Freebie Fiction vs. Nonfiction Created by: Andrea Richards Thank you so much for downloading a sample of my new Fiction/Nonfiction Genre bundle. If you like this freebie, start following me to see my COMPLETE genre study that will be posted soon. In this freebie, you will receive the following items: • An anchor chart showing the characteristics of fiction and nonfiction books • A blank chart so students can record important words from each characteristic and put in interactive notebook or other notebook. • An interactive notebook template or worksheet to compare fiction and nonfiction books. • An interactive notebook template or worksheet to sort the characteristics of each type of book. • An interactive notebook template or worksheet to sort the titles of fiction and nonfiction books. • A class and individual chart to record fiction and nonfiction books that are read. • A class or individual chart to tally the genre of books read. • A genre reflection sheet to tell what type of genre you read and your opinion of the genre • An interactive notebook summary sheet for a fiction and nonfiction book. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at Please don’t forget to leave feedback. Thank you so much! Andrea Fiction Non-Fiction • Read to enjoy • Not a real story • Read in order- has a beginning, middle, and end • Includes story elements- characters, setting, problem, solution • May have dialogue • Often teaches a lesson, has a theme or a moral • May have illustrations • Read to learn • Real facts • Some books don’t have to be read in order • Includes text features table of contents headings photographs captions diagrams bold print labels map sidebar charts graphs index glossary • May have illustrations or photographs Purpose: to entertain Purpose: to inform Fiction Non-Fiction • • • • • • • • • • • • Purpose: Purpose: 1. Cut out shape. 2. List 3 characteristics of each type of book on the front of the flap. 3. Under the flap give an example of a book you have read. Fiction Non-Fiction I can identify the characteristics of a fiction and nonfiction book. 1. Cut out the template on the solid lines. 2. Cut out the characteristics of books. 3. Glue the characteristic under the correct flap. Fiction Nonfiction Includes text features May have diagrams Setting Purpose: to inform graphs Read to enjoy Teaches a lesson Read to learn Has characters Includes story elements map facts glossary Purpose: to entertain captions beginning, middle, and end has a problem and solution index headings labels Cut out the characteristics of books and glue under the correct flap. 1. Cut out the template on the solid lines. 2. Cut out the book titles and glue on flap. 3. Choose a book and tell how you know what type of book it is. I can identify fiction and nonfiction books. Fiction Nonfiction All About Frogs and Toads Curious George Goes to the Zoo Arthur’s New Puppy How to Take Care of your Dog The Little Red Hen Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Clifford, the Big Red Dog Harry Potter Little Red Riding Hood Where the Wild Things Are The Life Cycle of a Frog Who Was George Washington? The Way Things Work The Three Little Pigs Zoos Everywhere Frog and Toad Together Cut out the book titles and glue under the correct flap. Books Read Fiction Non-Fiction • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Books Read Fiction Non-Fiction • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Genre Read I can tally the genre of books I have read. Realistic Fiction Historical Fiction Tall Tales Informational Fantasy Mystery Fairy Tale Biography Science Fiction Poetry Folktale Autobiography Genre Reflection Sheet ____________________________________ is a __________ book. Explain what specific details tell you the book is this genre. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Describe how you feel about reading this genre. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ On front cover write the title and author of the nonfiction book you read. Under the flap answer each question. Nonfiction Book Title: Author: What text features were in this book? What did you learn from reading this book? How does learning this information help you? What questions do you still have about this topic? On front cover write the title and author of the fiction book you read. Under the flap answer each question. Title: Fiction Book Author: Where is the setting of this story? Who are the characters in the book? What is the problem the character faces? How is the problem solved?