Uploaded by Kenneth Pantallano

African & African-American Folktales Worksheet

(What I know)
(What I want to know)
They have rich history and
culture which have reflect
to their literature
What are the famous
AfricanAmerican folktales?
Inspired by the experiences
of the African and AfricanAmerican people
How do African and
folktales differ from
Philippine folktales?
(What I learned)
Some famous African folktales are A Story, A
Story, Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters, Anansi The
Spider, Why The Sky Is Far Away, and Why
Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears. Moreover,
some famous African-American folktales are The
People Could Fly, John Henry, Sam & the Tigers,
The Patchwork Quilt, Sukey and the Mermaid,
Alice Walker, The Talking Eggs, and Mirandy and
Brother Wind.
Base on my observation, African and AfricanAmerican folktales are mostly inspired by the
experiences of the African and African-American
who were slaves and wanted to empower others
who have the same situation while Philippine
folktales are mostly about the traits, traditions,
customs which have a mixture of the good sense
of humor of the Filipinos.