Uploaded by Sadafsara Siddiqui

Water Pollution Worksheet: Sources, Types, and Effects

Water Pollution (Worksheet)
Q.1. Write T or True if the statement is true; write F or False if the statement is false.
_________ 1. Water is the basis of life on Earth.
_________ 2. There are two main types of sources of water pollution; point source pollution
and nonpoint source pollution.
_________ 3. Point sources include pollutants in rain or snow.
_________ 4. Water pollution causes illness and death in livings.
_________ 5. Water pollution is a problem only for ocean animals.
Q.2. Use the words in the box below to label some of the sources of water pollution.
 Fertilizers
 Oil Spills
 Industrial Run-off
 Mariculture
 Factories
 Urban Run-off
Q.3. Which of the following term is defined as pollution that originates from an identifiable,
specific source such as an oil spill from a tanker?
a) point source pollution
b) non-point source pollution
Q.4. Which of the following statements about water pollution is true?
a) Water pollution is always the result of human activities.
b) Water pollution is decreasing globally due to the increasing human population.
c) Any change in water quality that is harmful to organisms is known as water pollution.
d) Agriculture has not an impact on water pollution.
Q.5. Which of the following is a water pollutant?
a) Sediment, such as silt and clay
b) Household chemicals, such as soap
c) Heavy metals, such as arsenic and lead
d) All of them
 It originates from many different sources.
 It cannot be readily identified.
 Examples include farm fertilizers and acid rain.
What types of sources of water pollution do these features belong to?
a) point source pollution
b) non-point source pollution
Q.7. Which of the following is not a point source of water pollution?
a) Mining activities
b) Sewage Treatment Plants
c) Industrial Facilities
d) Urban Runoff
Q.8. What percentage (%) of all Earth’s water is freshwater?
a) About 3%
b) About 25 %
c) About 70%
d) About 97%
Q.9. Which of the following is not causes of water pollution?
a) Chemical fertilizers and pesticides
b) Mining Activities
c) Oil refineries
d) Afforestation
Q.10. _________ contain nitrogen and phosphorus. When rainfall washes them into streams
and lakes, this results in excessive growth of algae in the water body. This excessive growth
decreases the amount of dissolved oxygen and negatively affects the water ecosystem.
a) Deforestation
b) Pesticides
c) Fertilizers
d) Sewage
Q.11. Which of the following term is defined as the chemical substance used to kill weeds
and insects?
a) Deforestation
b) Pesticides
c) Fertilizers
d) Sewage
Q.12. Which disease is not caused due to water pollution directly?
a) Cholera
b) Diarrhea
c) Down Syndrome
d) Typhoid