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Health is Wealth: Nutrition for Vitality

Health is wealth
Health is wealth is the most recent book by renowned author Dr. Louis Ignarro. In the book, Dr.
Ignarro and Dr. Andrew Myers detail the complex relationship between financial and physical
health. Our lives are more stressful than they used to be, and our need for good nutrition has never
been greater. Our bodies are simply not getting the proper amount of nutrients they need, resulting
in illness and chronic problems. The good news is that the disease and dysfunction are reversible
and can be prevented completely. Nutrition, not drugs, is the key to this.
Health is wealth explains how the supplementation of the 10 powerful nutrients can help us regain
our natural vitality, lead a healthier life and enjoy the maximum functioning of the body and
mind. The book is based on solid evidence, and is not full of pseudoscientific speculations or
exaggerated promises about so-called “wonderful foods”. Dr. Ignarro was just as skeptical as most
Western doctors about the ability of foods to function as medicines before he begins to see with his
own eyes the incredible benefits of nitric oxide supplements and food in the vessels of the
cardiovascular system. The old philosophy that "if there is a disease, there is a remedy against it ..."
was definitely the culture in which he was immersed. But as he observed the growing amount of
empirical evidence that proved the powerful effects of amino acids, antioxidants and other essential
nutrients, he was forced to rethink his stance. His mind is scientific, questioning and rigorous, and
when he came across impressive evidence of the 10 Powerful Nutrients' ability to prevent and even
reverse damage and dysfunction, he was convinced of its effectiveness.
About Doctors
This book is a synthesis of our combined experience of 50 years as a scientific researcher and as a
naturopathic doctor, respectively. Our vision on health and disease prevention is based on our
clinical and laboratory experience, combined with the knowledge acquired through thousands of
published studies that we have synthesized in our “unified theory” on the progression of
degenerative diseases. Traditional research has a narrow field of view: it looks at a single disease, a
single nutrient or a single drug. Very few studies have been carried out to simultaneously study the
effects of the various nutrients that can influence our health. When carrying out our selection of
studies from a large amount of current research, we were able to examine the interaction of nutrients
within the biochemical pathways and physiological functions of the body. This work revealed vital
relationships between specific nutrients and healthy tissues — relationships that show an
unquestionable connection between nutrient supplementation and BioWealth.
There is strong scientific evidence to support all of our conclusions. As the health system crisis
worsens and the number of advocates of the idea that our current “disease care” system should be
replaced by a new, different and better approach is growing, we believe that we are witnessing the
beginning of it was about body medicine and health as a whole.