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Denotation and Connotation Worksheet

Name: ___________________________
Period: _____
Date: ____________
Would you rather be….?
Imagine your friend was introducing you to a person who knew nothing about you. She wants to
describe you in the best way possible. From each pair of words below, circle the word you
would prefer your friend use to describe you to leave a positive impression. Then, explain why.
1. hard-working OR a workaholic
because _______________________________________________________________
2. conceited OR self-confident
because _______________________________________________________________
3. firm OR stubborn
because _______________________________________________________________
4. indecisive OR flexible
because _______________________________________________________________
Part 1: Denotation and Connotation
A word’s denotation is its literal meaning or dictionary definition. But, certain words can
evoke feelings or make people think in a certain way. A word’s connotation is the ideas
and feelings that come to mind when people read or hear a word. Words that have
almost the same denotation can have very different connotation depending on the
context in which they are used. Paying attention to and understanding the connotation of
words helps readers determine the mood and tone of a passage.
In the table below, write as many differences as possible between denotation and connotation.
Look at the examples below. Do the italicized words have the same denotation? Which one has
the most positive connotation? Which one has the most negative? Be prepared to explain your
a. Running every day has made Thomas slender and little.
b. Running every day has made Thomas thin.
c. Running every day has made Thomas scrawny.
Part 2: Differentiating Denotation from Connotation
Below are several sets of words. All of them have a similar meaning, but have different
connotations. Sort the words into the table below, deciding which word has a positive
connotation, which word has a negative connotation and which word or phrase best expresses
the denotation of each set.
1. gaze, look steadily, stare
2. fragrance, odor, a smell sensed by the olfactory nerve
3. brainwash, persuade, influence one way or another
4. delayed, not on time, tardy
5. somewhat interested, nosy, curious
6. lazily, without haste, leisurely
7. ask of someone, demand, request
8. gathering, a large group, mob
9. slim, skinny, less than average build
10. discuss with others, debate, argue
Negative Connotation
Positive Connotation
Part 3: Practice with a Passage
“My Name”
1st Read: Get the “gist” of the passage.
Which of the following best summarizes the passage?
A. A girl explains how much she likes her name.
In English my name means hope. In Spanish it means
B. A girl describes how much she dislikes how long
too many letters. It means sadness, it means waiting. It
her name is.
is like the number nine. A muddy color. It is the Mexican
C. A girl explains how she does not like the
records my father plays on Sunday mornings when he is
denotation of her name.
shaving, songs like sobbing.
D. A girl expresses how she does not like the
connotation her name carries.
It was my great-grandmother's name and now it is mine.
2nd Read: Underline all the words and phrases the
She was a horse woman too, born like me in the
author utilizes to describe the character’s name.
Chinese year of the horse--which is supposed to be bad
Below, list the words and phrases that stand out the
luck if you're born female-but I think this is a Chinese lie most. Put a + next to words or phrases that have a
because the Chinese, like the Mexicans, don't like their
positive connotation. Put a - next to words or phrases
women strong.
that have a negative connotation.
My great-grandmother. I would've liked to have known
her, a wild, horse of a woman, so wild she wouldn't
marry. Until my great-grandfather threw a sack over her
head and carried her off. Just like that, as if she were a
fancy chandelier. That's the way he did it.
And the story goes she never forgave him. She looked
out the window her whole life, the way so many women
sit their sadness on an elbow. I wonder if she made the
best with what she got or was she sorry because she
couldn't be all the things she wanted to be. Esperanza. I
have inherited her name, but I don't want to inherit her
place by the window.
At school they say my name funny as if the syllables
were made out of tin and hurt the roof of your mouth.
But in Spanish my name is made out of a softer
something, like silver, not quite as thick as sister's name
Magdalena--which is uglier than mine. Magdalena who
at least- -can come home and become Nenny. But I am
always Esperanza. would like to baptize myself under a
new name, a name more like the real me,
the one nobody sees. Esperanza as Lisandra or Maritza
or Zeze the X. Yes. Something like Zeze the X will do.
by Sandra Cisneros
excerpted from The House on Mango Street
3rd Read: Read for meaning.
What is the character’s attitude toward her name?
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Neutral
Choose two words or phrases that reveal the
character’s attitude and explain each one:
Word/phrase 1:
How does this word or phrase reveal the character’s
Word/phrase 2:
How does this word or phrase reveal the character’s
Name: _____________________________
Period: _____
Date: _______________
Exit Slip: Denotation and Connotation
Directions: Read the passage below. Look for words and phrases that help create the connotation. Then, answer
the questions that follow.
Passage: I was shocked to get a birthday gift from my Aunt because she is usually so cheap. When I tore the
gaudy paper off the package, I saw a scarf made from flimsy material. It was covered with busy embroidery and
flashy sequins. It certainly was a strange present.
1. What is the overall connotation of this passage?
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Neutral
d. This passage has no connotation
2. List and explain two words that create the overall connotation.
Word 1: _______________ helps create the overall connotation because _______________________________
Word 2: _______________ helps create the overall connotation because _______________________________
Name: _____________________________
Period: _____
Date: _______________
Exit Slip: Denotation and Connotation
Directions: Read the passage below. Look for words and phrases that help create the connotation. Then, answer
the questions that follow.
Passage: I was shocked to get a birthday gift from my Uncle because he is usually so cheap. When I tore the
gaudy paper off the package, I saw a scarf made from flimsy material. It was covered with busy embroidery and
flashy sequins. It certainly was a strange present.
1. What is the overall connotation of this passage?
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Neutral
d. This passage has no connotation
2. List and explain two words that create the overall connotation.
Word 1: _______________ helps create the overall connotation because _______________________________
Word 2: _______________ helps create the overall connotation because _______________________________