SUBJECT QUESTION: A subject question asks about the subject of the sentence The clown is selling balloons subject Who is selling balloons? The clown is. subject subject We do NOT change the word order of the question. OBJECT QUESTION: An object question asks about the object of the sentence The clown met a little girl. subject object Who did the clown meet? A little girl. object object We MUST change the word order of the question. Ask subject or object questions: An accident happened last night. subject What happened last night? Ask subject or object questions: The waitress is bringing some wine. object What is the waitress bringing? Ask subject or object questions: Tom cleans the house every morning subject Who cleans the house every morning? Tom cleans the house every morning. object What does Tom clean every morning? Ask subject or object questions: The children love playing outside. subject Who love playing outside? They always play volleyball. object What do they always play? Ask subject or object questions: Danny is flying a kite. subject Who is flying a kite? ? He has got lots of kites. object What has he got? Ask subject or object questions: The school bus arrives at 6pm. subject What arrives at 6pm? It brings Sue and Helen home. object Who does it bring home? Ask subject or object questions: The milkman has just arrived. subject Who has just arrived? He brings milk every morning. object What does he bring every morning? Good bye. I hope you have learned subject and object questions.