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Korherr Report: Holocaust Deportation Statistics

DL #72 Section #1 Korherr Report . . . QUESTIONS #1-3
Sources for all documents included here: https://pages.uoregon.edu/dluebke/Holocaust444-544/444-544Homepage.htm
DL 72 Section #2. . . QUESTIONS #4 & 5
DL 72 Section #2. . . QUESTIONS #6
The following charts is based on estimates compiled by Raul Hilberg concerning the number and cause of death in the Holocaust. These percentages include only
the deaths of Jewish victims, not those of other victim groups, such as Gypsies, gays, or political opponents of the Nazi regime (The Destruction of the European
Jews). Estimating the total numbers of victims is a task fraught with difficulty, and historians have offered a range of estimates. Among historians who approach
this problem in good faith -- a criterion that excludes Holocaust deniers and minimizers -- estimates of the total cost in lives range between 5.1 and 6.2 million. The
most recent estimates are based on country-by-country case studies, and yield the following estimated totals:
The following charts is based on estimates compiled by Raul Hilberg concerning the number and cause of death in the Holocaust. These percentages include only
the deaths of Jewish victims, not those of other victim groups, such as Gypsies, gays, or political opponents of the Nazi regime (The Destruction of the European
Jews). Estimating the total numbers of victims is a task fraught with difficulty, and historians have offered a range of estimates. Among historians who approach
this problem in good faith -- a criterion that excludes Holocaust deniers and minimizers -- estimates of the total cost in lives range between 5.1 and 6.2 million. The
most recent estimates are based on country-by-country case studies, and yield the following estimated totals: