automatic working of the is convenient as the soldering work is intermittent. LJ EJ FIG 1: BLOCK DIAGRAM OF SMOKE EXTRACTOR CIRCUIT 2. METBODLOGY & WORKING OF THE CIRCUIT REFERENCES [I] S Sal ivahanao, N SUJntesh K.u.mar, A Vullavaraj~~..E~ectronic Dt:'\rices and Circuitsn! 2a(I Edition. 2008. 1 [2] Forrest ~~ Mimn1s Il l. ~T,i mer, Op Amp & Optoelectronic 1 cmrellilits and dlc.- implementation in fume ex.tracLion~'1~ in t.rn e 1 intemaJtioow j oumal of S m_o ke· Co mtro ll er, FehliUaT}-' lO I Ct i [:1] Forre-51 NI. Mimm~ III, ElcclJOnic Sens0r CiJituitins'· in w. .. the mtemabonal jo11mal of' Em,1naomem I "! So.,l).011rr Ciin:lllim~ Vo]ome I. Nti,rcmber. 20 I 1. s [.q] D MohDE Kumar, ~op AMP based Fume detector and r Contmfiler EF\~ publications ., va1u:me 24~ Novemberli 1007! 11 \ [5] IC datasbeets from Wl\~Yi JJatnsha?Ctcaudog . com 4. FUTURE SCOPE 1 The ciircuil introduced in this p,ojecl report is ,rcry cost effective. It is exuemely c~sy to insw.U and efficiently extracts smoke from the swrrourndings. It is 1dcsisned around 2 popular 1operationill amplifier JC 741 which acts as a campnrulor. The circuit also u1ili11:s 'll1c comcep~ ar IC 555 ti:oru!r in monDstable ,m ode .. Th.e Dllltomatic s.witching ;:H:tion supports v~cy less po,\fer con~ ump:tion \vb.rue h fui the n,ast uur,acti \ re featnrc of lhe ci1cwt. \Ye can see this c.u :cui! bcins; aclivel)f used in 1 1 . Large scale mdustries~ • Chc.m ical factories~ i n~rma~ power plants. • Boilers,~ • Blast furnace Hl1ld in smttJJ scuJc rcgio ns su th as: · During soldering elcclroruc circwt.s in l1aboratories 1 er ,i la &ous~haM kitchens .. 5. CONCLUSION bjecli,~e of lhiis pmjecn ,vns to J.csign a lo,v cost Lhm. au1omatiJc111y cxu11c1s th<: srnokes from the immediau: sw,rounding.s, l11cficby sa,•ing LlS from mllaling lhc same. The heart a.f dre cucuit. is OP Al\ifP IC 741 v.•hich is configured. as u c,ompuator. The circujt also uriilizes tile concept of IC 55.5 timer in monostable mode., We demoaslraled our prajeeC Toe 0 1 1 1