RF & MMW IC Design Class Assignment: Nonlinearity & Noise

18EC6D4 RF & MMW IC Design
May 2021
Topics - Nonlinearity and Noise .
1. An amplifier sensing a sinusoidal signal is delivering a power of -5 dBm to a load resistance of 50Ω. Determine the peak to peak voltage swing at the output across the
2. A low noise amplifier senses a - 80 dBm signal at 2.410 GHz and two interferes at 2.420
GHz and 2.430 GHz with -3 dBm and -35 dBm respectively. What IIP3 is required if
the IM products must remain 20 dB below the signal? Assume 50 Ω interfaces at the
input and output.
3. Two nonlinear stages are cascaded. If the input / output characteristic of each stage is
approximated by a third order polynomial, determine the P1dB of the cascade in terms
of P1dB of each stage.
4. Compute the IIP3 of the amplifier shown in the figure such that the intermodulation
product falling at ω1 is 20 dB below the desired signal.The band pass filter provides an
attenuation of 17 dB at ω2 and 37 dB at ω3 . Also ω3 − ω2 = ω2 − ω3 .
5. Determine the noise figure of each circuit in the figure with respect to source impedance
RS . Neglect channel length modulation and body effect.
RV College of Engineering
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RF & MMW IC Design
Unit 1
May God bless you
Nithin M
RV College of Engineering
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