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Benefits of Yin Yoga

Benefits of Yin Yoga
When it comes to Yoga, people think about practicing challenging and
impressive yoga poses and asana. Yin Yoga works on the principles that
are just opposite of any other yoga form. Yin Yoga explores the stillness
within the body while working on the connective tissues - the ligaments,
joints, bones, and deep fascia networks. Whether working with simple
props or not, a series of passive floor poses in Yin Yoga has various
physical as well as emotional benefits. Holding the poses for longer
duration combines lengthening and stretching the muscles in a gentle way
and releasing tension through deep breathing.
Reduces Stress and Restores Energy
In today’s busy and restless world, it is important to practice Yin Yoga for
a balanced body and mind. Based on the ancient Chinese and Taoist
philosophy of channelizing the energy of the body, Yin Yoga brings
positive changes to the whole body. Regular practice of Yin Yoga
sequences helps restore a healthy flow of Qi in our bodies. When there
is conscious effort to remain silent in a pose, it allows the body to let go
and the mind relaxes itself. Yin Yoga activates the parasympathetic
nervous system which calms the body and reduces the risk of depression.
Yin Yoga Improves Flexibility
From physically active people to those working in a sedentary
environment, everyone has gained better flexibility from Yin Yoga. The
meditative nature of this Yoga breaks the monotony of muscles that may
have become stiff due to inactivity. Working on gentle stretches helps to
open the contracted muscles allowing flow of oxygen and improving
mobility. The slow stretches of Yin Yoga works for people of all age groups
and varying health conditions. The simple props used in Yin Yoga support
the joints that avoid overstretching and injury.
Stronger Bones and Joints
One of the most important principles of Yin Yoga is holding the pose or
asana. The duration of an asana can be from 1 minute for beginners to 5
minutes for advanced level practitioners. Every minute is a challenge to
understand the asana in a deeper and different way. This affects the
connecting tissues and ligaments of the body, strengthens the joints, and
makes everyday movement comfortable. Yin Yoga is especially effective
on the lower part of the body - the hips, pelvis, inner thighs, knees, and
lower spine. Any stiffness in the neck, wrist, ankle joints, that are also
susceptible for overuse can be gently restored to its normal functionality
through Yin Yoga.
Boosts Blood Circulation
Moderate stretches are the best way to engage the connective tissues for
better blood circulation. Yin Yoga promotes slow transitions that helps
focus on understanding each asana along with deep breathing. By
breathing into each pose and targeting deeper ligaments brings easy flow
of oxygen throughout the body. The combination of physical activity and
mental concentration makes Yin Yoga a restorative and therapeutic
Taking time to practice Yin Yoga daily is the healthiest habit to add in our
modern lifestyle. Shifting focus from the competitive and complex trends,
Yin Yoga provides an emotional outlet to release anxiety and restore
harmony of body and mind.