
1. The HVDC converter
Does not consume reactive power
Consumes as much reactive power as real power
Consumes 50% of the real power+
2. A back to back HVDC link can be advantageous compared to
AC primarily because
It is cheaper
Of stability considerations
Of controlled power glow+
3. A 12-pulse bridge is preferred in HVDC because
It eliminates certain harmonics+
It results in better power factor
Series connection of converters on D.C. side is better
4. Fault on a two terminal DC link is removed by
Breakers on DC side
Breakers on AC side
Current control of converters+
5. The capacitance and inductance per unit length of a 3-phase
line, operating at 110 kV are .01 microfarad and 2.5 mH. The
surge impedance of the line is
50 ohms
500 ohms+
250 ohms
6. The first HVDC link in India is between
Ballia - Bhiwadi
Talcher - Kolar
Biswanath - Agra
7. A long transmission line is energized at then sending end
and is kept open circuited at the receiving end. The
magnitudes of the sending end voltage Vs and of the receiving
end voltage Vr satisfy the following relationship
Vs =Vr
Vs is greater than Vr
Vs is less than Vr+
8. Shunt compensation for long EHV lines is primarily resorted
Improve voltage profile+
Improve stability
Reduce fault currents
9. Bundled conductors are used in EHV lines primarily for
Reducing cost of the line
Reducing corona loss and radio interference+
Increasing stability limit.
10. Economic studies have shown that D.C. transmission is
cheaper than a. c transmission for lengths
below 300 km
beyond 600 km+
beyond 1200 km
11. Transmission voltages in the range 230 kV-765 kV are
known as
High voltage
Extra High Voltage+
Ultra High Voltage
12. Which one of the following statements is false?
As the transmission voltage increases,
Corona loss decreases
Conductor copper loss decreases
Cost of insulators, transformers, switches & circuit breakers
13. The factors to be considered for planning HVDC
Technical performance
All of the above+
14. The surge impedance of a double-circuit power
transmission line is
40 ohms
200 ohms+
400 ohms
800 ohms
15. The surge impedance of a telephone line is
50 ohms
75 ohms+
200 ohms
400 ohms
16. Bundle conductors are preferred in EHV transmission lines
It is easy to fabricate thin conductors and combine them to make a
Inductance of the line is reduced, and the corona loss, and radio & TV
interference is minimized.+
Tower height is reduced and hence transmission cost is low.
17. Inductive interference between power & communication
lines can be minimized by
Increasing the spacing of power line conductors
Transposing power line conductors
Transposing communication line conductors
Either b or c+
18. Find the odd man out in view of HVDC transmission
Good voltage regulation
Low efficiency+
Lesser corona loss
No line loading effect
19. Pulse number is given by the expression
20. A 12 pulse converter is obtained by series connection of
two bridges with
60 deg phase displacement between two source voltages
30 deg phase displacement between two source voltages+
120 deg phase displacement between two source voltages
90 deg phase displacement between two source voltages
21. Which of the following is wrong in the assumption of
analysis of converter circuit.
The DC current is constant
Valves are made as ideal switches
The DC voltage is fluctuated one+
The AC voltages are sinusoidal and constant
22. The extinction angle is otherwise called as
Delay angle
Margin angle+
Commutation angle
Firing angle
23. The harmonics contained in the current waveform is given
24. When the overlap angle is less than 60 deg, it is called
Three and four valve conduction mode
Two and three valve conduction mode+
Three valve conduction mode
25. Which of the following is not the features of converter
Current order setting can be quickly and reliably changed depending
on the requirement
Power reversal can be done easily and quickly
The Stability margin is moderate+
Fault current levels are limited to rated values.
26. Series and parallel operation of thyristor in HVDC
For higher voltage and power rating
For higher voltage and current rating+
For higher current and power rating
27. In HVDC transmission system, rectifier firing angle a is kept
28. Consider the following statements:
A free wheeling diode across the load circuit of a two-pulse
i) Improves the operating power factor.
ii) Makes the distortion factor (I1 /I)vary as a function of firing
angle is effective in reducing the smoothing inductance.+
iii) Distorts the line current
Of these statements:
1, 3 and 4 are correct
1, 2 and 3 are correct
1, 2 and 4 are correct+
2, 3 and 4 are correct
29. Main possibilities of communication link of the HVDC
Short wave radio link
Pilot wires
The use of carrier frequency on the power conductors
All the above+
30. The control of power in a DC link can be achieved through
Control of voltage of current
Control of current
Control of current of voltage+
Control of voltage
31. The excitation angle controller can be controlled by
Predictive type
Feedback type
Both i & ii+
None of the above
32. Reasons why the current control is desirable in the
Rectifier station under normal operating conditions?
i).The increase of power in the link is achieved by reducing α r
which improves the power factor at the rectifier.
ii). The current during line fault are automatically limited with
rectifier station in current control.
Both I&II+
None of the above
33. How power is reversed in HVDC link?
Reversal of DC voltage+
Increase of DC voltage
Decrease of DC voltage
None of the above
34. Draw backs of constant current control(CCC).
Increase in the converter valve voltage
Increase in the magnitude of AC harmonics
Decrease in the magnitude of AC harmonics
Both I&II+
35. What are the parameters to change current and power
transfer in DC link?
I) Control angle of rectifier α
II) Control angle of inverter β
III) Tap changer on rectifier side
I alone
None of the above
36. Converter valves should be operated strictly within their
Current rating+
Voltage rating
Both voltage and current rating
None of the above
37. The on-load tap changer control at the inverter is used
mainly to maintain
Constant Dc voltage+
Constant Ac voltage
Constant current
Constant voltage
38. The tap changer control at the rectifier is designed to
Delay angle+
Firing angle
39. What is the use of tap changing transformer in HVDC
Increase Power factor obtained in ac side+
Decrease Power factor obtained in dc side
increase Power factor obtained in dc side
decrease power factor obtained in ac side
40. Mention the performance criteria for selection of harmonic
Harmonic distortion
Telephone influence factor
None of the above
All of the above+
41. ill effects of harmonics injected into the AC line?
Extra power looses & consequent heating in machines+
None of the above
42. Radio interference is mainly due to the
Positive conductor+
Negative conductor
Delay angle
Current and voltage
43. What are the sources of harmonics?
Arcing devices and Electronic and medical test equipment+
Phase controllers and A.C. regulators
All of the above
None of the above
44. What are the effects of trouble caused by harmonics?
Voltage collapse
Over heating+
Decrease magnetic loss
45. The index THD can be calculated for
Current and voltage
Current or voltage+
46. What are the means to reduce harmonics?
Using filter and increasing the pulse number+
Decreasing pulse number
Using filter only
None of the above
47. What are the factors depend on commutation failure?
i) The response of the gamma controller at the inverter
ii) The current control in the link
iii) The magnitude of AC voltage
i alone
i, ii &iii+
ii & iii
None of the above
48. Mention the criteria for selection of DC filter.
Maximum voltage TIF on DC high voltage bus+
Minimum voltage TIF on DC high voltage bus
Maximum voltage TIF on AC high voltage bus
Minimum voltage TIF on AC high voltage bus
49. A synthetic breadboard which electronically simulates the
physical terminal characteristics of each network element
rather than its mathematical input/output is
Parity simulator+
Physical simulator
Analog computer
Digital computer
50. Practical dielectrics used in HVDC cables.
Impregnated paper and polythene+
Castor oil